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This is the perfect casino to hone your skills in. Remember to always play it safe by only spending money you can afford to lose. This will help you win the maximum bonus at the minimum cost. And also, remember that this bonus is not transferable to other casinos, only to this specific one.
submitted by migogel to 2021CasinoBonus [link] [comments]

I’ve been completing some deeply disturbing crosswords

I latch onto specific problems and when I do everything else around me diminishes into nothingness until I complete the task at hand. I line these problems up and solve them, one-by-one, and I find updating the task list awfully difficult. If I am on my way to do a job, breaking off to attend to something else is almost impossible. I once finished buttering my toast before putting out a fire by the stove. I once lost a girlfriend after she trapped her fingers in a food processor, and I quietly went over to the fridge and put the milk away before turning to help her. She couldn’t believe that I hadn’t rushed over straight away, but of course it wasn’t really like that. I was unable to review or address my priorities until my mind had freed itself from the current task.
I have to manage these tendencies. And I learned at an early age that it helps to focus on discrete tasks that, if things get really bad, I can remind myself don’t matter. That, at least, limits the anxiety of abandoning them. I have my work and that gets me through the day, but outside of those hours I need other things to pull me through. I can paint and read and they’re involving, for sure, but they don’t tend to have the sense of completion that I get from a simple puzzle. Jigsaws, sudoku, word searches, videogames; these all make up part of it but oddly enough it’s crosswords that have taken over my mind. It started because they weren’t too taxing and if I was pushed to cheat then it didn’t really matter. They let me say things like,
“Right, I’ll do 9 across while on the toilet and that’s it.”
Like most things I put my mind to, I quickly turned the hobby into an obsessive pursuit of completion. The harder they were, the better. If I had to watch a film, read a book, or even visit a real-life location to get an answer, I would. And I credited it all with pushing me out of my comfort zone in order to experience new things. I would have never watched Breakfast at Tiffanies, read Little Women, or visited the London Museum of Natural History without needing to get answers from them. And they were all new experiences for me, some better than others, but I enjoyed the feeling of expanding my little bubble with each new puzzle.
Crosswords, like everything, have communities surrounding them and I even found a few friends online. For some, the compulsion to get obscure answers was a vital lifeline to the outside world, and you’d be surprised at some of the cultures lurking at the fringe. A good crossword is more than just a puzzle, it’s a curated string of experiences picked to evoke a deliberate journey. A common example might be the kind of thing some tourists could use to guide them around a city:
Below the Phoenix of a Blinded Saint, 8 down.
Resurgam – the answer can be found carved on a stone beneath a statue of a phoenix at St Paul’s Cathedral. But what about something like the following:
The final song of a thunderous singer, 5 across.
The answer was Toxic, the final song lip-synced by a Drag Queen (Daytona Thunder) at a popular club in Manchester. I went a long way for that one and had a surprisingly good night, albeit one a little outside my wheelhouse. But still, I got the answer and it wasn’t like I’d find it just by reading the forums (posting answers is a big no-no if you want to get into the best clubs). The creator was a well-known Queer academic working out of London who has a popular following in the community. I appreciated their work but perhaps not as much as those by one anonymous Berliner.
A companion’s lips tasted through the looking glass, 6 across.
Her name was Alice and she was an escort for an agency called Intimate Companions. She was wearing Cherry lip gloss, something I found through a process of elimination.
Over the last few years I’ve discovered more about myself than I ever would have at home. I have learned that I can lie very well, that when I know who I am meant to be, who others want me to be, I can be confident and even charming. I have learned that I am not a jealous person, that I am not a vain person, and that there are times when I can be as reckless and adventurous as anyone else. I just need a reason to, a job to complete with routes to success I understand.
The name of a one-eyed watchmen’s gun, 12 across.
There was a policeman—with two eyes, I might add, but the unfortunate Christian name of Dick—and the answer was the serial number of his gun, converted to letters. That was an odd one, but absolutely invigorating. The crossword had been made with clearly defined geographical boundaries which helped (many of us attended it as a communal event although I largely acted alone), and for a moment I almost thought the policeman was in on the game. Right up until he tried to shoot me.
Like I said, the experiences can be invigorating.
But the good ones, the really good ones, they can be a struggle to find. You have to be accepted into the right groups, often you’ll be vetted, even tested, but the reward can be worth it. I’ll never forget the day I had a hand-delivered envelope deposited at my doorstep and the anticipation I felt opening it, unknotting the brown twine so delicately tied around the heft. God, some of them even had wax seals. I liked those the most. I found the violet and crimson seals delicious to look at.
But they were so, so much more than simple puzzles.
A principled affair, 5 down.
The headmaster of the local school was having an affair with her sister-in-law, Sarah. It was hard to find that out. It wasn’t exactly public knowledge. Frankly, I had to resort to stalking and it wasn’t a good look, but it was a new experience nonetheless and the few times I nearly got caught were quite exhilarating. But what was truly amazing was that this was at the school just a few blocks from my house! You have to understand, it wasn’t just a template handed out to everyone. I still don’t know how big any of these communities really are but I imagine they’re quite small and involve people from all over the world. It was truly remarkable to think someone had laboured over a tailor-made puzzle just for me.
There are quite a few groups I belong to now. Some aren’t even organised online, instead requiring that you ferret them out, sometimes as clues in other puzzles, sometimes as their own elaborate games. But there are always more to be found and in the best circumstances, they find you, choosing you out of all the people in the world to rise to the challenge at hand. The right ones will push you to do things you never thought possible.
A baker’s jewels, 7 down.
Harriet Baker who died in 2012 at the age of 86 and was buried with an emerald necklace in the local graveyard. I still have it, kept away somewhere in a special drawer along with news clippings of the crime. It even has some of the soil from the grave still muddying its shimmering gems, and admittedly they do still smell a bit. But I bet that I know something most people don’t, and that’s what happens to little old Grandma five years after being sealed up in a box beneath the Earth. Not just the abstract, either. I know the specifics, I know exactly what she looks like, smells like, and even what her cold lumpen flesh feels like. I spent years as a child wondering what happened to the many relatives of mine who passed away, but it was an adult I finally found the answer.
People have lived their whole lives looking down on me. Teachers assumed I was slow at learning, my parents mourned that I cared more about organising my wargaming miniatures than I ever did about girls or friends, everyone around me treated me like I was a timid mouse in a world of thundering giants. But I’ve lived a more exciting life than they could ever imagine, and it hasn’t been in spite of who I am. Only someone like me could pursue these clues to such dogged ends and I gladly take the bad with the good.
The colour of the tea plates served by the Biellier Historical Society, 9 up.
Don’t let the name fool you. The Society is a private organisation for some rather unusual gentlemen who serve tea after their annual conference is finished. Crazy bastards, I can see why they need a drink once they’re finished and I’m not surprised half of them didn’t take a seat during refreshments. I’m just not sure I’ll ever look be able to look a farm animal in the eye again.
Oh, and turquoise, by the way. That was the answer.
I know things very few people know. That’s a rare privilege and, like I said, it comes with a price. It would be ridiculous to think one might look upon the fraying edges of our world without having to face some uncomfortable sights. And you might think the worst of it is a leather-bound orgy in a dungeon or perversions you can safely find on Wikipedia, but there are other lingering truths buried in the Earth and I am one of the few who have seen them. There is always more to learn, always another word to find, another puzzle to complete. And I have come a long way in my education since I first received that letter on my doorstep years ago.
The inheritor of Maeson’s oldest home, 6 down.
Albert. Albert was the named inheritor of the first house built and designed by obscure architect Harold Maeson. It was not, as almost everyone first expected, the current owner’s first born son named Alexander, but instead the old man’s male sexual interest Albert who was a rather unwilling 17 year old. Perhaps the old man thought it made up for his actions towards the boy he had kept around as a family friend for years, disguising his abuse as mentorship. Either way it caused a tremendous uproar and poor Albert wasn’t exactly thrilled to have his face all over the papers. No one could have possibly known he would be the inheritor. The will was written up in total secrecy, something I spent considerable resources finding out.
Credit where it’s due, the old man put up a fight but his death was the only way I would get my answer. I can’t speak for others, but I found the experience quite a revelation. I felt as if I’d learned profound hidden knowledge, a truth about reality found in the glassy bloodshot eyes of a man violently dying. There’s something in there, you know, something that lies just beneath our own reality. I saw a glimmer of it that night, just like I had so many others before it. It’s quite beautiful, a confusing glittering mess of contradictions and unknowable madness. It is, by definition beyond our ability to every truly know but you can still see facets of it, one bit at a time.
It’s beautiful. But… well, it’s not always so painless.
The missing piglet counted right to left, 5 up.
Eight. That was the answer. I spent all night researching fairy tales and children’s rhymes only to fall asleep at my desk sometime around 2 in the morning. When I awoke I had been moved to the sofa and my left foot was raised on the armrest and bandaged heavily. The whole tingled from anaesthesia and it wouldn’t be until noon before I could walk on it again. Anxiously, I undid the white swaddle of blood-tinged gauze and winced at the sight of my mutilated foot. The middle toe on my left foot had been amputated cleanly, the wound sewn up neatly like a cross-stitched grin. Counting right to left, I noticed it was the eighth toe missing and I have to admit I pumped my fist in the air and rejoiced at having the answer.
But the experience caught me off guard, and it might not surprise you to know that I have since looked into slowing down and maybe even taking a short break from this hobby. I’ve had to manage these tendencies in the past and I suppose this one should be no different. But there have been some difficulties. For one thing, they won’t stop sending new puzzles to me and it’s all but impossible for me to ignore them. And for another, the clues are becoming increasingly pointed.
A sea of white and flakes of gold to flood a castle of ivory, 6 down.
Cereal, right? That’s what I thought, at least until I had the unpleasant surprise of discovering a needle hidden in my cornflakes. That, it turned out, was the correct answer and I was lucky to catch it before it wound up anywhere near my mouth. The thought of that thing sliding down my throat or catching in the roof of my mouth, spearing the gum and cartilage, left me riddled with an ever-growing anxiety. Clubs have pushed things in the past, boundaries take a backseat when it comes to pursuing the absolute limit of knowledge. But it felt like such an odd inclusion for the latest puzzle, one that didn’t necessarily teach me anything. If I had the ability to trace it to a single group I might have a better sense of what it was meant to mean, but then again anonymity was always kind of the point.
The currency of a strategic withdrawal, 3 up.
I initially thought of the military, but in fact the answer was Yen and it turned out that around £50,000 worth of them had been withdrawn from my account (by myself, somehow) at the bank. God knows how that was possible, but it happened and there’s not a lot I could really do about it. I’ve written to some of the groups but as far as I can tell they’re playing coy.
I am sorry, one replied. But our puzzles are sent out as part of a weekly newsletter via e-mail. We’re not sure we’ve ever offered bespoke crosswords but we’d be fascinated to hear more if there’s anyone out there who does. It’d interest quite a few of our members, myself included.
I received similar variations to this message from just about every organisation I had listed in my ledger and frankly I found the suggestion ridiculous. I’d always assumed those newsletters were part of a front, making it appear as though the focus was on banal little puzzles about obscure military defeats while secretly directing us to brothels and illegal casinos. It made sense, perhaps, that they would maintain the ruse but an acquaintance I called wasn’t exactly reassuring.
“Well of course they’re a front,” he said. “Don’t you get the packages? I’ve had a few seedy adventures with those!”
“Oh that’s good!” I laughed while breathing a deep sigh of relief. “I was beginning to think… well, I’m not sure what I was thinking.”
“Oh yes the packages are very real,” he replied. “The Spring edition was quite a naughty affair, don’t you think?”
“Invigorating,” I smiled. “I didn’t even know where to buy a burlap sa—”
“Strawberry!? Can you imagine? The Mrs and I had a delight trying out the different flavours.”
“Oh come now man, no need to be shy. It’s quite normal to use… lubricant,” he whispered it like a dirty secret. “Agnes suggested we try it on toast!” I hung up with his laughter still bellowing down the other line. My Spring edition of our shared club was not anything like his. I told myself that it made sense it wouldn’t, they were meant to be custom made for each participant, but it alarmed me to hear that his activities were so dreadfully banal. Most of the clues in that edition had directed me to the consumption of a range of meats including something I scraped off the side of a suspension bridge.
Nothing my friend had said to me rang true. Rightly, I should have stopped there. But… but the thing is… it was never really an option, not then and not now. I’m sure you think it’s a silly compulsion or anxiety but it’s not. I can’t do it. It’s simply not in my nature especially not now I know that God-knows-what could be lurking around the corner. I’ve explained this to myself and others before – I am task focused. I needed to finish the job at hand.
PO Box 19777, open it from within, 9 down.
I found the box with ease but there was no key nor any means to open it from within. Whatever the rationale was behind the puzzle, I thought at the time that the whole affair was beginning to frustrate me. I didn’t see any significant challenge to tracing the address, aside from finding the key which, it would turn out, was very much part of the clue. In fact, I’m still not entirely sure how they did it. I awoke to a sort of gagging sensation one night, dreaming that I had swallowed a tangle of wet hair. Only the terrible retching sensation wasn’t entirely dreamed up. Tied to my canine was a line of floss that I painfully had to pull up from my stomach. It was unnecessarily long, spooling out of my throat in a bloody tangle for a good few metres while I vomited and cried from the struggle. It took nearly half an hour to inch it out while I choked and retched but eventually I regurgitated the key, collapsing afterwards to the floor to heave and sob as I recovered.
There was a teddy bear in the locker and I didn’t find it particularly amusing. And, yes, okay, there was a mild satisfaction to getting the answer, but the rest of me was filled with a deep begrudging. I felt like the punchline to a joke that wasn’t funny.
A starry orchid’s window of choice, 7 down.
The answer was eyeball, and it turns out the consumption of the flower in question causes bloody secretions from the tear ducts, not to mention renal failure. It wasn’t easy to explain that one away, and I didn’t much appreciate the stay at a hospital. The price for that answer may one day be dialysis, but for now I hope that I may still see myself clear of such things. The doctors couldn’t say for sure what the chances were. At the very least I hoped that I might find some respite while interred in a hospital bed, but if anything it made things worse. I was not prepared to be incapacitated for so long with the knowledge that the puzzle was but one clue from completion.
I was itching furiously for the last few days, and my doctors were confounded by the state of my heart and were blind to the other tell-tale signs of anxiety. There would be no rest for me until I had finished the puzzle and I swore to myself, swore blind on my mother’s grave, that it would be the last. If things got much worse, I reminded myself, it might not be me who decides what will be my last puzzle.
When I arrived home it was with the kind of relief I never thought possible. I am forever learning more about myself and those first few steps through the front door made it clear to me I was in the thrall of some kind of addiction. No matter what the price was, I told myself over and over again that I would pay it and move on. I would change addresses if I had to or pay someone to physically slap the damn pencil out of my hand if I went to complete another crossword! God knows I have the money.
I will climb this final hurdle, I told myself, and see it through.
And yet… I don’t know. I half-expect there to be some ghoulish double-entendre hiding in the words but for the life of me I cannot see one. It seems more like a hideous joke - one I don’t really understand. I have a possible word choice and it certainly fits but… It’s been weeks and I can’t bring myself to write it in. This is the final clue! The final step at the end of this increasingly desperate adventure and I can’t figure it out. I’m half-tempted to say that I won’t see another answer because I don’t want to finish it. That might be it, surely? I’m an addict. I’ll admit that all too readily and this wouldn’t be the first time I took things too far. It’s just…
The handwriting these clues have been written in, 4 down.
I keep expecting some terrible interpretation to come true, to find a severed hand by my door, or to awake missing most of my fingers. It’s a strange thing but I have come to find myself ruminating often on the look in the old man’s eyes. For while I am sure that I saw something terrible and beautiful deep within the popping veins of those suffocating retinas, it had not occurred to me until now that something was looking back.
And it’s waiting for me to write in the final answer, though God knows it must be wrong for it simply cannot be possible that the answer is ‘mine’.
submitted by ChristianWallis to nosleep [link] [comments]

Immortalists Magazine Interview with David Pearce

Source: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
IM: We are now in a position where we can choose the level of suffering in the entire living world, why do it?
DP: Around 850,000 or so people worldwide take their own lives each year. Tens of millions self-harm. Hundreds of millions are chronically depressed. These grim figures are just the tip of an iceberg of misery. Words and statistics can’t begin to convey the awfulness of suffering. Yet there is hope. For the first time in history, biotechnology turns the level of suffering in the living world into an adjustable parameter. The biosphere is programmable. Even a handful of genetic tweaks could massively reduce the level of suffering in the world. If used wisely, a combination of artificial intelligence, genetic engineering and synthetic gene drives could eradicate experience below “hedonic zero” altogether. Life on Earth deserves a more civilised signalling system – a motivational architecture based entirely on information-sensitive gradients of well-being. Today, a few fortunate genetic outliers enjoy hints of how such an architecture of mind will function. In future, life based on gradients of intelligent bliss can be the global norm. CRISPR makes paradise-engineering technically feasible.
On a more sober note, the easiest way to reduce to reduce suffering in the world doesn’t rely on gene editing, advanced technology or posthuman superintelligence. The biggest source of severe and readily avoidable suffering today is animal agriculture. Factory-farming is inherently abusive. Factory-farms and slaughterhouses are morally indefensible. Our victims are as sentient as small children, and they should be treated accordingly. The death-factories must be permanently closed and outlawed. Any civilisation worthy of the name will be invitrotarian or vegan.
IM: Isn’t suffering a necessary part of life?
DP: Misery and malaise are so common that it’s easy to believe they are integral to life itself. Gautama Buddha’s “Life is suffering” sounds like a simplistic slogan to temperamentally optimistic life-lovers; but for billions of human and nonhuman animals, it’s true. For over 540 million years, suffering has been endemic to the animal kingdom. A predisposition to mental and physical pain has been genetically adaptive. Discontent promotes the inclusive fitness of our genes. Evolution via natural selection is underpinned by random mutations and the genetic casino of sexual reproduction. Natural selection is “blind” and amoral. But a revolution in genome-editing promises to transform the nature of selection pressure. Parents will shortly be able genetically to choose the pain thresholds, hedonic range and hedonic set-points of their future children. Prospective parents will pick genes and allelic combinations in anticipation of the likely effects of their choices. As the reproductive revolution unfolds, selection pressure in favour of “happy” genes will intensify at the expense of their nastier cousins. Barring revolutionary breakthroughs, growth in subjective wellbeing may only be linear rather than exponential; but genetic engineering plus the pleasure principle are a potent mix.
IM: If we do raise the hedonic range, do we lose other values/attributes worth keeping?
DP: Engineering a world of indiscriminate bliss wouldn’t merely be risky. Uniform bliss would undermine human relationships, social responsibility, personal growth and intellectual progress. Most people aren’t classical utilitarians: getting “blissed out” would entail losing a lot of what we value as well as the miseries we hate. By contrast, ratcheting up hedonic range and hedonic set-points doesn’t entail adjudicating between different secular and religious values or sacrificing anything we hold dear. Hedonic recalibration doesn’t subvert existing preference architectures. An elevated hedonic set-point can also enhance the diversity of experience; compare how depressives tend to get “stuck in a rut”. Information-sensitive gradients of well-being can preserve what humans find valuable while enriching our default quality of life. Hedonic uplift will vanquish the feelings of emptiness, futility and nihilistic despair that stain so many lives today. Post-Darwinian life based on gradients of bliss will be saturated with meaning, purpose and significance.
For sure, there are tons of complications. The biohappiness revolution will be messy. We’d do well to preserve the functional analogues of depressive realism. But the basic point stands.
IM: How is genetic engineering different from eugenics?
DP: Just as the Soviet experiment polluted the whole language of social justice, likewise the early twentieth-century eugenics movement polluted the whole language of genetic health. Consider the commitment to the well-being of all sentience enshrined in the Transhumanist Declaration (1998, 2009), or the World Health Organisation’s definition of health as set out in its founding constitution (1948): “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Lifelong health as so defined is impossible with a Darwinian genome. A living world where all sentient beings are innately healthy can be created only via genetic engineering. Societal reform on its own can’t manufacture the molecular substrates of happiness. Etymologically speaking, transhuman civilisation will be the product of eugenics. So in that sense, the critics are right. But genetically engineering the well-being of all sentience is far removed from the coercive “eugenics” and race hygiene policy of the Third Reich.
That said, a multitude of legal of legal and ethical safeguards will be essential to navigate the transition to post-Darwinian life – humans are untrustworthy creatures. Not least, we should uphold and extend the sanctity of life.
IM: How do we ensure genetic engineering is used safely?
DP: All genetic experimentation is inherently risky, not least the gamble of having children. Antinatalists might support a hundred-year moratorium on untested genetic experiments; but such prudence is unrealistic. For evolutionary reasons, most people are determined to have children via sexual reproduction. So we should focus on minimising the risks of such genetic experimentation. Let’s try to balance risk-reward ratios. Preimplantation genetic screening will be hugely cost-effective. Later this century, all babies could and should be CRISPR babies. In the meantime, access to preimplantation genetic screening and counselling ought to be universal.
For example, consider the genetic dial-settings that regulate pain-sensitivity. What level of pain tolerance is optimal for our future children – and our older selves? Even now, medical science could eradicate pain altogether simply by knocking out the SCN9A gene – the so-called “volume knob” for pain. However, instant eradication of pain is too hazardous. SCN9A-knockouts would lack not just the ghastly experience of pain but also the vital function of nociception. Children with congenital analgesia need to lead a cotton-wool existence or else they come to serious harm. For now, choosing benign “low pain” alleles for our offspring is much safer. In tomorrow’s world of advanced AI and neuroprostheses, even the mildest “raw feels” of pain could be abolished. In the meantime, we can ensure that new children (and maybe our future selves) have the same exceptionally high pain-tolerance of today’s high-functioning genetic outliers: folk who say things like “Pain is just a useful signalling mechanism.”
IM: Should we still pursue genetic engineering if there was peace on earth?
DP: Suicide rates typically go down in wartime. There isn’t peace on Earth for the same reason there isn’t peace among chimpanzee troops. Nature “designed” human male primates to (be genetically predisposed to) wage territorial wars of aggression against other coalitions of male primates. Let’s assume, optimistically, that we can prevent future armed conflict without any of the biological-genetic interventions discussed here. The negative-feedback mechanisms of the hedonic treadmill would ensure that countless people would continue to suffer – even in a peaceful world without war, poverty and disease. By its very nature, Darwinian life is sentient malware. Only a biohappiness revolution can fix our sinister source code for good.
IM: What other types of human enhancement technologies will considerably affect the nature of humans?
DP: Safe and sustainable analogues of empathetic euphoriants like “hug drug” MDMA will revolutionise human relationships. Compare the quasi-psychopathic indifference to most other sentient beings that humans display now.
Robolovers, sexbots and designer aphrodisiacs will revolutionise sexual experience.
Novel psychedelics, novel genes and novel neurons will open up billions of state-spaces of consciousness as different from each other as waking life is different from dreaming life.
“Augmented” reality will be followed by full-blown multimodal immersive virtual reality.
“Narrow” superintelligence-on-a-neurochip will be accessible to all; with digital intelligence implants, sentient beings can do everything machine intelligence can do and more.
Opt-out cryonics, opt-in cryothanasia, and finally tools to defeat the biology of aging altogether will transform our conception of life and death. Transhumans will be quasi-immortal.
But in my view, mastery of the pleasure-pain axis will inaugurate the biggest revolution of all. The end of suffering promises an ethical watershed. Invincible well-being for all sentience will mark a momentous evolutionary transition in the development of life.
IM: What are some ethical considerations worth arguing about at this stage?
DP: As a transhumanist, I look forward to a glorious “triple S” civilisation of Superhappiness, Superlongevity and Superintelligence. But more concretely, I’d like to see a coordinated hundred-year Plan to overcome suffering throughout the living world under the auspices of the World Health Organization. Here are four policy proposals for a Biohappiness Revolution:
At times, Darwinian life can be desperately grim. Yet depressive, pain-ridden people shouldn’t feel their lives are worthless. Even malaise-ridden lives can be valuable if one prevents more suffering than one undergoes. We should all aspire to be not just transhumanists but also effective altruists. Let’s use biotechnology to phase out suffering. Humans are stepping-stones to something better – something inconceivably sublime.
IM: In 2015, Bill Gates gave a chilling warning on a TED Talk that the world was in danger due to global pandemics or bioterrorism. These predictions have raised conspiracy theories that Bill is responsible for creating the novel coronavirus and the reason for his interest in developing a vaccine treatment. There are also conspiracy theories circulating about 5G technology being connected to the spread of the novel coronavirus which has led to the recent burning of 5G towers in the UK. Conversations about the use of microchips and biometrics in order to prevent future epidemics are also fueling conspiracy paranoia. Are these fears reasonable? Do they serve an evolutionary purpose or detriment?
DP: “Only the paranoid survive”, said Intel boss Andy Grove. There’s a lot that medical science still doesn’t understand about the pandemic viral respiratory illness COVID-19. However, the new corona virus was not created by Bill Gates, nor is it spread by 5G towers. Nor is it a bioweapon. The truth is more sinister. COVID-19 is a by-product of humanity’s monstrous treatment of nonhuman animals. Zoonotic disease and consequent global pandemics are inevitable as long as humans practise meat-eating. Animal abuse is catastrophic for humans and our victims. Details of the spillover infection in a dirty Wuhan meat market in November 2019 are still murky; but this viral pandemic would not have happened if humans didn’t practise animal agriculture – and then butcher sentient beings to gratify a gruesome taste for their flesh. Rather than being the villain of the piece, Bill Gates is a sponsor of “clean” cultured meat. The cultured meat revolution promises to end zoonotic pandemics, save billions of nonhuman and human animal lives, and yield cost-savings of tens of trillions of dollars by preventing future pandemics. Yet human health and safety needn’t wait for the commercialisation of cruelty-free cultured meat and animal products. Wet markets, vivisection labs, factory-farms and slaughterhouses are crimes against sentience; they should be outlawed. Future civilisation will be vegan.
IM: Humanity’s self-sabotaging nature exists in many forms. One, in particular, a form of self-assertion by denying, ignoring, or attacking what others consider to be true - the fear of others - is as subtle and universal as it is destructive. This form of self-defense mechanism so prevalent in modern society prevents people from establishing effective communication channels that are all-encompassing, flexible, and effective, in particular towards problem-solving. Could humans ever turn mindfulness, gratitude, hope, and a sense of solidarity into sustainable practices?
DP: Evolution didn’t “design” humans to be nice to each other – except insofar as friendliness promoted the inclusive fitness of their genes. Some transhumanists worry about the spectre of unfriendly artificial general intelligence; but our biggest challenge is creating sentience-friendly biological intelligence. Maybe the shock of COVID-19 will help persuade killer apes to close the death factories and accelerate an anti-speciesist revolution. Maybe the shock of COVID-19 will help persuade free-market fundamentalists that all people have a fundamental right to basic income, homes and healthcare. I’d love to believe that humans will “turn mindfulness, gratitude, hope and a sense of solidarity into sustainable practices”, as you suggest. But unless we combine dietary, political and socio-economic reform with remediation of our sinister source code, the well-being of all sentience remains a utopian dream. Depravity is hardwired into our DNA – a lot of it, at any rate. The worst of “human nature” must be genetically cured.
IM:To establish a global pandemic immunity for the novel coronavirus, our priorities are: 1. to keep people safe from getting the coronavirus through social distancing, 2. to figure out a way to contact-trace and test millions of people a day to know who can resume working, 3. to come up with treatments and vaccinations that can prevent coronavirus flare-ups, in particular third world countries, 4. to continue travel restrictions and global collaboration, 5. to improve our supply chain and infrastructure. Do you think this plan is aligned with the transhumanist goal of improving the human condition?
DP: Becoming transhuman will entail overcoming deeply-rooted ethnocentric and anthropocentric bias. COVID-19 has already triggered an upsurge in racism and xenophobia. Coronaviruses and future pathogens could be readily tamed with the aid of ubiquitous testing and tracking apps. But many people are (rightly) afraid that tracking measures introduced to tackle catastrophes like COVID-19 – biometric scanning, phone location data, credit-card information, security footage and so forth – will be used by authoritarian regimes to control rather than protect us.
IM: The success of a global plan to turn the economy around towards the sustainable implementation of a universal health care system that can successfully handle crisis depends not only on improving our own neural architecture but on re-defining our value system. Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, also a distinguished philosopher of posthuman studies from Cabo University, Italy, whom I'm also interviewing in this issue of Immoralists Magazine (See: “The Future Of Digital Surveillance and Healthcare - A Conversation with World Leading Philosopher Stefan Lorenz Sorgner” APR-MAY 2020), makes a bold argument stating that when it comes to health and privacy, the problem isn’t about giving up privacy, but our understanding of what privacy means to us. He argues that people aren’t afraid of giving up privacy, but being sanctioned by the government. We soon realize that the fear isn’t the loss of privacy but the inability to live as one pleases. Stefan believes that the collection of digital data by means of total surveillance is needed and can be established through mutually beneficial contracts where citizens give access to their biometrics to governments in exchange for a free health care system that keeps everyone safe and healthy. He adds, "in order to collect all the relevant data, the data needs to be sold in between the companies or the companies and the government." Do you think that a decentralized, non-commercial, peer-to-peer system would be more effective, or could we instead establish a hybrid system that restricts government and companies access to people's biometrics?
DP: Let’s step back for a moment. Why exactly does privacy matter? The Borg has no concept of privacy. Many Christians believe that a benevolent and omniscient God is privy to their innermost thoughts and feelings. But we needn’t invoke science-fiction or theology. If mutually “loved up” on oxytocin-releasing euphoriant empathogens like MDMA (Ecstasy), people can forget about privacy and be honest with each other: oxytocin has been dubbed the “trust hormone”. More radically, the conjoined craniopagus twins Krista and Tatiana Hogan share a thalamic bridge. In a sense, they are distinct persons. But Krista and Tatiana can partially see though each other’s eyes and taste and feel what the other is experiencing. So in another sense, the twins can share a mind as well as a body. Maybe our transhuman successors will be able to “mind meld” via reversible thalamic bridges. If so, mind-melding technologies will inaugurate a revolution of true honesty – and (lack of) personal privacy – as understood by archaic Darwinian lifeforms. Science, morality and decision-theoretic rationality will be revolutionised too. By contrast, “normal” humans today are profoundly ignorant of each other. Moreover, most prefer to stay ignorant – and prefer others stay ignorant of them. For sure, humans want to feel loved, appreciated and respected. But we also want to prevent others from truly understanding us – as distinct from acknowledging our idealised public personae. Some of the reasons why contemporary humans want to preserve their privacy may be irrational – for example, embarrassment over bodies and their functions or a taste in porn. But the problem goes deeper. Social, personal and business life depends on a web of deceptions. If our dark, Darwinian minds practised “radical honesty”, then human society and personal relationships would collapse. Today, we have the justified suspicion that if other humans learned our secrets, they might exploit such knowledge to harm us.
Anyhow, to answer your question more directly: if adequate safeguards can be established, then everyone’s mental and physical health would be best served by allowing medical authorities to have full genetic and biometric data for all citizens, ideally from birth if not conception. Later this century, universal access to preimplantation genetic screening and counselling and CRISPR genome-editing should be available for all prospective parents. Centralised genetic knowledge-banks available to medical researchers would promote public health and benefit individuals and society alike.
However, the risks to personal freedom from sharing such knowledge are far-reaching. I will need to study Stefan Sorgner’s proposals properly before offering comment. But in my view, universal access to free healthcare, basic income and adequate housing shouldn’t depend on surrendering genetic privacy and other biometric details. Universal and unconditional access to healthcare, basic income and adequate housing is a precondition of any civilised society. One possible solution to the privacy dilemma may involve artificial intelligence. If implemented wisely, the practice of sharing intimate personal and biometric details with smart digital zombies won’t involve embarrassment or scope for human-style abuse. We’re already heading for a world of robo-carers, robo-nurses, robo-doctors and robo-surgeons: insentient robo-epidemiologists aren’t so different – not a Nanny State, but “Nanny AI”. But I believe this kind of AI option would need rolling out over decades. The devil is in the details.
IM: Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan are planning to partner up with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to begin exploring possible COVID-19 treatments. It is known that the Zuckerberg-Chan Initiative is also on a mission to “eliminate all diseases within our children’s lifetime”. How are super longevity initiatives relevant to our quest to establish a universal health care system and happiness?
DP: Humanity needs a more ambitious conception of health – the kind of conception laid out in the founding constitution of the World Health Organization. I hope that we can indeed “eliminate all diseases within our children’s lifetime”. Yet even if all recognised genetic disorders and infections were eradicated, horrific suffering would persist in the world – all sorts of physical and mental pain. Under a regime of natural selection, a predisposition to suffering and discontent is genetically adaptive. So we wouldn’t really be healthy, just not sick. Our genomes need fixing. Hence the need for a biohappiness revolution – a civilised information-signalling system underpinned by gradients of intelligent bliss. Superlongevity? Only revolutionary medical breakthroughs can abolish death and aging. We don’t yet have the knowledge. Organs and bodies can be replaced, repaired and/or enhanced indefinitely with recognisable extensions of existing technologies; but the central nervous system is more challenging to re-engineer: I’m more pessimistic than some of my transhumanist colleagues about credible time-scales for eternally youthful mind-brains. Therefore we need a twin-track approach: SENS and Calico should work together with Alcor. Universal access to cryonics and cryothanasia could potentially make a transhumanist civilization available to all sentient beings – even the elderly and infirm for whom talk of posthuman paradise is apt to sound personally irrelevant. Hormonally, I’m one of Nature’s pessimists; but I think we are destined for a glorious “triple S” civilisation of superlongevity, superintelligence and superhappiness.
IM: How does transhumanism address issues of racism and injustice?
DP: The Transhumanist Declaration (1998, 2009) affirms our commitment to the well-being of all sentience.
This goal sounds impossibly utopian. Consider just one form of injustice, economic inequality. Traditional routes to a fairer world involve “winners” and “losers”. Zero-sum games are endemic to human society. Worse, the enforcement mechanisms of greater fairness often turn out to be as bad - or worse - than the injustices they attempt to remedy. Consider the fate of socialist experiments of twentieth-century history.
Transhuman society will be different. Information-based technology promises to erase traditional left-right distinctions by creating effectively unlimited abundance of anything that can be digitised – and that embraces almost everything. (Some transhumanists claim that everything can be digitised, but let’s postpone discussion of whether conscious minds are a classical phenomenon.) Digital information is egalitarian. Intellectual-property owners may blanch, but we can now take for granted that everyone can enjoy access to the world’s musical resources, electronic games, movies and computer software. This unfolding revolution will continue into an era of augmented reality and immersive VR. Most importantly, access to genetic information and mastery of our reward circuitry will soon be democratised. Code for the biological substrates of subjective well-being doesn’t need to be rationed any more than the source code of digital music needs to be rationed. We could all become hedonic trillionaires. Many of the world’s worst inequalities aren’t economic or socio-political, but biological-genetic: disparities of mood, motivation and hedonic range. Just consider who is better off: a rich, angst-ridden depressive or a poor, healthy hyperthymic? Transhumanism promises a civilisation based entirely on gradients of intelligent bliss. Potentially, everyone can be a hedonic “winner”.
Yet what about tackling injustice now?
In my view, universal basic income (UBI), decent housing and free healthcare shouldn’t be a political left-right issue, but a precondition of civilised society. Thus broadly libertarian transhumanists such as Zoltan Istvan support UBI no less than transhumanists in the left-liberal tradition. My own gut instincts have always favoured the underdog. But the neocortex is a more effective tool of cognition than the enteric nervous system. Rich and poor, black and white, human and nonhuman animals – we are all victims of our legacy wetware. Everyone will benefit when our Darwinian source code is fixed. Any prospective parent who believes that creating new life is ethically permissible should consider preimplantation genetic screening, counselling and (soon-to-be) professional gene-editing.
Defeating racism? This really demands a treatise, but here goes. From antiquity to the present, dominant groups have convinced themselves they are intellectually, morally and spiritually superior to stigmatised outsiders – and touted “objective” measures to prove it. The evolutionary roots of racial discrimination, bigotry and xenophobia run deep. Everything from cultural stereotypes to the institutional racism in our criminal justice systems and even transgenerational epigenetic inheritance (i.e. transmission of epigenetic information through the germline) mean that the effects of systemic racism will take generations to overcome. Our posthuman successors may find the differences between human ethnic groups akin to the differences that humans discern between different dogs or mice or beetles. Yes, there are differences between different breeds of dog and mouse – and beetle! But humans can recognise that these differences are trivial compared to what all dogs, mice and beetles have in common. Likewise posthuman superintelligence vis-à-vis archaic humans. Education harnessed to intelligence-amplification can help overcome racist prejudice and other cognitive deficits of perspective-taking ability. But creating empathetic superintelligence will be a monumental challenge.
IM: How can transhumanism positively affect policies that affect all sentient life?
DP: A “triple S” civilisation of superintelligence, superlongevity and superhappiness can benefit all sentient beings.
Everyone could benefit from “narrow” superintelligence on a neurochip; Neuralink is just a foretaste of tomorrow’s implantable brain-machine interfaces. Some doomsters fear a zombie coup from runaway software-based AGI; but all the benefits of “narrow” AGI can be incorporated within one’s own CNS. So transhumans will be supersapient and supersentient. Full-spectrum superintelligence will be us, not some fanciful zombie overlord. Transhumanism also offers a richer conception of intelligence than the narrow, “autistic” component of general intelligence measured by simple-minded IQ tests: enhanced social cognition, superior co-operative problem-solving skills, an expanding circle of compassion, and the tools to explore alien state-spaces of consciousness.
Yet who will live long enough to enjoy triple-S civilisation? Unless you’re a hydra, you and your loved ones suffer from the lethal hereditary disease we call “aging”. Rejuvenating interventions such as regular therapeutic blood exchange can potentially turn back the biological clock. “Cyborgisation” and synthetic body parts will increasingly enhance, repair and replace biological organs. But full-blown body-replacement is still decades away. Therefore we need not just medico-genetic advances, but also a medico-legal revolution: opt-out cryonics and opt-in cryothanasia for life-loving oldsters. At its best, transhumanism is all-inclusive.
Critically, the biohappiness revolution won’t be race- or species-specific. Transhumanists aspire to transcend ethnocentric and anthropocentric bias. Everyone can potentially benefit from genetically programmed well-being – a civilised signalling system to replace the dismal dial-settings of a Darwinian hedonic treadmill. There is a crying need for the World Health Organization to live up to its obligations as set out in its founding constitution. Good health should be the birthright of all sentient beings – or else they shouldn’t have been conceived in the first place. I’m personally gloomy about timescales for the abolitionist project. Centuries? Millennia? I don’t know. However, a hundred-year blueprint to eradicate suffering is technically feasible. The world’s last experience below hedonic zero will mark a major evolutionary transition in the development of life on Earth.
My own focus is the plight of nonhuman animals – humble minds as sentient and sapient as small children and worthy of equivalent care. Currently, the abuse of nonhumans by humans is systematic. Factory-farming and slaughterhouses are nastier than even the most virulent racism and child abuse. Ideally, moral argument alone would suffice: I’d implore everyone to adopt a cruelty-free vegan lifestyle. But transhumanists are hard-headed. We tend to favour technical solutions to ethical problems. Cultured meat and cultured animal products once belonged to science fiction. Yet over the next few decades, the cultured meat revolution will end the horrors of animal agriculture. The death factories will close. The surviving victims will be rehabilitated. Zoonotic plagues like COVID-19 spawned by animal abuse like will pass into history. And looking further ahead, what Darwin’s grandfather Erasmus called “the great slaughterhouse of Nature” can be civilised too. The biohappiness revolution can be extended to the rest of the living world via genome editing, cross-species fertility-regulation and synthetic gene drives. The entire tree of life is programmable. For sure, pilot studies in self-contained mini-biospheres will be prudent. But post-Darwinian ecosystems won’t resemble today’s snuff movie. Post-Darwinian ecosystems will be engines of bliss.
IM: What approach would you recommend for someone that intends to recalibrate their hedonic set-point and live "better than well" in a sustainable way in the current technological paradigm, before the democratization of gene-editing arrives, assuming that all the typical healthy habits (sleep, nutrition, exercise, meaningful social interactions) have been already maxed out?
DP: Most people today have not “maxed out” their genetic potential. Optimising sleep, nutrition and exercise is more often preached than practised. Yet what about depressive people who done everything right and still aren’t happy? Maybe they have also tried nutritional supplements (omega-3 fatty acids, S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine (SAMe), St John’s wort, etc) and worked their way through the officially sanctioned mood-brighteners – “antidepressants” such as the SRRIs, MAOIs, tricyclics, bupropion and so forth. Meditation, cognitive-behavioural therapy and other non-biological interventions hasn’t produced lasting relief. Nothing works. The set-point of their hedonic treadmill is too simply low.
It’s tragic. I’ve no easy answers to the hardest cases. One of the biggest challenges to pharmacological (as distinct from genetic) remediation and enhancement is that the neurotransmitter system most directly involved in hedonic tone is the opioid system. We are all born dysfunctional opioid addicts with cravings to fix. Alas, exogenous opioids have well-known pitfalls for users, their families and society at large. That said, there is still scope for creative psychopharmacology. For example, the “French” antidepressant tianeptine - a full mu and delta opioid receptor agonist – can be combined with a selective kappa opioid receptor antagonist. (Kappa agonists induce dysphoria.) Also, perhaps add the novel agent LIH383. LIH383 blocks the atypical “scavenger” opioid receptor ACKR3. Blockade of ACKR3 increases the availability of opioid peptides that can bind to classical CNS opioid receptors, thereby increasing their “natural” mood-brightening action. The negative-feedback mechanisms of the hedonic treadmill can be sabotaged. However, this kind of cocktail of creative psychopharmacology is best explored with the aid of a medical specialist. If all else fails, the modern equivalent of “wireheading” would work. Intracranial self-stimulation is not the transhumanist vision of paradise engineering: superintelligent life based on information-sensitive gradients of bliss. Wireheading is clearly a last resort. But no one should be forced to suffer: it’s unethical.Fortunately, future sentience will be blissful.
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🇬🇪 1️⃣ week ''eastern'' Georgia/ 1️⃣ Woche ''Ost '' 'Georgia/1️⃣ Неделя ''Bосточная'' Грузия/(EN,DE,RU)

🇬🇪 1️⃣ week ''eastern'' Georgia/ 1️⃣ Woche ''Ost '' 'Georgia/1️⃣ Неделя ''Bосточная'' Грузия/(EN,DE,RU)
(EN) Big Tour - Tbilisi, Mtskheta, Kakheti and Kazbegi ✅Day 1️⃣-2️⃣ 🏙Tbilisi is the largest city in the country, the most important economic and cultural center, a modern metropolis developing at an accelerated pace and adopting the best European traits and habits. ℹDuring its existence, the city was destroyed and rebuilt 40 times. The legend about the founding of Tbilisi says that in the middle of the 5th century. ''King Vakhtang I Gorgasali'' was hunting a pheasant in a wooded area, the wounded bird fell into a nearby hot spring. The king was so impressed hot springs that decided to build the City. 👉 The name of Tbilisi comes from the ancient Georgian word “tbili”, which means “warm”. The city where East meets West offers something for everyone. 👉Places to visit: ➕Tsminda Sameba Cathedral - The largest temple ➕Rustaveli Avenue ➕Old town ➕Shardeni Street ➕Sulfur Baths - Abanotubani District ➕ glass Bridge of Peace ➕Rike Park ➕Flea market "Dry Bridge" ➕ Ropeway ➕Narikala Fortress ➕Tbilisi Botanical Garden ➕Temki Monument ➕ Legvtakhevi Waterfall ➕Tbilisi Sea ➕Tbilisi National Park ➕Sioni ➕Metekhi ➕Darejani Palace ➕ Tskneti ➕Funicular - from the city center to the upper park to Mount Mtatsminda 👉Place to stay: 🏨5️⃣ Star-Hotel Radisson Blu Iveria located in the heart of the commercial and business district of Tbilisi, a 10-minute walk from the Old Town. It is decorated in a modern, minimalist style. 👉Hotel services: ➕Spa and Wellness Center➕Restaurants➕Sky Bar➕Fitness Center➕Sauna➕Pool➕Casino ➕Parking Great Location, Breathtaking views, professional staff and delicious food. ✅Day3️⃣ 🗺Discover Georgia's mesmerizing heritage and visit some of the most iconic and popular landmarks of the Mtskheta-Mtianeti Region: ➕Mtskheta Old City ➕Jvari Monastery and ➕Uflistsikhe Ancient Rock Complex. 👉Places to visit: 🏦Mtskheta The ancient capital of Georgia is a city that was the capital of the Iberian Kingdom (Eastern Georgia) from the 4th century BC. e. The old city where the most holy relic of Christianity is kept: (Robe of Jesus Christ) ⛪The Jvari Monastery, immortalized in literature by Mikhail Lermontov (poem "Mtsyri"), is the oldest cult monument built at the dawn of Georgian Christianity in the 6th century (585-604) The temple got its name Jvari (translated from the Georgian "cross") not by chance. This explains the old legend that it was in this place that Nino of Cappadocia erected the Holy Cross, which marked the adoption of Christianity by Georgia. Later, a temple was built over the cross, which was called the Temple of the Holy Cross. 🌄The cave city of Uplistsikhe is one of the oldest settlements on the territory of Georgia. Translated into Russian, the name of the city means "the fortress of God". During the existence of the state of Iberia, the ancient city was its cult center. At the beginning of the 8th century, Uplistsikhe became a major trading point, because it was here that many caravan routes from Europe to Asia passed. ✅Day 4️⃣-5️⃣ It is an amazing region of Eastern Georgia, which borders Russia in the north and Azerbaijan in the east and south. ✅Kakheti is mimino, Father of the Soldier, Alazani Valley, “City of Love” Sighnaghi, ancient monasteries, legendary wines “Tsinandali” and “Kindzmarauli” and national parks. 🍇The lion's share of Georgia's grapes grows here. The first seed of cultivated grapes in the world was discovered in Georgia. This stone is 8000 years old, so Georgia is considered the birthplace of winemaking. 👉Places to visit: ➕Signahi - the city of love ➕ Telavi - the capital of Kakheti, ➕Kvareli ➕Gurjaani -15-meter monument "Soldier's Father". According to the plot of the famous film, Giorgi Makharashvili was from Gurjaani. ➕Gremi Castle is the medieval capital of Kakheti, destroyed by the Persian Shah Abbas in 1615. ➕ Fortress Ujarma - For centuries the citadel of Ujarma protected Georgia from the invasions of the Persians and Arabs - fell into decay after the conquest of Georgia by the Mongols. ➕ Chailuri Fortress ➕House-Museum of Chavchavadze in Tsinandali ➕House-Museum of Niko Pirosmani in the village of Mirzaani ➕ David-Gareji Monastery Cave monastery, one of the main Orthodox shrines in Georgia. ➕Alaverdi is the main temple of Kakheti ➕ Nekresi is a functioning monastery of the 4th century, located on a mountain above the Alazani Valley. ➕ Shuamta are two monastic complexes located at a distance of 2 km from each other. ➕ Ikalto Monastery was founded in the VI century ➕ The St. Nino Convent in Bodbe - the relics of St. Nino are buried in it ➕Hirsa Monastery ➕Ninotsminda Cathedral One of the oldest Orthodox churches in Georgia - was built in the middle of the first millennium AD, ➕Telavsky wine cellar ➕ Teliani Veli Winery ➕Tunnel Winemaking Khareby ➕ Kvareli lake ➕Lagodekhi National Park 👉Place to stay: 🏨5️⃣ Star-Luxury Lopota Lake & Spa Resort is located on the shores of a private lake, from the windows of which you can see the majestic Caucasus mountains. The show-cooking Kakhetian Corner restaurant serves a variety of traditional Georgian dishes made with local organic produce. 👉 Hotel Services: ➕Cafe Bar➕4 swimming pools and a relaxation area➕ spa center ➕ you can go quad biking play mini golf go horseback riding Fishing ➕ bike rental parking A chic place with a European level of service, polite staff, delicious food. ✅Day 6️⃣ 🏔Kazbegi is a municipality located in the Mtskheta-Mtianeti region in eastern Georgia, on the historical territory of Khevi. ℹAt an altitude of 5047 meters above sea level, Mount Kazbegi (or Mkinvartsveri) is the third largest mountain in Georgia and is surrounded by myths and religious traditions. According to Greek myth, it was here that the `` Titan Prometheus '' was chained to the side of the mountain. Prometheus (known in Georgia as Amirani) was imprisoned in a cave at the top of 4000 meters. The cave, now called Betlemi, later served as a home for Orthodox monks and kept many sacred relics, including the tent of Abraham and the manger of Jesus. Mineral lakes surround the mountain, and tremors are often felt in this area. Covered with a glacier of 135 sq. km, Kazbegi is a great place for mountaineering. Darial Gorge connecting Russia and Georgia, stretching 18 km from Stepantsminda to the border with Russia in Upper Lars. For millennia, this mountain pass has been strategically vital and has been fortified since the beginning of 150 BC. In some places, the cliffs reach more than 1000 m, and towering medieval watchtowers, rushing mountain waterfalls and wildlife make the Darial Gorge one of the most incredible roads in the world. 👉Places to visit: ➕Stepantsminda Historical Museum ➕Kelitsadi Lake ➕Gweleti waterfalls ➕Arshi waterfalls ➕Jute Cliff ➕Truso Valley ➕Bethlem hut ➕Gergeti Trinity ➕Darial Monastery Complex ➕Khevi Sioni Church Complex ➕Zakagori ➕ Bath Monastery of the Mother of God ➕Men's Monastery named Elijah Fortuneteller ➕Ketrice ✅Place to stay: Resort Hotel "Kazbegi View" is located in the village of Stepantsminda. To services of visitors: ➕Terrace➕ 24-hour reception ➕Wi-Fi. 👉Stunningly cozy houses with panoramic windows and mountain views. Very nice and friendly staff, comfort and coziness - what else is needed for a wonderful recreation⁉ ✅Day 7️⃣-return to Tbilisi. 👉Privileged package 6️⃣8️⃣0️⃣💲 = meeting at the airport and transfer to the hotel (4 stars) ➕ all inclusive➕Personal driver! ✅Travel with us and accumulate unforgettable experiences❗ (DE) Große Tour -Tiflis, Mtskheta, Kachetien und Kasbegi ✅Tag 1️⃣-2️⃣ 🏙Tiflis ist die größte Stadt des Landes, das wichtigste Wirtschafts- und Kulturzentrum, eine moderne Metropole, die sich schneller entwickelt und die besten europäischen Merkmale und Gewohnheiten annimmt. ℹWährend ihrer Existenz wurde die Stadt 40 Mal zerstört und wieder aufgebaut. Die Legende über die Gründung von Tiflis besagt, dass Mitte des 5. Jahrhunderts. König Vakhtang I Gorgasali jagte einen Fasan in einem Waldgebiet, der verwundete Vogel fiel in eine nahe gelegene heiße Quelle. Der König war so beeindruckt heiße Quellen, die beschlossen, die Stadt zu bauen. 👉 Der Name Tiflis stammt vom alten georgischen Wort „Tiflis“ ab, was „warm“ bedeutet. Die Stadt, in der Ost und West aufeinander treffen, bietet für jeden etwas. 👉Besuchsorte: ➕Tsminda Sameba Kathedrale - Der größte Tempel ➕Rustaveli Avenue ➕Alte Stadt ➕Shardeni Street ➕Schwefelbäder - Bezirk Abanotubani ➕ Glasbrücke des Friedens ➕Rike Park ➕Flea Markt "Dry Bridge" ➕ Seilbahn ➕Narikala Festung ➕ Botanischer Garten von Tiflis ➕Temki-Denkmal ➕ Legvtakhevi Wasserfall ➕Tiflis Meer ➕Tiflis Nationalpark ➕Sioni ➕Metekhi ➕Darejani-Palast ➕ Tskneti ➕Funicular - vom Stadtzentrum über den oberen Park bis zum Mount Mtatsminda 👉Platz bleiben: 🏨5️⃣ Star-Hotel Radisson Blu Iveria Das Hotel liegt im Herzen des Geschäfts- und Geschäftsviertels von Tiflis, 10 Gehminuten von der Altstadt entfernt. Es ist in einem modernen, minimalistischen Stil eingerichtet. 👉Hoteldienste: PaSpa und Wellness Center➕RestaurantsestSky Bar➕Fitness Center➕Sauna➕Pool➕Casino ➕Parken Tolle Lage, atemberaubende Aussicht, professionelles Personal und leckeres Essen. ✅Tag 3️⃣ Entdecken Sie das faszinierende Erbe Georgiens und besuchen Sie einige der bekanntesten und beliebtesten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Region Mzcheta-Mtianeti: die Altstadt von Mtskheta, das Jvari-Kloster und den Uflistsikhe Ancient Rock Complex. 👉Besuchsorte: 🏦Mtskheta Die alte Hauptstadt Georgiens ist eine Stadt, die ab dem 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Die Hauptstadt des Iberischen Königreichs (Ostgeorgien) war. e. Die Altstadt, in der das heiligste Relikt des Christentums aufbewahrt wird: (Robe Jesu Christi) ⛪Das von Mikhail Lermontov (Gedicht "Mtsyri") in der Literatur verewigte Jvari-Kloster ist das älteste Kultdenkmal, das zu Beginn des georgischen Christentums im 6. Jahrhundert erbaut wurde (585-604). Der Tempel erhielt seinen Namen Jvari (übersetzt vom georgischen "Kreuz") nicht zufällig. Dies erklärt die alte Legende, dass Nino von Kappadokien an dieser Stelle das Heilige Kreuz errichtete, das die Annahme des Christentums durch Georgien kennzeichnete. Später wurde über dem Kreuz ein Tempel gebaut, der als Tempel des Heiligen Kreuzes bezeichnet wurde. 🌄Die Höhlenstadt Uplistsikhe ist eine der ältesten Siedlungen auf dem Territorium Georgiens. Übersetzt ins Russische bedeutet der Name der Stadt "die Festung Gottes". Während der Existenz des Bundesstaates Iberia war die antike Stadt ihr Kultzentrum. Zu Beginn des 8. Jahrhunderts wurde Uplistsikhe zu einem wichtigen Handelspunkt, da hier viele Karawanenrouten von Europa nach Asien verliefen. ✅Tag 4️⃣-5️⃣ Es ist eine erstaunliche Region Ostgeorgiens, die im Norden an Russland und im Osten und Süden an Aserbaidschan grenzt. AkKakheti ist Mimino, Vater des Soldaten, Alazani-Tal, „Stadt der Liebe“ Sighnaghi, alte Klöster, legendäre Weine „Tsinandali“ und „Kindzmarauli“ sowie Nationalparks. 🍇Der Löwenanteil der georgischen Trauben wächst hier. Der erste Samen von Kulturtrauben der Welt wurde in Georgien entdeckt. Dieser Stein ist 8000 Jahre alt, daher gilt Georgien als Geburtsort der Weinherstellung. 👉Besuchsorte: ➕Signahi - die Stadt der Liebe ➕ Telavi - die Hauptstadt von Kachetien, ➕Kvareli ➕Gurjaani -15-Meter-Denkmal "Vater des Soldaten". Nach der Handlung des berühmten Films stammte Giorgi Makharashvili aus Gurjaani. ➕Gremi Castle ist die mittelalterliche Hauptstadt von Kachetien, die 1615 vom persischen Schah Abbas zerstört wurde. ➕ Festung Ujarma - Die Zitadelle von Ujarma schützte Georgien jahrhundertelang vor den Invasionen der Perser und Araber - verfiel nach der Eroberung Georgiens durch die Mongolen. ➕ Chailuri Festung ➕Hausmuseum von Chavchavadze in Tsinandali ➕Hausmuseum von Niko Pirosmani im Dorf Mirzaani ➕ David-Gareji-Kloster Höhlenkloster, eines der wichtigsten orthodoxen Heiligtümer in Georgien. ➕Alaverdi ist der Haupttempel von Kachetien ➕ Nekresi ist ein funktionierendes Kloster aus dem 4. Jahrhundert auf einem Berg über dem Alazani-Tal. ➕ Shuamta sind zwei Klosterkomplexe, die 2 km voneinander entfernt sind. ➕ Das Ikalto-Kloster wurde im VI. Jahrhundert gegründet ➕ Das St. Nino-Kloster in Bodbe - darin sind die Reliquien des St. Nino begraben ➕Hirsa-Kloster ➕Ninotsminda-Kathedrale Eine der ältesten orthodoxen Kirchen in Georgien - wurde Mitte des ersten Jahrtausends nach Christus erbaut. ➕ Telavi Weinkeller ➕ Weingut Teliani Veli ➕Tunnel Winemaking Khareby ➕ Kvareli See ➕Lagodekhi-Nationalpark 👉Platz zum bleiben: 🏨5️⃣ Das Star-Luxury Lopota Lake & Spa Resort befindet sich am Ufer eines privaten Sees. Von den Fenstern aus können Sie den majestätischen Kaukasus sehen. Das Showkoch-Restaurant Kakhetian Corner serviert eine Auswahl traditioneller georgianischer Gerichte aus regionalen Bio-Produkten. 👉 Hotelservice: ➕Cafe Bar➕4 Schwimmbäder und ein Ruhebereich➕ Spa-Center ➕ Sie können Quad fahren, Minigolf spielen, Reiten, Angeln ➕ Fahrradverleih Ein schicker Ort mit europäischem Service, höflichem Personal und leckerem Essen. ✅ Tag 6️⃣ 🏔Kazbegi ist eine Gemeinde in der Region Mtskheta-Mtianeti im Osten Georgiens auf dem historischen Gebiet von Khevi. MountDer Mount Kazbegi (oder Mkinvartsveri) ist auf einer Höhe von 5047 Metern über dem Meeresspiegel der drittgrößte Berg Georgiens und von Mythen und religiösen Traditionen umgeben. Nach dem griechischen Mythos wurde hier der "Titan Prometheus" an die Seite des Berges gekettet. Prometheus (in Georgien als Amirani bekannt) wurde in einer Höhle auf 4000 Metern Höhe eingesperrt. Die Höhle, jetzt Betlemi genannt, diente später als Heim für orthodoxe Mönche und bewahrte viele heilige Relikte auf, darunter das Zelt Abrahams und die Krippe Jesu. Mineralische Seen umgeben den Berg, und in dieser Gegend ist häufig ein Zittern zu spüren. Kazbegi ist mit einem 135 km² großen Gletscher bedeckt und ein großartiger Ort zum Bergsteigen. Die Darial-Schlucht verbindet Russland und Georgien und erstreckt sich 18 km von Stepantsminda bis zur Grenze zu Russland in Upper Lars. Seit Jahrtausenden ist dieser Gebirgspass strategisch wichtig und seit Anfang 150 v. Chr. Befestigt. An einigen Stellen erreichen die Klippen eine Höhe von mehr als 1000 m, und hoch aufragende mittelalterliche Wachtürme, rauschende Bergwasserfälle und wild lebende Tiere machen die Darial-Schlucht zu einer der unglaublichsten Straßen der Welt. 👉Besuchsorte: ➕Stepantsminda Historisches Museum ➕ Kelitsadi See ➕Gweleti Wasserfälle ➕Arshi-Wasserfälle ➕Jute Cliff ➕Truso-Tal ➕Bethlemhütte ➕Gergeti Trinity ➕Darialklosterkomplex ➕Khevi Sioni Kirchenkomplex ➕Zakagori ➕ Badekloster der Muttergottes ➕Männerkloster namens Elijah Fortuneteller ➕Ketrice ✅Platz zum bleiben: Das Resort Hotel "Kazbegi View" befindet sich im Dorf Stepantsminda. Hotel Dienstleistungen: ➕Terrasse➕ 24-Stunden-Rezeption ➕Wi-Fi. 👉 Atemberaubend gemütliche Häuser mit Panoramafenstern und Blick auf die Berge. Sehr nettes und freundliches Personal, Komfort und Gemütlichkeit - was sonst noch für eine wunderbare Erholung benötigt wird AyTag 7️⃣-Rückkehr nach Tiflis. 🅿️Privilegiertes Paket 6️⃣8️⃣0️⃣💲 = Treffen am Flughafen und Transfer zum Hotel (4 Sterne) ➕ All inclusive ➕Personalfahrer! ✅Reisen Sie mit uns und sammeln Sie unvergessliche Erlebnisse❗
(RU) Большой тур-Тбилиси, Мцхета,Кахетия и Казбеги ✅День 1️⃣-2️⃣ 🏙Тбилиси – это крупнейший город страны, важнейший экономический и культурный центр, современный мегаполис, развивающийся в ускоренном темпе и перенимающий лучшие европейские черты и привычки. ℹЗа время своего существования, город разрушался и восстанавливался 40 раз. Легенды об основании Тбилиси гласит, что в середине V в. ''Царь Вахтанг I Горгасали'' охотился в лесистом районе на фазана , раненая птица упала в близлежащий горячий источник. Царь был настолько впечатлен горячими источниками, что решил построить Город. 👉Название Тбилиси происходит от древнегрузинского слова «тбили», что означает «теплый». Город,в котором Восток встречается с Западом-предлагает что-то для всех. 👉Места посещения: ➕Собор Цминда Самеба-Самый большой храм ➕Проспект Руставели ➕Старый город ➕Улица Шардени ➕Серные бани - район Абанотубани ➕ стеклянный Моста Мира ➕Рике Парк ➕Блошиный рынок "Сухой мост" ➕Канатная дорога ➕Крепость Нарикала ➕Тбилисский ботанический сад ➕Монумент Темки ➕Водопад Легвтахеви ➕Тбилисское море ➕Тбилисский национальный парк ➕Сиони ➕Метехи ➕Дворец Дареджани ➕ Цкнети ➕Фуникулер-из центра города в верхний парк на гору Мтацминда 👉Mесто проживания: 🏨5️⃣ Звездочный-Отель Рэдиссон Блу Иверия расположен в самом центре коммерческого и делового района Тбилиси, в 10 минутах ходьбы от Старого города. Он оформлен в современном минималистском стиле. 👉К услугам гостей: ➕Спа и оздоровительный центр➕Рестораны➕Sky бар➕Фитнес-центр➕Сауна➕Бассейн➕Казино ➕Парковка Oтличное Расположение ,Захватывающий вид, профессиональный персонал и вкусная еда. ✅День3️⃣ 🗺Откройте для себя завораживающее наследие Грузии и посетите некоторые из самых знаковых и популярных достопримечательностей Региона мцхета-мтианети: ➕Cтарый город Мцхета ➕Mонастырь Джвари и ➕древний скальный комплекс Уфлисцихе. 👉Места посещения: 🏦Мцхета Древняя столица Грузии — город, который был столицей Иберийского царства (Восточной Грузии) с IV века до н. э. Старый город где хранится наисвятейшая реликвия Xристианство: (Риза Иисуса Христа) ⛪Монастырь Джвари, увековеченный в литературе Михаилом Лермонтовым (поэма «Мцыри»), - древнейший культовый памятник, построенный на заре грузинского христианства в VI веке (585- 604 гг.) Свое название Джвари (в переводе с грузинского «крест») храм получил не случайно. Это объясняет старинное предание о том, что именно в этом месте Нино Каппадокийская поставила Святой крест, ознаменовавший принятие Грузией христианства. Позднее, над крестом был сооружен храм, который назвали Храмом Святого креста. 🌄Пещерный город Уплисцихе - одно из древнейших поселений на территории Грузии. В переводе на русский название города означает "крепость Бога". Во времена существования государства Иберия старинный город был его культовым центром. В начале 8 века Уплисцихе стал крупной торговой точкой, ведь именно здесь проходили многие караванные пути из Европы в Азию. ✅День 4️⃣-5️⃣ 🗺удивительный край-Восточной Грузии, который граничит с Россией на севере и с Азербайджаном -востока и юга. ✅Кахетия – это мимино, Отец Солдата, Алазанская долина, ''Город любви'' Сигнахи, древние монастыри, легендарные вина «Цинандали» и «Киндзмараули» и национальные парки. 🍇Здесь произрастает львиная доля винограда Грузии. Первая косточка окультуренного винограда в мире была обнаружена именно в Грузии. Этой косточке 8000 лет, поэтому Грузию считают родиной виноделия. 👉Места посещении: ➕Сигнахи – город любви ➕ Телави – столица Кахетии, ➕Кварели ➕Гурджаани -15-метровым монументом «Отец солдата». По сюжету знаменитого фильма, Георгий Махарашвили был родом из Гурджаани. ➕Замок Греми -срадневековая столица Кахетии, уничтоженная персидским шахом Аббасом в 1615 году. ➕ Крепость Уджарма-Веками цитадель Уджарма защищала Грузию от нашествий персов и арабов- пришла в упадок после завоевания Грузии монголами. ➕ Крепость Чаилури ➕Дом-музей Чавчавадзе в Цинандали ➕Дом-музей Нико Пиросмани в селе Мирзаани ➕ Монастырь Давид-ГареджиПещерный монастырь, одна из главных православных святынь Грузии. ➕Алаверди является главным храмом Кахетии ➕ Некреси – действующий монастырь IV века, расположенный на горе над Алазанской долиной. ➕ Шуамта – это два монастырских комплекса, расположенных на расстоянии 2 км друг от друга. ➕монастырь Икалто был основал в VI веке ➕Женский монастырь святой Нино в Бодбе-в нем покоятся мощи святой Нино ➕Монастырь Хирса ➕Собор Ниноцминда Один из древнейших православных храмов Грузии — был построен в середине первого тысячелетия нашей эры, ➕Телавский винный погреб ➕ Винзавод «Телиани Вели» ➕Тоннель Виноделие Харебы ➕ Кварельское озеро ➕Национальный Парк Лагодехи 👉Где остановиться: 🏨5️⃣ Звездочный-Роскошный Курортный отель Lopota Lake & Spa Resort расположен на берегу частного озера, из окон которого открывается вид на величественные Кавказские горы. В ресторане с открытой кухней Kakhetian Corner сервируют разнообразные блюда традиционной грузинской кухни, приготовленные из местных органических продуктов. 👉 Услуги Отеля: ➕Кафе-Бар➕4 плавательных бассейна и зона для релаксации➕спа-центр ➕можно покататься на квадроциклах➕поиграть в мини-гольф➕заняться конным спортом➕Рыбалка ➕прокат велосипедов➕парковка Шикарное место европейского уровня обслуживанием, вежливый персонал, вкусная еда. ✅День 6️⃣ 🏔Казбеги - это муниципалитет, расположенный в регионе Мцхета-Мтианети на востоке Грузии, на историческом территории Хеви. ℹНа высоте 5047 метров над уровнем моря гора Казбеги (или Мкинварцвери) является третьей по величине горой в Грузии и окружена мифами и религиозными традициями. Согласно греческому мифу, именно здесь был прикован ''Титан Прометей'' к склону горы. Прометей (известный в Грузии как Амирани) был заключен в пещеру на вершине 4000 метра. Пещера, теперь названная Бетлеми, позже служила жилищем для православных монахов и хранила множество священных реликвий, включая шатер Авраама и ясли Иисуса. Минеральные озера окружают гору, и в этой местности часто ощущаются подземные толчки. Покрытые ледником в 135 кв. км, Казбеги является прекрасным местом для альпинизма. Дарьяльское ущелье, соединяющих Россию и Грузию, протягиваясь на 18 км от Степанцминды до границы с Россией в Верхнем Ларсе. В течение многих тысячелетий этот горный проход был стратегически крайне важен, и был укреплен с начала 150 до н.э. В некоторых местах скалы достигают более 1000 м, а высящиеся на них средневековые сторожевые башни, стремительные горные водопады и дикая природа делают Дарьяльское ущелье одной из самых невероятных дорог в мире. 👉Места посещении: ➕Исторический Музей Степанцминды ➕Озеро Келицади ➕Гвелетские водопады ➕Аршинские водопады ➕Джутовый утес ➕Долина Трусо ➕Бетлемская хижина ➕Гергетская Троица ➕Дариальский монастырский комплекс ➕Комплекс церкви Хеви Сиони ➕Закагори ➕Банный монастирь Божьей матери ➕Мужской монастирь имени Елия предсказатель ➕Кетриси ✅Где остановиться: Курортный Отель «Казбеги View» расположен в поселке Степанцминда. К услугам гостей: ➕терраса➕ круглосуточная стойка регистрации ➕Wi-Fi. 👉Потрясающе уютные домики с панорамными окнами и видом на горы. Очень приятный и доброжелательный персонал,комфорт и уют-что ещё надо для прекрасного отдыха⁉ ✅День 7️⃣-возвращения в Тбилиси. 🅿️ Привилегированный пакет 6️⃣8️⃣0️⃣💲=встреча в аэропорту и трансфер в гостиницу( 4 звезды) ➕ всё включено➕Персональный водитель! Путешествуйте с нами и накапливайте незабываемые впечатления❗

submitted by SFF_Georgia to u/SFF_Georgia [link] [comments]

What's Happening in CT 10/17 - 10/20

Thursday, October 17th, 2019:

Friday, October 18th, 2019:
Saturday, October 19th, 2019:
Sunday, October 20th, 2019:
How about check out a newly released movie this weekend!
You can also check this link out for a ton more events all around CT!
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User Suggested Events:
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I think it was removed because I posted o my Tumblr. Sorry!
submitted by SheCalledMePaul to Connecticut [link] [comments]

🇬🇪🍷Holiday in Batumi-Paradise has a place on earth/Der Urlaub im Batumi-Paradies hat einen Platz auf der Erde/Отдых в Батуми-У рая есть место на земле (RU,EN,DE)

🇬🇪🍷Holiday in Batumi-Paradise has a place on earth/Der Urlaub im Batumi-Paradies hat einen Platz auf der Erde/Отдых в Батуми-У рая есть место на земле (RU,EN,DE)
(EN) 🏖 Batumi is the third largest city in Georgia and its largest seaport. ✅ Over the past ten years, the Georgian authorities have made a lot of efforts to turn Batumi into a "shop window" of modern European Georgia, and in many ways they have completely succeeded. 👉Tourism in Batumi is very developed, every tourist of this city is surprised by an unimaginable number of beautiful places. Being quite an ancient city (the ancient Romans mentioned the first permanent settlement in its place), Batumi can offer its guests not only a huge 7-km beach, but also the interesting Old Town, the unique Primorsky Boulevard, the original New Batumi - an area of ​​skyscrapers, casinos and excellent restaurants, as well as the wonderful Batumi Botanical Garden. 👉 Batumi is the only beach city in Georgia with a developed shopping and entertainment infrastructure. ✅The climate of Adjara is humid subtropical. The main city of the republic has mild rainy winters and long hot summers. ✅ The beach season lasts from mid-May to October. In the summer months, the air temperature rises to + 28 ° С, and due to the high humidity, the heat is felt stronger 👉Places to visit: ➕Churches ➕Piazza Square ➕Europe Square and the statue of Medea ➕Fountain "Neptune" ➕Batum Sea Port ➕ Chachi fountain ➕Mark of Wonders ➕ Sculpture Ali and Nino ➕ iveria beach club ➕ Zags and fountains ➕Primorsky park ➕Batumi Boulevard ➕ Singing fountains ➕New Batumi ➕ Night Batumi ➕Casino ➕Botanical garden 👉Place to stay: 🏫5 The Castello Mare Hotel & Welness Resort is located on the Tsikhisdziri rock, just 17 km from Batumi. Here, the sea, sky and nature of Adjara create unique conditions for relaxation! ✅You can enjoy the author's architecture and cozy atmosphere, sea views from the panoramic pool, walking terraces. Visit the richly equipped OTIUM SPA and bowling entertainment center. Sunbathe on the beach, where 2 inclined elevators descend. Try the best dishes of Georgian and European cuisine. 🅿Privileged package-4 Days- $ 750💲 = Meeting at the airport and transfer to the hotel (5 stars) + all inclusive + Personal driver! ✅Travel with us and accumulate unforgettable impressions❗ (DE) 🏖 Batumi ist die drittgrößte Stadt in Georgien und der größte Seehafen. ✅ In den letzten zehn Jahren haben die georgischen Behörden große Anstrengungen unternommen, um Batumi zu einem "Schaufenster" des modernen europäischen Georgien zu machen, und dies ist ihnen in vielerlei Hinsicht völlig gelungen. 👉Tourismus in Batumi ist sehr entwickelt, jeder Tourist dieser Stadt wird von einer unvorstellbaren Anzahl schöner Orte überrascht. Batumi ist eine ziemlich alte Stadt (die alten Römer erwähnten die erste dauerhafte Siedlung an ihrer Stelle) und bietet seinen Gästen nicht nur einen riesigen 7 km langen Strand, sondern auch die interessante Altstadt, den einzigartigen Primorsky Boulevard, das ursprüngliche New Batumi - eine Gegend mit Wolkenkratzern, Casinos und ausgezeichneten Restaurants sowie dem wunderschönen Botanischen Garten Batumi. 👉 Batumi ist die einzige Strandstadt in Georgia mit einer entwickelten Einkaufs- und Unterhaltungsinfrastruktur. ✅Das Klima von Adjara ist feucht subtropisch. Die Hauptstadt der Republik hat milde regnerische Winter und lange heiße Sommer. ✅ Die Strandsaison dauert von Mitte Mai bis Oktober. In den Sommermonaten steigt die Lufttemperatur auf + 28 ° C und aufgrund der hohen Luftfeuchtigkeit wird die Hitze stärker empfunden 👉Besuchsorte: ➕Kirchen ➕Piazza-Platz ➕Europa-Platz und die Statue von Medea ➕Fontäne "Neptun" ➕Batumi Seehafen ➕ Chachi-Brunnen ➕Mark der Wunder ➕ Ali und Nino Skulptur ➕ iveria beach club ➕ Zacken und Brunnen ➕Primorsky Park ➕Batumi Boulevard ➕ Singende Fontäne ➕ Neuer Batumi ➕ Nacht Batumi ➕Casino ➕Botanischer Garten 👉Platz bleiben: 🏫5 Das Castello Mare Hotel & Welness Resort befindet sich auf dem Tsikhisdziri-Felsen, nur 17 km von Batumi entfernt. Hier schaffen das Meer, der Himmel und die Natur von Adjara einzigartige Bedingungen zur Entspannung! ✅Sie können die Architektur und die gemütliche Atmosphäre des Autors, den Meerblick vom Panoramapool und die Terrassen genießen. Besuchen Sie das reich ausgestattete OTIUM SPA und das Bowling Entertainment Center. Sonnen Sie sich am Strand, wo 2 Schrägaufzüge absteigen. Probieren Sie die besten Gerichte der georgischen und europäischen Küche. 🅿Privilegiertes Paket - 4 Tage - 750 US-Dollar" = Treffen am Flughafen und Transfer zum Hotel (5 Sterne) + All Inclusive + Persönlicher Fahrer! ✅Reisen Sie mit uns und sammeln Sie unvergessliche Eindrücke❗
(RU) 🏖Батуми – третий по величине город Грузии и ее крупнейший морской порт. ✅За последний десяток лет грузинские власти приложили немало усилий, чтобы превратить Батуми в «витрину» современной европейской Грузии, и во многом им это вполне удалось. 👉Туризм в Батуми очень развит, каждого туриста этого города удивляет невообразимое количество красивых мест. Будучи достаточно древним городом (первое постоянное поселение на его месте упоминали еще древние римляне), Батуми может предложить своим гостям не только огромный 7-километровый пляж, но и интереснейший Старый город, уникальный Приморский бульвар, самобытный Новый Батуми – район небоскребов, казино и отличных ресторанов, а также замечательный батумский Ботанический сад. 👉Батуми является единственным пляжным городом Грузии c развитой торговой и развлекательной инфраструктурой. ✅Климат Аджарии – влажный субтропический. В главном городе республики мягкая дождливая зима и длительное жаркое лето. ✅Пляжный сезон длится с середины мая по октябрь. В летние месяцы температура воздуха поднимается до +28°С, причем из-за высокой влажности жара ощущается сильнее 👉Места посещения: ➕Церкви ➕Площадь Piazza ➕Площадь Европы и статуя Медеи ➕Фонтан «Нептун» ➕Батумский морской порт ➕Фонтан чачи ➕Парк чудес ➕Скульптура Али и Нино ➕ иверия бич клаб ➕Загс и фонтаны ➕Приморский парк ➕Батумский бульвар ➕Поющие фонтаны ➕Новый Батуми ➕Ночной Батуми ➕Казино ➕Ботанический сад 👉Mесто проживания: 🏫5 Звездочный Отель и оздоровительный комплекс Castello Mare Hotel & Welness Resort расположен на скале Цихисдзири всего в 17 км от Батуми. Здесь море, небо и природа Аджарии создают уникальные условия для отдыха! ✅Вы сможете насладиться авторской архитектурой и уютной обстановкой, морскими видами из панорамного бассейна, прогулочных террас. Посетить богато оснащенный "OTIUM SPA" и развлекательный центр с боулингом. Позагорать на пляже, куда опускаются 2 наклонных лифта. Попробовать лучшие блюда грузинской и европейской кухни. 🅿Привилегированный пакет-4 Дней-$750💲 = Встреча в аэропорту и трансфер в гостиницу( 5 звезд) + всё включено+Персональный водитель! ✅путешествуйте с нами и накапливайте незабываемые впечатления❗
#visitgeorgia#Batumi#Blacksea#Enjoylife#Castello Mare Hotel & Welness Resort#Sffgeorgia#travelwithus
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[Not Switzerland] My overview/tips for the Black Forest (Schwarzwald) in Germany.

Schwarz – Black, and Wald – Forest. Simple.
The official tourist website is very extensive - as is - . Each end also has it’s own regional tourism website: the northern Black Forest National Park (Nationalpark Schwarzwald), and the southern High Black Forest (Hochschwarzwald). Those should cover just about everything you could want.
The Black Forest is a roughly 60% forested mountain/hill range in south western Germany stretching down from Karlsruhe to the Swiss border. It never gets THAT high: at 1493m Feldberg is only just above the local tree-line. Generally speaking the northern part tends to be more touristy, and the southern end is the higher (and can offer some good Alpine views in the right weather conditions). What the actual area covered by it can be hard to define; some definitions go all the way down to the Rhein, others stop with the trees.
Something about it seems to give people romanticised ideas (and many others sell it hard on that), making it sound like a magical location (indeed many people seem to – falsely - think that all the Grimm’s fairy tales originate from here). Maybe just the name itself does that. I certainly had such feelings that it was an exotic and exciting place when I went there the first time. However having been back many times I would say it is not a truly unique place (you can find comparable landscapes all over Germany and central Europe) and it isn’t any more dark or sinister than any other forest. but is still very nice and you do get scenes like this painting. I think it works better if you think of it as an outdoor activity area for those from northern/central Europe, rather than as a must-see for someone coming from the USA or Australia.
Mark Twain wrote about it in “A Tramp Abroad”, which is free to read but that bit is much weaker than his accounts of Switzerland. Including the quote about the spas "Here . . . you lose track of time in ten minutes and the world in twenty" which is used by apparently everybody who writes about the area.
Just to ruin a few magical things…..
Getting around
Realistically you need a car to explore the area properly. You can still see some parts easily enough without a car, but you will be a little limited and much slower (figure 2x the travel time).
What to do
Outdoor activities are pretty much the main reason to go. The winters are getting increasingly less snowy. So the area is starting to focus more on hiking and biking that can increasingly be done year round.
There are well marked paths everywhere covering everything from short and easy to multi-day long distance routes. Sign posts give you destinations, and the distance to get there in km (as opposed to the time estimate in Switzerland).
A quick google of the area you plan to be in should bring up plenty of ideas.
There are a mix of local loops and long distance routes.
  • The white and green routes that are well signposted do a good job of keeping you away from traffic: either on quieter backroads, or on gravel roads through the forest. In places where you have to follow a major road there will at least be a safe side path.
  • The yellow signs are the mountain bike cross routes. This is distance and height gain on gravel-paths rather than single trails and technical downhills. I plan to do the Schwarzwald-cross route at some point in the future, though maybe cutting the length of some of the harder sectons….
  • Ebikes are becoming very popular. In more touristy spots you might see more groups on ebikes than hikers.
  • There are a number of dedicated mountainbike parks. EG:
  • There are vast amounts of double or single trail paths that go through the forest which you can use. Often the marked footpaths follow gravel-roads rather than single trail, so it is easy to follow them. But this can be a little hit and miss with making the distances and climbs longer and harder.
Winter sports
When there is enough snow there are lots of cross-country skiing options. Downhill skiing is mostly bunny slopes, though some areas like around the Feldberg are more extensive. However the snow in recent years has been so poor that you are more likely to need a mountain bike than a pair of skis.
View points
Too many to list.
Castles and ruins
There are not many castles in the Black Forest, mostly you will find the odd ruin.
  • Erberstein
  • Schloss Hohenbaden. A ruin.
  • You have some impressive castles and fortresses in the region. Like Hohenzollern Castle, Lichtenstein Castle, Heidelberg, Neuf-Brisach, Château du Haut-Kœnigsbourg. But these are very much not in the Black Forest.
  • Klosterruine Hirsau.
Where to go
I have mapped out the places listed below.
In general if you pick a random point you will probably find something nice around it.
In December many of these places have Christmas Markets, especially Freiburg.
Main tourist spots
Triberg, Titisee, Feldberg, and Baden-Baden are arguably the biggest tourist focal points inside the Black Forest. Anywhere within a short hop of the bigger urban areas like Freiburg will also likely be quite busy on nice days.
  • Freiburg (im Breisgau). Not really Black Forest (depending on who you ask), but a nice city and a good entry point.
  • Titisee (yes that is Titi-lake). REALLY TOURISTY. The historical home of tourism in the area, also home to a slightly comical number of boats.
  • Feldberg. The highest point in the Black Forest. See also the Feldsee just below it.
  • Schluchsee. A slightly quieter lake than the Titisee. It is a dammed lake so the changing water level leaves the sides a bit barren, and the north side is dominated by a busy road that gives you the roar of motorbikes anywhere in the area. By far the nicest part of the lake is the restaurant/café at Unterkrummenhof-Schluchsee.
  • Rothaus Braueri. The makers of the beer that dominates much of the region. They have a barestaurant/shop/exhibition/hotel at their brewing site.
  • Mummelsee.
  • Baden Baden. The classic spa/casino town. Like Freiburg it isn’t really the Black Forest, but makes a good starting point.
  • Triberg. REALLY TOURSITY. See also the local waterfall which is apparently the highest in Germany.
  • There are quite a few Rödelbahn (alpine coasters).
  • Altensteig.
  • Baiersbronn. A higher end resort town with lots of fancy restaurants.
  • Open air museum Vogstbauernhof
  • Allerheiligen. Featuring a pretty waterfall and a ruined monastery.
  • Staufen
  • Wolfach.
  • Hexenlochmühle (witch hole mill)
  • The Kinzig valley, including Gengenbach and Schiltach.
  • Schloss Hohenbaden.
  • Hausach.
  • Bad Wildbad.
  • Gutachtal.
  • Ravennaschluct and the Christmas Market there.
  • Donauquelle (source of the Danube river).
Other spots
These might also be touristy to some extent, but probably far less so.
  • Wutachschlucht.
  • Sankt Blasien (a surrealy big church in a small valley).
  • Kloster St. Peter auf dem Schwarzwald.
  • Geroldsau Waterfall.
  • Zweribach Waterfall.
  • Freudenstadt.
  • Alpirsbach.
  • Bernau.
  • Menzenschwand.
  • Herzogenhorn.
  • Calw.
  • Nagold.
  • Schitach.
  • Hornisgrinde.
  • Alternativer Wolf- und Bärenpark
Food and drink
Separating truly Black Forest and anything from that region is a little hard. Being a rural area there are plenty of local jams/honey/etc on sale
  • Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte (Black Forest gâteau/cake). Quite why it got the name is unclear and there are various stories, it might be the flavouring with Kirsch (hence the name in German). The origin of the cake itself is also seemingly uncertain, with there being no absolute proof that it originated in the Black Forest. More likely it seems to have come from Bonn. You can certainly find it easily and enjoy it in the Black Forest though.
  • Schwarzwälder schinken (Black Forest Ham). A smoke-cured raw ham. In Europe this has regional protection, so it has to be produced in the region to a certain standard to have the name. The name seems to resonate strongly with people from the USA - where it is not under any protection and seems to be a common exotic sounding description slapped on the name of any old pork product (this can vary from something respectable looking, to a level of “DEAR GOD WHAT THE IN NAME OF FUCK IS THAT”). Whatever it is that Subway sells has certainly never been anywhere near the Black Forest. There is apparently a museum about the meat in Musbach bei Freudenstadt, and certainly one at the Feldberg. There is even a ham themed hiking route.
  • Beer. Rothaus is the most common beer in the area, and can increasingly be found further and further away. Waldhaus is a favourite of mine, and there are numerous others. Again the tourism website is quite informative (though not all inclusive).
  • Other Alcohol. The cherry brandy Kirsch(wasser) is the most famous and traditional. There are various other fruit based Schnapps. There are also more modern drinks like Whiskey such as the Marder Whiskey or Black Forest (from Rothaus) and gin such as the Monkey 47 (to name just a few).
  • Wine is made in the area – especially in the Rhein valley around Freiburg.
Other bits
There are endless little museums.
  • Cuckoo clocks (Kuckucksuhr). That other Black Forest thing. They might not have originated in the Black Forest, but they became very popular there. There is a museum, and Triberg and Schonach both claim to have the world's largest cuckoo clock, among other clock based touristy-things scattered around. You will never be short of the chance to buy one.
  • Glassmaking is an old tradition and there are workshops and show-rooms all over the area. There should also be a glass making themed hike in the south somewhere.
  • For a rather unique spot read this article and then visit the Engländerdenkmal.
Articles and other resources
Other points
  • For similar areas the Swiss Jura mountains are very close. Likewise the Emmental (especially around Napf) and Appenzell. The latter have the advantage that in addition to deeply folded wooded valleys, the landscape then rises up to the Alps.
  • There have been a few suspected wolf sightings but nothing to worry you – motorbikes present a far bigger danger.
  • A far realer danger than wolfs is hunters during the autumn – it is best not to go off of the paths then. You will see their high perches all over the Black Forest and Germany.
  • I don’t care how much I have been inconsistent with the ordering of English (German) and German (English).
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