Mills Slot Machine Stands For Sale Las Vegas

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She was going to buy diapers. They were having a sale at Kroger and she was woefully unprepared for how expensive they were, how expensive everything to do with babies was. Mary had her first, and as of now, only child just six months ago. It might as well have been six years at this point. The rumors were true, any hope of sleep was abandoned long ago. Maurice did what he could to help out, he loved feeding their little girl and didn’t mind when she spontaneously vomited on his shirt, or if he did he never showed it.
They named the girl Naima, after Maurice’s grandmaw who passed away the day her namesake came into the world. Naima made it to her grandmaw’s funeral where she screamed and cried every second of the service. Mary however was absent. Everyone understood. Her labor wasn’t easy, a grueling sixteen hours of push and breathe, sweat running down her arms and legs in rivulets. They all agreed that a funeral was no place for a woman to be after giving birth just four days ago. But at Easter, Mary was certain they all looked at her a bit different now, like she had failed an important exam and her commitment to the family was thrown into question.
The parking lot was nearly deserted, it being almost 10 o'clock at night. She had meant to go earlier in the day, had even set an alarm on her phone to remind herself, but Naima was sick. Mary thought she was sick. She was mostly sure she was sick. She hadn’t eaten anything that day except for a few brown lumps of applesauce that later came out the other end virtually the same. Mary wasn’t scared yet but the anxiety, the vision of rushing to her family doctor only to be told once again that “this is normal Mrs. Hader, happens all the time, she just needs a bit of rest,” was ever present on her mind. She hated that place, hated the smell of it. When she herself was a little girl the atmospheres of hospitals, clinics, dentist offices, all revolted her. The snarky look of the woman behind the counter, watching another new mother panic over a little diarrhea, it was all a bit too much to bear. She tossed an Ativan quickly into her mouth and locked the car door.
She checked her phone. No texts from Maurice. He would be working late tonight, they’d been giving him the night shift at the hospital for months now. Even when he got off early he would head to the gun range to “get his aim ready for the apocalypse.” The baby was taking a strain on him. He held up well, remarkably well, better than she had. Naima was the love of her life, as well as the bottomless well where she tossed in every waking hour of her day. Sure she could maybe leave her alone here and there, she was six months after all, but she knew that within ten minutes the screaming and crying would start and there’d she be, holding the squirming mass to her breast.
She squinted at the glaring white lights of the store and swung her grocery bag from side to side, not thinking about where she was going as she walked towards the Personal Care aisle. She passed colorful packages of tissues, toothpaste, and tampons, and studied the boxes of diapers, selecting what she gathered was the medium tier.
Down the aisle there was a young man looking at conditioner. He was rubbing his mouth and kept looking back and forth from his phone to the bottles.
“Having trouble?” she said
“I guess so. I’m supposed to get something with coconut oil, but there’s like five of them with that.”
“Do what I do.”
“What’s that?” She picked up a nondescript bottle and put it in his hands.
“Get the cheapest,” she said.
He laughed a little at this, “I like the way you think. Who are those for?” he said, pointing to the box in her hand.
“Naima- or uh, my daughter.”
“Bit late to be running out for that.” She didn’t quite like that, but he gave her a quick sympathetic smile that she returned.
“Yeah I was going to earlier but you know how it is,” she started walking back down the aisle.
“I can help you,” the man said, his voice even.
She stopped and turned back to him. He was still looking at her nicely enough, his eyes almost seemed to be scanning her.
“Excuse me, I have to go.”
She turned and started walking back again. Suddenly much more aware of how empty the store was at this time. She didn’t hear him follow, just the sound of her own flip flops hitting the floor a bit faster than normal. She cast a glance over at the two employees by the service kiosk who were chatting away, hardly even noticing her. She wanted to be through self check out and back in her car as quickly as possible. Would she tell Maurice about it? No, probably not. He’d get worried, and he already had so much to deal with.
The self checkout machine blared out to her in its automated voice, asking if she had a membership card. She cursed it silently and quickly scanned the box of diapers, leaving well before the receipt was curling out of the slot. In the black reflection of the plate glass windows of the store she saw the man calmly scanning the bottle of conditioner. Her heart beat a little louder in her ears, she hadn’t even heard him walking up. She kept her eyes fixed on his reflection as she walked out the sliding doors.
The night air was humid and hung still. Across the parking lot a car sat by a stop sign, its red brake lights casting a faint glow on her face. Her little Hyundai was parked thirty yards away. She put her phone up to her ear and pretended to be talking to someone, a trick she had learned in college. This soothed her anxiety a bit, not as much as the Atavil would when she got back into her car, but enough for now. She crossed the lane in front of the store and her footsteps echoed across the empty lot. Twenty yards away. Behind her she heard the sliding door open again, and she began to walk a little faster. Fifteen yards now. She thought she heard someone behind her but she couldn’t be sure, she was too afraid to look. At ten yards her heart was racing in her chest, it was hard to hear anything else. She took out her keys, gripping them tightly in her hands, trying to calm herself down. Her legs felt rubbery and weak, her eyes were hot. She made herself turn.
He was standing ten feet away, silhouetted by the dim yellow street light just above and behind him. He looked bigger, much bigger than he did in the store, and he wasn’t moving. Her mind tried to project a face, an identity onto the dark human cut-out before her. She could feel his eyes staring back at her, all over her. He moved towards her. She was yanking at the handle of the driver side door. She didn’t remember moving to get there. The handle pulled but with no click of the opening latch, she forgot to unlock the car. A quiet moan escaped her as she looked up into the reflection of the window and saw that dark figure raise its hand to the back of her head and with sudden force, thrust her head against the side of the door frame.
The first thing she noticed was that she was on her back. There was something covering her eyes, it felt soft but was wrapped tight around her head which made the aching pain in her forehead protest even louder. Worse than the pain was the smell. Wherever she was the air smelled cold and closed in, damp, stale. It smelled like overripe cucumbers. She could feel something crawling up her calf and tried to shake it off but her legs were bound tight to what felt like a cold metal table. She went to move her hand to brush it off but her arms were trapped just as her legs, with straps like the ones they used to restrain mentally ill patients.
Naima. The word flashed in her head like a big red neon sign outside a Las Vegas casino. The baby, my baby, she’s all alone. God I only left her for ten minutes. Hot tears wet the cloth over her eyes and ran down the side of her face. She thought about screaming but she was too upset, too scared, too confused to do so. Instead she started hyperventilating. She could hear herself gasping, the pressure building up inside here like a crescendo of panic and fear. Her mind flashed to the prescription bottle of Ativan in her car. God, where was her car? Where was she? What was crawling up her leg?
“You need to relax,” a voice said, and this time she did scream.
“Where’s my baby?!”
“Wherever you left- it?”
“Oh Jesus, what are you doing? Let me go, please let me go let me go let me go let me-”
“It was easy to get you here,” said the voice that she could hear slowly orbiting around her. “Dark parking lot in the middle of the night. You should know better. You weren’t even carrying pepper spray, I know, I checked your bag.”
Mary strained against the straps, against the pain in her head, and against the creeping thing that was now marching slowly up her thigh. She began to sob.
“Your head must be killing you,” said the voice in a quiet, comforting way. “I’m sorry I had to do… what I did. I was scared you would get away.”
“Why are you doing this,” Mary said in between sobs, almost screaming. “What the fuck do you want!?”
“You. I want you.” The voice was quiet for a time. The crawling thing was onto her canvas shorts now but she didn’t notice. “I think you’re beautiful, so beautiful, almost perfect. I want to help you become... immaculate. You’re so close. I don’t want you to worry about your head, you’ll never see a scar, I’m good at what I do. You’ll never see.”
Before she could respond her phone erupted somewhere distant in the room. It must have been sitting on a table because she could hear a loud buzzing sound. The voice growled in rage and rushed away, a moment later she heard a loud crack that must have been her phone flung shattering against the floor. Her mind tried to gauge how long she had been down here. She could feel the dried blood pulling on the skin of her forehead, maybe a couple hours at the most. Maurice would be home soon, he could take care of the baby, Naima must be screaming loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear. Somewhere in the back of her head she thought she could hear her infant child wailing in the distance. Almost as if he read her mind, the man said:
“Please don’t try to scream. No one can hear you down here, it’s just you and I now. But you won’t be down here long. I won’t leave you down here with all these nasty little things.”
She heard a quiet crushing sound, like stepping on a pine cone, and the cucumber smell increased. She was much more aware of the creeping crawling sensation that by now was exploring her exposed midriff. Suddenly his hands were on her, one of them resting gently on her thigh, the other plucking up what was just over her navel. In the darkness under her blindfold she could feel the air being displaced as his hand moved it towards her mouth.
And she could feel its antennae frantically probing her lips, its spindly legs scratching them, it released it’s pheromones and the stench made her gag, making a gurgling sound that contrasted sickeningly with the tittering laughter of the man still holding the bug to her face. She would scream but she was afraid if she opened her mouth he would drop it in. The smell was everywhere, in her mouth, in her nose, in her brain. She didn’t sense his hand pull away. She had concentrated every ounce of her being into not throwing up and only distantly heard the sound of the man crushing the insect between his fingers. Then he was back, squeezing her jaw with more force than she thought he possessed and said quietly:
“I will help you.”
He took off the blindfold.
The light that shown in her eyes was blinding but in time she was able to focus on the large mechanical arm, like the ones dentists used, that beamed light down into her face. She gagged again when she saw three stink bugs crawling lazily across its surface, had they been crawling all along her when she was unconscious? She peered around the room. Everything else was bathed in darkness, the vague outline of a shelf, a washing machine, and what looked like a set of ancient narrow stairs leading up out of the basement. To her right she heard the clinking silverware sound and she could see the man hunched over a long metal table.
“I’m sorry for the delay, I just want to make sure everything is done correctly. Co-rrect-ly. You’ll be happy to know I use anaesthetic now. It’s much quieter, easier for both of us.”
“I am going to fix you. Make you what you’re meant to be. I want you to understand I do this all out of love, out of love for your beauty, for what you will become.”
He turned around and her eyes grew wide and white with terror at the syringe in his hand. At this she finally screamed, screamed as loud as she could, louder than Naima screamed when she woke her up at 5 AM that morning, standing in her crib and howling. Mary’s arms and legs writhed against the straps and for a split second she thought she felt a give until he slapped her hard across the face. In stunned silence the tears fell freely down her cheeks, she was whimpering. The syringe needle entered just under her left cheekbone.
“Local aesthetic, I’d put you under if I thought I could bring you back out.”
She strained at the leather strap across her forehead, the back of her head now aching against the cold metal table top. Soon though she could feel her face going numb, a bitter taste in her mouth seemed to flow from there and then down throughout her body, into her arms and legs which laid like lead against her sides. She couldn’t tell if she even had a body anymore, she could feel nothing, not even her own breathing.
The man placed the syringe back on the table and in its place appeared a small scalpel. In her mind she was leaping off the table and up those rickety stairs, out of the black nothingness, but still she lay motionless. Near the spot where he injected the paralyzing liquid, the man made what must have been a small circular cut. She could feel a vague pressure on her cheek. She remembered being nineteen, the summer before her sophomore year at WSU, getting her wisdom teeth taken out, the sound of metal scraping against bone, ripping flesh.
She could see his fingers maneuvering little metal instruments like chopsticks, covered in crimson blood. He wasn’t wearing gloves. After what could have been an hour or five minutes, the pressure moved from her left cheek to the right, then the center of her face. Soon she wasn’t able to breathe out of her nose, she could feel something oozing into the back of her throat and tried to cough but couldn’t. In some far away corner of her mind she prayed that her gag reflex wouldn’t kick in, fearing she would choke and die on this table. The man yanked hard on her nose, the pressure mounting until with a pop he fell back, holding a white sliver of bone in his hand. More blood oozed down her throat. With equal force he pressed something down hard on her face, whatever was left of it at least, so hard that she could see stars forming in her vision. When he released she could not breathe through her nose at all, stopped up tighter than the worst cold of her life.
Apparently satisfied with his work he gave a small chuckle and plugged something into a wall socket behind her head, then she heard the buzzing whine of an electric razor. She heard him unstrap the leather bindings across her forehead and cradled her head in his hand and began to shave her hair off. Stray strands fell into her eyes and she tried to blink them away. The numbing effect was less potent near the back of her head and she could feel the razor travelling across her scalp. A rustling sound and she felt him placing something on her shaved head, a wig. It fit tight, pulling the skin above her eyebrows taut and making it nearly impossible to close her eyes.
Letting her head fall back down loudly on the metal table, he restrapped the leather bindings and pried her mouth open, fitting in a metal wire brace to hold it in place. Somewhere in the numb unconscious of her mind her gag reflex finally won her over.
With a sickening gurgle she vomited, but it became stuck in her throat and quickly the air was completely cut off. Alarms screamed inside her head but she still could not move, her eyes darted around their sockets. The man, whose face she still couldn’t make out due to the bright light directly above his head, only stared back at her silently. He yanked the wire brace out of her mouth, taking a few teeth with it, and then he kicked the table over on its side. The dark room lurched before her eyes as she slammed into the concrete floor, the heavy metal table bearing down on her from above. She vomited again but could now feel air roaring back into her burning lungs. Rasps escaped her and just as violently as she was flung down the man heaved the table back up into place and secured the straps. The feeling was beginning to return into her legs, she felt a wetness around her crotch.
“You’ll learn to keep it down now won’t you? God you stink, not much left to do.”
He opened her mouth, put the brace back in, and soon she felt immense pressure on her top gums, a yank, and a sound like a wine cork being pulled. He held up one of her incisors, gripped by his pliers, in front of her eyes. Tossing it aside, he fit the pliers around her other incisor, the pressure came, and then suddenly a hideous cracking, like a branch being snapped. Her tooth had shattered.
“Don’t worry I have new ones for you. Not too big, bright and shiny.”
Her fingertips were coming to life then, she could feel the cold air of the basement again and with horror she began to imagine the pain that would engulf her entire mind when the aesthetic wore off. The pain would blot out the world, would blot out the terror, would even blot out Naima. She wished for death.
“Darren, son you need to go to bed it’s late.”
The black figure snapped into attention like a deer in the headlights at the sound of feeble voice calling from far away, somewhere above their heads.
“I’ll be up soon momma, you just go on to bed now.”
His voice when he had spoken to her sounded frantic, monotone, inhuman. Now when he replied to that voice from above he affected a submissive whine. Sensation was reentering her body faster and faster by now. She could feel the raw skin of her wrists where she had pulled against the straps, and then her arms. She had to escape before the pain hit and blinded every sensibility. The black figure named Darren was back at his instrument table muttering soft curses to his mother who by now must have shuffled back into whatever stale bedroom she came from. Without really planning it, the thought entered her head. She began rocking back and forth on the table. The leather straps creaked a bit and the loose bolts holding the legs to the table squeaked but not enough for Darren to notice. She rocked harder and harder, urging against the leg straps that were looser than they should have been, he had neglected to secure them after knocking her over before. The table groaned as two of its legs were now leaving the ground at a time. Darren whipped around, the light finally catching his face. He was handsome, young, but that disarming grin he gave her in the supermarket was replaced by the bared teeth and all-white eyes of a man enraged. He lept up to catch her but the table fell again.
The strap holding her head down snapped and her forehead hit the concrete with a hollow sounding thud. The room went black before her eyes. Vaguely she felt her body dry heaving. The numbness was gone but the pain was distant, she was detached now from her body. Hovering in the air of the basement she saw her torso half laying out of the leather restraints of the table, her body violently spasming. Darren was pacing frantically beside her bleeding head, the area just above her left eye a red mass of flesh and blood already pasting strands of the bad blonde wig to her forehead. His nerve broke.
“Oh fuckfuckfuck I’m sorry. I wanted to help you, I did, I promise I wanted to make you better, I-. I’m going to let you go, but you can’t tell anyone, you can’t. You don’t know me.”
Inarticulate groans came out of her mouth, her tongue lazily exploring the gap where her two front teeth had been. He knelt down beside her and began undoing the straps, her eyes focused on a stink bug crawling slowly through the puddle of blood that her head had left. Red on green. The bug became two, then four, and then her vision fractalled out of existence. When it returned she woke up on the cold dewey grass of a front lawn.
She could hear automatic sprinklers chirping off somewhere distant. Her head was a mountain of pain, every pulse of her heart beat like a drum that throbbed and pushed even more agony than she thought could exist into consciousness. She pulled herself into a ball, groaning with each tiny muscle movement. She could not move her face, it felt like a mask. Her eyes burned and her vision was foggy, she peered out through blades of finely cut grass to a small one story house. Her house.
In an instant pain was replaced by a bottomless fear for her baby. She was on her feet. A distant place in her brain informed her that her left leg had been broken somewhere below her knee, and there was a crunching grinding sound as she walked. The motion sensing lights went on and cast a crooked shadow behind her. Her sticky hands felt behind her and by some miracle produced her house keys. She fumbled with the lock, it was hard as her vision kept blurring in and out of focus. Her head, God her head was killing her. She slid through the door and headed down past the kitchen to Naima’s room.
Maurice got off early that night and he was driving home. His floor had been quiet, just watchinng the clock spin. He wanted to go to the range but he hadn’t really seen Mary in three days. She worked hard for that child, every day of maternity leave from the school was spent in dedication to their little Naima. So he decided to surprise her, turn the engine off and coast into the driveway in neutral like he had done when they were in highschool while sneaking out. About a block away he flicked away a half smoked cigarette out the window. He promised her and himself that he’d quit soon. Lung cancer got his grandmother. He’d do it for Naima. But with these back to back shifts at the hospital, a man needed something to take the edge off, and when he couldn’t go to the shooting range a camel or two would do the trick.
The car rolled silently into the driveway. He got out and walked to the door, not noticing the droplets of blood on the grass or the red bricks of their walkway. He’d get into bed with her, pull her close to him, and if the baby was quiet, they’d sleep the whole night through for the first time in months. Then he caught sight of the bloody smudges around the lock and his heart stopped, it froze then and there in time. He saw his eyes in the reflection of the glass door, they were recessed now, drawn back into his face and alert. He moved to his car, never looking away from the house. Opening the passenger door as quietly as he could he felt under the seat for his .38, the one his dad got him for Christmas that year. He was back at the front door.
He held the gun tightly in his right hand and pushed on the doorknob, feeling it give, it was unlocked. His breath came slow, he could feel streams of sweat pouring cold down from his armpits. He stared into the darkness of the living room. Framed family pictures, not even as old as Naima, stared at him in amazement, at the man in scrubs carrying a gun. It was still and quiet save for his hissing breath, until he heard the baby begin to scream. His legs lost their strength and his whole body, an impressive 190 pounds of bulk and muscle began to shake. As quietly and as quickly as he could he moved down the carpeted hall to Naima’s room. The light was on, he could see a tall shadow swaying across the bedroom wall, the smiling faces of Winnie the Pooh and Piglet juxtaposed against his own, covered in beads of sweat.
He entered the doorway, the gun held firmly with both hands, hammer cocked back and finger on the trigger. His eyes were wide open. Over by Naima’s crib there was a woman. She was bent over, peering down at his infant daughter who was screaming louder than he had ever heard. Blonde hair hung limp from her head, and he could see blood seeping out of her scalp and falling into the crib. The woman’s body was shaking in waves, as if she were crying, or laughing. He heard his voice yell to get away and she lifted her head up to see him. Her eyes were wide open in a look of shock, they were bloodshot and he thought he could see a grey film of dust over them. Her eyebrows arched grotesquely high and far to the sides of her face, a face that was red and puffy. Her nose was impossibly thin and crooked on her face. Both her lips were pulled back in a hideous oval around the few teeth she had, they were bloodstained, a large gap right front and center. He was sure of nothing in that moment other than that he was staring straight at a monster. He aimed, held his breath, and pulled the trigger.
Dead center, her forehead exploded in red. Her body jumped a little and then slid over onto the crib, for a moment he was worried it would collapse under the weight but she slumped off of it and onto the carpeted floor, her filmy eyes staring up at the ceiling that he and Mary had pasted glow in the dark stars to the summer before.
He ran over to the crib and picked up Naima whose little blue singlet was speckled in blood and viscera. She was no longer crying, but Maurice was. He cradled his daughter, trying to keep her face away from that dead woman on the floor. He called out for Mary and collapsed to the floor of the hallway, holding Naima in his arms, until the police came.
They got him out of the house fast and took him in for questioning, he couldn’t understand why. They weren’t telling him anything, they wouldn’t let Mary see him. They even brought in a public attorney who just looked at him in sad confusion. He was sitting on a metal chair in an interrogation room, just like the ones he saw all the time on TV. He looked at the wall-length mirror and wondered who was behind it. A deputy came in and sat down across from him, he looked uncomfortable, wouldn’t make eye contact. He held up a manilla folder and slid it across the table to Maurice. Looking down at his hands the deputy spoke.
“Uh, sir, we’re having trouble identifying the victim, and we-”
“What do you mean victim? Victim my ass, that.. thing, that thing was in my house. I was protecting my daughter.”
“Yes sir, we understand it’s just, can you look at these photos please.”
“I want to know where my daughter is being kept first, I want to know where Mary is.”
The deputy rubbed his eyes. It was late, probably close to 4:30 in the morning.
“Your daughter, Mr. Hader, is with social services right now. We’ve contacted your wife’s mother who should be there to pick her up soon.”
“And Mary?”
“We’re looking for your wife now.”
Maurice let out a long moan that filled the interrogation room. He still had blood on his scrubs and his shoes. The deputy pushed the file towards him and sat back in his chair, eyes locked on his hands. Maurice opened the first page which held photographs taken in his little girl’s room. He had to look away and shut his eyes tight so he wouldn’t scream. Most of the woman’s head was gone above the nose. Blood and brains were covering the flower print carpet in Naima’s room. He quickly flipped the photo over. The next shot was of the woman’s torso, one arm crossed over a shirt so caked in blood you couldn’t read what was on the design. He almost flipped that photo over too, until he recognized the ring on his wife’s finger.
submitted by Goodsauceman to nosleep [link] [comments]

Video Slot Machines vs. Mechanical Reels!

Video Slot Machines vs. Mechanical Reels!
Which slot machine should you select to play or own?
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Now, let us contrast #video #slot #machines to Reel #slot #machines:
Video slot machines have actually been the fastest-growing section of the casino market for greater than a years currently. Games with new bells and also whistles, bonus occasions, totally free rotates, area play, also 3-D imaging are presented all the time.
It seems almost funny reviewing the very first time I saw a slot machine with video reels. It was a jampacked Saturday evening, as well as I overlooked a row of slot machines that was just loaded with players, with the exception of what appeared to be one empty game in the middle of the row. With a couple of bumps and also a couple of "pardon me's," I made my method to the game, as well as discovered the reason it was empty. It was the only video game in a row full of machines with mechanical reels.
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Currently there are a lot of players prepared to play the video games, but from time to time I will certainly still obtain an e-mail or a call from a player that simply does not trust them. "They're computer systems," is the typical lament, "as well as computers can be programmed to do anything."
Guess what? Games with mechanical reels are computerized, too. What you see on the reels is just what the game's random number generator tells the game to present, equally as what you see on the display of a video screen is what the RNG tells the game to present there. The games are heavily controlled as well as should experience gaming labs to have their randomness validated. Or, are they? Are they actually? Think what, I have some intriguing news for you!
Even though legally, the slot machines are intended to have a built-in arbitrary generator in which is supposed to disallow any individual servicing the slot machine to manually set the as well as. But, let me tell you something regarding computer systems and ALL MODERN-DAY SLOT MACHINES! There is NO BEST SYSTEM! Definition, if the casinos really intended to, they might readjust the slot machines in their support. Nevertheless, I doubt any of the high-end casinos on the Vegas strip would do anything like this, however, as for the older parts of Las Vegas, and also especially in the Indian booking casinos, in which have their own different laws, one might ever understand. But, is this bad news? That relies on just how you check out it, so, let me describe what I imply. As well as by this, one can feasibly begin WINNING A LOT OF MONEY!
Without me making any kind of complaints climate incorrect or true, and also furthermore, ensuring any type of monetary MONEY benefits, we have MANY consumers coming to our site looking for the very same slot machine they have actually been dipping into the casinos. And from this, since they can use their very own money and also get in back, they have all day and all night to play the slot machines repetitively, thus, keeping an eye on acquainted patterns. What I suggest is, probably they see a Bally, an IGT, or a WMS slot machine that tends to pay back jackpots after every 20 or 30 rotates. Or, perhaps one would observe every time they (the gamer) presses the ticket switch, therefor, squandering, the slot machine seems to pay-back less than it did before cashing out their hard-earned jackpots. Currently, probably this is rubbish, or, probably it is not. But, having you slot machine can definitely be a large amount of enjoyable and excitement in the comfort of your very own office or home.
Here is a partial checklist of our incredibly popular slot machines.
Bally video slot machines:
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IGT Video Slot machines:
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Williams Video Slot machines:
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Additionally, all the slot machines we offer consist of money acceptors that approve all U.S currency and also pay back by hand or pay back a ticket vouchers, same as the casinos. Likewise, you can purchase a slot machine stand, and the slot machines are completely shopped, ensured functioning to your complete satisfaction!
Some would certainly even declare by exercising day and night playing their slot machine, they had the ability to go back to the casino, play the exact same exact slot machine, and win enough money to spend for the slot machine they had actually acquired! WOW, just how cool would that be? Again, these are insurance claims. Additionally, even if I recognized the reality, possibly I should maintain it a trick? I am uncertain. However, here is a list of items we sell at IN THE NEW AGE!
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submitted by jimmm123456 to u/jimmm123456 [link] [comments]

The New Age of Arcade Gaming-- 4,000 & 1 #Arcade #Machines!

The New Age of Arcade Gaming-- 4,000 & 1 #Arcade #Machines!
What? All traditional arcade games ever before made from the 70's-- 2,000's in one machine!
That's proper, we have entered a new age of arcade gaming!
Finally, multigame #arcade #games, #arcade #machine with over 4,000 classic arcade games inside 1 arcade game cabinet!
#slotmachines #slot #machines #poker #machines
This is your possibility to build the best #mancave with #arcade #arcade #machines, #arcade #games, #slot #machines, #pinball #machines, as well as #jukeboxes!
Learn more:
Ok, so if your like me, you matured as a teenager during the 1980's, indicating you were born sometime during the very early to mid-1960's, consequently, you remember the days of going to a neighborhood arcade and playing arcade games like Pacman, Ms. Pacman, Vermin, Asteroids, Area Invaders, Protector and also mor on one solitary arcade game cabinet. However, let us state you were like my kid Jimmy, he was birthed 1982, as a result, he matured playing video arcade games like Double Dragon, Road Fighter, Teen Mutant Ninja Turtles, Temporal Kombat as well as lots of others. Nonetheless, now that we are all well right into our adult years, me someplace in my mid 50's, and also my son a boy 37-years of age, we still think of experiencing again the glory days of the arcade games we played after institution ever before day. Yet, if you take a look around at some regional game room shop that offers these old used timeless arcade games, they set you back around $2,000, right? And, for just one solitary arcade game. Ok visualize this situation.
So currently, you are board to fatality due to the fact that you are informed by the Guv of your state NOT TO LEAVE your home unless you definitely need to. In addition, also after the Covid-19 pandemic has leveled out, or mysteriously vanished, for years, travel and also vacationing will never be the same as it was pre-covid-19 am I right? So currently, maybe you aspire or prefer to construct a man cavern, family members cavern, or as we like to call it at IN THE NEW AGE, a "Staycation," (In the house holiday.) So, currently you start looking around for some arcade games, a pinball machine, an actual however used casino slot machine, as well as even a jukebox. Wow, would not that make an outstanding family-cave in your home? Nonetheless, by the time you build up even 2 or 3 arcade games, allow us state, Ms. Pacman, Donkey Kong, and also Road Competitor, you would be spending at least $5,000 for some rebuilt used arcade games. Nonetheless, regardless of what the local game room individual informs you, or that E-bay site without any means to speak to the vendor by telephone informs you, you are still purchasing as well as arcade game that goes to the very least 20-30 years of ages, am I deal with? As well as, what does that mean? It LEADS TO TROUBLES! PREVIOUSLY!
Multigame #Arcade #Machines-- Arcade games-- Arcade Machines
We at IN THE NEW AGE, sell an entire line of multigame arcade machines called the "Classic Arcade System." With is this line of arcade game machines, we provide 4 various cabinet designs. We provide the full-size stand-up arcade games with a huge 32" LCD check, and also smaller sized stand-up arcade games with 22"-- 26" LCD screens. However, if you like the sit-down arcade cabinets, we sell possibly the world's only cocktail sit-down came with a 32" LCD screen. Likewise, we sell pub-style arcade games, and also arcade games inside wine barrels. Now, just how amazing is that? BUT DELAY! All these different style arcade games currently consist of 4,000+ traditional arcade games like Pacman, Ms. Pacman, Donkey Kong, Road Fighter, Dual Dragon, Steel Slug, Mortal Kombat, TMT Turtles, NBA Jam, and some many more.
#Pinball #Machines Pinball Machines
Do not stress, I did not ignore you pinball individuals. We market a virtual pinball machine that includes over 2,000 timeless pinball games like Pinbot, Eight Sphere Deluxe, Avengers, Road Fighters Batman, Comet, Blackhole, and also more. In addition, our online, or additionally referred to as, video pinball machines also consist of almost 1,000 classic arcade games like Pacman, Galaxian as well as a lot more. So, just how do you play arcade games on a pinball machine? It is straightforward, due to the fact that our video pinball machine consists of much more that flipper switches and a round plunger. Our virtual pinball also includes 2 joysticks, WOW! No, I ask you, how awesome is that? Yet, do not worry, I know a few of you like to attempt your good luck at the casino am I right?
Slot machines: #slot #machines
We sell actual slot machine like Bally slots, WMS slot machines, as well as IGT slot machines. The slot machines we market were actual slot machines used, as well as even used today in the casinos on the Las Vegas strip like the Stratosphere hotel casino, the MGM casino, Caesars Palace Las Vegas Hotel & Casino, and also others.
Jukeboxes: #jukeboxes
Do not your jukebox lover fear, we did not forget about you. Afterall, what would certainly an at home game room be without some music right? We market the worlds best and also just UNITED STATES made jukebox, and I am speaking of Rock-Ola jukeboxes.
Rock-Ola jukebox business builds 3 various sorts of jukeboxes. The make the uncommon and tough to discover vinyl-45 record playing jukebox, CD jukeboxes, and also the well-known Rock-Ola Music Facility digital downloadable jukebox. However hey, do not stress, despite the fact that these are all new jukeboxes, they are the genuine nostalgic bubbler jukeboxes that were so preferred back in the 1940's, the 1950, s and beyond.
Now, if this has not been a lot of ENJOYABLE as well as INTERESTING knowledge to take in for a day, we market even more intriguing and very sought after proudest at our business internet site. I encourage you log onto our web site TODAY!
Jimmy Smith
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#Arcade #Games Made from White Wine Barrels? How Great Is That?

#Arcade #Games Made from White Wine Barrels? How Great Is That?
You require to check out the all new a glass of wine barrel gallery video games that include 3,500 games in one machine if you desire something super-cool and also unique for your recroom!
Game ready sale, video games up for sale, pacman arcade games for sale, #video #games, #slot #machines, #pinball #machines, #jukeboxes for sale, #video #games, #arcade #game, #arcade #machine
We at IN THE NEW AGE are popular for our large, yet, varied selection of items. And, most of our products we market are game room related, consisting of however not restricted to; Multi-game arcade machines that consist of 100's and even 1,000's of classic video games like Pac-man, Ms. Pac-man, Galaga, Donkey Kong, Arkinoid, Frogger, Street Boxer games, Missile Command, Defender, as well as much more. Additionally, we offer digital pinball machines that already include over 2,000 timeless pinball table video games like Space Shuttle, Pinbot, and also various other.
Currently, for those of you who reviewed a formerly released press release that stated our all new arcade video game machine with an integrated in fridge to hold chilly beverages, we have generated yet one more perhaps uncommon gallery closet, however yet, fairly one-of-a-kind. Featuring the all new white wine barrel gallery game machine.
Regarding the item:
We market a number of different variations of a gallery game cabinet that is made from various timber veneers to look essentially IDENTICLE to an actual nostalgic, as well as rustic red wine barrel.
We provide a number of various timber tones, and also 2 various wine barrel dimension cupboards. One design is a sit-down variation where players can use basic chairs to play the games. The 2nd style white wine barrel cabinet is calling a "bar arcade video game cupboard." The bar arcade game machine is tall sufficient where a couple of players can either stand to play the games, or you can use 2 vehicle feceses. Additionally, prior to I forget, we are consisting of a set of either short's feceses for the sit-down style white wine barrel cabinet, or a set of two tall bars stools fore every bar design game cupboard machine bought.
Traditional Gallery Gamings consisted of:
Firstly, we offer various game loads with each wine barrel video game machine. We offer a game pack with 60 computer game, 412 video clip arcade games, 1162 game video games, as well as even a game pack with 3,500 classic video clip game games. Here is a very short list of games consisted of with the for pointed out video game packs; Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong jr, Frogger, Vermin, Millipede, Missile Command, Pac-man, Ms. Pac-man, Martial Arts Champ, Dual Dragon, Arkinoid, Space Invaders, Dig Dug, Stargate, several; Metal Slug arcade games, several Road Boxer arcade video games as well as the list takes place.
Ok so probably a wine barrel gallery video game style closet is not for you, nonetheless, we market a number of various design upright arcade video game machines with significant LCD keeps track of that variety ins sized from 19 inches right approximately 32 inch high-definition displays, consisting of 2-player and also 4-player control board. The upright video game cabinets been available in closet surfaces which include a stunning oak woodgrain, all black and black with blue graphics. Additionally, you can client your gallery game machine to consist of any kind of name you want the marque to read, such as "Jim's Arcade,' or, "Smiths Staycation."
Now, returning to the sit-down game games, we offer numerous various sit-down styles, also described as mixed drink design arcade video games. The cocktail gallery game closets consist of the same game loads with just the same timeless arcade games included, similar to the red wine barrel video games machines and the upright arcade games. Yet, unlike mots cocktail gallery video games, we offer 19 inch completely approximately a huge 26-inch LCD high-definition arcade video game screen!
To see all products we sell, besides arcade machines, video game video games, pinball machines, we also market the worlds most demanded jukebox, actual Las Vegas made use of one-armed bandit, Rock-Ola jukeboxes. Come visit our web site today!
Win barrel Gallery Gamings
Every little thing we sell goes to:
Game ready sale, video games offer for sale, pacman gallery ready sale, #video #games, #slot #machines, #pinball #machines, #jukeboxes offer for sale, #video #games, #arcade #game, #arcade #machine
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In The House #Gaming Night! An Option to Your Stay-At-Home Blues!

In The House #Gaming Night! An Option to Your Stay-At-Home Blues!
Currently readily available to the public, genuine #slot #machines that were used in #Las #Vegas #casinos!
slot machine to buy, bally ports, igt one-armed bandit, Williams vending machine, utilized slot machines. Or, if you like game games machine, gallery games for sale, like pacman, Ms. Pacman, Galaga. Furthermore, pinball machine sales, jukeboxes available for sale as well as even more!
Learn more:
It's official, we at IN THE NEW AGE have acquired a straight distributorship to sell actual #slotmachines that were utilized in some of Las Vegas most preferred casino sites, consisting of yet not restricted to; Caesars Royal Residence, The Stratosphere Casino Site, Binions, The Palmsion's casino, New York-New York, The Mirage, Treasure Island, the Acid rock gambling establishment hotel, Mandalay Bay, and last however far from the very least the world popular Bellagio!
In addition, a lot of the casino slots we market have originated from a few of one of the most well-known Indian country gambling enterprises including but not limited to; WinStar Globe Gambling Enterprise and also Hotel, Foxwoods Resort Gambling Enterprise, Mohegan Sun, Seminole Acid Rock Online Casino, San Manuel Indian Casino Site, Pechanga Resort & Online Casino, Choctaw Gambling Enterprise Resort.
So, if you think this seems exciting right? I imply, to be able to own your really own gambling enterprise video game like a Ballys one-armed bandit, and IGT slot machine, or a Williams (WMS) slots, right? Nonetheless, in addition to the slotmachines, we also offer multi game casino machines like the globe famous IGT Game king, or the IGT Heaxbreaker!
Currently, for a visibly list of our most popular selling one-armed bandit we currently provide yet not restricted to.
Bally #slot #machine:
Bally Cash Money Spin, Bally Roulette slots, Bally Platinum Quick, Bally Hot dime slot machine, as well as the world popular, perhaps one of the most famous Bally slot machine ever made the Bally
Blazing 7's!
IGT #slot #machines:
IGT Davinci Diamonds slots, IGT Lucky Larry's Lobster Mania slot machine, IGT Mayan Treasures vending machine, the globe famous IGT Cleopatra 1 as well as Cleopatra 2 vending machine, as well as naturally let us not neglect the IGT Texas Tea slots.
Williams (WMS) one-armed bandit:
The Williams Multigame video online poker, video clip keno, and also video fruit machine, the Williams Woman Godiva, and below is a good one, try pronouncing the one Invaders from the World Moolah slots!
Certainly, what would certainly a genuine Las Vegas vending machine be if you could not make use of real cash to play is, and also naturally would not you want to have your buddies, family, and also next-door neighbors over for casino evening? Naturally, you would certainly right! For that reason, each slot machine we sell consists of a new upgraded currency acceptor that accepts all United States dollar bills consisting of fifty as well as one hundred-dollar costs! Yet do not worry, I did not forget the winnings. This is what every one-armed bandit includes either a "hand-pay" alternative, or the most usual pay-selection, as well as actual "Ticket-printer," that publishes out a voucher indicator the amount of winning points.
Ok, don't worry, I know what you are thinking. You are asking yourself where to put your one-armed bandit as well as to establish it down on what right? Yet worry not! You can purchase a genuine vending machine stand to position your new gambling establishment vending machine on. But wait, what would certainly an in the house online casino lack a couple of even more fund video games to play, am I right? So, check this out!
In addition to our Las Vegas casino site slots, we sell actual full-size stand-up, and cocktail sit-down video game video games that consist of in between 400-3,500 timeless game video games done in one gallery game machine. The game games consist of yet not at all restricted to; Pac-man, Ms. Pac-man, Galaga, Dig Dig, Hamburger Time, Frogger, Tempest, Karate Champ, Q-birt, Asteroids, Space Invaders and also much more! Ok, I know, so you like pinball, right?
In addition to the fruit machine and the game video games, we market one of the most innovative digital pinball machine on the marketplace, it is called the Vpin!
The Vpin consists of a large 42" LCD table-screen and also consists of over 2,000 pinball video games and computer game such as yet not limited to; Pinbot, 8 Sphere Deluxe, Comet, Space Capsule, Batman, Avengers, Pirates of the Caribbean, Pacman, Galaxian therefore several ore. Also, in case you are asking yourself exactly how can a pinball machine play gallery games also, it's due to the fact that the Vpin video clip pinball machines consists of 2-sets of flipper switches, 2-joystickes, and also shed of buttons for un restricted video arcade game play! But, don't worry, we really did not fail to remember a solution for some songs!
To contribute to your at-home casino event, casino site evening, or fairly honestly, pc gaming night, you can purchase a new handmade jukebox by Rock-Ola jukebox company!
We offer the nostalgic bubbler jukeboxes in various cabinet surfaces like oak, walnut, gloss white, gloss black. Furthermore, we provide some branded Rock-Ola jukeboxes consisting of The Elvis jukebox, the Harley Davidson jukebox, the Jack Daniels jukebox, and also the very popular Rock-Ola 90th Wedding anniversary jukebox! Also, all jukeboxes are available in the classic vinyl-45 record player, the CD jukebox, and also the modern Rock-Ola Music Facility!
To start on your trip for a stay-at-home pc gaming evening visit us today!
Made use of one-armed bandit to buy, purchase fruit machine, gallery game sales, jukebox sales, pinball machine sales, home arcade games, #slot #machines, #arcade #games, #arcade #machines, #jukeboxes
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List of Las Vegas Casinos that Never Opened

List of Las Vegas casinos that never opened
Over the years there have been several casinos and resorts planned for the Las Vegas Valley that never opened. The stages of planning may have been just an announcement or groundbreaking.[1][2][3]
Asia Resort and Casino
Where the Palazzo Casino and Resort currently stands (adjacent to the Venetian Hotel and Casino and the Sands Expo and Convention Center), an Asian themed casino was proposed but was rejected for the present Palazzo project.[4]
Alon Las Vegas
A proposed luxury hotel and casino located on the Las Vegas Strip on the former site of the New Frontier Hotel and Casino, announced in 2015.[5] The project was put in doubt after Crown Resorts announced in late 2016 it was suspending its involvement in the development.[6] Crown announced in December 2016 that it was halting the project and seeking to sell its investment. The remaining partner Andrew Pascal announced he was seeking other partners to proceed with the project. However in May 2017, the land went up for sale.[7] The land was later purchased by Steve Wynn.
Beau Rivage
Steve Wynn, who had purchased and demolished the Dunes hotel-casino, had originally planned to build a modern hotel in the middle of a man-made lake. He later built the Bellagio with a man-made lake in the front of the hotel.[citation needed] The name was later used by Wynn for a resort built in Biloxi, Mississippi.
Caribbean Casino
In 1988, a sign for a proposed casino was erected on a fenced vacant lot on Flamingo Road. Standing near the sign was a scale model galleon. For several years, that was all that stood on the property. The empty lot was the source of many jokes by the locals until the ship, which was later damaged by a fire started by a homeless person, was torn down in the 1990s and the lot became the site of the Tuscany Suites and Casino co-owned by Charles Heers, who has owned the property since the 1960s.[8]
In 1990, the Radisson group proposed a 3,376-room hotel next to the Dunes, with a casino shaped like a Hershey's Kiss.[9]
A proposed resort that was to have been built on the site of El Rancho Vegas. The parcel is now partially taken by the Hilton Grand Vacations Club and Las Vegas Festival Grounds.[4]
City by the Bay Resort and Casino
A San Francisco-themed resort was proposed for the site of the New Frontier Hotel and Casino. The project was rejected in favor of the Swiss-themed Montreux, which was also eventually cancelled.[4]
Countryland USA
A country music-themed resort was planned for construction of the site of the former El Rancho Hotel and Casino. For some years, the El Rancho sign stood with the words "Coming Soon - Future Home of Countryland USA."[10][11]
Craig Ranch Station
Main article: Craig Ranch Station A Mediterranean-themed hotel-casino for North Las Vegas, proposed by Station Casinos in March 2000.[12] The project faced opposition from nearby residents,[13][14][15] which led to the proposed location being changed to a vacant property on the nearby Craig Ranch Golf Course.[16] Residential opposition to the new location led to the project being rejected by the Nevada Gaming Policy Committee in March 2001. Station Casinos still had the option to develop the project on the initial site,[17][18] but the project was cancelled entirely in July 2001, following a weak financial quarter for the company.[19]
Crown Las Vegas
Main article: Crown Las Vegas Formerly known as Las Vegas Tower, the Crown Las Vegas was to have been a supertall skyscraper built on the former site of a Wet 'n Wild water park. In March 2008, the project was canceled and the property was put up for sale.[20]
Desert Kingdom
In 1993, ITT Sheraton purchased the Desert Inn casino, and had announced plans to develop the large parking lot into a Balinese themed resort to complement the Desert Inn. The project was never developed and the site is now the location of Wynn Las Vegas.[4]
DeVille Casino
After building the Landmark Hotel and Casino on Convention Center Drive and selling it to Howard Hughes, developer Frank Carroll built the DeVille Casino across the street from the Landmark at 900 Convention Center Drive in 1969. Chips were made for the casino (and are sought-after collectibles), but the casino never opened.[21] The building was renovated in 1992 as a race book parlor named Sport of Kings which closed after nine months.[22] It became the location of The Beach nightclub, which was demolished in 2007 to make room for a planned 600-unit tower[23] that was never built.[24] The land sits currently empty.
Echelon Place
Main article: Echelon Place An announced project by Boyd Gaming planned to have a hotel built on the property of the former Stardust Resort & Casino. Construction was suspended on August 1, 2008 due to the Great Recession. In March 2013, Boyd Gaming sold the proposed site for $350 million to the Genting Group, which is redeveloping the project as the Asian-themed Resorts World Las Vegas.
Fontainebleau Las Vegas
Main article: The Drew Las Vegas Located on the Las Vegas Strip and originally known as Fontainebleau Las Vegas. Construction began in 2007, and the resort was to include a casino, 2,871 hotel rooms, and 1,018 condominium units.[25] Construction on the $2.9 billion project ceased in 2009, the year of its planned opening. Investment firms Witkoff Group and New Valley LLC purchased the unfinished resort in 2017.[26] In 2018, Witkoff and Marriott International announced a partnership to open the renamed project as The Drew Las Vegas in 2020. The resort will include a casino and three hotels totaling nearly 4,000 rooms, with the condominium aspect removed from the project.[27]
Harley-Davidson Hotel and Casino
A resort themed after the motorcycle manufacturer Harley-Davidson was proposed, complete with hotel towers shaped like gigantic exhaust pipes, but was never built.[4]
Jockey Club Casino
The Jockey Club is a condominium and timeshare resort at 3700 Las Vegas Boulevard South. It was planned to have a casino, and chips were made for its use, but the casino was never opened.[28]
Kactus Kate's
By April 1994, Gold Coast Hotel and Casino owner Michael Gaughan was interested in building a hotel-casino in North Las Vegas,[29] at the northeast corner of North Rancho Drive and Carey Avenue. In January 1995, the city planning commission approved the rezoning of the land for use as a hotel-casino. The resort, to be named Kactus Kate's, would be built by Gold Coast Hotel/Casino Limited. The hotel would include 450 rooms, and the casino would be 105,000 sq ft (9,800 m2),[30] later decreased to 102,000 sq ft (9,500 m2).[31] The resort would be located directly north of the nearby Fiesta and Texas Station resorts.[31]
In December 1998, Coast Resorts, Inc. received approval from the planning commission for a use-permit relating to the undeveloped property. In November 2000, the planning commission unanimously approved a two-year extension on the permit, giving the company more time to decide whether it would build Kactus Kate's. Because of a 1999 Senate bill that placed restrictions on casinos in neighborhoods, Coast Resorts had a deadline of 2002 to build the casino. The hotel would measure over 100 feet (30 m) high, and Coast Resorts was required to notify the Federal Aviation Administration of its final plans, due to the site being located less than 1,000 feet (300 m) from a runway at the North Las Vegas Airport.[32] In January 2001, Station Casinos purchased the 29-acre (12 ha) site for $9 million. Coast Resorts president Harlan Braaten said, "As we saw the competitive nature of that area intensify, in terms of the size of competing facilities, we just felt we would have to build something much bigger than we had intended to compete with Texas Station and Santa Fe Station. It was just going to be a very expensive project, and we didn't feel the returns would be that good." Station Casinos planned to sell the property as a non-gaming site.[31]
Las Vegas Plaza
Main article: Las Vegas Plaza Not to be confused with the Plaza Hotel & Casino.
This was to have been modeled after the Plaza Hotel in New York City. The project was announced shortly before the demolition of the New Frontier Hotel and Casino, where the new hotel would be built. Las Vegas Plaza was cancelled in 2011 due to the Great Recession.
London Resort and Casino
This announced project was to have been themed around the city of London, and featuring replicas of the city's landmarks. The project was to be built on land across from the Luxor Hotel and Casino. A second London-themed resort was to be built on the former land of the El Rancho Hotel and Casino. Neither project ever began construction.[4]
London, Las Vegas
This was a proposed three-phase project using London as its design inspiration. When completed, the 38.5-acre (15.5 ha) property would have featured 1,300 hotel rooms, a casino, a 500-foot-tall (152.4 m) observation wheel named Skyvue (partially constructed), and 550,000 square feet (51,097 square meters) of restaurants and shops — all of which would be architectural replicas of various British landmarks and neighborhoods.[33] The project was to be constructed on land across from the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino on the Las Vegas Strip, where — as of November 2019 — the partially-constructed Skyvue still stands. The wheel was to be "Phase I of London, Las Vegas".
Montreux Resort
This Swiss-themed resort was to have been built on the property of the former New Frontier Hotel and Casino, but was ultimately cancelled.[34]
Moon Resort and Casino
Proposed by Canadian developer Michael Henderson, this is a planned 10,000-room, 250-acre (1.0 km2) lunar-themed casino resort.[35] Gaming experts doubt it will ever be built in Las Vegas, simply because the space planned for it is too large for the Las Vegas Strip.[4]
NevStar 2000
Further information: Craig Ranch Station § NevStar 2000 Proposed by NevStar Gaming in 1998, the NevStar 2000 entertainment complex in North Las Vegas would have included a hotel and casino,[36] but the project faced opposition from nearby residents who did not want a casino in the area.[37][38] The project was cancelled when NevStar Gaming filed for bankruptcy in December 1999.[12]
North Coast/Boyd Gaming project
In May 2003, Coast Casinos had plans for the North Coast hotel-casino, to be built at the southwest corner of Centennial Parkway and Lamb Boulevard in North Las Vegas. The project would be built on approximately 40 acres (16 ha) of vacant land, surrounded by other land that was also undeveloped. At the time, the North Las Vegas Planning Commission was scheduled to review requests for zoning changes and approvals for the project. The project was not scheduled to be built for at least another four years, after completion of a highway interchange at Lamb Boulevard and the nearby Interstate 15, as well as the completion of an overpass over nearby railroad tracks. Bill Curran, an attorney for the land owner, said, "We're going through the zoning changes now so everybody knows what's going to be out there." The North Coast would include a casino, a 10-story hotel with 398 rooms, a bowling alley, movie theaters, and a parking garage.[39] In June 2003, the Planning Commission voted 6 to 1 to approve preliminary applications necessary to begin work on the North Coast.[40][41]
Boyd Gaming, the owner of Coast Casinos, announced in February 2006 that it would purchase the 40-acre site for $35 million.[42] Jackie Gaughan and Kenny Epstein were the owners at the time.[43] Boyd Gaming had not decided on whether the new project would be a Coast property or if it would be similar to the company's Sam's Town hotel-casino. At the time, no timetable was set for building the project.[42] In March 2007, the project was put on hold. At the time, Boyd Gaming had been securing construction permits for the project but decided to first review growth in the area. Construction had been scheduled to begin in mid-2007.[44] In August 2013, Boyd Gaming sold the undeveloped property for $5.15 million.[43]
Palace of the Sea Resort and Casino
This was to have been built on the former Wet 'n Wild waterpark site. Conceptual drawings included yacht-shaped towers that housed suites, a casino resembling the Sydney Opera House and a 600-foot (180 m) tall Ferris wheel-type attraction dubbed a "Sky Wheel". It never left the planning stages.[4]
Paramount Las Vegas
A casino and hotel and condo resort with more than 1,800 units that was planned by Royal Palms Las Vegas, a subsidiary of Royal Palms Communities.[45][46] The project was to replace the Klondike Hotel and Casino at the south end of the Las Vegas Strip,[47][45] beside the Las Vegas welcome sign.[48] The resort was approved in October 2006,[45] but an investor pulled out of the project in August 2007, and the land was put up for sale in May 2008.[46]
Pharoah's Kingdom
Pharoah's Kingdom was planned as a $1.2 billion gaming, hotel and theme park complex to be built on 710 acres (290 ha) at Pebble Road and Las Vegas Boulevard, five miles south of the Las Vegas Strip.[49][1] Construction was approved in October 1988,[49] with Silano Development Group as the developer.[50]
The project would have an Egyptian theme, including two 12-story pyramids made of crystal, with each containing 300 suites. The hotel would have a total of 5,000 rooms,[50] making it the largest in the world.[51] The 230,000 sq ft (21,000 m2) casino would include 100 table games and 3,000 slot machines, while an RV park, mini-golf, a bowling alley, and a video game arcade would be located beside the casino area.[52] Three of the project's various pyramid structures would house the 50-acre (20 ha) family theme park. Other features would include sphinxes, man-made beaches, waterways resembling the Nile river, an underwater restaurant, a 24-hour child-care facility, a 100-tenant shopping promenade, and a repertory-style theater that would be overseen by actor Jack Klugman.[52] Additionally, the resort would feature an 18-hole PGA Championship golf course,[52] and a monorail located within the theme park.[50] The project would have one mile of frontage along Las Vegas Boulevard.[52]
Frank Gambella, president of the project, stated that financing was in place, with groundbreaking planned for March or April 1989. Gambella said the project would be financed by several entities, with the money coming from a Nevada corporation, suggesting the entities would be grouped together as an umbrella corporation. Gambella stated that the project could be opened by Labor Day 1990. The resort was expected to employ 8,000 people. Following the completion of the resort, Gambella said a complex of 750 condominiums would be built on the land along with 900 retirement-care apartments.[52]
The project was cancelled shortly after it was announced, as authorities became suspicious of developer Anthony Silano's fundraising efforts for the project. It was discovered that Silano and his associates hacked into the Switzerland bank accounts of Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos following his death in 1989. Silano pleaded guilty to federal conspiracy charges. Another Egyptian-themed resort, Luxor Las Vegas, would open on the south Las Vegas Strip in 1993.[1]
Planet Hollywood Resort (original plans)
Not to be confused with the current Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino.
Originally planned to open in the late 1990s on the site of the Desert Inn, it was to be one of the largest hotels in Las Vegas. Because of the bankruptcy of Planet Hollywood Restaurants, the hotel was never built. However, in the 2000s, a group of investors bought the new Aladdin Hotel and Casino and remodeled it with a modern Hollywood theme.[4]
Playboy Hotel and Casino
A proposed casino resort themed after Playboy magazine was rejected in favor of a nightclub and suites built at the top two floors of the new Palms tower.[4] The planned location for the Playboy Hotel and Casino, on the Las Vegas Strip, was later used for the Cosmopolitan resort.[53]
Santa Fe Valley
Main article: Santa Fe Valley Santa Fe Gaming, which owned the Santa Fe hotel-casino in northwest Las Vegas, had plans for a second Santa Fe property in 1996.[54] The Santa Fe Valley would be built on a 40-acre (16 ha) lot[55] in Henderson, Nevada, adjacent to the Galleria at Sunset mall. The start of construction was delayed several times because of poor financial quarters for Santa Fe Gaming,[54] and because of the company not yet receiving financing for the project.[56] Site preparation started in July 1998, with an opening date scheduled for December 1999,[57] but construction never began. In 1999, the property was sold to Station Casinos,[58][59] which sold the land a year later for use as a shopping center.[60]
Shenandoah Hotel and Casino
A project by Wayne Newton. Although the hotel operated for a short time at 120 E. Flamingo Road, the management was unable to get a gaming license. After years of floundering it was sold to a Canadian company and became Bourbon Street Hotel and Casino.
Silver City proposals
By January 2000, Luke Brugnara was planning to build a San Francisco-themed resort on the site of the closed Silver City Casino.[61] Brugnara intended to give Silver City a multimillion-dollar renovation, with plans to have a fully operational hotel-casino by 2002.[62] In March 2001, Brugnara's request for a gaming license was rejected.[63] In May 2002, it was announced that Brugnara had sold the casino while retaining six acres located behind the building.[64] In 2003, Brugnara was planning to build a 24-story, 304-room hotel and casino resort on a portion of the Silver City property. The resort, to be named "Tycoon", was to be designed by Lee Linton, with an expected cost of approximately $100 million.[65]
Starship Orion
International Thoroughbred Breeders (ITB) announced plans to demolish the El Rancho and construct Starship Orion, a $1 billion hotel, casino, entertainment and retail complex with an outer space theme, covering 5.4 million square feet (501,676 square meters). The resort was to include seven separately owned casinos, each approximately 30,000 square feet (2,787 square meters).[66][67] Each potential casino owner was to contribute up to $100 million to own and operate a casino within the complex.[68] The complex would have included 300,000 square feet (27,871 square meters) of retail space, as well as 2,400 hotel rooms and a 65-story hotel tower. ITB hoped to begin construction later in 1996, with a planned opening date of April 1998.[67]
This was to have been located at 4575 Boulder Highway. Property developer Michael Mona Jr. built the hotel-casino and stated that he was going to break tradition by starting a "casino without a theme". He failed to get an unrestricted gaming license when suspicions arose concerning his associations with alleged organized crime figures. Chips were made for the casino, but were never used.[69] The building was opened as Arizona Charlie's Boulder.
In 1999, Bob Stupak was planning a 400-foot-high (122 m) resort themed after the RMS Titanic, to be built on a 10-acre (4 hectares) property he owned near downtown Las Vegas. The resort would have included 1,200 rooms, 800 of which were to be used for timeshares to help finance the project. That year, planning commissioners rejected Stupak's request to change the zoning to allow for a hotel.[70] The project was later planned for the former site of the El Rancho Vegas on the Las Vegas Strip, but was rejected by the Las Vegas City Council.[4]
W Las Vegas
Main article: W Las Vegas W Las Vegas was proposed in August 2005, as a $1.7 billion joint project between Starwood and Edge Resorts, with a scheduled opening in 2008. The project would include a 75,000 sq ft (7,000 m2) casino and approximately 3,000 hotel, condo hotel, and residential units.[71][72] The project was cancelled in May 2007, after Starwood pulled out of the deal.[73]
Wally's Wagon Wheel
Wally's Wagon Wheel was to be developed by Walter Weiss through his company, Magna Leisure Partnership.[74][75] The project was proposed for 2200 South Boulder Highway in Henderson,[76][77] between Wagon Wheel Drive and Roberts Road,[78] near Henderson's Old Vegas western theme park. Manga Leisure Partnership purchased the 15.5-acre property in late February 1988. Weiss, at that time, had tentative plans for a western-themed, 112-room property known then as the Wagon Wheel Hotel and Casino. The Wagon Wheel was expected to cost $15 million, and financing had yet to be obtained for the project, which Weiss expected to open in early 1990.[74] The project, which would include a 55,000 sq ft (5,100 m2) casino, was to be built in two phases.[79]
By October 1991, Wally's Wagon Wheel remained unbuilt due to difficulty obtaining financing.[80][76] That month, the Henderson Planning Commission voted to give Weiss more time to make progress on the project. At that time, the project was to include 204 hotel rooms and would be built on 13.30 acres (5.38 ha). Weiss noted that the nearby successful Sam's Town hotel-casino opened with 204 rooms, and he believed his project would be successful if he opened with the same amount of rooms for good luck.[76] By the end of 1992, Weiss had still not acquired financing for Wally's Wagon Wheel. At the time, the project was the largest of five casinos being planned for Henderson. The three-story project was to include 200 rooms, two restaurants, a theater lounge for country and western entertainment, and a large bingo room. Weiss stated that groundbreaking was scheduled for May 1993, with an expected opening in June 1994. The hotel-casino would employ approximately 600 people upon opening.[81]
Weiss met with nearby residents to discuss the project, and he had the original design changed to include a larger buffer zone between homes and the hotel-casino. In November 1994, the Henderson Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of Weiss' requested zone change as part of the redesign. The project, at that time, was to include a one-story casino and a four-story hotel with 400 rooms.[82][83] In December 1994, the Henderson City Council rejected Weiss' plans for a 200-foot (61 m) buffer.[84]
In July 1997, the unbuilt project received its sixth extension from the Henderson Planning Commission for a use permit and architectural review.[85] In August 1997, the Henderson City Council approved the sixth extension, but denied Weiss' appeal for a one-year extension, instead giving him six months to make progress on the project.[77] Up to that time, $1.7 million had been invested in the project by Magna Leisure Partnership.[86] As of 1998, the project was expected to cost $80 million and employ at least 1,200 people, and the proposed site had increased to 19 acres (7 ha). At that time, Weiss stated that he was close to obtaining financing for the project from a casino operator.[87] The project was never built.
Wild Wild West
Not to be confused with Wild Wild West Gambling Hall & Hotel. As of 1993, Station Casinos owned a 27-acre (11 ha) site on Boulder Highway with the potential to be developed as a casino. The site was located across the street from Sam's Town hotel-casino.[88] In January 1998, Crescent Real Estate Equities Co. announced plans to purchase Station Casinos, which had intended to sell the land prior to the announcement.[89] By March 1998, Station Casinos was planning to develop a hotel-casino complex on the land, which was occupied by a vacant strip mall. The complex would be known as Wild Wild West, with local residents as the target clientele.[90][89]
Crescent's purchase of Station Casinos failed in August 1998, and Station Casinos subsequently slowed its plans to build the project.[91] By the end of the year, the project had received approval from the Clark County Planning Commission for a 273,000 sq ft (25,400 m2) casino and a 504-room hotel.[92] No timetable for construction was announced,[92][93] and Station Casinos had already decided by that point not to start any new projects prior to 2000.[92] Station Casinos sold the undeveloped land for $11.2 million to Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. in April 2004.[94]
World Port
In 2000, Howard Bulloch, David Gaffin, and their partner Tom Gonzales transferred ownership of the Glass Pool Inn property to their group, known as New World, with plans for a megaresort.[95] New World purchased several other nearby motels to accumulate a 77-acre (31 ha) parcel located on the Las Vegas Strip and east of the Mandalay Bay.[96] In January 2001, plans were announced for World Port Resorts, a megaresort consisting of hotel-casinos, a convention center and a fine arts facility. The project was to be built on the 77-acre (31 ha property, a portion of which was occupied by the Glass Pool Inn.[96]
World Trade Center
To have been located at 925 East Desert Inn Road. Leonard Shoen, co-founder of U-Haul truck rental, purchased the property of what had been the Chaparral Hotel & Casino in 1996, renovating it into the World Trade Center Hotel. A gaming license was applied for, but when it was discovered that two of Shoen's closest partners were convicted felons, the application was denied in 1998. He withdrew his application, and died in a car crash in 1999 that was ruled a suicide. Cards and gaming chips were produced for the World Trade Center Casino, but were never used.[97] The property has since been demolished and is now a parking lot, part of the Las Vegas Convention Center Annex.
World Wrestling Federation
A casino resort themed after the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) was proposed for a property near the Interstate 15 freeway across from Mandalay Bay. The project never went past the proposal stage.[4] The land where it would have stood is now Allegiant Stadium.
WWF also proposed to open the project on the property once used by the Clarion Hotel and Casino, which was demolished in 2015 to become a parking lot.
In February 1976, the Clark County Commission approved the 23-story Xanadu resort, to be built on the Las Vegas Strip at the corner of South Las Vegas Boulevard and Tropicana Avenue. The resort would include approximately 1,700 hotel rooms and a casino, as well as convention facilities, a showroom, dining, and indoor tennis courts. The resort was to be developed by Tandy McGinnis – of Bowling Green, Kentucky – and his Xanadu Corporation, and would be built on 48.6 acres (19.7 ha) owned by Howard Downes, a resident of Coral Gables, Florida.[98][99][100] The Xanadu would feature a pyramid design, and was expected to cost $150 million.[100] It would have been the first themed mega-resort. Much information and many artifacts of the project are housed at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas library. The Excalibur Hotel and Casino ultimately opened on the property in 1990.[101]
See also
Category:Defunct casinos in the Las Vegas Valley List of Atlantic City casinos that never opened
submitted by Gourmet_Salad to OneWordBan [link] [comments]

[HR] Naima

She was going to buy diapers. They were having a sale at Kroger and she was woefully unprepared for how expensive they were, how expensive everything to do with babies was. Mary had her first, and as of now, only child just six months ago. It might as well have been six years at this point. The rumors were true, any hope of sleep was abandoned long ago. Maurice did what he could to help out, he loved feeding their little girl and didn’t mind when she spontaneously vomited on his shirt, or if he did he never showed it.
They named the girl Naima, after Maurice’s grandmaw who passed away the day her namesake came into the world. Naima made it to her grandmaw’s funeral where she screamed and cried every second of the service. Mary however was absent. Everyone understood. Her labor wasn’t easy, a grueling sixteen hours of push and breathe, sweat running down her arms and legs in rivulets. They all agreed that a funeral was no place for a woman to be after giving birth just four days ago. But at Easter, Mary was certain they all looked at her a bit different now, like she had failed an important exam and her commitment to the family was thrown into question.
The parking lot was nearly deserted, it being almost 10 o'clock at night. She had meant to go earlier in the day, had even set an alarm on her phone to remind herself, but Naima was sick. Mary thought she was sick. She was mostly sure she was sick. She hadn’t eaten anything that day except for a few brown lumps of applesauce that later came out the other end virtually the same. Mary wasn’t scared yet but the anxiety, the vision of rushing to her family doctor only to be told once again that “this is normal Mrs. Hader, happens all the time, she just needs a bit of rest,” was ever present on her mind. She hated that place, hated the smell of it. When she herself was a little girl the atmospheres of hospitals, clinics, dentist offices, all revolted her. The snarky look of the woman behind the counter, watching another new mother panic over a little diarrhea, it was all a bit too much to bear. She tossed an Ativan quickly into her mouth and locked the car door.
She checked her phone. No texts from Maurice. He would be working late tonight, they’d been giving him the night shift at the hospital for months now. Even when he got off early he would head to the gun range to “get his aim ready for the apocalypse.” The baby was taking a strain on him. He held up well, remarkably well, better than she had. Naima was the love of her life, as well as the bottomless well where she tossed in every waking hour of her day. Sure she could maybe leave her alone here and there, she was six months after all, but she knew that within ten minutes the screaming and crying would start and there’d she be, holding the squirming mass to her breast.
She squinted at the glaring white lights of the store and swung her grocery bag from side to side, not thinking about where she was going as she walked towards the Personal Care aisle. She passed colorful packages of tissues, toothpaste, and tampons, and studied the boxes of diapers, selecting what she gathered was the medium tier.
Down the aisle there was a young man looking at conditioner. He was rubbing his mouth and kept looking back and forth from his phone to the bottles.
“Having trouble?” she said
“I guess so. I’m supposed to get something with coconut oil, but there’s like five of them with that.”
“Do what I do.”
“What’s that?” She picked up a nondescript bottle and put it in his hands.
“Get the cheapest,” she said.
He laughed a little at this, “I like the way you think. Who are those for?” he said, pointing to the box in her hand.
“Naima- or uh, my daughter.”
“Bit late to be running out for that.” She didn’t quite like that, but he gave her a quick sympathetic smile that she returned.
“Yeah I was going to earlier but you know how it is,” she started walking back down the aisle.
“I can help you,” the man said, his voice even.
She stopped and turned back to him. He was still looking at her nicely enough, his eyes almost seemed to be scanning her.
“Excuse me, I have to go.”
She turned and started walking back again. Suddenly much more aware of how empty the store was at this time. She didn’t hear him follow, just the sound of her own flip flops hitting the floor a bit faster than normal. She cast a glance over at the two employees by the service kiosk who were chatting away, hardly even noticing her. She wanted to be through self check out and back in her car as quickly as possible. Would she tell Maurice about it? No, probably not. He’d get worried, and he already had so much to deal with.
The self checkout machine blared out to her in its automated voice, asking if she had a membership card. She cursed it silently and quickly scanned the box of diapers, leaving well before the receipt was curling out of the slot. In the black reflection of the plate glass windows of the store she saw the man calmly scanning the bottle of conditioner. Her heart beat a little louder in her ears, she hadn’t even heard him walking up. She kept her eyes fixed on his reflection as she walked out the sliding doors.
The night air was humid and hung still. Across the parking lot a car sat by a stop sign, its red brake lights casting a faint glow on her face. Her little Hyundai was parked thirty yards away. She put her phone up to her ear and pretended to be talking to someone, a trick she had learned in college. This soothed her anxiety a bit, not as much as the Atavil would when she got back into her car, but enough for now. She crossed the lane in front of the store and her footsteps echoed across the empty lot. Twenty yards away. Behind her she heard the sliding door open again, and she began to walk a little faster. Fifteen yards now. She thought she heard someone behind her but she couldn’t be sure, she was too afraid to look. At ten yards her heart was racing in her chest, it was hard to hear anything else. She took out her keys, gripping them tightly in her hands, trying to calm herself down. Her legs felt rubbery and weak, her eyes were hot. She made herself turn.
He was standing ten feet away, silhouetted by the dim yellow street light just above and behind him. He looked bigger, much bigger than he did in the store, and he wasn’t moving. Her mind tried to project a face, an identity onto the dark human cut-out before her. She could feel his eyes staring back at her, all over her. He moved towards her. She was yanking at the handle of the driver side door. She didn’t remember moving to get there. The handle pulled but with no click of the opening latch, she forgot to unlock the car. A quiet moan escaped her as she looked up into the reflection of the window and saw that dark figure raise its hand to the back of her head and with sudden force, thrust her head against the side of the door frame.
The first thing she noticed was that she was on her back. There was something covering her eyes, it felt soft but was wrapped tight around her head which made the aching pain in her forehead protest even louder. Worse than the pain was the smell. Wherever she was the air smelled cold and closed in, damp, stale. It smelled like overripe cucumbers. She could feel something crawling up her calf and tried to shake it off but her legs were bound tight to what felt like a cold metal table. She went to move her hand to brush it off but her arms were trapped just as her legs, with straps like the ones they used to restrain mentally ill patients.
Naima. The word flashed in her head like a big red neon sign outside a Las Vegas casino. The baby, my baby, she’s all alone. God I only left her for ten minutes. Hot tears wet the cloth over her eyes and ran down the side of her face. She thought about screaming but she was too upset, too scared, too confused to do so. Instead she started hyperventilating. She could hear herself gasping, the pressure building up inside here like a crescendo of panic and fear. Her mind flashed to the prescription bottle of Ativan in her car. God, where was her car? Where was she? What was crawling up her leg?
“You need to relax,” a voice said, and this time she did scream.
“Where’s my baby?!”
“Wherever you left- it?”
“Oh Jesus, what are you doing? Let me go, please let me go let me go let me go let me-”
“It was easy to get you here,” said the voice that she could hear slowly orbiting around her. “Dark parking lot in the middle of the night. You should know better. You weren’t even carrying pepper spray, I know, I checked your bag.”
Mary strained against the straps, against the pain in her head, and against the creeping thing that was now marching slowly up her thigh. She began to sob.
“Your head must be killing you,” said the voice in a quiet, comforting way. “I’m sorry I had to do… what I did. I was scared you would get away.”
“Why are you doing this,” Mary said in between sobs, almost screaming. “What the fuck do you want!?”
“You. I want you.” The voice was quiet for a time. The crawling thing was onto her canvas shorts now but she didn’t notice. “I think you’re beautiful, so beautiful, almost perfect. I want to help you become... immaculate. You’re so close. I don’t want you to worry about your head, you’ll never see a scar, I’m good at what I do. You’ll never see.”
Before she could respond her phone erupted somewhere distant in the room. It must have been sitting on a table because she could hear a loud buzzing sound. The voice growled in rage and rushed away, a moment later she heard a loud crack that must have been her phone flung shattering against the floor. Her mind tried to gauge how long she had been down here. She could feel the dried blood pulling on the skin of her forehead, maybe a couple hours at the most. Maurice would be home soon, he could take care of the baby, Naima must be screaming loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear. Somewhere in the back of her head she thought she could hear her infant child wailing in the distance. Almost as if he read her mind, the man said:
“Please don’t try to scream. No one can hear you down here, it’s just you and I now. But you won’t be down here long. I won’t leave you down here with all these nasty little things.”
She heard a quiet crushing sound, like stepping on a pine cone, and the cucumber smell increased. She was much more aware of the creeping crawling sensation that by now was exploring her exposed midriff. Suddenly his hands were on her, one of them resting gently on her thigh, the other plucking up what was just over her navel. In the darkness under her blindfold she could feel the air being displaced as his hand moved it towards her mouth.
And she could feel its antennae frantically probing her lips, its spindly legs scratching them, it released it’s pheromones and the stench made her gag, making a gurgling sound that contrasted sickeningly with the tittering laughter of the man still holding the bug to her face. She would scream but she was afraid if she opened her mouth he would drop it in. The smell was everywhere, in her mouth, in her nose, in her brain. She didn’t sense his hand pull away. She had concentrated every ounce of her being into not throwing up and only distantly heard the sound of the man crushing the insect between his fingers. Then he was back, squeezing her jaw with more force than she thought he possessed and said quietly:
“I will help you.”
He took off the blindfold.
The light that shown in her eyes was blinding but in time she was able to focus on the large mechanical arm, like the ones dentists used, that beamed light down into her face. She gagged again when she saw three stink bugs crawling lazily across its surface, had they been crawling all along her when she was unconscious? She peered around the room. Everything else was bathed in darkness, the vague outline of a shelf, a washing machine, and what looked like a set of ancient narrow stairs leading up out of the basement. To her right she heard the clinking silverware sound and she could see the man hunched over a long metal table.
“I’m sorry for the delay, I just want to make sure everything is done correctly. Co-rrect-ly. You’ll be happy to know I use anaesthetic now. It’s much quieter, easier for both of us.”
“I am going to fix you. Make you what you’re meant to be. I want you to understand I do this all out of love, out of love for your beauty, for what you will become.”
He turned around and her eyes grew wide and white with terror at the syringe in his hand. At this she finally screamed, screamed as loud as she could, louder than Naima screamed when she woke her up at 5 AM that morning, standing in her crib and howling. Mary’s arms and legs writhed against the straps and for a split second she thought she felt a give until he slapped her hard across the face. In stunned silence the tears fell freely down her cheeks, she was whimpering. The syringe needle entered just under her left cheekbone.
“Local aesthetic, I’d put you under if I thought I could bring you back out.”
She strained at the leather strap across her forehead, the back of her head now aching against the cold metal table top. Soon though she could feel her face going numb, a bitter taste in her mouth seemed to flow from there and then down throughout her body, into her arms and legs which laid like lead against her sides. She couldn’t tell if she even had a body anymore, she could feel nothing, not even her own breathing.
The man placed the syringe back on the table and in its place appeared a small scalpel. In her mind she was leaping off the table and up those rickety stairs, out of the black nothingness, but still she lay motionless. Near the spot where he injected the paralyzing liquid, the man made what must have been a small circular cut. She could feel a vague pressure on her cheek. She remembered being nineteen, the summer before her sophomore year at WSU, getting her wisdom teeth taken out, the sound of metal scraping against bone, ripping flesh.
She could see his fingers maneuvering little metal instruments like chopsticks, covered in crimson blood. He wasn’t wearing gloves. After what could have been an hour or five minutes, the pressure moved from her left cheek to the right, then the center of her face. Soon she wasn’t able to breathe out of her nose, she could feel something oozing into the back of her throat and tried to cough but couldn’t. In some far away corner of her mind she prayed that her gag reflex wouldn’t kick in, fearing she would choke and die on this table. The man yanked hard on her nose, the pressure mounting until with a pop he fell back, holding a white sliver of bone in his hand. More blood oozed down her throat. With equal force he pressed something down hard on her face, whatever was left of it at least, so hard that she could see stars forming in her vision. When he released she could not breathe through her nose at all, stopped up tighter than the worst cold of her life.
Apparently satisfied with his work he gave a small chuckle and plugged something into a wall socket behind her head, then she heard the buzzing whine of an electric razor. She heard him unstrap the leather bindings across her forehead and cradled her head in his hand and began to shave her hair off. Stray strands fell into her eyes and she tried to blink them away. The numbing effect was less potent near the back of her head and she could feel the razor travelling across her scalp. A rustling sound and she felt him placing something on her shaved head, a wig. It fit tight, pulling the skin above her eyebrows taut and making it nearly impossible to close her eyes.
Letting her head fall back down loudly on the metal table, he restrapped the leather bindings and pried her mouth open, fitting in a metal wire brace to hold it in place. Somewhere in the numb unconscious of her mind her gag reflex finally won her over.
With a sickening gurgle she vomited, but it became stuck in her throat and quickly the air was completely cut off. Alarms screamed inside her head but she still could not move, her eyes darted around their sockets. The man, whose face she still couldn’t make out due to the bright light directly above his head, only stared back at her silently. He yanked the wire brace out of her mouth, taking a few teeth with it, and then he kicked the table over on its side. The dark room lurched before her eyes as she slammed into the concrete floor, the heavy metal table bearing down on her from above. She vomited again but could now feel air roaring back into her burning lungs. Rasps escaped her and just as violently as she was flung down the man heaved the table back up into place and secured the straps. The feeling was beginning to return into her legs, she felt a wetness around her crotch.
“You’ll learn to keep it down now won’t you? God you stink, not much left to do.”
He opened her mouth, put the brace back in, and soon she felt immense pressure on her top gums, a yank, and a sound like a wine cork being pulled. He held up one of her incisors, gripped by his pliers, in front of her eyes. Tossing it aside, he fit the pliers around her other incisor, the pressure came, and then suddenly a hideous cracking, like a branch being snapped. Her tooth had shattered.
“Don’t worry I have new ones for you. Not too big, bright and shiny.”
Her fingertips were coming to life then, she could feel the cold air of the basement again and with horror she began to imagine the pain that would engulf her entire mind when the aesthetic wore off. The pain would blot out the world, would blot out the terror, would even blot out Naima. She wished for death.
“Darren, son you need to go to bed it’s late.”
The black figure snapped into attention like a deer in the headlights at the sound of feeble voice calling from far away, somewhere above their heads.
“I’ll be up soon momma, you just go on to bed now.”
His voice when he had spoken to her sounded frantic, monotone, inhuman. Now when he replied to that voice from above he affected a submissive whine. Sensation was reentering her body faster and faster by now. She could feel the raw skin of her wrists where she had pulled against the straps, and then her arms. She had to escape before the pain hit and blinded every sensibility. The black figure named Darren was back at his instrument table muttering soft curses to his mother who by now must have shuffled back into whatever stale bedroom she came from. Without really planning it, the thought entered her head. She began rocking back and forth on the table. The leather straps creaked a bit and the loose bolts holding the legs to the table squeaked but not enough for Darren to notice. She rocked harder and harder, urging against the leg straps that were looser than they should have been, he had neglected to secure them after knocking her over before. The table groaned as two of its legs were now leaving the ground at a time. Darren whipped around, the light finally catching his face. He was handsome, young, but that disarming grin he gave her in the supermarket was replaced by the bared teeth and all-white eyes of a man enraged. He lept up to catch her but the table fell again.
The strap holding her head down snapped and her forehead hit the concrete with a hollow sounding thud. The room went black before her eyes. Vaguely she felt her body dry heaving. The numbness was gone but the pain was distant, she was detached now from her body. Hovering in the air of the basement she saw her torso half laying out of the leather restraints of the table, her body violently spasming. Darren was pacing frantically beside her bleeding head, the area just above her left eye a red mass of flesh and blood already pasting strands of the bad blonde wig to her forehead. His nerve broke.
“Oh fuckfuckfuck I’m sorry. I wanted to help you, I did, I promise I wanted to make you better, I-. I’m going to let you go, but you can’t tell anyone, you can’t. You don’t know me.”
Inarticulate groans came out of her mouth, her tongue lazily exploring the gap where her two front teeth had been. He knelt down beside her and began undoing the straps, her eyes focused on a stink bug crawling slowly through the puddle of blood that her head had left. Red on green. The bug became two, then four, and then her vision fractalled out of existence. When it returned she woke up on the cold dewey grass of a front lawn.
She could hear automatic sprinklers chirping off somewhere distant. Her head was a mountain of pain, every pulse of her heart beat like a drum that throbbed and pushed even more agony than she thought could exist into consciousness. She pulled herself into a ball, groaning with each tiny muscle movement. She could not move her face, it felt like a mask. Her eyes burned and her vision was foggy, she peered out through blades of finely cut grass to a small one story house. Her house.
In an instant pain was replaced by a bottomless fear for her baby. She was on her feet. A distant place in her brain informed her that her left leg had been broken somewhere below her knee, and there was a crunching grinding sound as she walked. The motion sensing lights went on and cast a crooked shadow behind her. Her sticky hands felt behind her and by some miracle produced her house keys. She fumbled with the lock, it was hard as her vision kept blurring in and out of focus. Her head, God her head was killing her. She slid through the door and headed down past the kitchen to Naima’s room.
Maurice got off early that night and he was driving home. His floor had been quiet, just watchinng the clock spin. He wanted to go to the range but he hadn’t really seen Mary in three days. She worked hard for that child, every day of maternity leave from the school was spent in dedication to their little Naima. So he decided to surprise her, turn the engine off and coast into the driveway in neutral like he had done when they were in highschool while sneaking out. About a block away he flicked away a half smoked cigarette out the window. He promised her and himself that he’d quit soon. Lung cancer got his grandmother. He’d do it for Naima. But with these back to back shifts at the hospital, a man needed something to take the edge off, and when he couldn’t go to the shooting range a camel or two would do the trick.
The car rolled silently into the driveway. He got out and walked to the door, not noticing the droplets of blood on the grass or the red bricks of their walkway. He’d get into bed with her, pull her close to him, and if the baby was quiet, they’d sleep the whole night through for the first time in months. Then he caught sight of the bloody smudges around the lock and his heart stopped, it froze then and there in time. He saw his eyes in the reflection of the glass door, they were recessed now, drawn back into his face and alert. He moved to his car, never looking away from the house. Opening the passenger door as quietly as he could he felt under the seat for his .38, the one his dad got him for Christmas that year. He was back at the front door.
He held the gun tightly in his right hand and pushed on the doorknob, feeling it give, it was unlocked. His breath came slow, he could feel streams of sweat pouring cold down from his armpits. He stared into the darkness of the living room. Framed family pictures, not even as old as Naima, stared at him in amazement, at the man in scrubs carrying a gun. It was still and quiet save for his hissing breath, until he heard the baby begin to scream. His legs lost their strength and his whole body, an impressive 190 pounds of bulk and muscle began to shake. As quietly and as quickly as he could he moved down the carpeted hall to Naima’s room. The light was on, he could see a tall shadow swaying across the bedroom wall, the smiling faces of Winnie the Pooh and Piglet juxtaposed against his own, covered in beads of sweat.
He entered the doorway, the gun held firmly with both hands, hammer cocked back and finger on the trigger. His eyes were wide open. Over by Naima’s crib there was a woman. She was bent over, peering down at his infant daughter who was screaming louder than he had ever heard. Blonde hair hung limp from her head, and he could see blood seeping out of her scalp and falling into the crib. The woman’s body was shaking in waves, as if she were crying, or laughing. He heard his voice yell to get away and she lifted her head up to see him. Her eyes were wide open in a look of shock, they were bloodshot and he thought he could see a grey film of dust over them. Her eyebrows arched grotesquely high and far to the sides of her face, a face that was red and puffy. Her nose was impossibly thin and crooked on her face. Both her lips were pulled back in a hideous oval around the few teeth she had, they were bloodstained, a large gap right front and center. He was sure of nothing in that moment other than that he was staring straight at a monster. He aimed, held his breath, and pulled the trigger.
Dead center, her forehead exploded in red. Her body jumped a little and then slid over onto the crib, for a moment he was worried it would collapse under the weight but she slumped off of it and onto the carpeted floor, her filmy eyes staring up at the ceiling that he and Mary had pasted glow in the dark stars to the summer before.
He ran over to the crib and picked up Naima whose little blue singlet was speckled in blood and viscera. She was no longer crying, but Maurice was. He cradled his daughter, trying to keep her face away from that dead woman on the floor. He called out for Mary and collapsed to the floor of the hallway, holding Naima in his arms, until the police came.
They got him out of the house fast and took him in for questioning, he couldn’t understand why. They weren’t telling him anything, they wouldn’t let Mary see him. They even brought in a public attorney who just looked at him in sad confusion. He was sitting on a metal chair in an interrogation room, just like the ones he saw all the time on TV. He looked at the wall-length mirror and wondered who was behind it. A deputy came in and sat down across from him, he looked uncomfortable, wouldn’t make eye contact. He held up a manilla folder and slid it across the table to Maurice. Looking down at his hands the deputy spoke.
“Uh, sir, we’re having trouble identifying the victim, and we-”
“What do you mean victim? Victim my ass, that.. thing, that thing was in my house. I was protecting my daughter.”
“Yes sir, we understand it’s just, can you look at these photos please.”
“I want to know where my daughter is being kept first, I want to know where Mary is.”
The deputy rubbed his eyes. It was late, probably close to 4:30 in the morning.
“Your daughter, Mr. Hader, is with social services right now. We’ve contacted your wife’s mother who should be there to pick her up soon.”
“And Mary?”
“We’re looking for your wife now.”
Maurice let out a long moan that filled the interrogation room. He still had blood on his scrubs and his shoes. The deputy pushed the file towards him and sat back in his chair, eyes locked on his hands. Maurice opened the first page which held photographs taken in his little girl’s room. He had to look away and shut his eyes tight so he wouldn’t scream. Most of the woman’s head was gone above the nose. Blood and brains were covering the flower print carpet in Naima’s room. He quickly flipped the photo over. The next shot was of the woman’s torso, one arm crossed over a shirt so caked in blood you couldn’t read what was on the design. He almost flipped that photo over too, until he recognized the ring on his wife’s finger.
submitted by Goodsauceman to shortstories [link] [comments]

#Arcade #Games Made from Wine Barrels? Exactly how Cool Is That?

#Arcade #Games Made from Wine Barrels? Exactly how Cool Is That?
#Arcade #Games Made from Wine Barrels? Exactly how Cool Is That?
If you want something super-cool and distinct for your recroom, you require to take a look at the all new white wine barrel gallery games that consist of 3,500 games in one machine!
Game ready sale, video games up for sale, pacman gallery ready sale, #video #games, #slot #machines, #pinball #machines, #jukeboxes to buy, #video #games, #arcade #game, #arcade #machine
We at IN THE NEW AGE are popular for our substantial, yet, diverse selection of products. And also, most of our products we offer are recreation room associated, including but not restricted to; Multi-game game machines that consist of 100's as well as also 1,000's of traditional video games like Pac-man, Ms. Pac-man, Galaga, Donkey Kong, Arkinoid, Frogger, Road Competitor games, Projectile Command, Defender, and also much more. Furthermore, we market digital pinball machines that already include over 2,000 traditional pinball table games like Space capsule, Pinbot, and other.
Currently, for those of you that reviewed a previously released press release that mentioned our all new arcade video game machine with an integrated in fridge to hold chilly beverages, we have actually developed yet another probably unusual arcade cupboard, but yet, fairly one-of-a-kind. Including the all new white wine barrel arcade game machine.
Concerning the product:
We market a number of different variants of an arcade game cupboard that is made from various wood veneers to look virtually IDENTICLE to a real classic, and rustic red wine barrel.
We provide a number of different timber tones, as well as two various a glass of wine barrel size cabinets. One style is a sit-down version where gamers can utilize typical chairs to play the games. The 2nd style white wine barrel cabinet is calling a "pub gallery video game cupboard." The bar gallery video game machine is high sufficient where a couple of gamers can either stand to play the games, or you can utilize two vehicle feceses. In addition, before I fail to remember, we are consisting of a set of either brief's stools for the sit-down style wine barrel cabinet, or a set of 2 high bars feceses fore every club style video game cabinet machine purchased.
Classic Arcade Games consisted of:
Firstly, we offer different game loads with each wine barrel video game machine. We offer a video game pack with 60 computer game, 412 video arcade video games, 1162 game computer game, and also a video game pack with 3,500 timeless video clip game games. Below is a very list of games included with the for stated game packs; Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong jr, Frogger, Centipede, Millipede, Missile Command, Pac-man, Ms. Pac-man, Martial Arts Champ, Double Dragon, Arkinoid, Space Invaders, Dig Dug, Stargate, several; Metal Slug arcade video games, several Road Boxer game computer game and also the checklist takes place.
Ok so probably a white wine barrel gallery video game style cabinet is not for you, however, we offer several various design upright arcade video game machines with substantial LCD keeps an eye on that variety ins sized from 19 inches right up to 32 inch high-definition displays, consisting of 2-player and even 4-player control board. The upright game closets been available in cabinet surfaces that include a beautiful oak woodgrain, all black and also black with blue graphics. Furthermore, you can client your gallery video game machine to include any name you desire the marque to read, such as "Jim's Game,' or, "Smiths Staycation."
Currently, going back to the sit-down arcade games, we provide several various sit-down styles, additionally described as mixed drink design gallery games. The alcoholic drink arcade video game cabinets include the exact same video game loads with just the same timeless arcade video games included, similar to the wine barrel games machines and the upright arcade games. However, unlike mots alcoholic drink arcade video games, we provide 19 inch right up to a large 26-inch LCD high-def arcade game display!
To see all items we sell, besides arcade machines, video clip game games, pinball machines, we also offer the globes most searched for jukebox, real Las Vegas made use of slot machines, Rock-Ola jukeboxes. Come see our internet site today!
Win barrel Gallery Gamings
Every little thing we sell is at:
Arcade games for sale, video games offer for sale, pacman game ready sale, #video #games, #slot #machines, #pinball #machines, #jukeboxes up for sale, #video #games, #arcade #game, #arcade #machine
submitted by itnaarcade8 to u/itnaarcade8 [link] [comments]

#Arcade #Games Made from A Glass Of Wine Barrels? Exactly how Trendy Is That?

#Arcade #Games Made from A Glass Of Wine Barrels? Exactly how Trendy Is That?
#Arcade #Games Made from A Glass Of Wine Barrels? Exactly how Trendy Is That?
If you desire something super-cool and also unique for your recroom, you require to check out the all new red wine barrel gallery video games that include 3,500 games in one machine!
Game games for sale, video games offer for sale, pacman arcade ready sale, #video #games, #slot #machines, #pinball #machines, #jukeboxes up for sale, #video #games, #arcade #game, #arcade #machine
We at IN THE NEW AGE are popular for our large, yet, varied selection of items. And, the majority of our items we sell are recreation room associated, consisting of yet not limited to; Multi-game gallery machines that consist of 100's and also 1,000's of classic video games like Pac-man, Ms. Pac-man, Galaga, Donkey Kong, Arkinoid, Frogger, Street Competitor games, Projectile Command, Defender, and also many more. In addition, we offer virtual pinball machines that already consist of over 2,000 classic pinball table games like Space Shuttle, Pinbot, and also various other.
Now, for those of you that read a formerly launched press release that mentioned our all new gallery game machine with a built in refrigerator to hold cool drinks, we have actually come up with yet one more maybe unusual gallery cabinet, but yet, rather distinct. Featuring the all new white wine barrel arcade video game machine.
Regarding the product:
We offer several various variations of an arcade game cabinet that is made from various wood veneers to look practically IDENTICLE to a real sentimental, and rustic a glass of wine barrel.
We offer a number of various timber tones, as well as two various wine barrel dimension cupboards. One style is a sit-down variation where gamers can make use of typical chairs to play the games. The second style a glass of wine barrel cabinet is calling a "pub gallery game cabinet." The pub arcade game machine is high sufficient where 1 or 2 players can either stand to play the games, or you can use two auto feceses. In addition, prior to I forget, we are consisting of a set of either short's feceses for the sit-down design wine barrel cupboard, or a set of 2 tall bars feceses fore every club style game cupboard machine bought.
Classic Gallery Games included:
To start with, we offer different game loads with each white wine barrel game machine. We provide a video game pack with 60 video games, 412 video gallery games, 1162 gallery video games, as well as even a video game pack with 3,500 traditional video arcade video games. Below is a very short list of video games included with the for mentioned game packs; Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong jr, Frogger, Vermin, Millipede, Missile Command, Pac-man, Ms. Pac-man, Karate Champ, Dual Dragon, Arkinoid, Space Invaders, Dig Dug, Stargate, a number of; Steel Slug arcade games, several Road Competitor arcade video games and also the checklist takes place.
Ok so probably a white wine barrel arcade game design cupboard is except you, nevertheless, we market numerous various design upright arcade game machines with huge LCD checks that variety ins sized from 19 inches all the way approximately 32 inch high-definition displays, including 2-player and even 4-player control board. The upright video game cupboards can be found in closet surfaces that include a gorgeous oak woodgrain, all black as well as black with blue graphics. In addition, you can client your gallery game machine to include any type of name you desire the marque to read, such as "Jim's Arcade,' or, "Smiths Staycation."
Currently, going back to the sit-down gallery games, we offer numerous different sit-down designs, also referred to as cocktail design gallery video games. The alcoholic drink gallery game cupboards consist of the exact same game packs with all the same classic game games included, similar to the red wine barrel video games machines and also the upright gallery games. But, unlike mots cocktail game video games, we provide 19 inch completely as much as a large 26-inch LCD high-definition arcade video game screen!
To see all items we sell, besides gallery machines, video clip arcade video games, pinball machines, we likewise offer the worlds most demanded jukebox, genuine Las Vegas made use of slots, Rock-Ola jukeboxes. Come visit our internet site today!
Win barrel Arcade Games
Whatever we offer is at:
Arcade ready sale, computer game offer for sale, pacman gallery games for sale, #video #games, #slot #machines, #pinball #machines, #jukeboxes available for sale, #video #games, #arcade #game, #arcade #machine
submitted by jimmm123456 to u/jimmm123456 [link] [comments]

Summer 2019 - The Swimsuit Swordmaster Seven Colored Showdown: Start - Part 2

Katsushika Hokusai:
Ehee! Now I’m getting ye!
Ye have ties with Miyamoto Musashi! Ye art the unparalleled, great swordmaster’s adopted son, Miyamoto Iori!
One of the remarkable people who inherited Niten Ichi-ryū​ on their passing, truly worth of being a heroic spirit, and truly suiting to be a Swimsuit Swordmaster!
However, it is unbelievable still! How Miyamoto Iori-dono was a woman!
Ye shocked me well and good! Ye did!
…It's a discrepancy from the truth we're familiar with, but the feats from their their myths, legends, and history are still extraordinary.
Katsushika Hokusai:
Is that so then…
Well, that goes for I as well! Seein’ as I yet be the infamous Katsushika Hokusai despite bein' a woman!
Err, disregard Father here with that. He didn’t used to spit ink.
[Miyamoto] / [Iori]
Miyamoto Iori:
Miyamoto Iori:
Do you know my teacher? Hahaha, cut it out. We resemble each other, but that’s it.
Yes, you seem like peas in a pod to me…Is it from the blood relation you have with them?
Miyamoto Iori:
Are you kiddin’ me?! Iori-kun isn’t my biological child, y’know!
Miyamoto Iori:
Oh, uh, oopsie! You guys know Musashi-dono, and probably the irregular one to pan-human history, who’s a girl, right? I know that because I’m also a Heroic Spirit of pan-human history, but there’s no-relation otherwise!
I just resemble them. That’s all there is. Yep. Mhm.
Miyamoto Iori:
…I-I mean, I get how the misconception came up from our faces, but it’s nothing. Nothing!
I am Miyamoto Iori. One of the Swimsuit Swordmasters beckoned here, to Las Vegas!
And concerning the Swimsuit Swordmaster Revered Bout---
I know a lot more than others about this Swimsuit Swordmaster Seven Colored Showdown.
...Wanna hear the details?
[Yeah, that’d be great] / [We did need to info gather]
Miyamoto Iori:
Fufu, right! I’ll tell you what I know, and I’ll be concise about it too!
I’d be glad to so long as I can get some udon or burgers!
Miyamoto Iori:
Did I say "Oodawn"? I meant Vegas food, Vegas food!
For now, just a burger…would be ok…
Getting Miyamoto their meal, she begins to explain what she knows.
Miyamoto Iori:
---The Dazzling Las Vegas!
It already existed before, but this Las Vegas is different from the normal town.
As someone from modern times, you can tell by looking at it, right? It should be easy for you to see that.
But yes, this town exists as an arena for the Swimsuit Swordmasters to gather to!
And at the same time, it exists with the full functions of Las Vegas. In other words…
It’s a luxorious, Great Casino City! Aside from battling each other, you can go have fun in the casinos!
It’s fine to battle as a swordmaster. It’s fine to play around in your swimsuit.
It doesn’t matter if you choose to battle or play if you’re a Swimsuit Swordmaster! It’s plenty rational!
In the actual Las Vegas, the casinos are managed and taken care of by enterprises and grand hotels, but…
In this Dazzling Las Vegas, guess what! Each and every big name casino is controlled by a Swimsuit Swordmaster!
Altogether, there are 5 great casinos! In other words, each casino is controlled by each individual group out of the 5 Swimsuit Swordmasters!
Out of these 5…
One has already proven to be different from the other Swimsuit Swordmasters. They’ve been singularly lauded as the mightiest, and most powerful out of all of them---
The Swimsuit Lion King, Artoria Ruler!
She’s the manager of Casino Camelot, and in essence, dominates this Dazzling Las Vegas!
Katsushika Hokusai:
I see, now I get the main gist of it!
Art-oria, ru-rah? It’d be grand of us to have a bout with them, and test her merit!
Let’s act quick before we change our minds!
I see, that sounds logical.
Artoria Ruler. It sounds like we should at least make contact with this person.
The chance are very high that they possess the Holy Grail, because of their dominance over this newly founded city.
It may also be the source behind our irregular Saint Graphs and Spiritron Outfits.
I think so too!
If they’re safeguarding the Holy Grail, then we'd be able to eliminate this microscopic Singularity too.
[Let’s get going!] / [Let’s investigate the Casino Camelot!]
Miyamoto Iori:
(Chomp, snarf)
Thanks fer’ the burger! It was super yummy.
So, you wanna head off to Casino Camelot? It’s right over there, the big white walled castle.
…I don’t. I don’t recommend going there~.
Katsushika Hokusai:
Don’t ye be getting’ dull on us now! We said how we must visit them, so we could at least take a peak!
Let us depart in haste! Mastah!
Sir Jikufurito, ye may tag along as well, lest ye get left behind!
With the way we sliced those large birds that blanketed the skies, we should have a complete victory in this Swimsuit Swordmaster Showdown!
Miyamoto Iori:
(They’re worked up like this was their first victory. They seem more like a samurai going through a coming of age ceremony…)
(And compared to the others, she’s more like a newborn fawn…)
(But she's overflowing with untold potential. The four swords she wields seem to suit her too)
(This girl, perhaps she’s…)
Katsushika Hokusai:
Come, lets get a move on!
Hokusai darts off, but eventually runs into an invisible wall at the castle-casino.
Katsushika Hokusai:
W-what sort of tickery is this…I can see it in front of me, but can’t draw closer…I cannot advance to the castle!
Seems to be an invisible wall of sorts…but if its just a wall…
She attempts to cut it, to little avail.
Katsushika Hokusai:
Like I thought! My katana matters not!
---That spirit of yours is good.
Alas, you don’t appear to hold a letter of challenge, fufu. Yet, I do respect the unguided rush attack to test the waters.
You cannot pierce this wall. Not even as a Swimsuit Swordmaster.
Without my own elegance, without my own blade, it is a futile effort. Because…
Swimsuit Bunny Arthur (Lancer) Ruler steps forward.
I am a Swordmaster as well. You may call me The Swimsuit Lion King. Unjust Swimsuit Swordmasters shall be not allowed entry here, and ignored thus.
Katsushika Hokusai:
(H-how could this be…it’s as if the weight of the heavens are falling upon me…!)
(I-impossible, could this be that thing others speak of!? The feeling of a blade against your throat, a killing intent!?)
(Uwah----, Uwah---! Have I only now come to understand a sort of killing intent by the blade!?)
(But I’m already a real Swordwielding Swordmaster of Swords, so it should be fine!)
Swimsuit Lion King:
Hmph. Four swords.
How interesting. Your appearance and your many blades remind me of a certain someone.
---Your True Name?
Katsushika Hokusai:
Ka, Ka, Katsushika Hokusai! Ukiyo-e artist, now a Swordwielding Swordmaster of Swords, a nymph of ambitions!
Swimsuit Lion King:
Well well. So you’re one with numerous titles.
Katsushika HokusauI:
S-shaddap! I’m seriously serious about seriously being serious!
What’s wrong with having a buncha pitches! "Lion King" sounds like a motto from somethin' else too!
The Lion King continues to smile, which freaks out Hokusai even more.
Miyamoto Iori:
Wait wait wait! Hooooold on for a sec! You, did you just say that we can’t bust through this?
Katsushika Hokusai:
Elder Sis Iori! I-I mean, wow, ye sure did take y-yer time getting’ here…
Swimsuit Lion King:
Miyamoto Iori:
Yes! Niten Ichi-ryū wielder, Miyamoto Iori here!
Also with me is the western dragon slayer Swimsuit Master, my actual Master, and their sweet kohai-chan!
My name is Mash Kyrielight!
[So she’s a bunny this time…] / [Wait, you aren’t one of the Swimsuit Swordmasters right]
Swimsuit Lion King:
I am the Swimsuit Lion King. I am the great ruler of this Casino Camelot.
Feh, if you are not aware of who I am, then I shall educate you. This bunny outfit is the uniform of my Casino.
Could that one --- be a rabbit who has gained intellect?
Swimsuit Lion King:
Regardless, I believe that this Miyamoto has their aim set on me as a fellow Swimsuit Swordmaster.
Miyamoto Iori:
R-really~? Who can say for sure? Whistle, whistle~
What are you doing, Iori.
Um, I'm worried, about how she's just whistling like that for now...
Miyamoto Iori:
So, what’s this problem about me setting my sights on you? For the Swimsuit Swordsmaster Seven Colored Showdown---
There isn’t a rule against cooperating with others in this “Revered Bout”!
Everyone’s against each other, but there’s nothing against cooperation! So I took that idea and made some allies!
Swimsuit Lion King:
…Fufu, that all checks out.
Katsushika Hokusai:
Heeeeh, is that what this is? A Swordwielding Swordmaster of Swords going 1 on 1 would be a magnificent show, yet...
…that’d go against it all! Totally! That’d be like how the 47 rōnin showed up at Kira Yoshinaka’s together uninvited!
Or like Miyamoto Musashi hearing the noises of the great Yoshioka clan while alone, and slicing them up!
…Nn, but, yeah. I think a Swordwielding Swordmaster of Swords would probably have a splendid 1 on 1s.
Y’know, right Mastah? Like the battle on Ganryū-jima! The 1 on 1 of genius swordsmen at Ganryū, with Shinmen Musashi! A katana vs an oar!
And well --- ye can’t step around how cool that battle was!
Miyamoto Iori:
(Mu. So that time was cool to her…I see, so Hokusai-chan is an honorable swordsman)
Katsushika Hokusai:
I’d be lyin’ to myself if I had said that I wasn’t yearning for a 1 on 1.
At least one fight would be nice, because I’m here now as a swordsman. A 1 on 1! I wanna do that!
…I can’t say I understand you enthusiasm.
Katsushika Hokusai:
Y-ye. What do ye think yer sayin’?
Miyamoto Iori:
It’s okay, it got through to me. I mean, yeah. Right? They say might makes right.
You came to wield the power of the Holy Grail on your own as a Swimsuit Swordmaster, right?
But since a 1 on 1 would be pretty risky for you, I think a 6 on 1 would be fair.
Yeah, a 6 on 1 would be cool against big sis Iori.
[That look…] / [Those numbers aren’t just for you, right?]
Miyamoto Iori:
Whistle, Whistle~
Ah, Iori-san’s whistling again…!
Swimsuit Lion King:
…A fair and square, 1 on 1?
Your words are in good honors. I shall answer that wish here and now.
Miyamoto Iori:
Huh, wha-!?
Swimsuit Lion King:
There was some correctness in Miyamoto’s words: a one on one battle against a Swimsuit Swordmaster casino manager would be poor in scope.
However. If a Swimsuit Swordmaster were to stray, and act on their own, a one on one battle would be seen as fair play.
---In other words.
You two may cross blades with one another.
Miyamoto Iori:
Wai-, hold hold hold hold up there, pardner! That’s logical, but…
Swimsuit Lion King:
You have led that girl thus far. And you have given yourself the role of teaching her to be a Swimsuit Swordmaster.
Do not fret. In a special case, I shall grant you a [Chosen Battleground] without the need of a [Letter of Challenge].
I am the Swimsuit Lion King. I am the apex Swimsuit Swordmaster, as well as the strongest casino manager in Dazzling Las Vegas.
Such a trifling matter will come at no issue for me.
Now --- behold all this city has to offer, as you dance and splash among this performance for passersby!
Everything begins to shake, and a platform emerges from the ground, trapping Hokusai and Iori!
Katsushika Hokusai:
Wh, whawha, w-w-w-w-what was that!? With her indication…things changed in a moment!
This dense mana! Master!
Could it be…is this a Reality Marble…? Our connection with the Wondering Sea has been severed too, senpai!!
Miyamoto Iori:
…It’s too late to do anything now.
The Swimsuit Lion King has ushered forth a [Chosen Battleground], and now the selected Swimsuit Swordmasters must do battle.
Katsushika Hokusai:
Ye make it sound like we ought to. Yet if I don’t want to, I need not do so.
Miyamoto Iori:
Yeah, but! I feel the same as as you, but!
It’s already here! If we don’t fight…
If we don’t fight, even a bit…we won’t be able to get out of here…!
You mean…there’s no way out unless you fight…
Katsushika Hokusai:
This ain’t good. But, we are Swimsuit Swordmasters.
I still don’t know quite what a Swimsuit Swordmaster really does, but I can understand this much.
Swimsuits, Swordmasters. Elegance, and blades.
In other words, elegance must be seen in twine with swordsmanship! So then---
Kill or be killed…that the point to this? If that’s true, then that’s some fantastically wrong “elegance”.
Miyamoto Iori:
It’s as you say. It can be somewhat painful, but I don't believe you need to die.
This is why all Swimsuit Swordmasters are Heroic Spirits: so long as their Spirit Origin remains unharmed, it’s possible to be restored to full.
Katsushika Hokusai:
That true? Makes sense.
Fine by me.
Katsushika Hokusai:
I’ve already decided that I’ll become the strongest Swimsuit Swordmaster! I shall respect this wish and do battle with Miyamoto Iori’s Niten Ichi-ryū as such!
Come! Come, come, come! With my waist drawn blade---
I’ll sense even a gunman’s adept strikes! Try to get past me, Iori-dono! Ye shall be diced long before ye can try!
Now, unsheathe thine blade! How am I now!? Iori-dono!
Miyamoto Iori:
(You have an impressive disposition, Katsushika Ōi! Okay, I’ll get serious too!)
Very well then, novice swordsman! The fun and games are over!
Your current skills are immature, and as a nymph, the heavens excite you still. And they shall witness your catastrophe in your perfect lack of preparations!
Embrace destiny, and hold fast to all you possess! I, Miyamoto Iori, shall answer your call, my opponent!
Ah, but let me change a bit before all that happens. This’ll be better for a Revered Bout!
Musashi changes from her 2nd ascension, to her 1st one.
That’s…! Iori-san put on a really sporty outfit!?
[A sporty, competitive swimsuit for swordplay!] / […Well done…]
Miyamoto Iori:
For my very first fight, a Western outfit wouldn’t be very elegant, y’know? It’s summer too, and I wanna be pool side!
This doesn’t mean I'm going easy on you though! Get ready, Katsushika Hokusai!
Katsushika Hokusai: Ohoho, ye better believe I’m ready! Come, have at you --- in victory, or defeat!
(Merlin, announcing)
The two fight 1 v 1, and eventually Hokusai gets put on the ropes.
Katsushika Hokusai:
---yer strong!
No, no, nononono! It’ll take more than that!
Those born in Edo move from one place to another like a carp streamer blown by May winds!
An infamous waterfall screen, a pilgrimage through the country, the fish climbs the waterfall of evening; answer my summons!
Now then, if you catch sight of them, send them back to their roots!
Kirifuri! Kannon! Aoi! Rouben! Yoshitsune! Yourou! Ono! Amida!
---[Waterfall Tour of the Regions]!!
Hokusai releases her NP on Miyamoto!
Miyamoto Iori:
What the----!?
Iori is taken upstream through Hokusai’s attacks, and upon crashing back down, kneels in defeat.
Miyamoto Iori:
…I give! Your Waterfall Tour of the Regions was splendid!
Katsushika Hokusai:
Hehh, hah…hah…hah…
…huh, what’d ye say…I’ve…won…?
Swimsuit Lion King:
Enough! Game, set!
Swimsuit Swordmaster Revered Bout, First Color! Here stands the victor! Revere the Beach Beauty, Katsushika Hokusai!
Both were splendid. For a moment, Iori’s blade seemed to falter, yet…
No, I must have been imagining it. It was a wonderful sight to behold.
Katsushika Hokusai:
Zehahh…V-victory! See how tall I stand now, Mastah!
[You’re amazing, Orei-san!] [Congrats on your win!]
Katsushika Hokusai:
Ooh yes!
Miyamoto Iori:
My my, looks like Miyamoto Iori’s been completely defeated. Perhaps it was the voice of the heavens telling me to train my new junior.
Hokusai-san, you swordsmanship was incredible. I really mean it.
At the end there, you struck at me using your mind and body as one…something I didn’t predict.
Katsushika Hokusai:
Swimsuit Lion King:
Indeed, this Swimsuit Swordmaster, the Beach Beauty Hokusai-san, may have some hidden potential yet.
However, concerning Miyamoto…I believe it’s about time you drop this act of yours.
Despite being the oldest competitor among the Las Vegas Swimsuit Swordmasters, you do not hold a casino to your own, and continue to wonder.
You are a disgrace to us Swimsuit Swordmasters. Please make an effort for yourself.
That’s all I have to say for now.
The Lion King walks back into her casino, barrier still intact.
Katsushika Hokusai:
Ah, wait! Wait right there! Swimsuit Lion King-san!!
She comes back.
Swimsuit Lion King:
…What is it.
Katsushika Hokusai:
Ye be the greatest person in all Ras Vegahs, yeah? Then come, clash blades with me right now.
Swimsuit Lion King:
So that’s what you want.
Katsushika Hokusai:
Once I win against you, I’ll be the strongest Swimsuit Swordmaster…didn’t you say?
Swimsuit Lion King:
Fu, I don’t believe this. You think you stand at the summit of Las Vegas with a single win?
Katsushika Hokusai:
What’re ye gettin’ at…that battle was for…
Swimsuit Lion King:
That was naught but a single battle, nay, a single color! The strongest Swimsuit Swordsman must gather all Seven Colors using extreme elegance and skill!
Seven Colors…do you mean we need to have 7 battles!?
Swimsuit Lion King:
In this Las Vegas, there are 5 Swimsuit Swordsman casino managers, including myself.
If you wish to be known as the strongest Swimsuit Swordsman, then you must defeat all of the Swimsuit Swordsman casino managers.
Since you’ve managed to acquire a win already, surely beating the rest will be no problem…
For to be the strongest, means ---
She grins.
Swimsuit Lion King:
To have dominance over Dazzling Las Vegas. Once you have done that, then I, the Swimsuit Lion King, shall be your opponent.
She sparks with energy, making the ground tremble and shake, demonstrating just how strong she really is.
Katsushika Hokusai:
(This killing intent, the feeling of the blade, is so heavy…! As I thought, this mighty one is truly the strongest of all Swimsuit Swordmasters!)
(B-but in the end…it’ll be…me!)
Swimsuit Lion King:
The strongest Swimsuit Swordmaster. If you yet wish to obtain this title, Beach Beauty....
Then you must make yourself fit for it here in Dazzling Las Vegas. Put on a show of a fight, and fight as if you’re putting on a show.
Until then --- I shall be waiting. For you.
The Lion King goes into her castle for real this time, and leaves us upfront with the barrier.
Katsushika Hokusai:
S-she left…
However, there’s quite a few other beauties in this world to tackle! Well, ‘sides from Iori-dono there’s Five Fingers to take on, then we can make an appearance for that majestic Swimsuit Lion King…
Haah…I’m already so enthralled…
Miyamoto Iori:
Huh? What, did you say I was beautiful? Ahahahaha, don’t say that again, c’mon, fufufufu, no more, totally, no more, ehehe…
[Iori-san] / […You’re really Musashi-chan, right?]
Option 1:
Miyamoto Iori:
Huh, did you think I was her? Ahahaha no, c’mon, I’ve already lost, ahahahaha…
Option 2:
Miyamoto Iori:
GOHBUGHBOHG! A-Ahahahaha, what're you saying, I'm Miyamoto Iroi, ahaha!!
Miyamoto Iori:
Alrighty! What’re we doin’ next, you guys?
Katsushika Hokusai:
That’s obvious, ain’t it! Aah, but perhaps we should withdraw for now!
There’s 5 kajino maneger Swimsuit Swordmasters! We gotta beat ‘em all, and get those Seven Colors!
I’ll be the strongest Swimsuit Swordmaster! The one who’ll get crowned that title --- will be me!
…We couldn’t support you due to that 1 on 1 a while ago, but next time I shall brandish my blade alongside you.
I have no desire to be crowned strongest Swimsuit Swordmaster, but only to relinquish the Holy Grail from the Swimsuit Lion King. I will fight for that purpose.
If we seek to keep fighting in turn, then we should seek out more information about the others, to prevent this situation from happening again.
I-I agree. Casino Camelot is shrouded by a powerful bounded field, but---
Judging by what she told us, if we defeat the others, then we’ll get a second chance to face her again!
[Right] / [Looks like it’s all we can do, so let’s go!]
Katsushika Hokusai:
Ooh! I’m comin’ for you, Swimsuit Lion King!
Miyamoto Iori:
Do do doo ♪ Thanks for this wonderful team up. No one can beat [Guda] and their friends ★
I’ll act as your guide from now on, while also keeping my duties as your bodyguard.
I’ve gotten all giddy for a buncha reasons, but you’ll learn more and more as we go through Dazzling Las Vegas.
First though, how about I give you some details on the first casino we should look for?
[That’d be awesome!] / [I think it's better to just go now. Let's to go the simplest casino!]
Option 1 Only
Miyamoto Iori:
I’m glad to be of help. Oh, since we’re all on the same level now, lemme go over the casinos.
The slots, roulettes, and card games are the main attractions. You need to use QP to get QP, so observation and luck are what lead to success or failure.
Each of the manager Swimsuit Swordmasters have a minute peculiarity to them…
Iori begins to give you a quick summary for the managers, starting with a picture of Summer Osakabehime.
Miyamoto Iori:
Taking on the current fad of [Last one standing survivor games] is the [HIMEJI] casino.
Assassin Nitocris.
Extremely high rollers only. The art museum-esque place where only celebs are allowed in, the royal [Pharaoh] casino.
Summer Meltlilith.
Admission tickets stopped sales half a year ago.The Dragon Palace inside the desert, the famous stage performances of No. 1!
Sweeping through America, is the Charisma ★ Figure Skater.
Mysterious Alter Ego Λ , who opened a stage in the [Suitengū] casino.1
Summer Jeanne Archer
Just like from a movie! A showstage that surpasses even Hollywood VFX!
The [Water Sky Palace] casino also has a famous circus group that competes with its popularity, butting heads with dolphins, it’s the [Cirque du Requin] casino.
Swimsuit Lion King
Lastly, there’s the casino we just dealt with, where the strongest card dealer, the Lion King resides, [Camelot].
After dealing with the other Swimsuit Swordmasters, that casino will be our battlegrounds.
Branch merge/Option 2:
Miyamoto Iori:
Out of all those casinos, the easiest one would be…of course, her’s.
Ok, I’ll lead the way towards that one Swimsuit Swordmaster, the casino manager!
And that casino’s name is---
[HIMEJI Survival Casino]!
We begins to make our way there when Miyamoto stops us for a second.
Miyamoto Iori:
Oh yeah.
Each casino operates using a specific kind of'll need a certain amount of QP, so let's do our best to rack some up!
['Scuse. Me?]
Miyamoto Iori:
If you act like a bird of prey or a farming machine, then you can rack it up bit by bit. Ka-ting ka-ting ka-ting!
A farming machine?
Katsushika Hokusai:
I’m not quite sure what you mean, but I’ll be usin’ my four blades! Let’s do it, Mastah!
She runs off.
Ah, wait for us, Hokusai-san! Hokusai-san!
1 - The Suitengū). While the other casinos are mostly written out in English, this one is kept in Japanese.
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