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Gary Oak is a bad rival.

Gary Oak, what is there to say about the man? Drives around in a convertible at age 10, has a literal squad of cheerleaders and managed to get 10 badges in a region with 8 gyms. Clearly he is just the biggest chad in the history of Pokemon and to even question anything about him means I am just incapable of comprehending his girth.
Jokes (Mostly) aside, this title may raise an eyebrow. When it comes to Pokemon rivals are a fundamental aspect of the series regardless of medium. And in a series that seems content with producing more annoyingly friendly rivals it is refreshing to have a guy you could love to hate and actually want to beat to one up. Gary served as that, or least that was intended to be his role as the desire to see Ash beat him is part of the first episode set up. If they planted the seed that early surely they have a lot planned between the two right? Well...that's the thing, there isn't much to go off of. And what we get well, I wouldn't even just say Gary is overrated as a rival to Ash.
I would say he is flat out a bad rival and the most underwhelming aspect of the original series.
In the original Pokemon series, there, are 73 episodes that take place before the Indigo League begins in episode 74. Want to know how many of those episodes Gary makes a physical appearance in? 9. And among those the only ones he plays an important role in are 2 (The first episode where he and Ash establish their rivalry/get starters, and when he challenges and is stomped by Giovanni when challenging the final gym). Every other brief appearance is saved for a usually one off scene of Gary making some smart ass comment about Ash's struggles while bragging about how many Pokemon he's caught, or how many badges he has or even and I don't make this up a literal 5 second blink and you miss it appearance of accidently smacking a door in Ash's face. So not really much to build much of a rivalry over, as it seemed the writers were just so eager to see how many Team Rocket plots they can cycle through rather than something silly like say showing what makes Gary a formidable foe for Ash. But hey who am I to judge what is more important to use episode time on. Besides you might say this is just pre-league fuel to the fire, once the Indigo League kicks off we'll get some good bits and likely a quality match. After all what would the point of setting up Gary as Ash's rival in episode 1 be if the payoff was not worth it right?
Well you'd be wrong.
Just a measly 3 episodes into the Indigo League, Gary Oak is knocked out of the competition. Ash never gets to even fight him, nor does Gary even lose to Ritchie (A tournament rival introduced shortly before the League). No, Gary goes down to some random extra named Melissa who we never saw before this episode and will never see again once this battle ended. And that's it, Gary shrugs off and Ash proceeds on losing in iconic fashion later in the tournament when his Charizard decides to fuck him over and nap. We don't get to see a battle between the two, not even at the bloody league! And apart from one brief exchange of trash talk in the first episode, the two don't even interact with each other throughout the Indigo League.
Want to know when we finally got to see Ash and Gary battle each other in a Pokemon Battle? Episode 116. The start of Ash's journey into Johto after having finished Kanto and the anime-exclusive region the Orange Islands. Yes it took well over a hundred episodes for the two to have a match, and it wasn't even anything special. Just a one on one with Ash's Pikachu against Gary's Eevee. Then nothing.
The next time they meet (In a battle, Gary had scarce & sporadic appearances in Johto but nothing to write home about) would also be the only proper full battle they ever have with each other. In episode 269!!! Well over a hundred episodes later and at the Silver Conference of Johto is the only proper battle they ever get in the series. Once this two parter ended and Ash won, Gary would retire as a trainer and become a researcher and the only other battle they have is way way later at the end of Ash's journey in Hoenn & the Kanto Battle Frontier in episode 466 to kick off Ash's Sinnoh journey. Another one on one battle with his Electrivire beating Ash's Pikachu.
This is a guy who is seen as one of Ash's greatest anime rivals, and often propped up as Ash's greatest rival? I'm sorry but I see nothing to support that, he barley was a presence in the entire Pokemon series and when he did show up it was often underwhelming material with Ash in retrospect. This was a clash hyped up from the beginning yet you could argue guys like Trip (The guy with the Snivy who beat Pikachu) actually were written as "better" rivals with more to do by comparison. I get nostalgia is a pretty powerful aspect to this but beyond that I fail to see why Gary is held in such relative high regard to this day.
submitted by godjacob to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

A master thread of idols supporting LGBTQ+

I saw a post by u/jinsmangoricbe saying how they'd love a master thread of idols being supportive of LGBTQ+ and I felt super compelled to do it so here it is! Of course this won't be a comprehensive list with every single idol ever but I will try my best to list down as many as possible. I will go through the groups I know from A-Z and try to include groups I'm not familiar with as well. I just want to apologize in advance to the fandoms cause I will probably miss a L O T of stuff so feel free to comment whatever I didn't include! I'll edit the post and add them to the list since I want this to be a master thread after all. Also I apologize if I can't find the source for all of them. Some are just things I remember seeing a while back but I'll try my best to include links/sources as much as possible!


Cross Gene
Eric Nam
Jo Kwon
Monsta X
Stray Kids


Brown Eyed Girls
Grazy Grace
Red Velvet
EDIT : TIL reddit posts have a character limit
submitted by MSkyDragons to kpopthoughts [link] [comments]

[Trading Card Games]The Magic: the Gathering Hall of Fame class of 2018 - accusations of cheating and racism mar a celebration of Magic's greatest players

Hi there! It's me again. You may remember me from my posts about Urza's Saga and Broken Tournament Magic. Rather than talk about Skullclamp this time, I thought I'd discuss something a little more recent, with more personal drama than dramatic happenings or nostalgia. Today I'm posting about 2018's Magic Hall of Fame season.
Note: all this is public information found on reddit, twitter or with a google search, so while I haven't censored names etc, I hope this is OK!
You can skip this part if you know what Magic and the MTG Hall of Fame are!
Magic: the Gathering is the world’s first, and longest-running, trading card game. Prior to its release in 1993, you could collect and trade cards (like baseball cards), or you could play card games. Magic combined the two, and as a result became a sensation, influencing other popular games like Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Hearthstone. Despite these imitators and competitors, Magic is still going strong today.
To put simply, the aim of the game is to reduce your opponent’s life to 0, or to run them out of cards in their deck. To do that, you use land cards, which make mana. And you use the mana to cast spell cards. The spells you cast are used to attack the opponent, by summoning Creatures, creating Artifacts, using magical Enchantments, Sorceries and Instants (spells you can use on your opponent's turn). Meanwhile, the opponent is attacking you back. Thematically, it’s like being a duelling wizard, drawing on the elemental power of the land (represented by different colours of mana on the cards - white, blue, black, red and green) to fuel your spellcasting.
Professional-level Magic began in 1996 and continues (in some form) to this day. In 2005, Magic launched a Pro Player Hall of Fame to honour the game's greatest players. New players have been inducted into the Hall of Fame every year since, with the exception of 2020. Players are inducted if they receive a sufficient percentage of votes cast by a committee of Magic notables, including their professional peers. Once you're in the Hall of Fame, you receive a number of benefits, which previously included invitation to all future Pro events. There had been plenty of drama relating to the Hall of Fame before (particularly regarding the classes of 2010 and 2016), but 2018 is when the real mudslinging seemed to take place.
The 2018 Ballot
By 2018, it had been commonplace for years for Pro players to tell us pros who they intended to vote for, and why. Sometimes this came in the form of an article on one of many Magic sites. Other times it would be in a personal blog, a podcast, or a tweet. Part of saying who they were going to vote for also included who they were not going to vote for - particularly if the person was a notable candidate.
Why do they do this? In some cases, because not voting for a first ballot candidate warrants explanation. In others, its because the candidate has a checkered past that the pro thinks means they aren't Hall of Fame material. Sometimes, it's an attempt to influence other people's votes, or help one of their friends get inducted. Normally, this sort of thing is fairly polite and rarely generated controversy.
But 2018 was different.
The two stand-out candidates on 2018's ballot were American Seth Manfield - a former world champion - and Hong-Kong native Lee Shi Tian, a huge influence on the Asia-Pacific region, a key member of the MTG Mint Card Pro Team, and an activist as part of Hong Kong's Umbrella movement. Both players had strong resumés and a long history of success at the highest levels of the game. What perhaps neither of them expected though, was that other prominent members of the community would accuse them of cheating at Magic. To explain cheating at Magic, I'll have to digress a little.
Cheating at Magic
Magic is a game that uses hidden information (you don't know what the other player has in their hand, and you don't know the exact contents or order of their deck). It also has some quite complex rules to cover certain corner cases. An unscrupulous player, therefore, will try to take advantage of these things to cheat. There are overall two types of cheating: planned cheats, where you intend to cheat your opponent, or opportunistic cheats, where you take advantage of something in the moment.
Planned cheats could be by stacking their own deck to ensure a favourable draw, stacking their opponent's deck to ensure an unfavourable draw, or marking cards to know their location in the deck.
Opportunistic cheats are a bit harder to define, but they tend to come about in the moment and the cheater will do something like cast a card off of the wrong mana sources, or try and take advantage of a difficult rules interaction. This article has some good examples, though you need to know a fair bit about Magic for a few of them. One example of opportunistic cheating is stalling - ensuring a match doesn't end on time by playing slowly when it is advantageous to do so.
In the early days of the Magic Pro scene, cheating was commonplace - the attitude of many players was that if you don't get caught, it's no problem - just a form of competitive gamesmanship like diving or deliberate fouling in football. That culture changed, in large part to the efforts of then-pro and face of Meddling Mage, Chris Pikula. Nowadays, while cheating does happen, integrity is rightly considered very important, and those accused of cheating can and do have their reputations harshly damaged.
The problem with this is that cheating isn't always cut-and-dried. Of course, someone stacking their deck or their opponent's deck can be easily seen. Likewise with marked cards. But opportunistic cheats are sometimes difficult to distinguish from genuine mistakes - Magic is a hard game and tournaments can be mentally gruelling affairs, so sometimes you genuinely get things wrong. For example, in tournaments myself I've accidentally done the following things:
Some of these were advantageous to me, and some were not, but all of them were mistakes. The way to spot an opportunistic cheater is to look for patterns. Do their 'mistakes' tend overwhelmingly to favour them? Do they make more 'mistakes' when they aren't being watched so closely? Have people you trust been on the receiving end of similar 'mistakes'? Then you might have an opportunistic cheater on your hands.
So getting back on topic, both Seth and Shi Tian were accused of cheating at Magic. Not by tournament officials - in fact, neither has been caught cheating at a Magic tournament ever. Instead, they were accused by their fellow players.
Seth Manfield
Seth Manfield was accused by Czech Pro Ondrej Strasky in a tweet. Scant on details due to the nature of Twitter, Ondrej was nevertheless quite clear in his accusation, stating that Seth had been dishonest with him in one tournament, and "blatantly stalled" in another. He then followed up with a blog post outlining the two situations. Adding to this, Brazilian player Tulio Reis noted that Seth had tried to cast a 4-mana card with only 3 mana available against a team-mate. He was later backed up by another player, Goncalo Pinto.
The accusation that seemed to hold the most weight was that of stalling. Seth's slow pace of play had been noted before - for example in this 2015 article by Magic legend PV. What's important to note is that there is a key difference between playing slowly and stalling.
Slow Play is not allowed, because it can prevent a match from reaching its natural conclusion and means that the non-slow player may have to play faster to speed up the match. But Slow Play is not cheating because you aren't playing slowly to gain an advantage. You just need to make decisions quicker so that matches can finish. Stalling on the other hand is cheating because it is deliberately playing slowly to ensure the match doesn't end as it should.
Many people, including the aforementioned PV, stated that they think Seth takes too long with some of his plays which can give him an advantage, since it ensures his opponent has less time to make their decisions. However, they refrained from saying that Seth deliberately does this to gain an advantage.
Seth defended himself against Ondrej's accusations, stating that the match in question where he allegedly stalled was in the "feature match" area of a major tournament, and so he would have been under heavy judge scrutiny - if the judges saw no issue with his pace of play then he considers himself clear. Even Ondrej's accusation notes that judges were watching Seth - though Ondrej clearly felt the judges didn't penalise Seth when they should have.
Lee Shi Tian
Shi Tian was accused of being an "opportunistic cheater" by well-known Magic streamer and occasional pro competitor Caleb Durward in a now-deleted tweet. Ben Stark, a Hall of Famer who had previously made controversial remarks about cheating on a hot mic (though it was just an "offensive joke between friends"), simply tweeted "I feel the same as you Caleb". The accusation stemmed from an incident of either miscommunication or an attempt to cheat, depending on who you believe, stemming from a match between Caleb and Shi Tian which Shi Tian won. There ended up being a number of accusations against Shi Tian - none of which on their own amounted to much but together could paint the picture of opportunistic cheating. Shi Tian responded here. In some years, that would be the end of things. Just rumours and accusations. But not in 2018. There was more drama to be had.
Zen Takahashi, a New Zealand Pro and team-mate of Lee Shi Tian, took to his blog to discuss his experience of widespread racism, sterotyping and xenophobia in the Magic Pro scene. Takahashi's strongly-worded post stated "Simply put, not only is the professional Magic community far too willing to label foreign players as cheaters, I also believe that the consequences for making such an accusation are drastically different depending your nationality. Players from major nations, such as America, can get away with making racial judgments about players from other regions with no real consequences other than people believing them, while those from minority nations would be publicly ridiculed if it was revealed that they held such beliefs about Americans".
Takahashi was backed up by an unexpected source - Matt Sperling. The lawyer, Magic Pro and entertaining writer, is no stranger to controversy himself. If you follow him on twitter, as I do, you'll find that every few months he'll get into an argument with someone, or say something that upsets a group of people. Sperling is ardently anti-cheating on the Pro Tour, and was one of the major figures in more cheating drama in the past, when he and a number of American pros accused (though you could say caught) Marcio Carvalho, a Portuguese player with a chequered history but undeniable skill, at the World Magic Cup. At the time, to an outsider of the scene, it felt like Marcio probably was cheating, but was also a victim of being outside of the "old boys' club" of American Magic pros. There was still lingering resentment over this event and the attitude of American players to non-Americans, as exemplified by Ben Stark in his hot mic "joke" as well as the experiences Takahashi recounted in his blog post.
Sperling blogged about conscious and unconscious biases in the Magic community, even his own, and concluded that after examining his biases and the facts at hand, he'd be voting for both Seth Manfield and Lee Shi Tian.
So what happened
Somehow, pretty much everyone involved with this came through it with their reputations relatively intact. Seth Manfield and Lee Shi Tian were successfully inducted into the Hall of Fame that year. Ondrej Strasky and Caleb Durward both continue to be successful Magic players and streamers - Strasky is a member of eSports team Fade2Karma and won Mythic Championship Richmond in 2019, while Durward is a successful streamer and member of eSports team Tempo Storm.
Zen Takahashi still plays Magic at a high level, but isn't a regular at the very top of the game these days. He does, however, have an Instagram account documenting his journey to becoming a good home cook!
Sperling remains a high-level Magic player and is never far from controversy, which makes him a good follow on twitter if you're Magic drama inclined.
And what about the racism? Well, let's just say it didn't quite go away. Though I do hope the whole experience led to some players examining their biases a little.
submitted by h0m3r to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

[Transformers] The Death of Optimus Prime: How Toy Companies Learned that Kids Like Cartoon Characters

Let's set the Scene
It's the 1980's and everybody's favorite celebrity-turned-supervillain: Ronald Reagan has pulled back restrictions on children's media. This act had a powerful effect on the relationship between toy advertisements and media, in that now they were allowed to be the same thing. From this came the "Golden Age" of Saturday morning, toy-pushing, goofy 80's cartoons such as He-Man, My Little Pony, Care Bears, and last but not least The Transformers.
The Transformers, for anybody not in the know is a multimedia franchise built primarily on two founding pillars: TV shows and Cartoons, and Toylines with each meant to compliment the other (there are also comics, but that's a story for another writeup) In 1984, the first season of what would later be known as "Generation One" or G1, then simply "The Transformers" was released to cartoon blocks to advertise the newest range of toys now available. These toylines included popular characters: Bumblebee, Ironhide, Starscream, Soundwave, Megatron, and of course Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots. The marketing for the Transformers was an immediate success, ascending the car robots to stardom.
Who was Optimus Prime
Nowadays, it can be easy to associate Optimus Prime with ideas of Heroism, sacrifice, and other lofty ideas. The character has cemented himself in the zeitgeist as an almost mythical figure with Christ-like implications. But understand that to a lot of kids, Optimus Prime was more like everybody's giant robot dad. Optimus could be serious, and he was definitely wise and a great leader, but this was the 80's. The writers didn't take him that seriously. Optimus Prime spent one episode playing basketball, and in other episodes told lame dad-jokes. These old cartoons weren't meant to be taken that seriously. Bad guys are Bad. Good guys are good. Good guys beat the Bad Guys before laughing and driving off into the sunset, only to do the same thing next Saturday. That said, Optimus Prime became an immediate standout character. With his iconic voice provided by the now legendary Peter Cullen, and his lovable and kind personality, Optimus Prime became beloved in the hearts and toy collections of Kids across the US
One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall
Enter 1986 and the release of the feature-length film: "The Transformers: The Movie"
Optimus Prime and Megatron duking it out for the fate of everyone, with a new cast of characters, a thrilling adventure unlike anything ever seen before. Every kid who liked Transformers lost their mind. The film had a limited running and was poorly marketed (most of the ads for the movie were stuck at the end of toy commercials and lasted only 10 to 15 seconds), but The Transformers: The Movie would change everything
Let's take a peak behind the scenes. Hasbro, the company that owns the Transformers Brand alongside Japanese partner Takara-Tomy, had a slightly nefarious motivation to make the Transformers Movie. They made the cartoon to sell toys, and sell toys they did. But after 2 years of shelf-life, the old figures weren't bringing home the cash needed to justify continuous sale. These things happen naturally, so Hasbro decided to discontinue the sale of lower selling toys to make room for new toys. This included many fan favorites like Starscream, Megatron, and even Optimus Prime. Naturally the cartoon is a toy commercial, so Hasbro didn't want to continue advertising for toys they weren't selling anymore. Thus it was time to cull those characters. Hasbro could have chosen to fade out the old characters and slowly replace them with new ones, but how does one replace the main-character. Hasbro looked at the problem and determined shockingly that there wasn't a problem. These toy characters were just colors and sound that made kids beg for money from their parents. They don't really care, at least so Hasbro thought.
The Transformers: The Movie was released with the pure intent of culling the cast of lower selling figures and replacing them with newer flashier characters that kids could buy.
"Does Prime Die" - TV Advertisement for the Film
The Question isn't "Does Prime Die?" The Question is "When does Prime die?" The answer is 30 minutes in.
How long is this Movie?
An Hour and a Half.
-A conversation I had with my friend during her first watch of the movie
Most of the characters who die in the movie are killed in the first 30 or so minutes. Many characters introduced in the first two cartoon seasons are killed, many of them onscreen such as the infamously gruesome deaths of Ratchet, Ironhide, Huffer and Prowl (
Many more would fall during the Battle of Autobot City, though mostly offscreen. In what would feel like a climax, Optimus Prime arrives to confront and Battle Megatron, for one last time. The two fight, but unlike the campy adventures of the last two years, today these two enemies were out for blood as they brutally ripped each other apart. In the end, a new character, Hot Rod, jumps into the fray to help, but gives Megatron the opening he needs to mortally wound Optimus Prime.
The Battle concludes with both sides retreating and gathering their dead and dying. In the very next scene, the unthinkable. Optimus Prime dies on the medic table, the color draining from his body as though you are seeing his very soul leave his body.
The movie continues with the story of the Monster Planet Unicron and the coming of Age of Hot Rod, but lets focus on the matter at hand.
I'm not a fan of the hyperbolic mindset of "this cartoon traumatized me" or "my childhood was ruined forever" but for many kids in that theatre, a new experience was gained. Never before had they seen something like this. The good guy wasn't supposed to die. Optimus Prime was the Hero. He couldn't die. But die he did. There are many reports from that time of children leaving the theatre crying due to the death of Optimus Prime. Reviews of the film often were also tinged with the emotions felt by the young kids this movie targeted. For many, this is what ruined Transformers. And sadly, this event saw the beginning of the original run's decline. Kids weren't happy about the new characters and a lot of ire was targeted at Hot Rod/Rodimus Prime who not only caused Prime's death, but also was blatantly created to replace him. Fans began writing to Hasbro, demanding Prime be brought back to life.
Interestingly, around the Same time, Hasbro was working on a similar project, doing the exact same thing to another franchise they owned, G.I. Joe. After the outcry by fans at the death of Optimus Prime, they elected to not kill the main character of that movie, but to instead put him in a coma.
Hasbro received the many letters about Optimus and truthfully, they had no idea that these kids loved Optimus Prime that much. They expected the kids to just be happy with new toys. With new understanding, Optimus Prime would be resurrected!
As a zombie controlled by evil alien Quintessons. (Seriously Hasbro, wtf)
And then for the finally of the third season, they actually resurrected Optimus Prime (no really this time) Fans rejoiced, and after the 4 episode long 4th season, the cartoon ended.
The Legacy of Optimus Prime
Nowadays, Hasbro has learned their lesson. That lesson is that they can kill anybody they want except Optimus Prime, and if they do kill Optimus Prime, don't wait too long until you bring him back to life.
Since then, every major Transformers toyline and media has featured an Optimus Prime and a Megatron (or some variant thereof). Optimus Prime will always be on toy shelves and he will always be the true hero of the franchise. Today, Optimus Prime has truly become a pillar of our media culture, a hero to kids 36 years strong. Heck, he's my Hero too.
But with the story here before you, I am left to speculate. Would we love and care about Optimus Prime as much as we do if he didn't die? Sure Optimus is Great, but his death served a marker in the journeys of so many people. He died and came back. He became important almost by accident. He could have been like any other 80's action cartoon toy character, like say He-Man. An interesting footnote in cartoon history but largely unimportant. But with his death in a movie now seen as a cult classic, to his resurrection, Optimus Prime now seems a bit more special. His Death was sad, but it paved the way for future greatness and became an iconic moment in his growing mythology.
And Frankly, that's just Prime.
submitted by Tendoism to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

The ultimate bull - NANO - fundamentals + community + NANO ATMS!!! + $100bln FX + private equity + listings + daddy Elon === mad gains

Hello degens. I'm here to tell you about the crypto that's going to make us all rich, is going to screw over the big traders, and is going to allow us to use crypto to buy genetically engineered Doges to drive our Teslas on Mars. If you're only interested in the part where I talk about why Nano is currently on Cape Canaveral (🚀🚀🚀) counting down for take-off to Mars, skip to the bottom.
# 1. Nano? What is it? Why do I care?
You're on a crypto subreddit and don't know this? Nano is a cryptocurrency that boasts zero fees, instant transfers (sub-second), is green, and increases the size of your pp (or tiddies, for girls). It has a good claim to being better than Bitcoin but has 1/1500th its market cap. Daddy Elon tweeted about whatever has least error & latency will win - that shit is literally what Nano is.
# 2. Lol, you shill
I'm not a Nano shill, I just like to make money and Nano is money. However, Nano does have a lot of shills, enthusiasts, whatever you want to call them. Look at Litecoin. Look at BSV, look at BCH, etc. These coins have a market cap 8-18x higher than Nano does, but I'm pretty sure we all hear a lot more about Nano than about those 3 combined. I'm not kidding, cc needed to implement special rules just to deal with the amount of Nano comments and posts, /altstreetbets got overrun by Nano and had to reorganise their sub, on Twitter Nano is top 3 most talked about crypto. Every time I've posted about Nano, I've had a ton of comments from Nano lovers offering advice and help on what Nano is all about. These aren't bots, these are just ridiculous amounts of Nano-loving people.
Why do we care? Because if we try to pump another coin, we need to build from the ground up. When Nano isn't pumping, people talk about it way too much. When it pumps.. dear Daddy Elon.
# 3. Solid pumpamentals
We all love DOGE here. And at the risk of insulting his holy Dogeness (forever blessed may be his Dogeness), DOGE isn't actually the best in terms of being a crypto. The wallets are a bit clunky, transfers are sort of slow and cost fees, but the meme-ing power makes up for it. Nano can pump and pump and pump, and rather than it seeming like a joke people will think "well **** me, this shit actually works". Try it out once, and you're sold. It feels like the future of money. It feels like the money we would use on Mars. When you see money being used in science fiction movies, do you see them paying fees? Do you see them waiting for transactions? Fuck no. It's a click, and boom. Money transferred, feelessly. That is Nano. Try Natrium out and tell me that's not exactly what money should work like.
More pumpamentals? Here goes, from least to most pumpamental.
  1. Garry Tan, early investor in Coinbase, has Nano.
  2. Raoul Pal since recently probably has Nano. Shortly prior to his post, there was a spike in price.
  3. This guy called Davinci Jeremie who bought Bitcoin at like, $1, is bullish as **** on Nano since recently.
  4. As I said before, Daddy Elon tweeted about least error & latency. Again, try out Natrium and tell me that his Muskness isn't talking about Nano without knowing it. Leave it to the Nanites to get this in front of Elon.
I have discovered that Nano ATMs will be placed in the UK soon and that there is a huge FX provider + PE party behind it. Here is the paper trail.
"465di" posts on the Nanocurrency subreddit that they are working on Nano ATMs with the Nano Foundation
Nano's COO, George Coxon, replies enthusiastically to the post, doing nothing to dispell the rumors.
What is 465di? Looking through MyNanoNinja, I come across 465 Digital Investments, a node being run with 51k Nano delegated to it.
465 Digital Investments you say? Diving into that brings us to Duncan Macinnes, founder of 465 Private Equity, chairman of GetNeo (FX hedging advisory), and Chairman of Xenfin Capital (market maker and trader in FX). Also, board member of EQUI, a cryptocurrency-powered investment platform that opens up venture capital to a wider audience and provides high-tech innovators and entrepreneurs a new route to investment. Duncan MacInnes also founded a new company, 465ZFT LTD, just last October.
What does this all mean, DEGENSPEAK? There's a private equity foundepartner, who is also chairman of FX companies, who is investing in Nano, so far secretly, but is now starting to come out about setting up Nano ATMs in the UK. This is seriously huge, Google the names of 465 Private Equity, Duncan Macinnes, Xenfin, GetNeo. Xenfin alone trades in excess of $100bn of spot FX per month. Nano's ultimate usecase has always been FX, because it's the one currency that can transfer worldwide, at 0 fees, instantly.
APESPEAK? Private equity like Nano, set up Nano ATMs, use Nano as FX transfer with $100bn+ sent monthly, price go UP.
# 4. You convinced me. Now what?
First of all: how to buy. Binance, Kraken, Kucoin, Bitvavo (Europe only), AnchorUSD. Probably in that order of preference.
I expect price to start going up after I make this post. We capitalise on that momentum in multiple ways.
  1. A tweetstorm was recently sent at Daddy Elon. Go like it, share it, anything to get it in front of him.
  2. Coinbase doesn't have Nano listed. When you get the chance, make it clear to Coinbase that you are buying/trading Nano and have opened an account at another exchange because Coinbase does not offer Nano.
  3. Make people unable to short Nano or scared to keep their short open. Nano can be shorted on Binance and Kucoin. Buy your Nano on one of those, then TAKE THEM OFF THE EXCHANGE. Natrium is a great wallet. By taking these coins off the exchange, we accomplish two things. First - we increase decentralisation of the Nano network, increasing Nano's value. Second and more importantly - Nano can be shorted using the Nano on these exchanges. Taking them off exchanges directly impacts shortsellers. If enough people do this, shortsellers are unable to re-open their shorts, booming the price.
At how many dollars do I sell?
Dollars? Where we're going, we don't need dollars.
That is all. Try out Nano, buy it, take off exchanges, ask for it to be listed and get it in front of Elon. I'm setting up my 10x long right after this post, for proof or ban purposes.
Positivity, not disagreeing with anything I've said and more examples of solid pumpamentals (also places to leverage it more than 10x) are welcome in the comments ⬇
submitted by Tomorroed to SatoshiStreetBets [link] [comments]

[Adam Driver Standom] Adam Driver Makes Fun of a Fan's Gift in the New Yorker

I quite enjoyed writing and receiving feedback on my Halsey post, so I thought I'd do another post about a different fandom. This time, we're delving into the extremely chaotic Adam Driver standom.
TL;DR: The Adam Driver fandom is split down the middle. Things came to a head when a fan from one side of the fandom gave Adam a wooden carving of his dog and he called them out in a New Yorker article months later. It turned out the person who made the wood carving is associated with fans who are convinced he is divorced from (or in the process of divorcing) his wife after Adam had an affair with Daisy Ridley. Wank ensued.
I'm going to start with the event and work backwards to the context. Let's start with the basics.

Basic Terminology: What is a Stan?

Eminem's song "Stan" describes a so-called "stalker fan," someone who is obsessed with an artist to the point of shaping their entire life around them. The term gained some prominence on Livejournal gossip blog "Oh No They Didn't" to describe superfans of artists, actors, and celebrities. Currently, a "stan" is anyone who posts exclusively or semi-exclusively about a famous person, group, or band, and a "standom" is a fandom made up of stans.
I've previously posted about Halsey stans; this post, however, is about Adam Driver stans.

Who is Adam Driver?

You most likely know 36-year-old Adam Driver from his work in the Star Wars franchise as the fearsome Kylo Ren, son of Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa. (WARNING: Article may contain spoilers.) What you may not know about Adam is his strange backstory, his marriage to his wife Joanne Tucker, and his rich filmography outside of Star Wars.
Born in California and raised in Indiana in a conservative family, Adam had dreams of leaving his small town of Mishawaka to become an actor. However, after 9/11, Adam, like many Americans, found himself swept up in the wave of patriotism that seized the USA, and he applied to become a Marine. He served for three years at Camp Pendelton, California as a mortarman and speaks fondly about his time in the Corps, as well as the friends he made. He was later honorably discharged for breaking his collarbone in a mountain biking accident and watched with guilt as his friends went on to fight in the ongoing War on Terror in the Middle East.
However, Adam was already reconsidering his career path during his service. A training exercise involving white phosphorous took a turn for the deadly, and he recalls:
I was like, ‘I’m going to smoke cigarettes and be an actor when I get out.’ Those were my two thoughts. I wanted to smoke cigarettes and be an actor.
After leaving the military, Adam, like many marines, had trouble adjusting to civilian life and puttered around the Midwest doing odd jobs. His second application to the acting school, Julliard, was accepted, and Adam dropped everything to move to New York City. During his education, he fell in love with acting and found its controlled release of emotions therapeutic. You can hear his TED talk about how acting helped him express himself and adjust to civilian life here.
He met his wife, Joanne, in his cohort. The two married in 2013 and went on to found Arts in the Armed Forces, or AITAF: a charity dedicated to bringing free, high-quality theater to military bases and to veterans's families.
Adam is famously shy and reclusive. He and his wife successfully hid the fact that they had a son for two years. While he isn't rude to fans, coworkers, or industry professionals, Adam is defensive of his personal space and reacts poorly to being candidly photographed in public.
He does not have social media, giving fans very little opportunity to speak or interact with him. If you want to say hi to him at all, you either have to wait for a charity auction, camp out for a red carpet, or attend an AITAF event and hope that he's there in-person. So when Adam announced a Broadway run in 2019, fans were thrilled at the opportunity to finally meet their idol.

March-July 2019: "Burn This"

Burn This is a somewhat obscure play by playwright Lanford Wilson. A Broadway revival was performed in 2019 with Keri Russel as the main character, Anna, and Adam as her love interest, Pale. The two begin a hasty love affair when Robbie, Pale's brother and Anna's roommate, dies suddenly in a boating accident and Pale comes by to collect Robbie's belongings. Robbie was gay, and the play takes place during the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s.
The play isn't done often, partially because Pale is a challenging role: a fast-talking cokehead from New Jersey with violent mood swings. Pale is openly homophobic, yet spends the play trying to figure out how to mourn his brother. It takes skill to capture the subtlety in Wilson's writing and not downgrade Pale to a violent brute with no emotion. Adam originally played Pale during his tenure at Julliard and took on the role again for the Broadway revival. The play did so well that it was nominated for a Tony for Best Revival, and Adam was nominated for Best Actor in a Stage Play.

The "Burn This" Stage Door

It's common among theater fans to wait at the stage door to greet the actors, get their programs signed, and even (if they're lucky) chat with their idols for a bit. Occasionally, the crowd is sparse, but stage doors for famous actors are usually heavily crowded, even mobbed. Security is often needed for the safety of the crowd and the performers. Tom Hiddleston, for example, had a huge crowd 5-6 people deep at its thinnest when I met him after Betrayal in 2019.
Adam was no exception: the Burn This stage door usually had a moderate crowd after every show, and so the Hudson Theater was outfitted with several security guards and barricades, including a personal bodyguard for Adam himself. Early videos of the stage door show a small crowd, but as the play wore on, security measures became more intense.
In spite of the crowd, the Burn This stage door was usually pleasant and calm. Adam exited the theater promptly after the show ended each night, and he was incredibly sweet and patient with fans outside of the stage door. Throughout almost all of spring, Adam patiently stopped to sign every single person's Playbill, shake hands, and say hi. On one memorable occasion, he carried his dog, Moose, from the stage door to his car before coming back to sign programs. Plenty of videos exist on Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube, and Reddit of peaceful interactions.
From my own experience at the door, I can personally say he will slow down for fans and happily greet them if they are calm and polite.

June 2019: Someone Jumps The Stage

Stage door interactions slowed down around May. I was fortunate enough to meet Adam at the stage door, as were many friends who went around May 4th; others, however, waited for Adam, only to be told he was not coming. This sort of lag is normal, especially in the middle of a play run that's showing 8 performances a week: the actors are usually tired and want nothing more than to go home and get some sleep.
However, some fans were not satisfied. Some especially dedicated playgoers began staking out all entrance/exit points of the Hudson Theater. Sure enough, on days he didn't sign, Adam was leaving through the main entrance of the theater, accompanied by a small security detail. (Bear in mind that the main entrance =/= the stage door: the stage door was behind the theater and on an entirely separate street.)
A video was posted on Twitter in June 2019 of Adam leaving the main entrance of the Hudson Theater with his head down; in the background, you can hear a small crowd of people shouting after him. One woman gets right to the door of his car, but she is otherwise non-aggressive, and Adam gently turns her down before getting into the vehicle.
Reactions to this post were brief and basically amounted to, "Hey what the fuck OP," but this was only the tip of the iceberg when it came to weird, out-of-touch fan behavior.
Days later, a strange Twitter thread emerged, detailing a drunk woman who had to be kicked out of the Hudson and blocked from going near Adam at the stage door. Details of the thread were corroborated by others who were either at the same show or friends with OP. The story goes like this:
A woman got a little too tipsy on 17 dollar beers at the Hudson and sat through the entire show without incident. However, just after bows had ended and the actors had left, the woman stood up, made her way to the front of the stage, and climbed up. She then promptly made her way backstage, where she reportedly gave Keri Russel a huge fright before being escorted out by security. Once she was outside of the backstage area, the stage jumper persisted in trying to dodge security and get in front of Adam, insisting she was a "friend." Adam came out and signed as normal, not once paying attention to the screaming woman trying to dodge several security guards. Adam made his way home unscathed, and the stage jumper was never seen again.
But somehow, this was not the incident that made the news. At this point, you may be wondering why this was not the most memorable incident of the Burn This stage door. How could Adam or Keri not talk about the drunk woman who suddenly appeared backstage?
That's because the incident that did make the news has its roots deep in Adam Driver standom. Those roots dig into some very dark places.
We have arrived at the most famous incident at the Burn This stage door: the dog carving.

Summer 2019: The Dog Carving

In the summer, an Adam Driver stan by the username Missus-Misanthrope waited at the stage door with a special gift for Adam Driver: a wood carving of his beloved dog, Moose.
I have seen a picture of the (supposed) carving, but to maintain Missus-Misanthrope's privacy, I will not be posting a screenshot here. Essentially, it's a small, flat block of wood with Moose's smiling face woodburned into it. I am not a fan of Missus-Misanthrope (or her kin in our fandom) by any means, but it is extremely well-done.
When Adam made his way to her at the stage door, Missus-Misanthrope greeted him and handed him the carving. A GIF of this interaction is here.
At the beginning of the GIF, Adam is looking down, presumably at the wood carving. He nods at it and thanks Missus-Misanthrope with a smile. He turns hands it off to his security team. There is a long pause where he appears to be either waiting for his security team or examining the carving. Finally, he turns back to Missus-Misanthrope without making eye contact and continues signing Playbills. His expression is neutral.
Let me be abundantly clear: this exact GIF is impossible to find. This write-up took a while, partially because I was looking all over for the damn thing. It has been scrubbed from the Internet. The original Imgur post is set to "private." Accounts have been erased, posts have been either deleted or archived, and Twitters have been suspended, deactivated, or moved. It took over a week of me asking everyone I knew, combing individual Twitters by date, and abusing the Wayback Machine before someone eventually found it and sent it to me.
Missus-Misanthrope wanted this GIF gone from the Internet. This was the interaction Adam Driver remembered from his stage door. This interaction would become infamous months later, in October, when it came up during an interview.

October 2019: The New Yorker Article

During the Burn This run, author Michael Schumer interviewed Adam Driver for the New Yorker. The article was released in October 2019 and can be found here. I highly recommend it: it's a stunning interview, capturing a lot of the nuances of Adam's personality as he goes about his pre-show ritual.
However, this interview made waves because of Adam's off-hand comment about fan interactions at the stage door (emphasis mine):
On the couch was a piece of fan art he had received at the stage door. During “Girls,” strangers would often share details about their sex lives with him. (One guy stopped him in the subway and said, “I love that scene where you pee on her in the shower,” then turned to his girlfriend and said, fondly, “I pee on her all the time.”) But “Star Wars” has made him uncomfortably famous. “This one woman who has been harassing my wife came to the show and gave me a creepy wood carving that she made of my dog,” he said.
The stage jumper, the fans pursuing him at all doors into and out of the Hudson, seemed to fade away in comparison to this ten seconds of stage door history. Adam mentions the "creepy wood carving," and it is never touched upon again. But that one sentence sent stans into fits.
Some began gleefully sharing the original GIF of the interaction; others laughed at Missus-Misanthrope or showed her pity. Still more questioned whether or not it was appropriate to give Adam a portrait of his dog at all: even though Adam has featured Moose in photoshoots, stage door interactions, and even a news interview, opinions are mixed about how much fans are allowed to comment on his personal life. The wood carving of Moose seemed to toe that line in an uncomfortable way and ignited heated discussion on what behavior was "allowed" and "not allowed."
But there is a short passage just after Adam's comment about the wood carving that hints at the dark heart of this scandal:
He and Tucker have a young son, whose birth they kept hidden from the press for two years, in what Driver called “a military operation.” Last fall, after Tucker’s sister, who was launching a peacoat business, accidentally made her Instagram account public and someone noticed the back of his son’s head in one picture, the news wound up on Page Six.
Under what circumstances would Adam and Joanne have to hide a child for two years? Recall that Adam was not just scandalized by the wood carving (emphasis mine):
“This one woman who has been harassing my wife came to the show and gave me a creepy wood carving that she made of my dog."
No, something about Missus-Misanthrope herself had made him deeply uncomfortable. The wood carving wasn't the whole of the issue: it was something about how the fandom had treated his wife and the news of their child.
Here was where the real drama about this tiny wood carving lied.

Daiver Fandom and adamdriverfans

Missus-Misanthrope was part of a subreddit called "adamdriverfans." Not to be confused with the main Adam Driver subreddit, "adamdriver," adamdriverfans is incredibly small (only about 3000 subscribers) and, on the surface, appears to be a normal subreddit about Adam and his work. EDIT: It's 3,000 subcribers, not 300. Missed a zero!
However, probe deeper, and adamdriverfans reveals its true nature. The subreddit is, in part, a haven for discussion between Daivers, or people that "ship" Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley and want them to be in a relationship. ("Ship" is short for "relationship.")
Daivers are not to be confused with "Reylos," Star Wars fans who want Adam and Daisy's respective characters, Kylo Ren and Rey, to date. Daivers go one step further and want the actors to be together. Any Daivers found on adamdriverfans are the most extreme iteration of this kind of 'shipper: they believe that Adam and Daisy had an affair, followed by a falling-out somewhere around The Force Awakens, and that Lucasfilm (and their respective publicists) have been keeping them separate. This line of thinking also posits that Joanne is an ice queen keeping Adam on a short leash.
This is not to say that all posters on adamdriverfans are Daivers; many want what's best for Adam and see it as their right to comment on Adam's personal life. But it's challenging to separate posts from true-blue Daivers, posts from those who think Adam and Daisy had an affair, and posts from users who simply hate Joanne Tucker. In my opinion, it's impossible to go near the subreddit unless you believe, on some level, that Joanne and Adam should separate, and that Daisy is a factor in that separation.
Multiple posts exist trashing Joanne Tucker and questioning whether or not the baby is Adam's. Someone doxxed Adam and Joanne and discovered multiple residences, fueling speculation on whether or not they were "secretly" divorced or otherwise separated. There is "evidence" that their marriage is a sham or otherwise a marriage of convenience.
Supporters of Joanne and Adam's marriage and critiques of the subreddit are considered "blind" mean girls ignoring the truth and looking for someone to bully. In reality, the fans on adamdriverfans are hostile towards non-members: One poster even called other women "creepy" for asking to shake Adam's hand at the stage door. Still another post implies that fans who don't believe the rumors are waiting for their chance to sleep with Adam.
For its part, the mods of adamdriverfans posit the subreddit as a place for healthy discussion. Other stans treat adamdriverfans as a joke, leading the mods to be mostly hostile to those questioning the constant dunking on Adam and his wife. Dissenters have even been speculated to be PR people deflecting any discussion of Joanne and Adam's relationship in the hopes of saving *Burn This'*s ticket sales:
4Chan is full of PR people trying to shut down discussion by posting outrageous, disprovable claims in an effort to discredit all info about Joanne. You are a threat because you have a credible story.
This is why Burn This is selling slowly. There are tickets available for every single night and whole parts of the theatre are empty on some nights. Joanne is a PR disaster. They can’t even call on their friends and connections to help fill the seats
It's worthy of note that the Daiver and anti-Joanne communities extends into TikTok and other social media: for example, there is an entire Instagram account called "ihatejoannetucker" dedicated to posting personal photos and making fun of Joanne. Here, I focus on adamdriverfans because it was the main vehicle for Missus-Misanthrope to post her thoughts and feelings.

MissusMisanthrope's Backstory

Missus-Misanthrope had been recognized by Adam for a reason: she had already tried to pass a carving (speculated to be the very same dog carving given in 2019) to Adam via Joanne at an AITAF donor event in 2018.
Bear in mind that AITAF events are primarily for celebrating veterans and bringing accessible theater to them and their families. They are not fan events for Adam Driver. However, Missus-Misanthrope saw her opportunity to interact with Adam when she saw Joanne and a friend at the bar (bolding for emphasis by me):
I am an artist and had two gifts that I wanted to try to get to Adam. One was an anniversary plaque for AITAF, the other was a portrait of his dog. When I saw Joanne, I thought she would be the perfect person to help me accomplish this.
From the second I approached her, she made me feel like garbage. I was polite, I thanked her for her work with AITAF. When I said that I had gifts for Adam, she asked me if I was a veteran. When I said no, she narrowed her eyes at me and asked me "how did you get IN HERE?" as though she suspected that I had... snuck in?
"I donated money that was very hard to come by and purchased a ticket" I responded.
She chuckled smugly and said "oh... you're a DONOR. No. I can't help you."
I was taken aback... I was not sure that I heard her correctly. "You can't do anything? If I give them to you can you..."
Then she turned to the woman she was with and said "Lindsay, this... DONOR has PRESENTS for ADAM."
Then they both just... laughed? Like how could I EVER think that they would let me give my STUPID presents to ADAM.
Missus-Misanthrope continued describing feelings of hurt, dismissal, and betrayal.
I felt like they both viewed me like I was NOTHING.
I have never felt like such a freaking idiot in my life.
So... that was something. I almost cried. Went into the situation really admiring Joanne. Left the situation feeling really disillusioned and crappy and like I did something wrong. It sucked to look forward to that event so much and work hard to overcome anxiety to travel to NY alone and have some awful crap like that happen.
She implies that, had Adam not commented his gratitude towards donors later on in the event, she would not have felt appreciated or seen (emphasis mine):
Adam was very vocal about his appreciation of the donors to AITAF so at least I didn't feel like complete useless trash.
I hope she isn't treating a lot of donors like this. This could really make some people look at AITAF in a different light if she is the only person they interact with.
A later comment in the same thread underlines feelings of betrayal (emphasis mine):
I have played it over and over in my head and I literally didn't do anything wrong. I mean, even if I had, she is a grown woman... why was she laughing at me? I felt like I was in a freaking nightmare.
Her behavior was so ugly and childish. If she is doing this to people, they NEED to speak up. I don't know why anyone feels like they need to protect her if she is really treating people this way. This type of behavior coming from her can impact the reputation of Adam and AITAF.
I am going to be sending an official complaint to AITAF about my experience. It was just so, so not okay.
By the time Missus-Misanthrope attended the stage door in 2019, she had already publicly expressed dislike of Joanne and became a valued member of adamdriverfans. And Adam, whether through his wife or through other incidents at other AITAF events, knew full well who she was.

October 2019: Your Friendly Neighborhood Pariah

Fans elsewhere quickly identified the "creepy wood carving" girl as Missus-Misanthrope. EDIT: I've been informed that it was not fans, but Missus-Misanthrope's husband, who identified her. Her husband left an angry comment (now deleted) on the author's Twitter.
adamdriverfans, predictably, went absolutely apeshit.
The article was deemed to be "angry" and vengeful towards fans like Missus-Misanthrope for no reason. A poster deemed calling Missus-Misanthrope out in the article "classless." There was worry that Missus-Misanthrope was now in danger due to Adam's comment:
This fan has NOTHING. Who is going to protect her from the onslaught of Adam’s rabid fans and even the media who will likely try and track her down?
Other members of adamdriverfans said that Adam was well within his right to say something:
People are taking this way too personally. The fact is, there are a lot of Adam Driver "fans" out there who have been too creepy, taken things too far, and done gross stuff like deliberately scribble his wife out of photos they took together. Are those fans in the minority? Yeah, I'm positive of that.
But he has every right to his opinion and every right to express boundaries like any other person out there. I'm not even a huge fan of the dude and I get where he's coming from, regardless of how awkwardly he puts it.
He doesn't owe anybody anything. No one is entitled to him being 24/7 super nice and positive and not mentioning stuff like this.
Those who side with Missus-Misanthrope say that Adam was targeting Missus-Misanthrope on purpose:
My issue with the article was not that Adam expressed being creeped out by a fan/defending his wife. My issue is that he targeted someone specific. This fan had been having issues with AD and giving him this specific woodcarving for a YEAR now. I believe that this specific fan was mentioned on purpose. I don’t believe in coincidences.
But what about Missus-Misanthrope? Well...she didn't feel good, to put it lightly. In a statement to the subreddit entitled "Your Friendly Neighborhood Pariah," Missus-Misanthrope defended her behavior at the 2018 AITAF event:
I simply approached her in a common area of the theatre because I was advised by AITAF staff that I could talk to her about handing my gifts for AITAF and Adam off to someone who was able to help. Had I not been told that she was someone who could help me after the AITAF folks said that I should "definitely try to get the gifts to Adam" because "he will love them" I would not have even spoken to her.
All I was trying to do was give something to someone that I admire and to a foundation that I support. I wasn't trying to break up a marriage or be manipulative. I was following advice from people who work for AITAF and it ended up turning into a very unpleasant situation.
Regarding the stage door interaction, Missus-Misanthrope felt attacked and exhausted:
Less than 24 hours later, I was being attacked and insulted for basically just existing in the same place as Adam. I now just wish I had never gone.
This fandom makes me sad and a little bit sick. I am going to just continue existing as I have been in the past. I am just doing my best. If people hate me, I doubt that I can change that. I have no control over what anyone does but my own self. So I am just going to focus on being a decent person and treating others with kindness.
The mods on adamdriverfans followed up with a post on Missus-Misanthrope:
Here at this sub we have had the pleasure and privilege of knowing MissusMisanthrope and we have seen firsthand how brave she has been in the face of so much bullying and harassment – all because she had spoken about incident with Joanne Tucker and for daring to give Adam Driver a gift. What happened yesterday though is on an entirely different level altogether. What has happened to MissusMisanthrope feels like a horror story of the worst possible outcome of being a fan of a celebrity:
Bullied by the celebrity’s wife and staff.
Bullied and doxed by fans of the celebrity.
Finally, being bullied by the celebrity himself.
But curiously, according to adamdriverfans, Adam had pointed out the wrong fan:
The absolutely tragedy of this situation is (and I can not state this enough) is that he singled out the wrong person. Again, HE SINGLED OUT THE WRONG PERSON. There is another person who actively harassed JT and her family on social media (the infamous StalkerChan) but, let’s be absolutely clear about this, that wasn’t MissusMisanthrope.
This meant that there was a mysterious other fan behaving inappropriately, and that Adam had mistaken Missus-Misanthrope for the other fan.
Regardless of the error, the dice had been cast, and the votes were in: Adam Driver hated his fans, and Missus-Misanthrope was, indeed, a fandom pariah.

Aftermath: Exodus, Post Purging, and the Downward Spiral to Doucheville

I want to emphasize how challenging it was to dig up receipts for this post. That's because, shortly after the article broke, Missus-Misanthrope deleted all of her social media, and adamdriverfans began deleting older posts. When I began compiling evidence in September 2020, many old posts, tweets, etc. were completely gone. The GIF of the infamous stage door interaction had been almost completely wiped from the Internet: the original post on Imgur is private.
Shortly after the New Yorker article, Adam opened an Omaze charity campaign: By donating money to AITAF, you would be entered into a raffle to attend The Rise of Skywalker premiere with him.
However, Adam had previously voiced his distaste for peddling his autograph for money:
I don’t want to start getting into favors. It’s not about me and Star Wars. It’s about the people that we’re trying to serve and if you don’t get that then I’d rather not be associated with your money.
As a result, this Omaze campaign was met with negative reactions from those who sided with Missus-Misanthrope, with the general opinion that Adam was now a "sellout," a slave to his wife's desires to "save" AITAF from bad press. Many questioned if the Omaze campaign was an effort to repair relationships with fans after the Missus-Misanthrope scandal. Others questioned whether Adam was on a downward spiral in general, linking his "sellout" behavior to his weight loss and (supposed) fighting with Joanne.
Either way, one comment seemed to sum up the drama nicely:
It seems he is on a downward spiral to Doucheville.
Many announced that they were leaving the fandom after the Omaze campaign and after the New Yorker article. However, given the proximity to the mass exodus from the Star Wars fandom after The Rise of Skywalker hit theaters in December, it is unclear how much of the Adam standom exodus is Star Wars related and how much is Missus-Misanthrope related.
Regardless of the opinions of those on adamdriverfans, the Omaze campaign was a success. A veteran (coincidentally named Joanna) won and met Adam. A fan-run campaign started after The Rise of Skywalker raised a whopping 90,000 dollars for AITAF, funding their 2020 fiscal year and landing a personal thank-you from Adam himself. Needless to say, bad press from Missus-Misanthrope's interactions with Adam and Joanne did not stick.
It is unknown whether or not Adam will do another Broadway run in the future.
EDIT: I'm super overwhelmed and delighted by the positive reception to this post. Thank you so, so much for the great discussion and for reading this (and for giving it awards!). If you're spending money to give me awards, it would be stellar if you could give that money to BLM instead.
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Want a preview of the AEW Eliminator? Tonight, Live at 8 pm EST! ChocoPro 87: Mei Suruga vs SAKI, Emi Sakura vs Sayaka Obihiro, Chie Koishikawa vs Hagane Shinno! (Match Card Write-Up)

The End of the Trilogy! Mei takes on the wild SAKI! Emi Sakura takes on Obihiro for the first time since her anniversary show, and EGG TART explodes! Tonight at 8 pm EST (Saturday at 1 am GMT, 10 am JST), Episode 87 is a stacked singles card that is sure to be a killer!
Did you know that Emi Sakura, Mei Suruga, Ryo Mizunami, Veny, and Riho have all appeared on ChocoPro? Its the perfect time to get on board and see Mei & Emi in action before the AEW World Women's Championship Eliminator Tournament begins!
Change the stage, break out of your comfort zone! You will be able to watch it here, LIVE and free, on the Gatoh Move YouTube channel...which also has the previous 86 episodes! New to ChocoPro? It features a roster of skilled veterans, rising stars, and wonderful guests. Subscribe for more content than just the live matches! (AEW Watch Alongs, Discussions, Interviews, Food Challenges, etc) Here is today's example gif: Mei tries to murder Gabai Ji-chan!
By the way, if you ever wanted a taste of the variety & chaos ChocoPro provides but were put off by the lack of a ring, 85 was a wonderful example of the general feeling!
EGG TART explodes! Can Chie defeat her deadly partner?
Chie Koishikawa vs Hagane Shinno
EGG TART has become rapidly popular as combination due to the strange chemistry between the odd couple pairing of Chie & Hagane. The Cheery Fencer seems like the polar opposite of the Cold Killer! While you might be inclined to align with Chie from the moment she greets the audience in her own special way, Shinno's brooding and enigmatic nature also provide some mystique and appeal. These two strikers will test their bonds directly! Can Chie prove herself to her veteran partner?
Reunion! Master & Student battle once more!
Emi Sakura vs Sayaka Obihiro
Emi Sakura is ready for the Eliminator. Her speed and strength have only improved since her last clash with her star pupil, Sayaka Obihiro. Obi on the other hand has been making great showings in Season 5, gunning for that MVP title! These two have not fought in a singles match since the wonderful Emi Sakura 25th Anniversary Show. This match is sure to be a lot of loud chops, heavy slams, and shocking pins. With the shared history between these two, when they fight it transcends the normal potential of a wrestling match! (As always, I hope to see Obi Magic!)
Road to the Eliminator! Mei vs SAKI part III!
Mei Suruga vs SAKI
21 Days. It took only 21 days for the Genius of ChocoPro to debut! A wrestling prodigy, Mei Suruga has recently been announced for the AEW World Women's Championship Eliminator Tournament! She seeks to ready herself for the trials ahead by taking on her old rival (with whom she has one loss and one draw!) in a third revisiting of this stellar bout. Hopefully a lot of new fans will get an opportunity to see her in action before the Tournament, as her technical wizardry and endless charisma are legendary! Can SAKI survive Lucifer, Mei's hellish submission finisher?
SAKI is no slouch, though! An amazing singles AND tag competitor, she is one of the previous holders of the belt that Mei currently possesses (Asia Dream Tag Championship). With a swagger of pride, a unique set of gear, and a natural magnetism that can't be put into words, SAKI tends to easily captivate new fans. She recently appeared for Colega Pro, albeit a bit darker than usual...Will we see more of her fierce techniques? This representative of Actwres Girl'Z is has a deep arsenal and a love for sumo! (Genuinely one of my favorite guests!) Kawild!
Come and see the wild excitement of the creativity that produced Two of the Three AEW Women's Champions! (You'll be wondering if you're seeing future champs, as well!) The Frontier of Pro Wrestling! Match after match of hard hitting, chaotic, fun bouts with a welcoming online audience. The fan base also has an active Discord server now!
We're slowly growing, and you're welcome to come along! ChocoPro has featured stars such as Chris Brookes, Minoru Suzuki, Hikaru Sato, Masato Tanaka, Minoru Fujita, Kaori Yoneyama, Makoto, TAMURA, Tsubasa Kuragaki, Toru Owashi, Hanako Nakamori, Riho, and Yuu! They're aiming for the ultimate goal of a 1000 viewer live show. Join us for the fun!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me on here or on Twitter, where I'm probably telling people about ChocoPro! Also, for a better take on the events check out this KAWILD preview by Last Word on Pro Wrestling!
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions:
What is this?” ChocoPro is an entirely online promotion run by AEW's Emi Sakura, that takes place in the legendary Ichigaya Chocolate Square! It is free! It features a breakneck pace of live Episode releases, fan interaction, season long story arcs, and much more! A place where the turnbuckles are replaced with 14th floor windows, unforgiving walls provide creative avenues for skills otherwise unthinkable, and you can take solace in knowing that the referees usually do nothing. While it might be a shocking change at first, you might just find a new flavor that you didn't know you love!
Why are they fighting in ____?” Short answer is that it is a cost effective, unique venue with a better availability schedule and allows the roster access for training. Emi Sakura has been using this place for a long time, and you might be surprised at some of the names that have used it (even outside of ChocoPro!). There are a few in-ring Episodes, and Gatoh Move has in ring shows with crowds on the YouTube channel. Thanks Xalazi for the inspiration here!
Why are you posting this here? / Are you paid for this?” This is a wrestling forum, and I'm trying to broaden the horizons of others! There is a lot of good wrestling out there...Plus growing the fan base means more people for me to joke around with! I honestly do believe this is what a lot of fans are loo king for, even if it is too different for some! But different tastes are good. Variety is the spice of life. This is a labor of love (it really doesn't take that long) considering how much work they do, to put on so many shows for free. ChocoPro is worldwide!
submitted by dogglesnake to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

Here from 49ers to say you got a good coach, and if they follow 49ers blueprint this is how it's gonna go...

Hey everyone, congrats on the hiring of Robert Saleh. I'm a transplant who lives in Manhattan actually and I'm happy I will get to see this man's beautiful shiny bald head for the next few seasons getting PUMPED on the sidelines.
49ers Fans General Feelings on Saleh:
BACKGROUND: It took a few years but we all came around to him. In 2017 a lot of people were willing to forgive how bad this team was. They started 1-9 and came into the year with a complete teardown, like 40+ new players signed or drafted. It was still disappointing and Saleh started to get some heat, but the truth is the defense was a joke. A miraculous 5-0 finish after Garoppolo came over in a trade gave everyone rose-colored glasses. The next season, the team was hyped, jimmy tore his ACL in wk 3, injuries all over the field were an issue in fact (a problem each season seemingly) and they finished 4-12 and the fanbase wanted him GONE having seen very little progress on the defensive side of the ball. Kyle Shanahan and players like Richard Sherman stuck by his decision making and schemes, and a year later they proved to be right. Nick Bosa single-handedly changed the defense. I cannot tell you how good he is. The ability to get pressure without blitzing changed everything and the defense in 2018 had historically low turnovers (2 INT all season) suddenly went to 6th the next year and were dominant in terms of YPG, expected yards, etc.
2020 showed his growth as a coach. No Bosa, Dee Ford, Solomon Thomas, Sherman, or really any healthy DB including FS Jaquiski Tartt, for most of the season, guys literally signing off the street and other teams practice squad (including a pick swap to get Jordan Willis) and I swear you've never seen a group of guys play harder. Kerry Hyder jr off the scrap heap had a career season. Jason Verrett was solid after 4 years basically on IR. Even when they were out of it, this talent-deficient squad played their ass off. You see that kind of shit and your opinion on tanking changes. I've heard people like Mike Lombardi say "he only plays cover 3." He didn't watch one 49ers football game this year. Saleh played a lot more quarters, man-blitz, and was truly a lot more varied than we've seen in years past, generating pressure in new and exotic ways. Now did they get steamrolled here and there, yeah, but overall they were in more games than they deserved to be and a lot of that is because of Saleh/Shanahan getting guys to outproduce their talent. In a laughably bad season that seemingly went from bad to worse each week in terms of costly injuries he was clearly motiving guys who had no business playing as well as they did. After a rocky start, he has become one of the most beloved coaches I can remember. You will love his veins popping out of his neck and his emotion on the sideline. Congrats on the hire.
My 2 cents on whats to come:
I'll be honest. I don't know Joe Douglas' tendencies, i simply don't follow non-Frank-Gore-Jets news that closely. HOWEVER if they follow the 49ers blueprint, here's what to expect. Coming out of 2016 the 49ers were the laughing stock of the league "Cleveland West" was thrown around A LOT. We'd just been through a string of horrible seasons and Adam Gase-like years of ineptitude with Jim Tomsula, then Chip Kelly. John Lynch and Kyle Shanahan came in and got rid of everyone that didn't believe in their "Culture," which was almost everyone.
I always thought that term "culture" was bullshit football speak, but when the team has a good culture, you see what it means. Suddenly they give everything even when the team sucks, the character of the guys shines through. It's really honestly noticeable. This year they had every reason to give up, but they played incredibly hard on both sides, but you see how much it meant to Saleh.
Saleh will try to identify those culture guys. I would expect a massive roster turnover. I think Richard Sherman is coming over as a result. He's lost a step, or 10. But he's a coach on the field and one of those culture guys who will begin to change the locker room. He played safety at times for us this year and he has said he would like to finish his career playing safety, we'll see. If he wants one more big contract, the jets might be willing to give him the 3 years he wants, but if he's playing for a 'chip, i don't know who will give him that. But, with the Jets cap room that's an easy guy to identify unless he wants to stay west to be close to family or something. As evidence, 49ers brought in guys like Pierre Garcon at the beginning of the rebuild, even though you're like: "why?... just play the young guys and develop." Then he turned out to be a fan favorite based on how hard he played and you understand 2-3 years later why they brought in vets like him to be an example to the younger players even when they were nowhere near competent.
In terms of your 2nd overall pick... If they did what SF did, they'll punt on QB and trade back. 49ers traded back with Bears —who took Trubisky—and we drafted Solomon Thomas. With hindsight, there's surely regret not taking Mahomes or Watson, but here we are. But it is mine and most people who actually cover the team's consensus that they were never drafting a QB no matter what because they were 3 years away—that turned out true. It's easy to see the Jets trading back and getting the best pass rusher available to pair with Williams. Saleh clearly sees pressure as the #1 paramount strategy on defense. His moniker is All Gas No Brakes (which hopefully he takes to NY). Outside of Sherman, the 49ers have generally not put many resources into high-priced DBs, but instead have used 3 1st rd picks on DL and 1 on OL.
There's already reports they're keeping Sam Darnold. This might be a smoke screen, this might actually be true. Niners rolled into Shanahan/Saleh/Lynch first year 2017 with Brian Hoyer and drafted CJ Beathard in the 3rd rd. The plan was to sign Kirk Cousins and reunite him with Kyle before Jimmy G was gifted by the Hoodie in the middle of '17.
If i were a betting guy, i might expect the same for the Jets and they aim to draft or sign a guy next year with the insane cap space they'll have. They'll also likely be bad again and will have a chance at a QB in '21. The caveat here is Mike LaFleur is coming over too. If they do hang onto that pick for a QB, it will be Zach Wilson. The offense they run at BYU is very similar to the zone run/west coast scheme Shanahan and so many others run now. Just watching him play in the bowl game this past year, it was a lot of the same concepts the 49ers/packers/Rams like to run. There's a reason the 49ers fans want him so bad, and it's because he's tailor-made for the system you will now run. But again, because they have time, I do think there's a very good chance they punt this year, collect assets and picks and go more the Miami/49ers route and year 1 concentrate on culture building and setting a tone for years to come and also build in the trenches.
Those are my thoughts with a bit of context. Good luck, the Jets have now rocketed up to my #2 team... on par with whatever team is playing the fucking Seahawks that week.
I leave you with this supercut of Saleh getting HYPED. J-E-T-S!
submitted by johnnyradz to nyjets [link] [comments]

The Brent Vortex Part 2 – A Steamy Train Wreck In The Making

First off, let me thank everyone for their kind words and upvotes on yesterday’s post. I’ve awarded myself a steamy 7 out of 7, unlocking the ultimate achievement of Super Steamy Soft Swinger. I do not take this lightly.
My mission in life is now clear; much like a Jehova’s Witness, I shall now go door to door on Sundays spreading the word of Brent.
Since many of you seemed to genuinely enjoy yesterday’s post, I thought I’d make another one filling you in on even more details that you might find equally as entertaining.
Rather than do a TL;DR, I will let you know right now that this post is less about the timeline of Brent’s descent, and more about filling in some of the missing pieces, some things I find funny, and to give you a review of what his current Twitch show is like so that you don’t actually need to sit through it (but you should, at least for a moment).
Sit back, grab a coffee, and send your wife out to get fucked by the neighbour, because it’s time to read about all things Brent!
His Own Subreddit: Yes, you read that correctly. The Hatley has his own subreddit which is mostly dedicated to hating him. If you’ve not already stumbled upon it, you can visit HeavyMetalandOrgies where people literally discuss Brent 24/7. I mean, you can’t make this shit up. Let’s follow that meta train once again – A subreddit, based on laughing at a guy’s twitch show, which is based on a guy who’s been fired from THSS, which is a job he only has due to getting fired from Bubba’s show. Much like an onion, every layer you peel away stinks more and more.
There are a few things on this subreddit that actually make it worth visiting. First of all, there’s nearly 1,500 members. I mean….Jesus Christ, what type of terrible perception must someone be putting out into the universe about themselves to have 1,500 people on the internet say “You know, I hate him enough to join a hate group about him!”?!? That’s next level hate. In fact, I would argue that many people couldn’t do that if they tried.
This subreddit really shines with regards to his show. I guess there’s several people in there who watch him daily, or at least frequently enough, that they capture and post all the terrible clips. What clips you as? Mostly Kaitlyn dancing grossly, or Kaitlyn hitting Brent, or Kaitlyn farting and talking about how it smells….the theme here is that if you didn’t like Brent, you’re really going to hate Kaitlyn.
I think my favorite part of the subreddit is that nobody uses Brent’s name. I do, but nobody else does and some of the names they come up with are extremely funny. My personal favorites are:
- Burp Fartley
- Blump Humply
- Shrek
- Beave Sweatly
I encourage all of you to come up with your own. His name is quite pliable. I almost feel bad for getting this deep into making fun of him.
Brent Hatley Clothing & Merchandise: Oh god yes….he sells clothing AND IT’S FUCKING GLORIOUS.
First things first, go back in time and visit his Geocities merch page here:
Did you check the merch? Great! None of us in our wildest dreams could ever deliver up such a perfect dumping of terrible products, but Burp Fartley (see how fun it is to use his alternate names?) serves us another dose of garbage on a silver platter with what can only be described as the most terrible products on earth.
These products are best suited for the garbage, but Brent wants you to pay for them. Honestly, I have to assume his sales are zero point zero. Who wants this shit? There’s an array of t-shirts with his terrible logo that looks NOTHING like him (I could do an entire post on the logo alone), shirts with a VERY flattering drawing of his wife, and then a bunch of shit that just screams “Brent”. You know what I’m referring too – Satan stuff, the grim reaper, pentagons, devil horns – shit ripe for the picking at a Hot Topic in 1994.
The best part is that all the shirts have “The Brent Hatley Channel” across the back, just in case people weren’t totally sure you were a loser.
And stickers. You can get all of this junk on stickers as well. Stick them anywhere I guess? Lol. You know what? Fuck Brent and his stickers. $4 Brent….for your stickers? Are you high? I know you are.
Twitch Show: I thought it might be best if I just took one for the team, so I watched the entire Twitch show yesterday. As a disclaimer, I’ve only ever really been able to stand maybe 5-10 minutes of the show before, so this was my first full viewing and boy am I upset with myself that I wasted a Monday night on this, but I was dedicated to the cause.
First off, Brent has his channel set on subscriber mode all the time. This means you can watch for free, but you need to pay to chat with him. Yes, HE of all people requires you to pay to talk to him. I didn’t pay, but I did notice that of the 200 people watching (which is pretty high for his show, typically he has about 100-150) it seemed that the same 10 people were the only ones chatting. Those 10 people seem to actually like Kaitlyn and constantly tell her to take a shot, or dance, or whatever else they want. And then for some unknown reason the chat likes to tell Brent to scream at her, which he does, but it’s more of a “YIP!” right into her ear. I guess it’s an inside joke? Either way, she playfully pretends like she hates it and then he does it again later.
This is about as good as the content gets. It’s really downhill from there, and we weren’t uphill to begin with.
Last night shows featured Kaitlyn telling us no less than 500 times it was her “birthday week” (because adults celebrate an entire week?) which was really just her excuse to get fucking plastered, live on air, at 4pm on a Monday.
The more she drank, the more she kept leaving the room to go elsewhere in their apartment at which point Brent would yell “come back! We’re doing a live show! You can’t just leave” and she would yell things from elsewhere in the apartment such as “Should I put this in the wash?” and “I have to poo”. Besides that, she mostly coughs into the mic about 20 times per hour and then follows up every cough with “FUUUUUUUUCK I forgot to mute the mic”. It should be noted that she never once muted the mic. So, if you like a gross smokers cough, this show is for you!
At one point someone in the chat must have said “tell her to come back or I’ll cancel my subscription” which really set her off. She apparently doesn’t like “Old Tomatums” ( I think she meant ultimatums) and promptly muted that guy so he couldn’t talk. That’s also a running theme in the show – Kaitlyn will mute or ban paying customers if the doesn’t like what they’re saying. Lest we forget Brent is totally against censorship, yet they censor the fuck out of this channel.
The biggest rub of it all is that 95% of the show is Brent talking about THSS or his former staffers. So according to him he left the show so he could form his own show only to talk about the show he left? That sounds about right to me.
So there you have it folks. Another look into the madness that is their life. One could argue that the train is going off the tracks, but I think the better description is that the train went off the tracks months ago and everyone is now watching this saying “how the fuck is that train still upright?”
If 2021 gives us anything, it will be an end to this saga, and I’m here for it!
Keep those beaves sweaty and have a great holiday! I’ve said it all…

Brent Subreddit: HeavyMetalandOrgies
Brent Merch Store:
Kaitlyn "Dancing":
Brent in a diaper:

EDIT: I'm going to toss them my free Prime sub tonight and see how far I can troll them until they block me. But I know myself, and I'll be blocked right away. I'm like a fat kid with candy when it comes to these two.

submitted by KarateKid1984 to howardstern [link] [comments]

What I Recommend for Streaming: A Guide

Hello! I know many people on here are looking for advice for things or tips that they need. I'm here to tell you what has worked for me so far! These aren't end all to be all tips, but I can say for certainty they work.


★ Take the time to plan out your streams before you start. It'll save some confusion and headache.
HAVE A STREAM SCHEDULE. Even if it's just once a week and for two hours, having that schedule where people can know when you'll next be live is VITAL to growing.
★ Do not stream everyday. You WILL burn yourself out.
★ Having something to have you visually stand out against other streamers is important. Have an overlay!
★ Keep your goals realistic so you don't burn yourself out. No better way to burn out than not achieving the goal you set for yourself because it was too high.
★ Try as many streaming softwares as you can. Different softwares work better for different streams and different people. Experiment!
★ Re-watch your own stream. If you can't re-watch your own stream, how can you expect other people to watch you?
★ Don't go spending thousands of dollars on your streaming setup when you are brand new. You don't need too. You're not gonna make it back for a long time. A simple microphone, PC/Phone, and a webcam/webcam equivalent will do.


★ Have a color pallet that you use for branding. I use so I can mess with colors and get HEX codes and save them as an image. Its very important to have solid and consistent branding.
★ You don't need a logo, but you DO need an icon. Don't have nothing as your profile picture.
★ Gimmicks are good! Are you like me and love rabbits? Can you do weird tricks? Do you like to shotgun La Croix? Use that to your advantage and use it as a way to build your community through little stream jokes/references and if you're affiliate, channel points!


★ Open your stream on your phone or separate device. It counts as an extra view and you can see what the viewers are seeing.
★ Post your stream link in Discord self-promo channels and on Twitter.
★ Make sure your audio and video are in sync by quickly recording yourself and clapping. If its off-sync your video or audio may need a delay.
★ Add a live countdown or a schedule to your Twitch panels. You can use a Twitch Extension that will automatically convert your schedule to the viewers timezone!
★ Use the Twitch Test Tool to test your connection to all of the Twitch servers. Then, select the server with the highest quality and choose the one with the best bandwidth.
★ Make use of the tags when you set your title and game for your live-stream on Twitch. You never know what will help somebody discover you.
★ Make sure that you update your stream title and the current game that you're playing each stream.
★ Don't be afraid to take a day off if you have too. People will understand.


★ NEVER. STOP. TALKING. This is the most important thing I can say about streaming. Dead air is a dead stream.
★ Talking to chat is more important than playing your game. Always. Ignoring people talking in your chat will make them leave.
★ Don't call out the lurkers for not talking. This will make them feel bad about it and they'll usually leave. Sometimes people just don't like to talk and that's okay.
★ Keep an eye on your stream and try to watch for dropping frames or buffering. Most streaming programs have a notification for this but chat will often tell you too. Lower your bit-rate if you have too.
★ Add alerts! People love seeing their name on screen and are more likely to support.
★ Add Twitch chat, timer or something interactive or entertaining into intermission screen. This is usually when viewership drops so this can save a stream if you'll be gone for a minute.
Do not put yourself on follower-only or sub-only mode. If you're reading this there is a good chance you're not big enough of a streamer to need to use it. Most people don't want to interact with you if this is on and it is a big no-no no-go.


★ Watch your mixer and avoid the red. Having clipped or distorted audio can really ruin an experience.
★ Audio quality is a bit more important than visual quality for most people.
★ Set a limitenoise compressor for your mic so you sound more clear.
★ Use Voicemeeter Banana or VB Audio Cables to have more control over your sound! It can save lives.
★ Assign a hotkey to muting your mic.
★ The closer the microphone, the better.
(this section im not the best with because i am sadly hard of hearing/going deaf :(. If you have tips for me to add put them in the comments please!!)


★ You don't need to stream in 1080p. Most internet connections cant handle it very well and you'll end up buffering or dropping frames. Record your streams in your streaming software at 1080p if you edit your VODS into videos! Most softwares can do this.
★ Display your social media on stream so that people know where they can follow you once your stream is offline.
★ Enable Studio Mode if you want to be able to edit a scene while you're live so edits don't show up on stream while you are streaming.
★ Use animated backgrounds over static ones if your PC is powerful enough to be able to run it while streaming.
★ If you want to record your stream, set the recording type to MKV. The VOD will still save if OBS or your PC crashes.


★ Networking and collaboration is VITAL to growth. Many times people will discover you through a friend or another streamer they watch.
★ Promote yourself outside of Twitch! The platform itself has poor discoverability so make sure you're active elsewhere!!
★ Make sure you're not just posting streaming content on Discords and Twitter. You get out what you put in! (credit to timthyj)
Follow for follow is a scam. Point blank. You're not going to grow if those people don't interact. Follower count means virtually nothing on Twitch, viewership does.
★ Monitor your statistics, but don't overvalue them. Your numbers are going to be small starting out and that's okay! As long as they go up over time you'll be okay.
★ Add your friends' channels to your auto-host list. Its one of those little things that can create career-long friendships.
★ Raid people at the end of streams. Even if you're the only viewer, people will take notice and be appreciative that you did.
★ Email your subs once in a while, like if you open up a Discord server, plan on doing an event or just generally have an announcement! Just don't do this very often. Once a month at most imo.


★ If you only have one monitor, then use the ReStream chat program to overlay your chat on top of your game, so that you can keep up with your chat! You can also use your phone
★ Use Twitch Strike to find games that aren't overly saturated. No one is going to find you playing Fortnite, COD, or Minecraft. Stop complaining about having no growth if this is ALL you play!!!
★ Use Google Sheets and make a graph of your growth over time. Its great if you're a visual person to see your growth rather than just know its happening.
★ Have a webcam or webcam equivalent (think VTuber or a GIF).
★ Use a webcam filter to make your webcam look more cinematic or entertaining. I use SnapCamera personally.
★ If you reach affiliate or partner, make some emotes and badges to reward your subs and encourage your viewers to subscribe. You don't need photoshop to do this either, use Krita!
Ctrl+F should automatically scale a source to fill the full screen.
Ctrl+D centers a source in the very middle of the screen.
Holding ALT and moving the bounding box can crop sources in most programs.
Holding down Ctrl disables snapping which is great for fine tuning positioning
★ If you're gaming with friends on Discord, have a push-to-mute and push-to-deafen hotkey setup so that you can directly talk with your stream if you want to.

thats all i have for now!! reply below if you have your own tips/ tricks for streaming if you like!! :D have a good day!
submitted by keethryn to SmallStreamers [link] [comments]

AEWOfficial, its been a while! Want a preview of the AEW Eliminator? Tonight, Live at 8 pm EST! ChocoPro 87: Mei Suruga vs SAKI, Emi Sakura vs Sayaka Obihiro, Chie Koishikawa vs Hagane Shinno! (Match Card Write-Up)

The End of the Trilogy! Mei takes on the wild SAKI! Emi Sakura takes on Obihiro for the first time since her anniversary show, and EGG TART explodes! Tonight at 8 pm EST (Saturday at 1 am GMT, 10 am JST), Episode 87 is a stacked singles card that is sure to be a killer!
Did you know that Emi Sakura, Mei Suruga, Ryo Mizunami, Veny, and Riho have all appeared on ChocoPro? Its the perfect time to get on board and see Mei & Emi in action before the AEW World Women's Championship Eliminator Tournament begins!
Change the stage, break out of your comfort zone! You will be able to watch it here, LIVE and free, on the Gatoh Move YouTube channel...which also has the previous 86 episodes! New to ChocoPro? It features a roster of skilled veterans, rising stars, and wonderful guests. Subscribe for more content than just the live matches! (AEW Watch Alongs, Discussions, Interviews, Food Challenges, etc) Here is today's example gif: Mei tries to murder Gabai Ji-chan!
By the way, if you ever wanted a taste of the variety & chaos ChocoPro provides but were put off by the lack of a ring, 85 was a wonderful example of the general feeling!
EGG TART explodes! Can Chie defeat her deadly partner?
Chie Koishikawa vs Hagane Shinno
EGG TART has become rapidly popular as combination due to the strange chemistry between the odd couple pairing of Chie & Hagane. The Cheery Fencer seems like the polar opposite of the Cold Killer! While you might be inclined to align with Chie from the moment she greets the audience in her own special way, Shinno's brooding and enigmatic nature also provide some mystique and appeal. These two strikers will test their bonds directly! Can Chie prove herself to her veteran partner?
Reunion! Master & Student battle once more!
Emi Sakura vs Sayaka Obihiro
Emi Sakura is ready for the Eliminator. Her speed and strength have only improved since her last clash with her star pupil, Sayaka Obihiro. Obi on the other hand has been making great showings in Season 5, gunning for that MVP title! These two have not fought in a singles match since the wonderful Emi Sakura 25th Anniversary Show. This match is sure to be a lot of loud chops, heavy slams, and shocking pins. With the shared history between these two, when they fight it transcends the normal potential of a wrestling match! (As always, I hope to see Obi Magic!)
Road to the Eliminator! Mei vs SAKI part III!
Mei Suruga vs SAKI
21 Days. It took only 21 days for the Genius of ChocoPro to debut! A wrestling prodigy, Mei Suruga has recently been announced for the AEW World Women's Championship Eliminator Tournament! She seeks to ready herself for the trials ahead by taking on her old rival (with whom she has one loss and one draw!) in a third revisiting of this stellar bout. Hopefully a lot of new fans will get an opportunity to see her in action before the Tournament, as her technical wizardry and endless charisma are legendary! Can SAKI survive Lucifer, Mei's hellish submission finisher?
SAKI is no slouch, though! An amazing singles AND tag competitor, she is one of the previous holders of the belt that Mei currently possesses (Asia Dream Tag Championship). With a swagger of pride, a unique set of gear, and a natural magnetism that can't be put into words, SAKI tends to easily captivate new fans. She recently appeared for Colega Pro, albeit a bit darker than usual...Will we see more of her fierce techniques? This representative of Actwres Girl'Z is has a deep arsenal and a love for sumo! (Genuinely one of my favorite guests!) Kawild!
Come and see the wild excitement of the creativity that produced Two of the Three AEW Women's Champions! (You'll be wondering if you're seeing future champs, as well!) The Frontier of Pro Wrestling! Match after match of hard hitting, chaotic, fun bouts with a welcoming online audience.
We're slowly growing, and you're welcome to come along! ChocoPro has featured stars such as Chris Brookes, Minoru Suzuki, Hikaru Sato, Masato Tanaka, Minoru Fujita, Kaori Yoneyama, Makoto, TAMURA, Tsubasa Kuragaki, Toru Owashi, Hanako Nakamori, Riho, and Yuu! They're aiming for the ultimate goal of a 1000 viewer live show. Join us for the fun!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me on here or on Twitter, where I'm probably telling people about ChocoPro! Also, for a better take on the events check out this KAWILD preview by Last Word on Pro Wrestling!
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions:
What is this?” ChocoPro is an entirely online promotion run by AEW's Emi Sakura, that takes place in the legendary Ichigaya Chocolate Square! It is free! It features a breakneck pace of live Episode releases, fan interaction, season long story arcs, and much more! A place where the turnbuckles are replaced with 14th floor windows, unforgiving walls provide creative avenues for skills otherwise unthinkable, and you can take solace in knowing that the referees usually do nothing. While it might be a shocking change at first, you might just find a new flavor that you didn't know you love!
Why are they fighting in ____?” Short answer is that it is a cost effective, unique venue with a better availability schedule and allows the roster access for training. Emi Sakura has been using this place for a long time, and you might be surprised at some of the names that have used it (even outside of ChocoPro!). There are a few in-ring Episodes, and Gatoh Move has in ring shows with crowds on the YouTube channel. Thanks Xalazi for the inspiration here!
Why are you posting this here? / Are you paid for this?” I'm trying to generate hype for the Tournament while trying to broaden the horizons of others! There is a lot of good wrestling out there...Plus growing the fan base means more people for me to joke around with! I honestly do believe this is what a lot of fans are loo king for, even if it is too different for some! But different tastes are good. Variety is the spice of life. This is a labor of love (it really doesn't take that long) considering how much work they do, to put on so many shows for free. ChocoPro is worldwide!
submitted by dogglesnake to AEWOfficial [link] [comments]

New mod announcement! All negative discussions or comments on Ben Solo's death are no longer allowed here. More information inside.

New mod announcement! All negative discussions or comments on Ben Solo's death are no longer allowed here. More information inside.

Part #1: Introduction

Hi all. First thing first, go ahead and click over to new Reddit to properly enjoy this multimedia announcement post, as old Reddit only shows links. There are three parts in this post, including examples of allowed and not allowed comments and a list of allowed subreddits.
So, here at /TheSequels, there's something we've seen time and time over that keeps causing problems among our users and we need to talk about it. Now, the problem is:

People talking about how much they hated Ben's death, Rey being alone, and so on.

First, let's read Rules #1 and #3 (hopefully you already did, but...).
Rule #1:
Be Positive :) The main reason why this sub exist is to say positive things about this Era of Star Wars. It's not a problem if you don't like everything about the movies, the most important thing is to highlight what you like about them. This sub is not the right place to criticize what you don't like or make fun of a character. If you do that regularly, you will be heavely downvoted and muted. StarWars and StarWarsCantina are more appropriate sub to do that.
Rule #3:
Respect people's opinions. Star Wars is media, media is art, art is subjective. People’s opinions on Star Wars will differ, but the expectation of any discussion is that you will be civil and respect people’s opinions.

That means no more negative comments in this subreddit over Ben dying.
The biggest reason is that it invites more trouble. Almost every time someone brings it up, people on one side or the other, or between both sides, end up derailing the post, or it turns into a non-constructive argument or just a straight up flame war, breaking one or both of the two rules above at a minimum.
And -- we're tired of cleaning up the mess. Honestly, if I could trust two users to have a respectful discussion about it, I'd personally let it (in fact, I used to write my own thoughts about it!), but by now, it's clear that this topic is just too divisive here. No idea if we'll ever let it again.

Part #2: Those kinds of comments are not allowed, even ironically:*

"Implying that Rey can't be a hero and have a romantic relationship at the same time, or that she has to act all happy at the end, is misogynistic."
"It's unfortunate but Disney made a mistake killing their cash cow off. Now they probably don't have anything to go off on anymore for the sequels."
"Ben just wanted to take her hand. He didn't have to sacrifice himself; he deserved to be happy after a lifetime of pain."
"Can we please bring Ben Solo back, Disney? Please??"
Keep in mind that, while comments like the latter two may seem reasonable enough, it still leaves a door wide open for far worse negativity and/or disruptive behavior down the thread from either side, on this subreddit, because of reasons like implying the other side is "wrong" for considering his ending and sacrifice to be with or without meaning.
\* Additionally, it's a shame because humor is important, but even saying those things jokingly has set others off many times. To say some doors can be forced open, is an understatement. (Note: if anyone disagrees about this one, please let me know! I'm not super sure about this one yet).

What is allowed?
Things like talking about how you miss Kylo/Ben, or how sad you are that Ben Solo is dead, etc., is perfectly fine in itself as long as it's just a way of expressing your appreciation for the character. A quote like, "I hoped he'd survived the ending of IX", is even okay as long as you're not saying it in the greater context of something negative, like a complaint (or even just an off-hand remark). Again, that leaves the door wide open for disruptive behavior.
Thank you for understanding. If you see rule-breaking comments, please don't hesitate to report them!

Part #3: Finally, some subreddits that still allow the topic:

P.S. Some of them may be less welcoming to the topic than others. Obviously, use your own best judgment, and be considerate of other users, the mods, and yourself.

Thanks for following the rules. 🦋💜

(Edited for adding new sections, and other things!)

Surprise Grogu if you got this far. :)
submitted by TLJDidNothingWrong to TheSequels [link] [comments]

r/hockey Best of 2020!! - Results & Winners!

Congratulations to all of our nominees and winners. The nomination and voting thread can be found here.
Best Original Post: What was the most compelling or fascinating (serious) post on hockey this year?
  1. u/CheeseAndMoney - What's an unaffiliated NHL fan's allegiance worth on the open market? As a free agent fan I reached out to all 31 teams to let them pitch me on why I should jump on their bandwagon. Here are the results.
  2. No other nominations
Best Game Day Thread (GDT) Contributor: A lot of hockey users put a ton of work into making, commenting, or otherwise contributing to great GDTs. We want to make sure they get rewarded for doing so.
  1. No nominations
Best Gif and Video Maker: We love gifs, streamables, and anything that isn't a Twitter video, which users made the best ones?
  1. u/ABirdOfParadise - Oilers highlights
  2. u/vorin - Predators highlights
  3. (tied 2) u/FailureToExecute - Canes highlights
  4. (tied 2) u/awood40 - Red Wings highlights
Best Comment: We have a weekly "Best Of" thread that nobody ever uses, but I'm sure there was at least one that tickled your fancy.
  1. u/Cw2e - Congrats to David Ayers, wow. What a story. History has been made. Canes played that whole game like a game seven. Unfortunately for Toronto, so did the Leafs.
  2. u/mikeyfreshh - I don't know why we're not calling it the Ratatouille line. It's a rat, a frenchman, and pasta. It's been sitting right there
Most Heartwarming or Wholesome Post/Comment: Nominate someone who shared an uplifting story or did something nice on hockey.
  1. u/sraff57 - Oskar Lindblom officially beats cancer and the Pens tweet this out. Classy move guys
  2. u/THE_GREAT_SHAZBOT - 'Mighty Ducks' star Shaun Weiss is over 230 days sober!
Thread of the Year: Which thread or comment chain best embodied hockey this year? Nominate the person who kicked it off.
  1. u/twistedlogicx - David Ayres has secured his first career NHL win, with a 6-3 victory over the Toronto Maple Leafs
  2. u/ykcin978 - Brad Marchand ends the shootout with a beauty
Best User Created Content: This can be anything really. hockey has a bunch of users who are writers, comic artists, furniture builders, etc. What content of theirs really stood out in 2020?
  1. u/gore-law-me - Beat my mom at scrabble for the first time in 39 years, made my dad interview me after.
  2. u/beamer14 - Bandit’s back again. He’s got Tampa winning the cup!
Most Helpful: For a user who has been the most helpful to those new to the subreddit and/or the sport as a whole.
  1. u/Imagine1 - regular Tenderfoot Tuesday contributions
  2. u/Red_AtNight - regular Tenderfoot Tuesday contributions
Hottest Take: Who had an opinion that got us all riled up and typing on our keyboards?
  1. u/NarcoticTurkey - "u/NarcoticTurkey"
  2. u/NarcoticTurkey - for nominating himself for Hottest Take
Best Meme: Which Meme Monday winner or /hockeymemes submission takes the cake?
  1. u/AlphaKooze - Identity Theft is not a Joke
  2. u/bfloblizzard - Truth Be Told
Best Offseason/Pause Shitpost: The offseason (and this year's pause) is a time where we question the meaning of life and talk about the universe. Or people make shitty threads that we laugh at. Either way, what was the best offseason post?
  1. u/Grahamshabam - TSN analyst Craig Button isn’t familiar with a prospect
  2. u/xjared45 - Will players still know to shoot the puck on the powerplay without the home crowd to tell them?
Most Interesting Statistic or Analysis: Which submission presented the most interesting statistic or analysis this year? What post intrigued you and/or made you think about hockey differently?
  1. u/Austin63867 - [Johnston] Now more than 33,000 tests administered with no confirmed COVID-19 positives. The NHL made it. They're going to safely crown a champion, as promised.
  2. u/MOLightningBro - [SinBin] The Vegas Golden Knights (28) now have more playoff wins than four other franchises. WPG/ATL - 12, CBJ - 15, FLA - 19, MIN - 27
Best Submitter: Which user consistently posts quality content? Posting news, highlights, analysis, discussion threads, original content, etc.
  1. u/rivsnation - regular NWHL threads
  2. u/Austin63867 - plethora of news posts
Best Commenter: Which user consistently replies with quality comments? Adding to posts and discussion threads with intrigue, perspective, further explanation, fun, etc.
  1. u/sandman730 - the dedication to [the nomination] post alone shows that u/sandman730 deserves a nod here
  2. u/Cw2e - key contributor to Weekly Best Of
Community Choice: This is an open category for the community to nominate someone who's done something notable on hockey this year.
  1. u/sandman730 - for all the bot work we make him do. From helping create the bot for Meme Monday to help automate it, to the weekly threads, ensuring GDT and PGT get posted and all the other automations we rely on to stay sane.
  2. u/WoozleWuzzle - for his tireless work in making hockey a great place! Including making most of the graphics, hard work on the eliminatorbot videos, Meme Mondays, hockeymemes, etc.
Thank you to the mods and all of you for continuing to make this subreddit excellent. We particularly want to mention and thank all the weekly and megathread runners: u/keepitsteady (Power Rankings), u/Mazzocchi (Pick 'Ems), u/sweetwattah (Whose Line is it Saturdays?), u/simz1437 (1M subscriber, Free Agency), etc.
submitted by HockeyAwards to hockey [link] [comments]

Did I just find a “Cheap” 187 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo – Beige Trendy GHW from WD Factory via TS Redden

Cover Photo
Disclosure: This was reviewed with no incentives - I did not receive any money off, nor did I get anything for reviewing this trendy.
Y’all, I’m sick. Not in a 🤙 sickkkk bruhhh, radical my dudeeee 🤙 kinda way, I’m literally SICK of 2020. It’s been a year, and I’m so ready for it to be over. It has seriously tested a bitch. I’ve literally been sat with a glass of cheap prosecco in hand, practicing my rendition of Auld Lang Syne, waiting to cheer in 2021 for a solid month now.
To celebrate me getting through 2020 without panic-giving myself quarantine bangs, not resorting to watching Tiger King for the fifth time, and generally not losing the will to live, I thought eff it, treat yoself. And this tall glass of water appeared on redden’s moments, and I was in LOVE (chorus: ˢʰᵉ ʷᵃˢ ᶦⁿ ˡᵒᵛᵉᵉᵉᵉ). While we all love a discrete, subtle flex (looking at you Celine Box), the Trendy CC has that massive, fuck-off ‘Chanel’ panel on the top. She says to hell with subtly. Fuck being demure. In homage to Chad Michaels, she'd say, "I’M CHANEL, BITCH". And, with the sheer ostentatiousness of the trendy, I had to have her.
A few months back, I recently tried out the unheard of ‘FY’ factory for a Chanel CF, which turned out to be amazing quality for the price paid. So in the interest of science and taking one for the team, ya homegirl tested out another unknown factory, WD. It’s what the people want. Don't say I'm not good to ya.
So did WD factory well and truly smash my wig in a million shards and I'm currently on my hands and knees trying to pick up the pieces, or was it a total flop?
~Le Deetzzz~
Who did you buy from? My rep bag plug, TS Redden (currently not accepting customers)
Cost? 1450 yuan + 100 (Redden's comish) + 18 (shipping to warehouse) paid via taobao link
Delivery? EMS to UK via Superbuy (370 yuan)
Order Timeline
22nd November: Asked redden if bag was in stock, paid
9th of December: Sent PSPs
13th: Arrived at Superbuy warehouse, shipped to UK same day
18th: Arrived in the UK, Dave must have been feeling dat yuletide joy cause my baby was YEETED through customs
19th: Delivered and in my lil grubby hands
Quality: 10/10
YOU GUYS. THE LEATHER. Oh my gosh, the squishhhhh of the lambskin is to freakin' die for. You can tell this is an extremely well-made bag. The stitching is really impressive too - I've not noticed any loose thread, and the colour of the thread matches beautifully with the leather. The hardware too has a beautiful heft to it as well; you can tell that no corners were cut here. While there was a liiiiil bit of fufu when she came out of the packaging, as soon as I got hit with that chemical stank, it was gone. Having let her breathe while I showed her round her new forever home, she now has this beautiful leathery scent. Kinda like a new car... And I'm into it. Overall, I'm really, really impressed with WD factory so far, I SEE U GIRL
Accuracy: 9.5/10
While I've never even seen an auth trendy IRL never mind holding one, I've compared the lambskin of my auth jumbo CF, and they both have the same smoothness and texture. It feels like running your hand down satin. So. Freakin'. Soft. Beige is notoriously difficult to rep, however she has that beautiful milk-tea, slightly pink-y shade that the auth has. Likewise, that oh-so-famous maroon interior leather is the identical shade to my auth CF. The dimensions are also all correct - like the auth, she's 17.2cm x 25cm x 12.5cm. Her shape is also super accurate as well - in particular, the compartment 'pockets' lie flush, whereas I've seen some trendy reps that almost 'flair out' at the bottom. The inner stamping is pretty much identical to my CF's stamping - same thickness and font. The mona-lisa smile back pocket is EVER so slightly slanted, but I'm not takin any points off, as it's been reiterated before, even the auths suffer from misalignment issues, so it still passes the vibe check. Also, the font on the inside-clasp...thingy (honestly, wtf is this thing called?) ain't it sis - it's too thin when comparing it to the same thing in my auth CF. So, a really, really mean -.5, but let's face it, 1) no one will be IN my bag to see this, and 2) no one fucking cares tbh. Side note: The trendy also came with a roledex worth of paper-work lmao. I'm not sure what to do with it, but it made me feel boogie as hell, so thanks WD factory. I'll read it while I'm avoiding eye contact with my work responsibilities or something.
Satisfaction: 10/10
I mean, considering the the auth costs well over £4000 and the fact I got this for less than 5% of the retail price, I am over the bloody MOON with my new baby. Given that COVID has shot any chances of me to flex on the pores outside my house, I'll be fine flexing on myself while I work-from-home in my pjs loool. But when COVID is over, it's game over for them bitches.
WD factory is no joke, y'all. If you're in the market for a trendy, I can't recommend them enough. Considering a 187 trendy goes for £350 upwards, I can safely say that yes, this is absolutely a cheap 187. Not trying to be your hypeman, but JUST BUY ONE YOU WON'T REGRET IT GORL
Seller: 10/10
Y'all are going to become so friggin' bored of me being nauseatingly sycophantic over Redden, but she really is the queen bee of reps. She works insanely long hours for us buyers, and I just wish I could let her know how much I'm grateful for her without coming across weird, creepy and/or stalkerish. Like sometimes I think, "man, I just wanna take her out to brunch and get day drunk". And honestly her emoji game is the best in the game. I mean, Mona Lisa shooting an "a-ok" absolutely kills me every time she uses it. This one's for u Redden, u da bestest. You keep me lookin' fresh to deathhhh <3
Hope all you ladies, gents and every shade in between have a great Xmas and I hope Santa/ ya fam/friends/sugar daddies spoil ya rotten ✌️ u know u love me, xoxo Sequelae123
submitted by sequelae123 to RepLadies [link] [comments]

jokes on you i'm into that gif video

50 Genuinely Funny Jokes to make you laugh Last Updated: 8th July 2020. I'm so good at sleeping. I can do it with my eyes closed. A blind man walks into a bar. And a table. And a chair. I know a lot of jokes about unemployed people but none of them work. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more. jokes on you i’m into that shit - GIF on Imgur 36023 views on Imgur: The magic of the Internet Deadpool (2016) - Yarn is the best way to find video clips by quote. Find the exact moment in a TV show, movie, or music video you want to share. Easily move forward or backward to get to the perfect spot. “Jokes on you I’m into that shit” it's pronounced gif. Very cool little bro, very cool. 108k. 493 comments. share. save. hide. report. 104k. Posted by 3 days ago. Mom said it was my turn to post memes. I'M RICH. 104k. 439 comments. share. save. hide. report. 103k. Posted by 6 days ago. OC Maymay ♨ Oh yeah this is where the fun Blank Jokes on you im into that shit template. Create. Make a Meme Make a GIF Make a Chart Make a Demotivational Flip Through Images. Jokes on you im into that shit Template also called: skeletor. Caption this Meme All Meme Templates. Template ID: 252618463. Format: jpg. Dimensions: 292x173 px. Jokes on you I'm into that shit. OC Maymay ♨ it's pronounced gif. I'm in danger. 114k. 370 comments. share. save. hide. report. 113k. Posted by 1 day ago. Why must you hurt me in this way. 113k. 444 comments. share. save. hide. report. 106k. Posted by 4 days ago. Big PP OC. 18 year old me* Joke's On You, I'm Into That Shit is a reaction image macro featuring a screenshot from the 1984 fantasy animated television series He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. The meme features the character Skeletor pointing with the caption "joke's on you, I'm into that shit." Online, people use the meme to express acceptance of another's insult as a point of pride. Jokes on you i'm into that shit. share. An image tagged jokes on you im into that shit,memes,skeletor. Create. Make a Meme Make a GIF Make a Chart Make a Demotivational Flip Through Images. Login . Login Signup Toggle Dark Mode. Jokes on you i'm into that shit. share. 4,518 views Deadpool (2016) - Yarn is the best way to find video clips by quote. Find the exact moment in a TV show, movie, or music video you want to share. Easily move forward or backward to get to the perfect spot. GIPHY is your top source for the best & newest GIFs & Animated Stickers online. Find everything from funny GIFs, reaction GIFs, unique GIFs and more.

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