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The smallest future big pharmaceutical company may already have the cure for HIV, and some other diseases too. (OTC TICKER: ENZC)

The smallest future big pharmaceutical company may already have the cure for HIV, and some other diseases too. (OTC TICKER: ENZC)
TLDR: I've spent many hours with some very smart and talented people trying to figure out how a too-good-to-be-true company isn't what it appears to be. What did we find? This company is a damn unicorn. It's a COVID play, with a better and proprietary process for creating monoclonal antibodies than anyone else has, and the ability to target the immutable parts of the virus (so it'll work on all variants). It's an HIV play, with developed therapies that can do something no other company has been able to do, treat and actually cure HIV-1. Then there is a pipeline of everything coming next. These are major markets worth tens of billions of dollars a year.
If you're intrigued or maybe you already invested but skipped the due diligence, please, read on.

EDIT: This is a super long term hold for me. I don't know what price is the right price to buy in. I don't plan to sell any shares for a very, very, long time. Swing trade this at your own risk.

Enzolytics Company Logo
Industry Classification: Pharmaceutical preparations
Market Cap: 1,336,014,418
Authorized Shares: 3,000,000,000
Outstanding Shares: 2,797,935,953
Charles S. Cotropia, Juris Doctorate Degree Cornell Univ., CEO Enzolytics, Inc. and co-founder of BioClonetics Immunotherapeutics, Inc.
  • Master Patent Lawyer and brother to the scientific genius
Joseph P. Cotropia, MD - Chief Medical Officer and Board of Directors of Enzolytics, Inc.
  • Inventor of Clone 3 and Total Scientific Badass (TSB)
Harry Zhabilov - Chief Scientific Officer, Director and Founder of Enzolytics, Inc.
  • Inventor of ITV-1, Scientist and Patent Master Deluxe
Ronald Moss M.D. - Medical Advisory Board
  • Clinical Regulatory Trials Expert
Immunotherapy Drugs – Focused on curing HIV with diversification opportunities into COVID / other retroviral diseases. This includes Clome 3 and ITV-1 addressing HIV and similar drugs in the pipeline for COVID and other diseases.

According to Bloomberg – The Immunotherapy Drug Market could potentially reach 274.6B by 2025.
For Clone 3 alone ( HIV mAb ) it was estimated that earning before interest and taxes could be over 105 Billion in the first 11 years after being brought to market. This seems like a low estimate compared to the size of the addressable market and that this treatment is expected to be less expensive and more effective than currently available therapies.

  • AI technology driven identification of virus isolates (strains)
  • HIV
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Other DIFFICULT to neutralize Viruses

Immunotherapy drugs enable the immune system to recognize and target specific cells with fewer side effects than other drug therapies. They are also often used in combination with other drug therapies for a synergistic effect.

ITV-1 - Suspension of Inactivated Pepsin Fragment (IPF), which studies have shown is effective in the treatment of HIV – (Supercharges antibody effectiveness through fragmentation)
CLONE 3 - Monoclonal antibodies are lab-produced synthetic molecules that act as substitute antibodies that can restore, enhance or mimic the immune system's attack on cells. The Clone 3 antibody locks onto the KLIC epitope (the epitope is a key spot on the envelope where the virus is vulnerable to antibody action) in such a way that the virus is unable to reproduce, and ultimately cannot infect a human cell. This epitope has been described as the “Achilles heel” of the virus and is constant within virtually all 6000 now known different HIV isolates (strains) of the virus It is further differentiated by being fully human as with this proprietary process, animals are not needed as an intermediary.
The Pipeline - The CoronaVirus has structure correlative to that of the HIV virus. Enzolytics have the proprietary methodology needed, and are working towards producing anti-CoronaVirus monoclonal antibodies targeting such known “Achilles heel” sites, similar to Clone 3. The company has also already created human cell lines that produce human antibodies against other infectious diseases, including rabies, influenza, tetanus and diphtheria. Additionally the same patented process can be used to treat/cure a number of other diseases with similar cell structures in the future.

  • Successfully Combine Enzolytics ITV-1 Pepsin Fragment with Bioclonetics Clone 3 mAbs to create an effective HIV treatment/cure (Preclinical) (this line had multiple colors of font)
  • Accelerated FDA approval
  • Cure HIV and other diseases at a mass scale
  • Mass production strategies through strategic partnerships within the Biotech industry.

**For the sake of this report – ENZC ticker information will be from information newer than 2018**
In order to see the Enzolytics journey to modern day, it is mission critical to understand BioClonetics and their quest to bring CLONE 3 to the masses. Clone 3 was originally discovered by Dr. Charles Cotropia in 1989. It was then verified in his laboratory that the CLONE 3 mAbs antibody can lock onto the HIV virus KLIC epitope thus disabling its ability to reproduce. That year, Charles applied for and received patent authorization. After this monumental discovery, the BioClonetics team and Charles struggled to gain traction within the medical world as this technology was a brand new approach to viral treatment. At this time, the generally accepted idea was that HIV would be cured through a traditional vaccine in combination with or via traditional drug treatments.
In 1999, the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), under the direction of Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., attempted to create a patent that overlapped Clone 3 technology. Ultimately, the US Patent examiner denied the patent due to its overlapping technology with Dr. Charles Cotropia’s technology. During the review process, Dr. Fauci proclaimed mAbs’ utility and commercial value. Still, Clone 3 technology languished and the vaccine narrative was pushed forward by Dr. Fauci and peers within the field.
Fast-forward to 2003: VaxGen received CDC funding to perform clinical trials for its traditional HIV vaccine (AIDSVAX); however, the treatment was a complete failure and the work towards curing HIV was slowed yet again.
In 2009, with the official formation of BioClonetics in order to further develop the patented HIV treatments, several clinical studies were performed. In 2010, the US Government put Clone 3 to the test and confirmed its mAbs ability to bind to HIV – neutralizing 98% of all 2229 known stains (at the time) of the retrovirus. Once again, this technology was proven, yet no advancement towards bringing the technology to the public occurred. It is suspected by many that Dr. Charles Cotropia’s Clone 3 technology was continually put on the back-burner due to the level of disruption the technology would bring to market – virtually eliminating the need for Antiretroviral HIV therapeutic drugs.
Right now in the United States, there are 1.2M people living with HIV (U.S. Statistics |, and approximately 36,400 new infections occurred in 2018. The yearly average cost of HIV treatment runs about $17,000 USD. This represents $20B USD of yearly revenue for the pharmaceutical industry in the US alone. With Clone 3 disrupting this industry, Big Pharma companies stand to lose a great deal of income and thus have significant interest in preventing Clone 3 from seeing the light of day.
Even with continual bureaucratic walls, Bioclonetics forged ahead with resolve to bring the cure for HIV to the public. From 2011 – 2016, extensive studies were performed in order to further identify new amino-acid chains that program the behavior of antibodies. In 2017, additional funding was secured through Wefunder for $360,000 to help keep the study alive and move forward with patents.
On May 16, 2017, Bioclonetics filed for additional patents (62/506707 & 62/528554) in order to protect proprietary technology including the production method of Monoclonal Antibodies. During this time, further verification studies were performed at Harvard University, Duke University, the University of California at San Francisco, University of Florida, and Polymun Scientific with 95% Efficacy achieved! With that major success, Dr. Charles Cotropia was vindicated and validated, and now the real progress towards a viable cure becoming available to the public is able to move forward.
Enter Dr. Harry Zhabilov: the Inventor of ITV-1 and founder of Immunotech Laboratories, Inc. On Jan. 20, 2009, Dr. Harry was awarded Patent Number # US 7479,538 B2 for the invention of ITV-1 (Inactivated Pepsin Fragment). The new invention was found to be effective during clinical testing to improve antibody effectiveness against HIV.
On May 2, 2018, Dr. Harry moved forward with the FINRA to convert the existing OTC symbol $ECPO to $ENZC, officially creating Enzolytics, Inc. and its New Trading Symbol: ENZC.
With the imperative nature of ending the HIV epidemic, for the following two years, Dr. Harry worked on the back end to forge a relationship with Dr. Joseph Cotropia and his lawyer brother, Charles Cotropia, knowing that their two proprietary technologies combined would be the death knell to the HIV epidemic. Finally, on 10/22/2020, Enzolytics, Inc. announced the appointment of Dr. Charles Cotropia as CEO of ENZC and Dr. Harry Zhabilov as Its CSO, completing the merger of BioClonetics and Enzolytics. As a result, ENZC can now successfully put an end to HIV as well as a host of other deadly diseases.
Since the merger, Enzolytics has been moving rapidly to secure their position in the biotechnology sector. This includes patent filings in order to protect intellectual rights, a pipeline in the works, and the recent announcement that they are now utilizing AI technology to identify new strains of HIV (which has also found seven immutable sites on the HIV virus) and that this treatment also works for Multiple Sclerosis as well as various other viruses.

Listen guys, Enzolytics is on the forefront of modern biotechnology, actively discovering new and relevant ways to combat the scourges of mankind, from AI-driven identification of individual viral isolates (strains), exploring ways to implement immunotherapy, to forging new relationships within the pharmaceutical industry in order to get their products into the hands of doctors and ultimately patients. With diamond hands built into our DNA, the sparkling collaboration between members of the leadership team, clean access to forward technologies and labs at Texas A&M, Enzolytics is going to lead the way in building a better, more healthy future for all mankind… and they are going to be creating a lot of value for the shareholders in the process.

  • Government Funding
  • Completion of SARS-CoV-2 mAbs
  • Patent approval of provisional patent for Multiple Sclerosis ( Ser. No. 62/123341 )
  • Licensing Harry Zhabilov Patents US8309072 & US8066982
  • New corporate website
  • FDA approvals
  • Production partnerships with major pharmaceutical companies
  • New immunotherapy research into other areas of need, including several types of cancer
  • Qualification to uplist to OTCQB and eventually NASDAQ (PCAOB Audits In Process)

Enzolytics, Inc. - 2000 North Central Expressway
Plano, TX 75074
Research Center
Texas A&M University - Institute for Preclinical Studies
College Station, TX 77845



Edit: had the brothers mixed up in one sentence, fixed typo
Edit: I do hold a long position in the common shares of this company (and a very small future equity agreement from when BioClonetics did a regCF raise) , the overwhelming bulk >%99 of my position is shown here:
Edit: I posted it in the comments a couple times, but in the interest of transparency we at the discord who worked on this post would like to invite you to our server. Link:
submitted by suntannedmonk to smallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Complete PLTR DD ahead of Demo Day (Valuation Included)

Company Overview

Palantir technologies is an American software company founded in 2003 and headquartered in Colorado that specializes in big data analytics.
They started building software for the intelligence community in the US to assist in counterterrorism investigations by helping them identify patterns hidden deep within large datasets.
Later they realized that similarly to the intelligence community, commercial institutions did not have the most effective tools to manage and make sense of the data involved in large projects.
Palantir has now developed two principal software platforms, Palantir Gotham which serves primarily the intelligence community, and Palantir Foundry for commercial purposes.
Palantir went public on September 30, 2020 through a direct public offering. The company opened for trading at $10 a share, giving it an initial valuation of about $22B. As of the date of this publishing, Palantir stock is trading at $25.98, with a Market Cap of $44.26B, and 52-w high of $33.50.

Understanding the Business

Value Proposition
Institutions often rely on various single-purpose software solutions which support the specific workflows of their operations such as customer relationship management and financial planning. Each new software creates a new silo within an already fragmented data landscape.
When it comes to making operational decisions, institutions are left spending significant time and resources to unify their data. By the time the question is answered, the underlying data may be stale.
A central operating system for data
Palantir’s software allows institutions to reorganize the various independent data systems that support their operations into a unified data asset which facilitates advanced data analysis, knowledge management, and collaboration.
Augmenting existing data systems, not displacing
At a large manufacturer, Palantir does not build machine production ERP software, instead, Palantir’s software connects their production ERP data with other relevant systems. By integrating existing solutions into our central operating system, organizations can choose to maintain key historic investments without having to rebuild their entire data infrastructure.
Making data actionable
Gotham and Foundry enable their users to put data in context, using language that people understand. They transform data into objects that make sense to everyone in an organization. Data is represented not as cells in a spreadsheet, or exports from a single system, but as entities, events, relationships, consequences, and decisions.
Their ontology management systems allow organizations to create their own description of the world, starting from a set of basic components: objects (such as people or events), properties (attributes), and relationships that tie objects together.
Understand the history of data and decisions
Palantir’s software tracks each piece of data in the system to its source and records all changes that have been made to a dataset or data object. Users can distinguish between data derived from a source system or data created by another user, and if a dataset has been updated/modified, the user can also identify the fact that the data was updated, the action, and the logic used to perform the update. This allows users to easily explain where the data, logic, and decisions originate.
Enable users to work together even in the most complex circumstances
The versioning and branching capabilities of their software enables thousands of users across departments and organizations to work on the same datasets, and actively collaborate on new models and analysis.
Users can safely branch a view or a dataset into an isolated sandbox where the user is able to build or experiment as they wish and may merge successful experiments back into the main dataset. Each version of a dataset is saved so that it remains protected and available for concurrent access.
Enforce rigorous and reliable data protection
Palantir’s software was designed to embrace the complexity of security clearances, institutional boundaries, and varying data sensitivity levels. Organizations are able to secure each piece of information and define the privileges users require to perform a specific action on a specific resource. The central authorization system creates an audit trial of user activity which allows oversight officials to monitor behavior, identify potential violations, and investigate anomalies.
AI/ML and operational change through data-driven decisions
Their software infrastructure also enables organizations to combine simple math, third-party black box models, and machine trained models of the different components of their businesses in a graph made up of nodes (for example, each node can be a manufacturing unit and distribution site in a supply chain) where each model can describe the properties of a node, resulting in an interactive digital simulation of an entire supply chain.
The AI/ML interface surfaces critical information about models, including plots, validation statistics, model stages, parameters and metadata.
Revenue Streams
Palantir’s revenue streams consists of their two main software, Gotham which was designed primarily for the defense and intelligence sectors, and Foundry for the commercial sector. However, the platforms are not exclusive to either sector, for example, Gotham is also offered to commercial customers in the financial services industry. The two platforms can either be used separately or bundled together as a single ecosystem.
Currently, revenue is more or less evenly split between the government and commercial sector.
It is important to note that for the government sector Palantir has to participate through a procurement process against other contractors who also sell custom tools.
Its main tools include:
Graph – a whiteboard like interface for users to explore, visualize, and interact with entities, their properties and their networks. Users can create or edit data in the graph and resolve duplicate objects to ensure robust data quality.
Gaia – lets users plan, execute, and report on operations via a shared live map. Live maps track real-time data and users drag and drop objects from other Gotham applications directly into Gaia.
Dossier – is a live collaboration document editor to share analysis and discover intelligence. Users can collaborate across teams and organizations to create a living, interactive, and up-to-date document.
Video – an application designed to interact with both streaming and historical video data. Users can review video footage in the platform as well as enhance raw footage with geospatial information and overlays based on other data sources.
Ava – an AI system which scans billions of data points in order to proactively assist investigations by alerting users to new, hard-to-find potential connections.
Mobile – brings Gotham into the field via mobile devices to provide support to real-time, distributed operations.
Monocle – enables users to understand data lineage using a graphical interface. Users can explore upstream dependencies or downstream consumers of data, as well as trace logic for a dataset back to its source.
Contour – enables top down exploration of large-scale data. Users may filter, join, and visualize datasets to answer analytical questions and publish the results as a report or new dataset that will automatically update with the underlying datasets.
Object Explorer – allows users to interact with data represented as objects – like customers, equipment, or plants – rather than rows in a table.
Fusion – Foundry’s spreadsheet environment.
Reports – allows users to publish their work from other applications in a document that dynamically updates as the underlying data changes.
I strongly suggest watching Palantir’s demo day on January 26 to gain a better understanding of the tools provided by both software.
Palantir’s Software Example Use Cases


Market Size
As of Q3 2020 Palantir had 132 customers across 36 industries around the world.
Currently, according to Palantir’s own estimates the Total Addressable Market (TAM) for their software across the commercial and government sectors around the world is approximately $119B. The TAM for the government sector is $63B and for the commercial sector $56B. Within the government TAM, $37B is international and $26B is domestic.
According to Statista’s market forecast revenue in the software market is expected to grow at an annual growth rate of 7.4% between 2021 and 2025.
Industry Fundamentals
Embrace digital transformation or risk getting disrupted
It has become evident that companies which embrace digital transformation persist, while businesses that fail to transform or transform too late will disappear. According to a Harvard Business Review report digital disruption extinguished 52% of Fortune 500 companies between 2000 and 2017.
We have repeatedly seen that pathbreaking institutions that use data to transform their core operations are the ones that win.
Buy or Build
Institutions often resort to the default approach of attempting to build a custom solution themselves. However, according to a recent report by The Standish Group, of 50,000 custom software projects from more than a 1,000 organizations, only 23% that were started from scratch were completed on time and on budget, while 56% of all projects were either overdue or over budget. Additionally, only 12% of organization-wide digital transformation projects were considered successful.
Additionally, according to the NewVantage Partners 2020 Big Data and AI Executive Survey, business adoption of Big Data continues to be a struggle, with 73.4% of firms citing this as an ongoing challenge.
Palantir provides the example of a U.S. Military department which spent more than $1 billion building an enterprise resource planning system from scratch. The system was never delivered, and the project was terminated.
Crisis & Instability
A survey from AppDynamics reports that 71% of IT professionals said COVID-19 has caused their businesses to implement digital transformation projects within weeks rather than the typical months or years, and 65% of respondents said they implemented digital transformation projects during the pandemic that had been previously dismissed.

Competitive Landscape & Risks

Palantir’s main competitors include:
Internal software development – At first, organizations frequently attempt to build their own data platforms with the help of consultants, IT services companies, packaged and open-source software, and sizable internal IT resources.
And two software companies with very similar business models:
Alteryx – founded 23 years ago and based in California, Alteryx is a public company with FY 2019 revenues of $418M and more than 1,290 employees. Alteryx is focused on providing solutions to the commercial sector and as of 2019 they had approximately 6,100 customers in more than 90 countries. Amongst their main customers are Chevron Corporation, Federal National Mortgage Association, Nasdaq Inc, Netflix,, Toyota, Twitter, and Uber Technologies.
Semantic AI – is a privately-held software firm based in California, Semantic AI was founded in 2001 and after 9/11 it was used as “platform by choice” by the intelligence community. Similar to Palantir, they have gained significant adoption in the Defense and Law Enforcement communities and have recently launched their enterprise intelligence platform.
Competitive Strategy
Customer acquisition
Palantir’s customer acquisition strategy targets large-scale, hard-to-execute opportunities at large government and commercial institutions. The high installation costs, high failure risks, complexity of data environments, and the long sales cycle associated with these opportunities raise the barriers to entry for competition.
Additionally, in the first phase of Palantir’s customer acquisition strategy, they provide minimal risk to their customers through short-term pilot deployments of their software at no or low cost to them. As the customer increases the usage of the platform across its operations, Palantir’s revenue and margins grow significantly.
Software engineers on the front line
In order to fully address the most complex challenges of their customers, Palantir sends their Forward Deployed Engineers (FDEs), in order to experience and understand the problem firsthand. By working alongside their customers, FDEs gain a deep understanding of their needs, how and why they make decisions, and how they calculate trade-offs.
Leverage experience in both private and public sector
To the commercial sector, Palantir offers software which was designed to be secure enough to handle national secrets and stable enough to support soldiers’ wartime decisions. To the government sector, they offer software which incorporates and reflects Palantir’s experience of working across 36 industries and years spent in the field.
Palantir’s strategic relationships last for years
By the end of 2019, Palantir’s top 20 customers had an average relationship of 6.6 years.
Palantir has chosen sides
Their software is exclusively available to the United States and its allies in Europe and around the world.
Growth Strategy
Become the industry default
Palantir’s current and potential customers are some of the largest enterprise in the world. They intend to broaden the platform’s reach through partnerships that establish their platforms as the central operating system for entire industries.
This model has been successfully implemented in the aviation industry where, through its partnership with Airbus, work with more than a 100 airlines and 15 airline suppliers.
Continue to grow their direct sales force
Palantir’s decision to grow their sales force in recent years has resulted in a number of significant new customers, including Fortune 100 companies as well as a number of leading government agencies in the U.S. and other countries.
Increase their reach with existing customers
To drive revenue growth at an account, Palantir uses a number of sales and marketing strategies which include:
For Q3 2020 Palantir’s average revenue per customer had increased 38% compared to the same period last year.
Become the default operating system for the U.S. government
Palantir’s software has been tested and improved over years of use across industries and various government agencies in the U.S. who have been able to deploy Palantir’s platforms rapidly with minor configurations.
Palantir already works with government agencies such as the U.S. Army, Navy, and Airforce, CDC, Department of Homeland Security, FDA, and SEC.
New methods of customer acquisition and partnership
As Palantir considers growing into new markets outside the U.S., they may consider entering into partnerships with strategic organizations that operate in their target market.
For example, in Japan they launched a partnership with SOMPO Holdings, Inc.. one of the largest insurance companies in the country, to help grow their commercial and government business in the Japanese market.
R&D expenditure
Since 2008 and up to 2019, they have invested a total of $1.5B in research and development.
Network effects
Every data source that is integrated to the system, and every action taken by a developer, data scientist, or operational user, is made accessible to all other users at the institution.
At a financial services customer, network effects enabled Palantir’s software to scale from a single use case to more than 70 workstreams across compliance, front office, risk, and internal audit desks. Each new application was built on a shared foundation of integrated systems, user groups, and existing applications.
Additionally, each customer on their platform generates network effects. Palantir can leverage the knowledge acquired and capabilities developed for a customer within a specific industry and incorporate it into the platform for the benefit of all customers across industries. For example, capabilities of Palantir’s platform that were originally developed to help optimize production of crude oil, has been adapted by manufacturers of medical equipment to optimize supply chains.
In addition to supporting individual institutions, Palantir’s platforms have the capacity to become the central operating system for entire industries and sectors.
Section 2377 of the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act (“FASA”) requires the U.S. government to first consider readily available commercial items before pursuing acquisition of custom developed items. Palantir’s software is a commercial item within the meaning of the law. A custom government solution built by a consulting company, is not.
In 2016, Palantir won a lawsuit against the Army, challenging its decision to pursue a software development contract for the replacement of its battlefield intelligence system. In 2018, the ruling was upheld, and the US Court of Appeals ordered the Army to consider existing commercially available products. After testing real products, the Army selected Palantir’s software to deploy tactical units across the force.
Other Relevant Risks
Privacy and civil liberties
Palantir is not in the business of collecting, mining, or selling data. They build software platforms that enable customers to integrate their own data – data they already have. Palantir claims to be committed to ensuring their software is effective as possible while preserving individuals’ fundamental rights to privacy and civil liberties.
Customer concentration
For the 9 months ended September 2020, Palantir’s top 3 customers accounted for 27% of their revenue.

Financial Summary

Proforma Balance Sheet
Income Statement
Palantir’s revenue has had a CAGR of 68.8% since inception, and 27.6% for the last three years.
For the 9 months ended September 2020 compared to the same period last year:
Palantir uses a Contribution Margin as a key business metric to evaluate their financial performance, which has improved consistently over the last 4 quarters. In short, by achieving a higher contribution margin, the increase in revenue required for Palantir to break-even is smaller.
Proforma Cashflow Statement
For the 9 months ended September 2020:
Net cash provided by financing activities consist primarily of proceeds from the issuance of common stock

Investment Decision

Valuation Results
The result of my Valuation Model indicate a Value of Equity per share of $28.38
Mayor assumptions of the valuation model include:
Follow the link to view the valuation model, it include references to all assumptions. Please feel free to download it, play with it, and share your conclusions.
Investment Decision
I believe that at its current price PLTR is a buy opportunity for the following reasons:
submitted by italiansomali to stocks [link] [comments]

[Video Games] The Rise and Fall and Rise Again and Fall Again of Lab Zero Games

The last drama post I did about Kuma Miko seemed to have gotten some praise, but some wished to see a Hobby Drama post that had consequences outside “people got angry over it”. So without any further delay, here’s a story about a studio that’s close to my heart, one that I’ve backed twice and seen die twice.
Note: This is a fairly lengthy drama, so forgive me if I’m not able to provide all of my sources. Most of the front half of this comes from this video, which chronicles the first half of Lab Zero entirely in Russian.
From Ahad to Mike Z
Let’s start in the beginning. Alex Ahad is a freelance illustrator who, in between other work, had created character designs for a prospective fighting game. Mike Zaimont is a professional fighting game player best known for games like BlazBlue and Marvel Vs. Capcom, but since 1999 had been coding a custom engine in his free time, which he hoped could be used for a fighting game. The two met in 2008, and the two quickly realized that with each other’s help, their dream could come true. In 2010, the two joined the newly developed game studio Reverge Labs. Joining their team was Mariel “Kinuko” Cartwright, a friend of Ahad’s and daughter of a Disney animator who helped animate games such as Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and Shantae; Peter Bartholow, who acted as CEO of Reverge as well as their PR arm; and an assortment of other animators and designers. Their goal: a fighting game in the style of Marvel vs. Capcom 2 with hand-drawn animation that they called Skullgirls.
After obtaining publishers in Autumn Games and Konami (at the time of development the Microsoft required indie devs to have a retail publisher in order to bring their games to Xbox Live Arcade), the team got to work on Skullgirls. Initial impressions were favorful - people liked Ahad’s unique character designs, the fluid animation, and the solid engine Mike Z built - but upon release, there were some concerns. The time and money needed to develop each character meant a starting roster of only eight characters, a far cry from other fighting games (the original MvC had 15 characters in 1998), and due to the team trying to get the game out, there was no in-game move list. Some were also concerned that the cast, consisting entirely of women, was too fanservice-filled, although Bartholow said that the characters were just attractive women who could fight as opposed to characters using their sexuality in battle (Ahad said that sex wasn’t his main focus, he just wanted to have monster girls fight each other). The team at Reverge Labs stressed that they would continue to update the game, with plans to add DLC if the game sold well enough. Good thing nothing could go wro-
Everything goes wrong
Alongside publishing Skullgirls, Autumn Games and Konami had previously published a karaoke game called Def Jam RapStar. Unfortunately, around March 2012, the time Skullgirls released, both parties were at the end of several lawsuits made against them - one argued that Autumn and Konami did not get the rights to some of the songs used in the game, while another claimed that the game was funded with a bank loan which Autumn Games was unable to pay back. The result of these costly lawsuits was that Autumn was unable to pay Reverge the money made from Skullgirls - this led to the entire Reverge team being laid off around July, and the future of the game in the air.
And so, the team decided on a whim to reconvene as a new development studio, Lab Zero Games. At a fundraiser for breast cancer research which included a fighting game tournament, Mike Z revealed the first DLC fighter and promised that new information about her and the team would be posted soon. This would turn out to be an Indiegogo fundraising campaign that asked for $150,000 to develop the first DLC fighter, with more characters promised if people backed enough.
In the end, $829,829 was raised in the campaign, enough to fund five DLC characters, a bevy of stages and voice packs, and other features. It was quickly becoming a cult classic.
The Skullgirls Curse
And so work on Skullgirls DLC was underway. However, a variety of events happened to befall Lab Zero during development, some causing controversy and others just annoying the team. Some dubbed this “The Skullgirls Curse”. So let’s go over some of them:
So as you can see, Skullgirls had a menagerie of problems and issues during its dev time. However, their Skullgirls curse seemed to have faded away, as they had a new game in store.
If I was Indivisible
Indivisible was a new project of Lab Zero, announced in 2015 as Skullgirls DLC production was nearing an end. Billed as a platformer RPG similar to games like Valkyrie Profile, it would tell the story of Ajna, a young girl whose town is stricken by tragedy and she finds out that she’s a portion of the god of creation, who has grown discontent with the world and wishes to remake it anew. Its Indiegogo campaign focused on Incarnations, party members who came from a variety of cultures, religions, and demographics not usually represented in popular culture. And as you can see by the fact that it got over two million dollars in funding, people were excited to see what Lab Zero could do. They even got enough funding to get Studio Trigger, of anime fame, to create the opening for the game.
Of course, it wouldn’t be Lab Zero without the occasional issue here and there. As shown above, some Incarnations were changed or scrapped during development, which irked some who backed because of that character specifically (not naming any names, but look in the incarnation list and see if you notice any). Backer characters were included again, and although there were more places to add them so they didn’t look out of place, you still had the occasional few that did. Critics liked the art and presentation of the game, but disliked some gameplay issues: the second half of the game became a cakewalk once you progressed far enough, it was a bit of a pain to go from one end of the map to another, especially for side quests, and a bunch of party members simply weren’t complete. Most egregiously of all, the Nintendo Switch version of the game was ported by a different company and released before Lab Zero was even aware of it - which forced them to scramble again to patch it up so it was on par with other consoles.
Still, it was a better situation they were in than when Skullgirls started. They had a legit publisher in 505 Games, people were satisfied with the base game, and Mike Z mentioned how the base game would continue to be refined with gameplay changes, small additions, and guest incarnations from other indie games. NBC even announced that Indivisible would be adapted into a television program for their Peacock streaming service. Things were looking up for Lab Zero.
Everything goes wrong... AGAIN
During the production of Indivisible, Alex Ahad was let go by Lab Zero. Not much is mentioned about it except that he was growing increasingly hostile, making it difficult to work with him, and his art was not meeting the standards for the game. He left, tried to sue Lab Zero, and eventually agreed to a sizable settlement. Mariel became the lead artistic director in his stead, and the art team had to be rearranged to compensate.
Now, as Lab Zero was preparing to transition from being employee-owned, Mike Z was made the temporary head of the studio. In June of 2020, Mike Z did an “I can’t breathe” joke during a Skullgirls livestream just days after George Floyd’s death - he later apologized for this, claiming he was trying to bring attention to the issue. Soon, more people provided proof that Mike Z has had a history of sexual harassment. Kinuko chimes in as well, noting that while she tolerated inappropriate behavior for years, when she talked to Mike Z about it, he blamed her for his actions. She talked with others in the team, who came to the conclusion that Zaimont had treated all of them like this. Some Lab Zero employees resigned on their own, while others pushed for Zaimont to resign. However, as Mike was still head of the studio, he dissolved the studio board and laid off the rest of the staff.
So where does that leave everyone?
There’s probably something I’ve missed in all of this, but yep. I backed them twice, both for Skullgirls and Indivisible. I don’t regret it, and I’m looking forward to whatever Future Club does, but I won’t lie - I’ll always miss what could have been.
submitted by Torque-A to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

Album of the Year #24: Run The Jewels - RTJ4

Artist: Run The Jewels
Album: RTJ4
Date Released: June 3rd, 2020
Apple Music
Artist Background
The duo consisting of Atlanta rapper Killer Mike, and legendary underground produceMC El-P, known together as Run The Jewels, originally came together as a result of Adult Swim executive Jason DeMarco who introduced the two in 2011. After his 2011 album PL3DGE peaked at #115 on the US charts, Killer Mike told Jason that he wanted to make his own AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted. Jason informed Mike, “If you want AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted modernized, the only producer I know who comes close to the Bomb Squad-level of production is El-P”. The duo’s chemistry was immediate, as El-P went on to produce all of Killer Mike’s 2012 last solo album R.A.P. Music, and Mike featured on El-P’s final solo album Cancer 4 Cure. Mike and El’s respective albums released within a week of each other in May 2012, and the two embarked on a twenty-city US tour in the following months. After returning from tour, the pair had found a friendship growing between themselves, and made the decision to put other projects on hold and focus on the chemistry that had been sparked. Recording at an upstate NY studio beginning in April 2013, the duo re-appropriated the phrase “Run The Jewels” from the LL Cool J track “Cheesy Rat Blues", and released their self-titled collaborative album, for free via digital download, only a mere 2 months later in June 2013.
36” Chain vs. Pistol & Fist
Run The Jewels discography currently exists in a distinct pairing. With Run The Jewels as their debut, this record set the group's tone as a light-hearted, braggadocious duo with as much confidence in their abilities as swag in their punchlines. Just over a year later, the sequel Run The Jewels 2 took the foundation set from their freshman effort and dialed the insanity up to 11. RTJ2 pushed the boundaries of their aggression and flows to new heights; with incredible energy in their verses, and absolutely impeccable beats, blending El-P’s signature industrial sound with sharp synth arpeggios, chopped Zach De La Rocha vocals, and absolutely bonkers Travis Barker drums.
It was then nearly 3 years before Jamie and Mike followed up their breakout RTJ2, with Run The Jewels 3 being released again ahead of its scheduled release date via free digital download, this time on Christmas Eve 2016. Instead of these two attempting to outdo the pure insanity and in-your-face attitude found in their predecessor, Mike and El decide to evolve themselves as a group. The duo had noticeably pulled back on the swag and dick jokes which made such a splash on RTJ2, instead choosing a more subdued, electronic approach to their beats, as well as a clearly stronger political approach in their lyrics. This change in sound and style is demonstrated in the album cover’s artwork. The first two records featured the distinctive RTJ “Pistol and Fist”, with the fist tightly gripping a chain. The chain, in my opinion, represents the swag and braggadocio that drove the aggressive nature of their first two albums. In RTJ3 the chain is removed, leaving only hands that have transformed from bleeding and bandaged, to a pristine gold.
This brings us to early 2020. It’s been nearly 4 years of living in a post-Trump America, and El-P announces that Run The Jewels fourth record has been completed. Mike and El live-stream the first single “yankee and the brave” on Instagram on March 22nd, 2020. Lyrically and sonically, RTJ4 exists as the successor to Run The Jewels 3, with Mike and El again taking the good from their previous effort and launching it into the creative stratosphere. El-P’s beats are again leaning towards the synthetic, electronic side, this time with the intensity dialed all the way up to 11. From a lyrical perspective, RTJ takes the politically-charged lyrics from their predecessor, and again, up the ante, laying down some of the hardest hitting and politically poignant bars either of these two have ever spit.
Album Review
2020 was a year that none of us will soon forget. An unprecedented global health crisis kept the majority of us inside for months at a time. RTJ4 was announced on May 12th, 2020, with a release date slated for June 5th, 2020. However, with 2020 as the gift that won’t stop giving, the end of May was highlighted by the unjust killing of George Floyd. The phrase heard around the world, “I can’t breathe” instantly became a rally-cry for the oppressed to finally take to the streets to demand systemic police reform, as Floyd’s death was not the first time this phrase was uttered in an unjust police killing. In fact, a 2020 study by the New York Times showed that at least 70 people have died in police custody after using the same phrase over the past decade. As millions of American’s began organizing protests and demonstrations in the wake of Floyd’s death, Run The Jewels made the decision to release their latest chapter two days ahead of the scheduled release. El-P tweeted, just minutes ahead of the drop, “Fuck it, why wait. The world is infested with bullshit, so here’s something raw to listen to while you deal with it all. We hope it brings you some joy. Stay safe and hopeful out there and thank you for giving 2 friends the chance to be heard and do what they love”. In line with all past Run The Jewels releases, the album was made available for free digital download, two days ahead of its scheduled release date, on June 3rd, 2020.
THE RETURN (we don’t mean no harm but we truly mean all the disrespect)
RTJ4 opens with the first single, “yankee and the brave (ep. 4)”. Using the team names from their respective hometown baseball teams, Mike and El use the opening track to prove that they’re not just a hip-hop duo, they’re brothers, for better or worse. El-P kicks this installment off with rapid-fire, machine-gun esque snares, matching Killer Mike’s aggressive flow and tightly packed rhymes, before El jumps in to trade some dense rhymes as well. Mike and El depict themselves as outlaws, with Mike surrounded by cops with only one bullet remaining. He contemplates suicide instead of allowing the police to take him alive, until El-P jumps back in, offering Mike a way out, with a getaway car waiting outside. This tense situation is depicted lightheartedly in this song’s music video, which was released via Adult Swim and features the duo animated.
The trade-off between Mike and El’s short verses are reminiscent of late-80’s EPMD flows, while the production sounds like boom-bap that’s been sent to us from the future. This distinctive blend of old-school rap roots and forward thinking production is what continues to separate Run The Jewels from absolutely all of their contemporaries. While so many artists are continually playing catch-up with the latest trends, RTJ are side-stepping the trendy and moving forward with the mind-bending.
FLEXIN’ (ayo one for mayhem, two for mischief)
The second single “ooh la la” samples a Gang Star track "DWYCK (feat. Nice & Smooth)" as the basis for the chorus. I say “samples” as that’s how it is credited in the album’s liner notes, however it’s truly an interpolation of Greg Nice’s bar, slowed down slightly, and sung by El-P and Greg Nice himself. El-P is a true old-head at heart, and it’s abundantly obvious in his work, even going as far as to recruit legendary producer DJ Premiere to handle the scratching on the back end of this banger.
Out of key piano chords are looped to quickly create an unsettling aura surrounding the track, before El-P’s voice cuts through the infectious piano like a whip. Pounding, up-tempo drums are introduced after the chorus’ first iteration, creating what is possibly El-P’s first danceable beat. Lyrically, Mike and El-P initially seem scattered on this track, however the music video quickly makes their point very obvious.
”we imagined the world on the day that the age old struggle of class was finally over. a day that humanity, empathy and community were victorious over the forces that would separate us based on arbitrary systems created by man.
this video is a fantasy of waking up on a day that there is no monetary system, no dividing line, no false construct to tell our fellow man that they are less or more than anyone else. not that people are without but that the whole meaning of money has vanished. that we have somehow solved our self created caste system and can now start fresh with love, hope and celebration. its a dream of humanity’s V-DAY… and the party we know would pop off.”
The video envisions a society celebrating the fact that the class system we currently exist within has finally imploded. Money is worthless, and we have rejected the desire to bind ourselves to the constraints of capitalism. All creeds and colors unite to burn the system that has so effectively controlled us for over a century. It’s a party, and if there was a song to celebrate the end of the world as it is currently known, “ooh la la” is that song.
Mike’s last verse features a few metaphors and comparisons celebrating the destruction of capitalism, saving the most poignant for last:
I used to love Bruce, but livin' my vida loca
Helped me understand I'm probably more of a Joker
When we usher in chaos, just know that we did it smiling
Cannibals on this island, inmates run the asylum
Premo’s expertly cut scratches lead us into the equally hard hitting sample flip of “Misdemeanor”, by Foster Stevens as the basis for the beat to “out of sight”. Lending yet another nod to the old-school greats that laid the foundation for RTJ, “out of sight” samples the same track as The D.O.C.’s “It’s Funky Enough”, only adding a bouncy, electronic synth atop the inverted chord hits, and uptempo, industrial drums, to create an absolutely infectious groove for Mike and El’s dynamic chemistry to shine, rapidly jumping between each other’s two line flows in the first verse.
“out of sight” shows each MC providing insight into how each of them earned a living and achieved their current status. Mike and El’s opening verse each details themselves robbing people in order to eat. El alludes to the fact that he crossed his accomplices in crime for the whole bag, while Mike details the fact his assailant tells him it’s an “honor” to be robbed by his mother’s only son.
While El-P’s production is the obvious stand out on first listen, Killer Mike comes through with one of the most sonically pleasing and technically proficient verses of 2020.
We the motivating, devastating, captivating
Ghost and Rae relating product of the fuckin' '80s
Coke dealin' babies, never regulating, bag accumulating
It would not be overstating to say they are underrating
The pride of Brooklyn and the Grady, baby
We don't need no compliments or confidence
Our attitude and latitude is "fuck you, pay me"
The dense, intricate rhyme schemes smack you in the face, almost distracting you from Mike’s delivery and blistering flow on the verse; flexing his legendary status while paying homage to his drug-dealing past. This absolutely stunning display of technical skill, story telling, and complex rhyming illustrates how RTJ seamlessly integrates the best of both old school and new school hip-hop.
“out of sight” also features a guest verse from 2 Chainz, and he continues to lay the braggadocio on thick. Considering Tity Boi’s dedication to trap stylings, his verse feels right at home on the flex track, despite it’s late 80’s tribute sample, a considerable departure from his usual sound palette.
Up until this point, I haven’t mentioned any of the El-P’s lyrics specifically. El-P is a great rapper, but Killer Mike… Well, Killer Mike is an incredible rapper. He’s the guy who draws you in. El-P is the one who lays the foundation for greatness and Mike is the show stopper, and that’s generally the case for most RTJ tracks. But on “holy calamafuck”, El-P seems determined to make people stop and ask, “Who the fuck is this?!”.
A sharp, yet nearly minimalistic drum kit backing a heavily distorted synthesizer melody lays beneath rhymically knocking cow-bells. This aggressively set stage allows Mike and El to flex as the dynamic duo they are, until the beat suddenly takes a turn for the chaotic. A gnarled, ultra-menacing synth overtakes everything while Mike screams into the abyss, until a distorted snare, enormous 808s, and skeletal hi-hats cut through and launch the beat switch into another dimension. The minimal, yet incredibly dark soundscape allows El-P to snap in a way I have never heard from him previously. His rhymes schemes are reminiscent of an old MF DOOM lyric notebook, while his topics flawlessly combine flexing, psychedelic use, and his well-cemented legacy in the hip-hop community. Cutting and pasting a few of his bars into this review could not convey a fraction of how stunning El-P’s performance on “holy calamafuck” is.
Slightly later in the track list, making liberal use of the Ether song “Gang of Four”, “the ground below” samples and loops the sharp guitar riff and adds aggressive, pounding drums as the basis for the beat; this is finally reminiscent of the forward-thinking, stridulous production El-P has built his reputation on. Capitalising on the classic RTJ moment, Mike and El both flex in their own unique ways. Mike compares himself to Godzilla taking on Tokyo, and El-P demands respect for his name as the legend he is, threatening to smack dying children for mispronouncing his name with his middle finger to the world; his complete disregard for human life and confidence in his abilities are summed up at the end of his verse.
You see a future where Run the Jewels ain’t the shit
Cancel my Hitler-killing trip
Turn the time machine back around a century
SO¢IAL JU$T-ICE (until my voice go from a shriek to whisper...)
While the first few tracks aren’t without their social and political themes, the back-end of RTJ4 is where Mike and El start to bust out the heavy topics. “goonies vs. E.T.”. starts off light, with El-P pointing to the irony of how once he finally started to make it “big” in the industry, the world began to descend into chaos due to climate changes, increasingly obvious social injustice, and political madness. He culminates his frustration with our disregard for the Earth with a fantastic quotable.
Fuck y’all got, another planet on stash?
Far from the fact of the flames and our trash
That is not snow, it is ash, and you gotta know
The past got a wrath, it’s a lover gone mad
Mike’s verse takes the light-hearted frustration expressed by El-P, and turns the aggression to the next level. Aiming his sights against the ruling class and their society that’s been designed to oppress people for profit, who have very meticulously painted themselves as celebrities and idols to the American public. Mike accepts that he will be villainized by these people for speaking against them, but he welcomes the nefarious role, knowing that the working class will eventually eat the rich, no matter how much they are stomped into the dirt.
And this is just the warmup.
If it’s possible for a song to represent a moment in time that captures the absolute shit storm that has been 2020, “walking in the snow” is that song. It’s release coincided perfectly with the protests for George Floyd which were sweeping the nation. Killer Mike’s verse directly references the phrase “I can’t breathe”, the last words of Eric Garner, which also happened to be the last words of Floyd as well. The fact that this verse was reportedly written in November 2019 perpetually underscores the importance of the content and perfectly represents how persistent this problem is. “walking in the snow” is a true encapsulation of both a defining moment in time and an ever-persisting issue.
But he doesn’t just stop at the racial injustice. Mike goes on an absolute rant about the American education system; how it’s not designed to teach people, but to discriminate against poor populations, limiting their legitimate opportunities, and therefore disproportionately leading them into a criminal lifestyle. He calls out the media as fear-mongers, and the apathy of the American public in the face of indecency. Fortunately for Mike, by the time we finally had the chance to hear this masterpiece, we were already on our feet, using this album as a war cry to mobilize against a tyrannical government that militarized against its own citizens simply for asking that we recognize systemic racism and demanding change. Killer Mike has the best verse of the year, no doubt in my mind.
The only drawback is that Mike’s verse is so fucking good that it completely overshadows El-P’s, which is also amazing. A menacing guitar riff and haunting synths kick the track off into a bouncy groove, where El-P unleashes a flurry of internal rhymes that does not relent for about half his verse. Even adding layers of social commentary within the densely packed bars, El refuses to quit and continues on his political tirade; criticizing ICE’s detainment center practices and the “pseudo-Christians” who support them, with a bar that now lives in my head:
Pseudo-Christians, y’all indifferent, kids in prison ain’t a sin? Shit
if even one scrap of what Jesus taught connected you’d feel different
what a disingenuous way to piss away existence, I don’t get it
I’d say you lost your goddamn minds if y’all possessed one to begin with
The combination of two of the best verses spit by any rapper(s) this year and production help from El-P and long time RTJ collaborator Little Shalimar, create a bouncy, aggressive, deeply truthful banger. “walking in the snow” not only encapsulates the crux of 2020 with lyrics that will become more powerful as they age, but will also forever be associated with the Black Lives Matter movement and the determination to expose continuing racial and societal injustices.
The sonic palette of RTJ4 holds an extremely unique place in El-P’s discography. Jamie is the definition of a self-made 90’s hip-hop legend. This is the dude who put New York underground hip-hop on the map with Company Flow, and he did it with his unique flavor of dark, noisy, dense, boom-bap. Whether he was doing it with the help of Rawkus, or completely independently during his Definitive Jux run, El-P has never made music with the intention of becoming famous. Funcrusher Plus, Fantastic Damage,I’ll Sleep When You’re Dead, and Cancer 4 Cure are all highly revered as industrial, technical, abrasive, and completely unsuitable for the radio or a party. The fact that three songs on RTJ4 could easily be heard on the radio, at a party, or in a TV series credits scene is frankly, astounding. In a 2002 interview/documentary on El-P’s budding record label Def Jux, he stated that his friend bet him $500 that he could not make a beat that was “happy”. At the time of the interview, El-P said that he had not won that bet yet. While I might not qualify the beats on RTJ4 as “happy”, if you showed El-P the beat for “JU$T” in 2002, I believe he might have won that bet.
Pharell opens “JU$T” with the pre-chorus, spitting varied examples of how we’re all slaves to our current system throughout the track, over echoing snares and bouncy 808s before bright synth chords and up-tempo hi-hats burst in while Killer Mike delivers the chorus, pointing to the fact that the majority of the people featured on American currency owned slaves at one point in their lives. Mike’s verse touches on the fact that he has committed crimes to get where they are today. Mike is publicly open about his past as a drug dealer. So why is he a criminal, but Benjamin Franklin isn’t? These are the people who built our country, and they built it on the backs of slaves. He illustrates this theme with a more recent examples:
You believe corporations runnin marijuana? Ooh (how that happen?)
and your country gettin ran by a casino owner (ooh)
pedophiles sponsor all these fuckin’ racist bastards (they do)
When corporations are able to sell cannabis legally, but the government continually incarcerates people who trap, our president is a notoriously fraudulent businessman, and the people who helped put him in power run a pedophile ring, yet none of them face consequences and are allowed to continue to profit and remain in power while people suffer; well, we might be closer to slaves than previously imagined.
Rage Against The Machine frontman Zach de la Rocha also makes his mandatory feature appearance at the end of “JU$T”. As the only artist to feature on three Run The Jewels albums, Zach is essentially an unofficial member of the group at this point. His fiery verse is spit with the same “Rage” energy that set him apart in the mid-90’s, ending the track questioning his place in a capitalist society as a recipe for his inevitable demise, since his “breath”, or art, as his weapon to express himself is still being exploited for other’s profit.
Continuing with RTJ4’s heavily synthetic sonic palette, “never look back” features wavering synth leads resting above the slow-jams snappy snares and thumping bass, while a haunting voice echoes in the background. This unsettling aura provides additional gravity for Jamie and Mike to continue self-reflecting on defining moments in their childhood, and as well as how far they’ve come from those moments. Mike and El are both self-made men, and while they have a certain fondness for those gritty moments that defined them, moving forward in life is undoubtedly more important.
Skeletal drums reminiscent of a slowly pounding heart opens “pulling the pin”, before rhythmic hi-hats and textured, watery synths fluttering in the upper register resting above a bouncy synth lead, and punchy 808s, burst in. The track digs itself into a slower, marching groove and shows the duo figuratively doing exactly what the title implies. Painting a portrait of a society that has turned on itself, Mike and El are ready to pull the pin and start over.
The duo both detail their despise for the ruling class, pointing out multiple examples of how the elite have designed our society to keep poor people in their class. Simultaneously recognizing their own hypocrisy for profiting in a system that inherently discriminates; Mike reflects on his own success, knowing that living the lifestyle he enjoys is one built on oppression, and expresses the guilt that has caused him. El-P opens with a brutal metaphor for police, implying that they’re the root cause of the “wretched state of danger” our society exists within, and that the only effective corrective action is to numb yourself with drugs. Despite his advice, Jamie knows this is not a permanent solution, but one that causes more self-inflicted wounds.
The final piece of the puzzle that is RTJ4, “a few words for the firing squad” begins to close the album with ever crescending strings, and loud, thunderous drums which never seem to resolve, continuing throughout their verses. While the drums that lead to nowhere can be sonically unpleasant, the unresolved melodies are intentionally representative of their current mindsets. Their verses are reflective and grim, but simultaneously optimistic and envisions a world where tragedy is a less common occurrence.
El is grateful for what he has now but recognizes his entire life has been skewed by traumas, so out of place feels normal for him. He reflects on his current success, noting that the worst people tend to end up with the most, which makes becoming “rich” something not as desirable as it once was.
Mike opens up about the death of his mother who died while he was on an airplane, admitting his struggles to not cope with his trauma with opioids. However, his wife provides him the most important reason to stay clean “but my queen/say she need a king/not another junkie rapper fiend” while a heartbreaking saxophone solo highlights the gravity of his lyrics.
The track ends with what sounds the like wrap-up voiceover to a TV show, a conceptually satisfying ending, as the opening track “yankee and brave (ep.4)” began with El-P stating:
”This week, on Yankee and The Brave”
This voiceover paints the duo as brothers on the run from the law and crooked cops, and while this does close this “episode” out as intended, the critic in me is bothered by the slightly kitschy outro to such a spectacular album. The voices singing over and over, “Brave, brave, braaaaaave, Yankee and the Brave” would be, simply put, better left on the cutting room floor. The ending of this track alone is what knocks my score of this album down a few points. Despite its stellar lyrical content, with drums that never seem to reach that “holy shit!” moment, and the easily skippable outro, it’s upsetting to me that an album this great ends on such a low note.
RTJ4 is by far my favorite album of the year. El-P’s cutting edge approach to their sound, blended with lyrical content that continues to be more relevant by the day, the duo have come together with what is objectively their most accessible album to date. RTJ4 is the natural evolution of sound and subject matter for the duo; taking the foundation set by Run The Jewels 3 and evolving it into a more concise, more accessible, and more conceptual album. While I still personally prefer the “fuck the world” intensity and experimental nature of Run The Jewels 2, RTJ4 opens themselves up to a whole new world of exposure, and when you’re as talented as these two, you know they’re going to capitalize on it. RTJ is currently at their apex, and they’ve created an album that will make many new life-long fans going forward.
Discussion Points
  • How does this compare to other RTJ releases? How about in comparison to the member’s solo works?
  • Does the overwhelmingly positive critical reception of this album surprise you?
  • How will this be looked back on in 5 years?
  • What are your favorite lyrics?
submitted by jordanbeff to hiphopheads [link] [comments]

Clover (IPOC) CEO response to Hindenburg Research piece from yesterday

from the SEC:
click for all the tables/images.

EX-99.1 2 d66346dex991.htm EX-99.1
Exhibit 99.1
In Response to Short Seller Firm’s Questions
Andrew Still-Baxter 18 min read
Vivek Garipalli, CEO and Andrew Toy, President of Clover Health
Clover’s mission is to improve every life. We do that by scaling the Clover Assistant platform across physicians to drive a meaningful positive clinical impact towards as wide a percentage of our membership as possible. We align our incentives for the Clover Assistant by embedding our software platform inside of the business of our Medicare Advantage plan. As we improve outcomes, and lower costs, Clover can pass those savings on to consumers, improving the attractiveness of our plans and spurring rapid growth. We ultimately seek to transform healthcare for each and every one of us.
Clover welcomes questions about our business, as it gives us the opportunity to share our vision and to address any skepticism, whether founded or unfounded. As you will see from our detailed,
point-by-point response to the short seller firm’s questions, the alleged “report” is rife with ad-hominem attacks, sweeping inaccuracies and gross mischaracterizations. Importantly, the short seller firm did not contact Clover, and we had no knowledge of the short seller report prior to it being made publicly available. In our view, it belies a desperate attempt for publicity while sacrificing any regard for the truth.
In addition, we would note that the report’s title specifically calls out the involvement of “The King of SPACs,” Chamath Palihapitiya, and accuses him of a dearth of diligence. This, as we will show, is completely untrue, and we suspect this was done in order to sensationalize what is otherwise a rather underwhelming piece of research. Given the market’s latest views on short sellers, we believe that Hindenburg, which takes pains to call out their altruism in saying that they are not short on CLOV stock, is foolheartedly seeking to redeem itself by posturing as a white knight of the financial markets.
We’ve put together this response as rapidly as possible. We hope you will find it extremely informative.
  1. Did Chamath and/or Clover know about the ongoing DOJ investigation? If so, why was it concealed from investors?
Chamath and Clover were fully aware of the DOJ inquiry.
To be clear, Clover does not believe it is, or has been, in violation of any rules or regulations related to the inquiry.
We went through both an IPO and de-SPAC due diligence process, and this subject received extensive focus and attention. Consistent with the views of Clover’s outside counsel, Social Capital’s outside counsel, and independently retained outside counsel of third parties, including IPO underwriters’ counsel, we concluded that the fact of DOJ’s request for information was not material and was not required to be specifically disclosed in our SEC filings.
How could a DOJ inquiry not be considered material information? As heavily regulated organizations participating in Medicare Advantage, Clover and its peers receive frequent requests for information from regulatory bodies. These are typically confidential. We promptly respond to these requests as and when they come in. As the short selling firm points out, the DOJ also often reaches out to ex-employees, including by civil investigative demands, as part of their information-gathering process.
For absolute clarity:

Clover Health believes it has made all appropriate disclosures, which were reviewed and vetted by outside counsel to all parties.

Clover has not received any civil investigative demands or subpoenas from the Department of Justice.

Clover has received a request for information from the Justice Department, to which, as we do with all requests from regulatory bodies, we responded. This was on a voluntary basis.

Clover has conducted a detailed review of matters potentially addressed by the DOJ request for information and has concluded that it is in compliance with all laws and regulations material to its business.

Up until the publishing of the short selling report yesterday morning, Clover was unaware of any other ongoing investigations of the Company, its officers, or any companies with which they are affiliated.

Following the report yesterday, Clover received notice of an investigation from the SEC. We believe this inquiry is based on the short selling report issued yesterday morning.
  1. Is Clover aware of any other regulatory investigations into the company or Vivek Garipalli and his related companies? If so, what are the details?
Clover is unaware of any other ongoing regulatory investigations, except, as noted above, following the short selling firm’s report yesterday morning, Clover received an inquiry from the SEC. We believe this request is based on the short selling report issued yesterday morning.
  1. Has Clover received any subpoenas or civil investigative demands from regulators? If so, how many and from which regulators?
No. Clover has not received any civil investigative demands or subpoenas from the Department of Justice. Clover has received a request for information from the Justice Department, to which, as we do with all requests from regulatory bodies, we responded on a voluntary basis.
  1. Why does Clover’s subsidiary, “Seek Insurance” operate a website called “” claiming to offer “independent” and “unbiased” advice on selecting Medicare plans without disclosing that it is owned by a Medicare plan provider, representing a blatant conflict of interest?
Seek Medicare is a startup that was incubated and set up as a separate company from Clover — it has its own management team, outside investor (a nationally-recognized public company), board and employees. Clover and the outside investor share in governance of Seek at the board level, including decisions such as the nomination of the CEO. Clover has the right to appoint a Board Member (currently Andrew Toy, Clover’s President & CTO), the outside investor has a right to appoint a Board Member (currently an employee of the outside investor), and the third Board Member, the CEO, must be mutually agreed upon. In addition, this investor has a unilateral contractual option to convert its investment into 50% equity ownership of Seek.
It’s not unusual for payors to create or have stakes in FMOs. What makes Seek different is its fundamental belief that Medicare consumers are simply not well-informed and that hurts their ability to get affordable, great healthcare. Seek is purpose-built to deliver against that problem. In order to make sure it could effectively pursue its goals, Seek was set up as a separate company, and it has raised nearly all of its capital from the outside investor.
At Clover, we obviously want everyone to pick a Clover plan, but we want to earn that business by providing great and affordable healthcare coverage. The most important thing is that Medicare eligibles end up in the right plan for them.
One final note here: Seek is a brand new startup, and its website is still in version 1.0. Please take a look back next week when its planned version 2.0 comes out.
  1. Clover’s subsidiary, Seek Insurance, claims on its website “We don’t work for insurance companies. We work for you” despite literally being owned by Clover, an insurance company. What is your response?
While Seek is an affiliate, as we said, it operates separately from Clover, with its own financing and its own goals, which are to provide neutral, objective advice to Medicare eligibles and to empower, educate and assist them. Seek offers Clover plans but, more importantly, Seek also offers many more coverage options. In fact, in every market in which Seek operates, Seek endeavors to offer at least 80% of available plans in that market.
Even though Seek began very recently, it was able to stand up its agency in the most recent AEP and also launched a pilot in ~100 retail locations in six states, with a focus on markets in Georgia, New Jersey and Texas.
If you want to see the objectivity of Seek, we think the results of Seek’s initial sales period speak for themselves:
Percent of Seek sales, by insurance plan, in the most recent AEP:
Cigna: 20%
Humana: 20%
CVS/Aetna: 17%
Clover: 13.5%
UnitedHealth Group: 11.3%
WellCare: 8.5%
Horizon: 5.7%
Other (unrelated to Clover): 4.0%
In terms of scale, applications from Seek totaled less than 1% of the total applications Clover received in the most recent AEP.
  1. How much has Clover paid B&H Assurance, the undisclosed outside brokerage firm run by Hiram Bermudez (its Head of Sales) since inception?
Clover has paid approximately $160k directly to B&H since 2017.
Hiram has disclosed the following in connection with his B&H relationship:

He does not receive any compensation, direct or indirect, from B&H Assurance for any work related to Clover.

He maintains a 50% ownership interest in B&H Assurance, which he has owned since before he joined Clover.

Hiram’s only work on behalf of B&H Assurance is monitoring compliance and negotiating contracts, from time to time, with parties that do not include Clover.

He maintains an ownership interest in B&H Assurance so that, in case he separates from Clover, he has the option to go back to the brokerage agency he co-founded and not have to start over.
As a general matter, Clover engages with brokers in each of its markets in order to distribute its plans. This is standard operating procedure in the Medicare Advantage space. Broker payments are statutorily defined by state insurance regulators, broker scripts are actively monitored by both internal compliance and CMS — including via “secret shopper” and other methods — and we take our obligations to CMS, our members and potential members very seriously. We believe our marketing materials and the brokers that represent us accurately reflect and portray our plans to our members and potential members and do so with transparency and integrity.
  1. What portion of Clover’s business has been referred by B&H Assurance since inception? How many members?
Approximately 8,200 of our current members were referred by B&H Assurance to Clover.
While B&H has been a strong producer, we strongly disagree with the statement that B&H alone has “fueled” Clover’s growth. We believe that all Medicare Advantage plans have key producer relationships, and to say those relationships somehow illegitimately fuel growth is a misnomer.
We believe Clover plans are appealing because they are often amongst the lowest cost plans in our established markets, and they offer the same cost-sharing for in-network and out-of-network primary care and specialist visits. As we expand across the country, we intend to establish relationships with additional brokers and key producers.
  1. Former employees told us that the relationship between Clover and B&H Assurance was transferred into the name of Hiram Bermudez’s wife “for compliance purposes”. NAIC filings confirm it was transferred into his wife’s (maiden) name weeks after the go-public announcement. What is the explanation for this?
The statement underlying this question is false and misleading. The reason that B&H Assurance’s appointment list does not include Clover is that B&H has what is referred to as a “downline” relationship with Ritter Insurance Marketing, which contracts directly with Clover (note that it appears B&H does contract directly with a number of other plans based on the cited NAIC record page). Rather than a nefarious circumstance, this is also a standard construct in the Medicare Advantage world.
Further, the statements interpreting Yesenia Rivera (Bermudez)’s NAIC profile are incorrect in their conclusions: (1) there was no transfer of any relationship between Clover and B&H Assurance from Hiram to his wife; (2) the NAIC filing simply shows that on August 14, 2020, Mrs. Bermudez was directly appointed by Clover Health to be able to sell Clover plans as an agent.
For context, Hiram underwent a major organ transplant surgery at the end of last summer due to chronic kidney disease. He, thankfully, is doing very well healthwise after the surgery. Hiram informed us that he and his wife made a decision for her to go through broker certification so that, if his condition deteriorated further, she would be able to take over his 50% ownership in B&H.
No one should ever feel compelled to share this type of personal and private health information publicly, but we deeply respect Hiram’s desire to disclose this to make clear he had no malicious intent. Hiram is highly mission-oriented and an amazing teammate at Clover, and pathetic attempts to slander him are shameful.
  1. Will Clover produce the agreement showing the transfer of the relationship into Hiram Bermudez’s wife’s name? Who signed off on the agreement and which senior members of management knew about the deal?
See previous response.
  1. Is Clover aware that disclosure of significant transactions with key senior employees is something investors like to know about, so they can be made aware of potential material conflicts of interest?
Consistent with applicable laws and regulations, Clover has conflict of interest policies requiring employees to disclose any existing or potential conflicts of interest. Clover follows SEC rules and regulations regarding the public disclosure of these relationships.
  1. Was Chamath aware that the DOJ was looking into issues of potential upcoding when he mentioned, unprompted, on CNBC “they don’t motivate doctors to upcode or do all kinds of things in order to get paid”?
We agree (as does Chamath) that upcoding is a significant problem in the Medicare Advantage industry, and Chamath was fully aware that we have built the Clover Assistant to address the problems in the approaches used by other insurers.
To be clear, Chamath’s statement that “we do not motivate doctors to upcode or do all kinds of things to get paid” is accurate:

We pay Clover Assistant Primary Care physicians a fixed, flat payment per office visit.

Unlike other plans, we never compensate more for agreeing with the Clover Assistant. We never pay less for disagreeing with the Clover Assistant. This payment is fixed and guaranteed, and physicians use their own judgment on what they believe is clinically correct in relation to their direct understanding of the patient.

Put another way, a clinician could choose to disagree with every suggestion, which means there are no additional diagnoses and no additional risk adjustment codes, and they still get paid the exact same amount as if they did agree. There is NO financial motivation that we provide to physicians to answer in any particular way.

This is why we specifically do not believe in capitation contracts the same way that others do. These contracts often share risk adjustment back to physicians — i.e., an indirect way to reward them for coding more. Clover does not support those types of strategies.
To be clear, the focus of the Clover Assistant is driving clinical value. Because of its important role in early and improved detection of disease burden, accurate risk adjustment is one of the byproducts of clinical engagement with the Clover Assistant. Notably, however, much of the content in the Clover Assistant has absolutely nothing to do with risk adjustment. More than 50% of the clinical data we capture through Clover Assistant visits has no risk score impact whatsoever.
Here are just a few examples of the Clover Assistant driving clinical value:
Colorectal Cancer Screening
Medication Therapy Management:
For Chronic Kidney Disease
For Statins
Addressing risk:
Fall Risk
Mortality Risk
Covid — 19 Response
Mail Order and Home Drug Delivery
  1. Clover reported that “onboarded” physicians used Clover Assistant for 92% of member visits in 2019, but never defined “onboarded”. We found that less than half of Clover’s in-network doctors are considered “Clover Preferred”. What is the definition of an “onboarded” physician? What percentage of Clover’s in-network doctors actually use the Clover Assistant?
This is a good question. Similar to enterprise software, there are two phases of bringing on physicians to Clover Assistant:
Contracting: Where we explain the benefits of Clover Assistant to the physicians and they have agreed to use the software.
Onboarding: Where the physicians have received their initial training and have created their accounts, and we have answered their questions. Basically, they’re ready to use the software. We also refer to the physicians as the “Live” physicians.
We use the Onboarded/Live number (as opposed to Contracted) when discussing engagement because that correlates to the physicians that are trained and ready to use the Clover Assistant. We typically have a pipeline of Contracted physicians waiting to be onboarded at any given time, and our goal is to go from Contracted to Live within 60 days.
Speaking to the second question, currently 22% of all in-network Primary Care Physicians are Live. This correlates to 4% of the total in-network physicians (including PCPs, specialists, etc.), but the Clover Assistant is currently built as a tool for PCPs, so we believe 22% is a more useful number.
That said, we don’t view either of those figures to be particularly relevant to the scalability and impact potential of the Clover Assistant. Instead, we focus on membership coverage. More specifically, as of YE 2020, 56% of our membership were attributed to one of those 22% Live PCPs. An additional 11% are attributed to a PCP who is contracted but in the onboarding pipeline (bringing us to 67% total coverage for Clover Assistant as of YE 2020).
This is because as we bring on physicians, we focus on contracting and onboarding those with more Clover members first, so a disproportionate number of our members are attributed to Clover Assistant-Live PCPs. As we continue to deploy the Clover Assistant, we intend to bring on the remainder of these physicians and we expect to see these numbers converge more. Right now we’re very proud of that 67% coverage number of all Clover members as of year-end 2020.
  1. If Clover’s software is so “delightful” to use, why does Clover have to pay doctors extra ($200 per visit) just to use it?
We think this is a big part of the innovation model of Clover and why it’s so important that we build this tool internally as a payor.
The Clover Assistant is a SaaS-type enterprise clinical decision tool, but rather than charge physicians to use it (like regular software startups), we instead reimburse PCPs to encourage them to use it and to recognize the incredibly important role PCPs play in assessing and taking care of our members and controlling costs. PCPs receive less than 5% of total medical expenses in the US, and we believe that to solve the ballooning health care expenses in our country, we need to shift more of our focus, resources, and compensation to primary care doctors.
To be clear, the “extra $200 per visit” is not incremental or “just to use” the Clover Assistant, but represents the overall payment that covers both the PCP office visit and the use of the Clover Assistant. This translates to roughly twice the traditional Medicare fees paid to PCPs for an office visit, more in line with fees paid to specialists.
Most critically, this is a flat fee. We don’t pay them more to agree with us, or less when they disagree. A lot of programs effectively do this, and that creates moral hazards like upcoding or trying to skimp on care. We pay the flat fee because we want to reward PCPs for great data-driven primary care without creating those moral hazards and bad incentives.
Speaking to the delight point — we measure this in an objective, standard way in the form of Net Promoter Score surveys. We run these surveys within Clover Assistant for all Clover Assistant users on a quarterly basis to see how we’re doing in terms of user satisfaction and delight. We’ve traditionally received a score between 55–63 which we think is excellent — particularly for healthcare.
Here’s a screenshot of our NPS survey:
Clover Assistant NPS Survey
Our most recent NPS results from the end of last year.
As you can see, most of our Clover Assistant survey respondents give us very high ratings. There are a few “middle” scores, and there are, of course, some detractors who give us low scores. When we receive detractor feedback, we strive to send our Product and User Research teams to interview these users to find out how we can do better. We’re not perfect, but our fast iteration rate (releasing a new Clover Assistant version on average every 3–4 weeks) helps us continuously improve our platform.
  1. Multiple doctors explained that it was difficult to remove prior diagnoses from the Clover Assistant. Is Clover aware of this? And can Clover guarantee that in future versions of the software doctors will be able to remove prior diagnoses, so as to ensure accuracy and cost efficiency?
For clarity, every diagnosis that appears in the Clover Assistant is for physician consideration, and they can choose to tell us they don’t think that diagnosis is currently relevant. Here’s a screenshot of how it’s shown.
Every suggestion made is based upon clinical data that we have at Clover and personalized for each specific patient. Then the physician can tell us whether they can confirm the diagnosis. If they cannot confirm, they can easily select that option (shown above), and we ask them to share the reason why so we can update our internal data.
Note that when a physician tells us a diagnosis is not currently relevant, we do not show that diagnosis again that calendar year unless there is a new reason to believe that the diagnosis applies (e.g., new clinical data).
We may also resurface a diagnosis the following calendar year for reconfirmation. There’s a reason for this: many chronic diagnoses may come and go in terms of their diagnosis state. For example, diabetes may resolve (removing the diagnosis) if a patient loses weight, but if the patient puts the weight back on, diabetes will come back. Or, active cancer may go into remission, then unfortunately return. As such, it’s clinically appropriate to track these previous diagnoses.
Bonus Question: Is Clover Assistant actually helpful to physicians in providing better care above and beyond their EHR?”
This wasn’t actually in the list of questions addressed to us but was implicit in the short-selling firm’s commentary, so we wanted to hit this on the head, too.
We are incredibly proud of the ways, in only a few short years, we have been able to build the Clover Assistant platform in order to support PCPs in providing better care for our members. The Clover Assistant is not attempting to be an EHR; rather, we are focused on building a product that is supplemental to the EHR and driven by physician feedback.
We’ve supported the rapid transition to remote visits during the outbreak of COVID-19 this past spring, we’ve supported members getting their medications delivered to them when they couldn’t leave their home, and we’ve gotten clinical information otherwise not available to PCPs into the hands of those most equipped to utilize that information.
We also surface evidence-based protocols specific to a member’s disease profile. To be clear, we do this in order to help our members receive the right medications, access the right testing, and achieve better outcomes. By doing so, we pay more money now in order to decrease costs and patient suffering down the line.
If you take a look at our most recent investor presentation, you can easily see a view of that functionality on page 10. On page 19 of the same deck, you can also see a view of the Clover Assistant’s impact outside of accurate diagnosis capture.
We are just starting this journey, and know that, like with any software, there are plenty of opportunities for fine tuning and further improvement. But we are motivated by those challenges and solicit that feedback from the healthcare community and our in-network physicians regularly.
— The Clover Product, Clinical, and Engineering Leads
  1. A former employee explained that Clover handed out gift cards to doctors and nurses to generate patient leads, a practice prohibited by CMS. These gift cards were justified as being for everything but recruitment, including “morale,” a “thank you,” “motivation,” and “friendship.” How do you respond?
Clover does not provide gift cards to doctors and nurses to generate patient leads.
Clover prides itself on a strong culture of compliance. If we were to discover any violation of CMS regulations or any applicable law or regulation, our compliance department would take decisive and strong corrective action.
  1. Does CEO Vivek Garipalli deny that his CarePoint hospitals at one point charged the highest emergency room prices in the entire nation?
It is important to note that CarePoint is a separate and independent business entity, with different management teams, investor structures, and boards of directors. We do not comment on its operations. We also do not respond to ad hominem attacks against our officers.
  1. Why did CEO Vivek Garipalli make a secret $1 million donation to the Mayor of Jersey City?
The aforementioned contribution to a PAC has been reported in the media. Like any private citizen, Vivek makes contributions. As our first market, New Jersey is near and dear to us, and Vivek believes the Mayor of Jersey City has done a commendable job of attracting businesses and developing affordable housing policies.
Vivek also donates to other causes in New Jersey and elsewhere — such as a $1MM contribution to the Goodwill Rescue Mission homeless shelter in Newark, NJ.
  1. Why has Clover had such extensive executive turnover, with 3 CFOs, 3 COOs, and 2 General Counsels in the last 4 years?
Clover has evolved significantly over the past four years, and we needed different people with different skill sets at each stage of our journey. We are grateful for the contributions of every one of our employees, past and present, and are proud of our current management team. As is evident from our team’s background, they bring extensive experience across their areas of expertise. We believe we should always be looking to bring on more and more talented and mission-oriented individuals as we evolve and grow.
In particular, we are grateful to our co-founder Kris Gale for his work as the original Clover CTO to build the fundamentals of the Clover data platform. When Andrew Toy, our current President and CTO, came on board, one of the first things he did was focus on the creation of a way to turn data into improved care by physicians. The result of that was the Clover Assistant.
submitted by InverseInception to SPACs [link] [comments]

COVID Facts That Every Person Should Know (But Most Don't) - Canadian Version

Updated January 8, 2020
DISCLAIMER: I wear my mask, wash my hands and try not to touch my face. I limit my social interactions. I follow most rules, even though many don't make sense. This is NOT a “COVID hoax” or “anti-vaxxer” post.
I agreed with lockdown measures that were taken in March 2020, when a lot was unknown. We did not have full knowledge of whom the virus affected and we did not have better treatment measures.
But science and data over the last 10 months has clearly shown that our approach needs to change.
“Where all think alike, no one thinks very much” Walter Lippmann, 2-time Pulitzer Prize winner
SO WHO IS COVID DEADLY FOR? Data from government public health websites.
Out of 16435 COVID related deaths in Canada, 89.2% are in the 70+ age group.
Percentage of COVID deaths in the 0-49 age group: 1.1% (this is a total of 192 COVID related deaths in Canada)
NOTE: It is important to make the distinction that just because someone dies WITH COVID does not mean that they died BECAUSE of COVID. COVID deaths may be inflated due to this distinction. False positive cases may further inflate this number (more on this later).
70.3% of all COVID related deaths in Canada have been in long term care homes
Average age of COVID-related death in Alberta: 82 years old.
Out of 1241 COVID related deaths in Alberta, 97.1% have had 1 or more co-morbidities.
Here is the breakdown: * 3 or more comorbidities: 75.0% * 2 comorbidities: 14.4% * 1 comorbidity: 7.7% * No comorbidity: 2.9% (highly likely to be in the older age demographic)
NOTE: Comorbidities included are: Diabetes, Hypertension, COPD, Cancer, Dementia, Stroke, Liver Cirrhosis, Cardiovascular diseases (including IHD and Congestive heart failure), Chronic Kidney disease, and Immuno-deficiency.
STATSCAN REPORT: COVID 19 DEATH COMORBIDITIES IN CANADA (from the first wave, until July 31, 2020) ... 87-eng.htm
We must acknowledge that these stats are all people and each number represents a human loss. We are all empathetic to that.
Now, the data clearly states the obvious: 1. A LARGE majority of COVID related deaths have and are still occurring in long term care homes. 2. COVID is a deadly threat to persons with co-morbidities and/or persons above the age of 70. It is not a LONE killer by itself. Note that any disease is dangerous to this population set, not just COVID. 3. For a healthy person below the age of 70, there is greater than 99% chance of COVID recovery. This is no worse than the flu.
This is all good news, because we know who COVID affects and who we desperately need to protect. We also have other good news…
Vitamin D acts a key function for strengthening our immune system and is primarily acquired through sunlight exposure. There is a strong correlation that a Vitamin D deficiency will likely result in a serious case of a COVID infection, lowering hospitalizations, deaths and long-term COVID effects.
Vitamin D3 was shown to be deficient in 80% of hospitalized COVID patients in Spain [2].
The most comprehensive scientific study of Vitamin D deficiency in correlation to COVID patients was conducted in India over a span of 6 weeks [3]. Out of 154 patients, 63 severe cases needed ICU. Out of these, 61 patients (97%) had a Vitamin D deficiency. Overall, India has shown to have a lower strain of COVID, possibly because Vitamin D deficiency hits a much lower percentage of the population (due to more sunlight).
The UK government has already promoted Vitamin D to the entire population and is giving out free vitamin D handouts to persons most at risk for COVID [4].
4000 IU daily is recommended to create a strong immune response to COVID [5].
Doctors have improved the mortality rates of severe COVID cases, using better ICU procedures. A person hospitalized in March 2020 was 3 times more likely to die than someone hospitalized in August 2020 [6].
At least 17% of the population is estimated to be asymptomatic to COVID [7]. Many are immune to the danger of COVID.
The converse argument, of course, is the possible asymptomatic spread of infection which is difficult to detect. However, if an asymptomatic person does not interact with the vulnerable portion of the population, then what difference does it make?
Instead, why not focus on controlling spread in the SMALLER vulnerable demographic where it really matters?
PCR tests, in their current form, are faulty and ineffective [9]. In Dec 2020, the World Health Organization confirmed what was known for months; that high cycle threshold PCR tests result in a high amount of false positives and that testing labs around the world need to reduce their threshold values [10]. The US FDA has also warned of the risk of false positives from PCR tests [8].
It is important for everyone to understand what a Polymerase Chain Reaction test does. A PCR test is looking for RNA, which is a small particle of any cell (just like DNA). In this case, we are looking for the coronavirus RNA.
The amount of RNA in a saliva/nasal swab is very small, so PCR tests amplify the sample to help detect it. Each cycle doubles the material. One becomes two. In the next cycle, two is amplified to four, and so on. In Canada, and most of the world, specimens are amplified to a minimum value of at least 35 cycle thresholds (Ct). That creates over 17 billion copies of the material, enough to be able to detect any viral particle.
However, a Canadian National Microbiology study stated that specimens with Ct values greater than 24 were found to be viral culture negative [11]. What does this mean?
That if RNA is found at a Ct value of 35, the virus cannot be cultured. It cannot be grown. Because it is DEAD. The RNA is simply a remnant of a past COVID infection. A FALSE POSITIVE CASE. This case does not reflect an active infection nor is it contagious. That person was infected weeks or months ago.
This has been known irrefutable scientific fact for months: PCR tests are not reliable unless we REDUCE Ct values. Why are we creating worldwide mitigation policies based on this?
Lastly, and most importantly, using number of cases for policy making does not reflect the bigger picture. Someone with little or no symptoms of illness is NOT a case.
Instead, our main concern should this: How many of those cases are getting HOSPITALIZED and who is DYING?
Long term effects of COVID; persistent symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, respiratory, brain and heart issues can continue for weeks and months for some COVID cases. While there is still more research to be done, here is what we know so far.
King’s College London and the UK National Health Service have compiled the largest data set on this topic, using information from 4182 confirmed COVID cases [12]. Here was the breakdown of how many experienced long COVID, by duration of symptoms. The study also states that these numbers were comparable to Sweden and USA.
The susceptibility to experience long COVID is increased by the following factors, but can occur in low proportions in healthy individuals as well:
Long COVID is a definitely a concern, but it does not warrant ignoring the negative long-term health effects of a lockdown.
If you believe that a lockdown puts life and health ahead of the economy, you have been gravely misled. Lockdowns kill and destroy more lives than save lives.
The World Health Organization themselves do not advocate for lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus [13].
The first and very comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of a lockdown in Canada was performed by Dr. Ari Jaffe, an infectious disease expert, who initially supported lockdowns but is now a strong opponent. His study concluded that the lockdowns in Canada will result in 10 statistical lives lost for every 1 COVID life saved [14].
Reasons for these lockdown deaths is due to restricted medical care such as
Moreover, the following repercussions of a lockdown are also not taken into account. All of these have a negative impact on life expectancy and illness.
The Canadian Mental Health Association concluded a study on all of the above, with 3027 participants Canada wide [15]. Here are some highlights:
A Canadian Psychiatric Research report has projected an increase of between 418-2114 excess suicides in Canada (depending on 1.6% to 10.7% increase in unemployment) [16].
Lastly, lockdowns are causing our general health and immunity to be being lowered. We are locked down at home, with increasing mental health issues, stress, lack of sunlight and lack of exercise. This further lowers our bodies’ response to any sort of infection, including COVID.
Using lockdowns, we have only looked at short term gratification, while disregarding long term destruction.
The ideal measure to avoid a lockdown is to increase hospital capacity as much as possible.
Unfortunately, hospital space and staff shortages have always been a problem, even before the pandemic [17]. Every flu season in the last 3 years has had hospitals running at over capacity. Don’t let COVID distract you from the historical failures of the government.
This may sound ludicrous, but a simple online search will prove it. Here are a few news articles from previous years addressing that concern:
Dec 2017:
Feb 2018:
Jan 2020:
Canada, despite being one of the biggest spenders for health care, sits far behind for services provided. As of 2019, out of 28 developed countries, here is how Canada ranked [18]:
Between Mar 15-Jun 13, 2020 (the first lockdown), the Ontario surgical backlog had an average increase of a whopping 11413 surgeries per week. This led to a total of 150000 backlogged surgeries, which is estimated to take 84 weeks to clear (almost 1.5 years) [19].
We were completely unprepared for additional medical concerns, let alone a pandemic. Why has the government not addressed the hospital capacity issue? This is the most IMPORTANT factor in avoiding a lockdown. Why is the public paying the price for government inadequacy?
Socio-economic factors are the greatest indicator for the health of the population. Lack of finances do affect mental health, physical health and life expectancy. Look at any third-world country. Look at the impoverished demographic of any population set.
Canadian Annual Deficit:
2019: $19.8 Billion [20]
Projected for March 2021: $381.6 to $398.7 Billion [21]
This is an increase in deficit of almost 2000%. THIS IS REAL. This is NOT a typo. Imagine your $20,000 student loan becoming $398,000. By far, this is the HIGHEST deficit in Canadian history.
Within the last year, Canada has had the worst increase in Debt-to-GDP ratio in the world, which has risen by 80% [22]. We have spent the most amount of money in proportion to what our economy generates.
Our Minister of Finance resigned during the summer. A day after the Fall Economic statement was released on Nov 30, 2020, our Deputy Minister of Finance also resigned.
Our current Minister of Finance has no background in this field. Watch this video of her in Parliament:
The following industries have been devastated: Aviation, Tourism, Entertainment, Hospitality, Restaurants, Fitness, Retail
Our official unemployment rate in October 2020 was listed at 8.9% [23]. This is deceiving. This is artificially held low by government subsidies and by ridiculous requirements to be considered “unemployed”.
The true unemployment number could be as high as 30%, if not more [24]. That means a staggering 10 million Canadians unemployed.
218000 small-to-medium businesses are at risk of closing permanently [25]. That is 1 out of every 5 businesses. This was based on July 2020 data, before a second lockdown was announced, and is clearly much worse now.
On the other hand, large corporations are thriving. The price of a lockdown is not equally borne across the Canadian population.
We are all in the SAME storm, but not the SAME boat.
This all started with a wildly incorrect and catastrophic model of COVID deaths by Dr. Neil Ferguson, from the Imperial College in the U.K. He projected that, unmitigated, COVID-19 would kill 326,000 in Canada this year [26]. Similar projections were made for other countries. Dr. Ferguson’s faulty projections, without being reviewed, led to a swift global lockdown and mass hysteria.
Using the Wuhan lockdown as a example, with a “75% reduction in interpersonal contact rates” however, he predicted deaths would fall to under 46,000 in Canada. Coming to the end of 2020, we are at approximately 15000 COVID related deaths in Canada [1]. While that is still a tragic number, it is nowhere close to what was predicted.
Dr. Ferguson has a history of incorrect modeling, apart from COVID. [26] [27]
In March 2020, Dr. Ferguson admitted that his COVID modeling was based on a 13-year old computer code that was intended for a “feared influenza pandemic”.
We shut down the world based on this? No one looked for a second opinion? His reckless advice set a dangerous precedent for lockdown policies and abuse of human and constitutional rights.
If the government realized and changed their approach now, it would essentially mean admitting they are wrong. (Personally, I feel they have succumbed to tunnel vision).
How can they reverse course without getting politically skewered for going all in on what is now by far the largest public spending campaign ever, the most significant restriction on free society ever and the greatest peacetime damage ever inflicted on a generation, socially and economically, in modern history when it turns out it didn't make much of a difference? (Credit: Josh Kocher)
Instead, politicians have used the new “science” of DEMAGOGY - political activity or practices that seek support by appealing to the desires, prejudices and emotions of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.
Implement measures that make us FEEL safe instead of what is ACTUALLY safe. With only COVID in the spotlight, actions are based on “optics”. As long as COVID lives are down, why bother with the collateral damage from a lockdown and its accompanying non-COVID deaths? Politicians don’t have to wipe that blood off their hands. Ignorance is bliss. Let’s save 1 COVID life that is in the public eye, but it will cost 10 lives down the road, not in the public eye. This is known as the Corona Dilemma (see attached pictures) [14].
If we had always put health ahead of the economy, here’s what would have happened a long time ago.
Doing the above would save millions of lives globally. But we accept those risks despite high fatality numbers, in order to stimulate the economy. We leave the decisions to drive cars, consume alcohol, eat fried foods and smoke in the hands of the people. (Yes, they are not CONTAGIOUS so it’s a different form of threat, but a death is a death, specially if it is statistically preventable).
Another important point to consider is that politicians are making decisions while being completely protected from the consequences of their decisions. Their salary stays the same and their large pensions fully protected. This is a position of PRIVILEGE.
For the general public, there are many working from home with pay. They have little to lose with a lockdown, so it is easy to support it. Again, a position of privilege. They are unaware of our country’s disastrous economic situation or the dangerous effects of a lockdown.
But more importantly, public support is being driven by mass hysteria; from the fear-mongering and sensationalizing of news by irresponsible journalism and incompetent politicians.
QUESTION: Why are high cycle threshold PCR tests still being used as the lone source for creating broad policies, despite their known inaccuracy and unsuitability? Can we stop with the constant regurgitating of daily case numbers?
QUESTION: Why are long term care facilities still experiencing COVID related deaths and not being protected better?
QUESTION: Why is the rest of Canada shut down when a distinct majority of the COVID related deaths are occurring in long term care homes, in age groups of 70+ and persons with co-morbidities?
QUESTION: Why do thousands of small businesses have to suffer when there is no proof that they are responsible for COVID transmissions?
Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table [29]: Restaurants, bars and clubs were the source of 0.7% of all COVID transmissions in Ontario. In fact, 58% of COVID cases do not know how and where the person was infected. The primary known source, close contact, adds up to 45% of Ontario COVID transmissions [29]. This means an unmasked setting for a prolonged period near someone close to you.
Have we seen Walmart and Costco take the contact information of every customer that enters the premises? No tracing = no cases = let them stay open.
Our politicians are blindly flailing at theories and superstitions to control this virus. How can a politician rob someone of their entire livelihood based on a hunch?
QUESTION: What is considered essential? Who decides this? Why is the LCBO (alcohol store ) open but gyms are not? To every person who is about to lose their job or business, is that not considered ESSENTIAL?
QUESTION: Why is a cost-benefit-result analysis not mentioned in any government policy?
QUESTION: Why has the government not put out a simple disclaimer to increase our Vitamin D3 intake, especially during the winter months? This one measure can possibly yield the MOST result with LEAST effort and collateral damage.
QUESTION: Why has the government not volunteered to take a pay cut, given that most of the population is suffering economically? Don’t CEOs take a pay cut when their company is in financial trouble?
NOTE: The New Zealand PM and her ministers took a 6-month 20% pay cut in April 2020 [30].
SIDENOTE: A Canadian MP who only holds 6 years in office gets a lifelong pension. Even a war veteran does not get this benefit [31]
QUESTION: Why are these policies being made behind closed doors? The Ontario government has abused its arbitrary emergency powers to make policies without the input of ALL members of Parliament. When did we give up democracy? Watch The Ontario Government Being Questioned About This In Parliament:
Why have those affected financially not been given a choice? If someone has to worry about putting food on the table and a roof over their head, they should have the right to go out and make a living. Let them decide for themselves whether they are willing to risk contracting COVID (a disease with a lethality rate of under 1% for the younger healthy working population).
QUESTION: Why is every international arrival subject to an archaic 14-day quarantine, when the Canada’s chief public health officer Dr. Tam herself has said that there is little - if any - evidence of COVID transmission aboard aircraft? [32]
COVID transmission through travel primarily occurred BEFORE mitigation measures were implemented. Now, it is one of the safest public places you can be in. As of Jan 2, 2020, travel has only accounted for 2.5% of all COVID cases in Canada (with a known exposure setting). Most of these travel related cases are from early in the pandemic, before restrictions were placed [1].
Read the following fact-based article: The Irrational Fear Around Air Travel Needs To Stop (And We Need To Use Science Based Measures Instead):
Why is rapid testing not conducted on arriving passengers? Results from the McMaster Health Lab rapid test study at Toronto Pearson airport: 99.7% were cleared or detected for COVID on arrival [34].
QUESTION: If someone got COVID and has recovered, they have built natural immunity. Why do they need to be vaccinated?
Great Barrington Declaration:
World Doctors Alliance: Letter to Citizens and Governments of the World:
We have had 11 months to prepare and learn more. A lot is still unknown about COVID but A LOT IS KNOWN.
COVID is here now and we cannot stop it; that’s the harsh truth. Risk and harm cannot be completely eliminated. COVID will affect some people; that is unavoidable. It cannot be the SOLE reason behind making broad policies.
COVID is a harmful virus but not the killer virus it was projected to be.
There is a fine line between learning to live with COVID vs paralyzing our lives due to COVID, which we crossed a long time ago. Why are we hiding from COVID when we should use our knowledge to fight against it? Let’s stop the shortsighted and reactionary decision making.
We are we so focused on “number of cases and infections”? The test results are not reliable, and infections pose little or no harm to most of the younger healthy population. The important data is “number of hospitalizations and deaths”. In other words, shift our energy from “how do we limit COVID SPREAD?” to “how do we limit COVID DAMAGE?”
The long-term health and financial effects of a lockdown need to be considered. A lockdown will only transfer lives lost and destroyed. It will not save the overall excess deaths to a population. In fact, it will increase them in the long term.
The ONLY way out of this pandemic is through herd immunity, either naturally or through a vaccine. That vaccine is at least more than a year away for most people (another governmental failure). Moreover, there are many who will choose not to take a vaccine (personally, I will take it). We cannot have another 6 months of lockdowns. Every single day adds incredible amounts of short and long term damage.
(Edit) Firstly, we should continue precautions to limit COVID spread. These are mitigation measures that may yield results without collateral damage: masks, wash hands frequently, don’t touch your face, reasonably limit social interactions.
I hope it’s clear: the problem isn’t number of cases. It’s the number of deaths and number of hospitalizations.
We know one thing for sure: Lockdowns should be our absolute last measure and that they will still come at a serious cost to society. Lockdowns are a REACTIVE measure to avoid getting hospitals overloaded.
Our most helpful measure to avoid a lockdown would have been to increase hospital capacity, but the government has failed us there.
Moreover, implement the actions below:
  1. Offer Focused Protection for the following: long term care homes, the vulnerable population and those that have UNAVOIDABLE interaction with them. The measure alone may reduce COVID related deaths by 90+%. Even if the above demographic is half of the Canadian population, at least the other half don’t need to be locked down.
  2. Let everyone else live normally, if they CHOOSE (of course, with cautionary measures)
  3. Promote a healthy lifestyle, nutritious diet and increase Vitamin D intake for EVERYONE. This alone may reduce the number of hospitalizations, severe cases and long COVID.
  4. BONUS MEASURE: All politicians need to take a pay cut. Sign the following petition:
LET ME BE CLEAR. This is not about Lives VS. Economy. Health policy has been mistakenly sold as such. The truth is that a Focused Protection approach will save more lives and protect the economy. It’s a win-win.
This is about using everything we know to have an all-inclusive approach and look at the bigger long-term picture. To make decisions using science, data and logic, as opposed to fear and emotion.
Enough damage has been done. Don’t make the CURE worse than the virus. Don’t let political agendas get in the way of real help.
Free discourse is important because it helps to prevent bad ideas from blossoming and spreading.
We cannot simply accept the first viewpoint presented to us. Science requires many different points of view, rigorously tested, before arriving to a conclusion [35]. Science DEMANDS opposing opinions. Propaganda, on the other hand, silences it.
Something is VERY wrong when there is massive blowback to any questioning of the narrative. Something is VERY wrong when fear has become a virtue and courage a vice [35].
Something is VERY wrong when law enforcement questions the government about why they are forced to abandon their oath to the Charter Of Rights & Freedoms. Read their letter:
Please copy, paste or share this message if you agree.
Samad Kadri
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[35] ... he-science
submitted by SamadKadri to LockdownSkepticism [link] [comments]

Great DD on XXII - Plant biotech company working with cannabis/tobacco/various other plants. Huge catalysts coming soon.

Great DD on XXII - Plant biotech company working with cannabis/tobacco/various other plants. Huge catalysts coming soon.

Image from 2/4
XXII is a plant biotechnology company working primarily with tobacco and hemp/cannabis.
"Our primary mission in tobacco is to reduce the harm caused by smoking by bringing our proprietary reduced nicotine content tobacco cigarettes – containing 95% less nicotine than conventional cigarettes – to adult smokers in the U.S. and international markets."
"Our primary mission in hemp/cannabis is to develop proprietary hemp/cannabis plants with valuable cannabinoid profiles and agronomic traits and to commercialize those plants through a synergistic portfolio of strategic partnerships in the hemp/cannabis industry."
XXII can achieve these things through methods mentioned in their patents. They have patents for controlling nicotine production in tobacco, but they also have patents to control the production of cannabinoids and terpenes in the cannabis plant.
"We are delighted to receive this patent, which is the result of work carried out by our own scientists. This important, new technology will allow us to genetically modify hemp/cannabis plants to modulate their cannabinoid and terpene profiles in order to tailor these plants’ therapeutic qualities and enhance the consumer’s hemp/cannabis experience," said Juan Sanchez Tamburrino, Ph.D., vice president of research & development at 22nd Century Group. "Our patent application describes eight promoters, which are essentially molecular on/off switches, covering all of the major steps in the cannabinoid biosynthesis pathway. Typically, developing hemp/cannabis plants with new cannabinoid or terpene profiles could take 10 to 20 years using traditional breeding methods. Now, with the combined technologies and know-how of 22nd Century and KeyGene, we expect to shorten the development timeline to create new, differentiated, hemp/cannabis plant lines in just 4 to 5 years. Doing so will provide the Company and its potential licensees and customers with significant competitive advantage as hemp/cannabis continues to penetrate the life science, consumer product, and pharmaceutical markets.”

“We are very pleased to receive this patent which reflects the ingenuity and expertise of our talented scientific team. This new technology allows us to reduce nicotine in any tobacco variety. Importantly, this breakthrough further demonstrates that the FDA’s Comprehensive Plan for Tobacco and Nicotine Regulation to limit the nicotine content of all cigarettes sold in the United States is technically feasible and at the same time refutes the claim from ‘Big Tobacco’ that such low nicotine levels cannot be achieved in multiple tobacco varieties,” said James A. Mish, chief executive officer of 22nd Century Group. “I am proud of the significant R&D gains we continue to make as we work to achieve our mission to reduce the harm caused by smoking and seek to significantly disrupt the $100 billion U.S. and the $800 billion global tobacco industries with our proprietary reduced nicotine tobacco products.”
The new patent and allowed claims, published as U.S. Patent No. 10,669,552 and entitled “Up-regulation of auxin response factor NbTF7 to decrease nicotine in a plant,” cover methods of manipulating plant metabolism and alkaloid levels by controlling transcription factor NbTF7, which regulates the nicotinic alkaloid biosynthetic pathway. The patent enables the Company’s use of next-generation gene modification technologies that afford greater flexibility for genetic control over nicotine levels in virtually any variety of the tobacco plant.

EDIT - 2/10/2021 -

22nd Century Group and KeyGene Launch Advanced Cannabis Technology Platform for Accelerated Development of New Varieties of Hemp/Cannabis Plants with Commercially Valuable Traits

"22nd Century Group announced today that it has developed and launched a new, cutting-edge technology platform that will enable the Company and its strategic partners to quickly identify and incorporate commercially valuable traits of hemp/cannabis plants to create new, stable hemp/cannabis lines. The platform incorporates a suite of proprietary molecular tools and a large library of genomic markers and gene-trait correlations. The platform was developed in collaboration with researchers at KeyGene, a global leader in plant research involving high-value genetic traits and increased crop yields.
This is a major breakthrough. Quickly and easily identifying the genes responsible for specific traits in a plant is a powerful tool for 22nd Century Group and the hemp/cannabis industry as a whole,” said James A. Mish, chief executive officer of 22nd Century Group. “That is why we are even now beginning discussions to license this platform to strategic partners to help them improve their plant breeding techniques and to optimize their hemp/cannabis cultivars. We continue to make great advancements through our partnership with KeyGene, and this newly developed molecular breeding platform has the potential to result in exponential growth for the Company’s revenues and create new value opportunities for our stakeholders, including shareholders.”
"Using this new breeding technology, 22nd Century has already characterized millions of high-value single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). SNPs are molecular markers or guideposts within a plant’s genome that indicate important variations in Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequences. Targeting these newly identified SNPs, 22nd Century was able to locate and isolate specific sections of genetic code from genome assemblies present in the Company’s state-of-the-art hemp/cannabis bioinformatics database. 22nd Century’s bioinformatics database continues to grow and already contains hundreds of hemp/cannabis genomes and thousands expression datapoints across a wide array of hemp/cannabis varieties and phenotypes. The ability to identify specific genetic variations allows researchers to isolate high-value traits, like increased CBD or tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) production, and then introduce those traits in new plant lines using modern plant breeding techniques, including trait tracking using molecular marker profiles and the Company’s proprietary accelerated breeding pipeline. "

Paul Rushton, the inventor behind the Cannabis patents for XXII, recently stated on linkedin that it's a good time to invest in XXII. He was a little sour that he wasn't mentioned for his work. :(
I reached out to Paul to try and get an idea of how the cannabis patent works and how it could provide value for the company. Here was his response -
XXII also works with hemp, the other side of marijuana. Using their patented processes, they are able to grow 0% THC hemp. Hemp was legalized in the 2018 farm bill and is determined by having less than .3% THC (the psychoactive chemical in marijuana). Hemp/Marijuana with more than that amount of THC is usually illegal to use and must be destroyed. Using XXII's patented process and technology, you can get a much more reliable hemp grow.
"Hemp crops are tested for THC levels; under U.S. federal law, crops containing above 0.3% THC are required to be destroyed. Currently, farmers cannot obtain crop insurance to protect against this risk. 22nd Century has developed a solution to this problem by creating industrial hemp plants that contain zero THC."
The Global Industrial Hemp Market size is expected to grow from USD 3,528.72 Million in 2019 to USD 18,812.81 Million by 2025 at a CAGR of 32.17% during the forecast period.

Onto their tobacco -
The idea behind their low-nicotine tobacco is VLN (Very Low Nicotine) cigarettes. 22nd Century has 18 publishes clinical studies, with another 27 clinical studies currently ongoing, (Heavily funded by the National Institute of Health, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and the FDA.) that show that using VLN cigarettes lead to decreased nicotine consumption, decreased cigarettes smoked over time and increased quit attempts. Quit rates while using VLN + NRTs (Nicotine replacement therapies) were higher than when using NRTs alone. Withdrawals were less severe using VLN than using other NRTs.
On top of this, studies were done to measure compensatory use in response to using VLN, and they show that compensatory smoking does not occur, even in vulnerable populations. Because cigarettes smoked per day decreases when using VLN, exposure to toxicants outside of just nicotine will also occur.
There is a rigorous process to put tobacco products on the market. First there is the PMTA (Pre market tobacco product application) which allows a company to put it’s products on the market. XXII received this approval in December 2019. They have not brought the product to market just yet because they want to make sure it can be labelled appropriately so consumers know what makes it different.
Then there is the MRTP (Modified risk tobacco product). This essentially allows the company to make specific claims in regards to modified risk/exposure from using their products. XXII is seeking a MODIFIED EXPOSURE claim to put on the packaging. They want to label the packaging to say that VLN has 95% less nicotine than leading brands and helps reduce nicotine consumption.
Mish, the CEO of XXII, has been saying since about September that they have been in close contact with the FDA and feel that it is a matter of WHEN, not if, MRTP approval happens. They were expecting it in Q4-2020, but that did not happen. No new timelines have been announced.
Soon after saying this, Mish proceeded to purchase 100,000 shares of XXII.
Mish continues to say that even a small percent of the market (.25%) would be enough to drive stock price up to $10. According to CDC and the WHO, there are over 1 billion smokers in the world. Over 34 million in the US. 2/3 of Adult smokers want to quit, and 1/2 of adult smokers made an attempt to quit in the past year. Less than 10% of smokers successfully quit.
Not only this, but according to a perception study done by XXII, 9% of participants DEFINITELY would use VLN. 16% are very likely to use. 34% are somewhat likely to use.
XXII has said previously that they currently have the ability to supply 1% of the smoker population, increased to 2-3% with minimal investments. Last week, XXII put out an update that they are SIGNIFICANTLY increasing their VLN crop growing program in support of anticipated demand.
"This new planting for VLN® tobacco is in addition to the Company’s sizeable inventory of VLN® tobacco, which is earmarked for the launch and initial sales of 22nd Century’s VLN® reduced nicotine content cigarettes. 22nd Century’s Modified Risk Tobacco Product (MRTP) application for VLN® cigarettes is currently in the final stage of review with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Once authorization is granted, 22nd Century will begin marketing its VLN® cigarettes, which contain 95% less nicotine than conventional cigarette brands. Having the only combustible cigarette with a modified exposure claim authorized by the FDA could serve as a catalyst for 22nd Century’s commercial sales as capturing even a small fraction of U.S. tobacco sales could result in exponential growth in the Company’s revenues and market capitalization."
“There are more than 34 million smokers in the United States and research shows that a majority of these smokers are looking for alternatives. When shown samples of VLN®, 60 percent of adult smokers in our studies indicated an interest in using VLN® cigarettes. Additionally, in a 2019 U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) survey, 80 percent of U.S. smokers favored reducing nicotine levels in cigarettes. We believe adult smokers will be very interested in VLN®, and this new crop of VLN® tobacco will help us to fulfill the expected demand based on our latest sales projections.”

They've also said they have been in talks with companies who are very excited to feature the first and only MRTP approved combustible product, and that they will have a rollout and be on shelves within 90 days of MRTP approval. And they said they are not giving out raises or promotions until MRTP approval is received. This was 5-6 months ago, too.
Mish described this MRTP approval as a home run scenario which I think we can all agree he is right. However there is also a GRAND SLAM scenario.
The FDA and various other groups have been working for years to limit the nicotine content in tobacco. In 2017 the FDA created a comprehensive plan for tobacco which included limiting nicotine content in cigarettes to non-addictive levels. Then in 2018 they released an article titled "How Could Lowering Nicotine Levels in Cigarettes Change the Future of Public Health? ".
The same year, the NEJM published this report titled "Potential Public Health Effects of Reducing Nicotine Levels in Cigarettes in the United States" indicating that such a standard could save millions of lives in the US alone. Considering there are only 34 million current smokers in the US, that seems HUGE. Imagine for the rest of the 966 million+ smokers in the world.
Trump's administration took the nicotine standard off the board close to the end of 2019 (oddly, right before the FDA under him approved the PMTA for XXIIs cigarettes).
Soon after, elected officials, attorney generals all were contacting the FDA requesting they reconsider implementing this nicotine policy. -
Kamala Harris & 22 other democrat senators -
Xavier Becerra (California AG) and 5 other AGs - stating they support the nicotine standard and want it to apply to all tobacco products.
Representative Pallone
Two days after Pallone's tweet, this article came out about nicotine mandate talks being resumed.
Xavier becerra and Kamala Harris are obviously close to Biden, but so is David Kessler who has vocally supported a nicotine mandate since 2010.
On December 8th, XXII announced the the FDA/NIDA and others have submitted an order for 3.6 million of XXII's variable nicotine cigarettes for study purposes. This provides continued optimism in the FDA's goal to limit nicotine content in cigarettes. There is already mountains of evidence supporting a nicotine mandate.
This mandate would heavily benefit XXII. They are the only company in the world that can produce tobacco with virtually no nicotine. Other companies have attempted to create low nicotine cigarettes by extracting the nicotine from regular tobacco in a variety of methods, but all of these methods influence the feel, flavor, and smell of the tobacco going into the cigarette, and it shows. See Philip Morris's 'Next' cigarette.)
Given this, if a mandate goes into effect, big tobacco has a couple choices. Find some alternative method of extracting nicotine that somehow doesn't fuck up the plant (yet to be found and proven), They could spend decades working on science that xxii has already figured out and patented (obviously the worst choice), or they can work with xxii to produce their tobacco. XXII has already said that they are open to licensing with all tobacco companies.

Biden has announced that his administration will lead with a CDC, NIH, and FDA free from political influence. They will lead based on science.
And although no permanent FDA commissioner has been named, Janet Woodcock has been named acting head while they vet other candidates for the permanent position. Woodcock, along with ex-FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb and Mitch Zeller, wrote a letter outlining the FDAs comprehensive approach to tobacco.

Most prominent on the list of candidates for the permanent role is Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, who seems to be a large proponent for the nicotine mandate.
To top all of this off, a report came out recently stating that cigarette sales in 2020 did not decline. Compared to 2018-2019 year over year sales, which shows a 5.5% reduction in sales, 2019-2020 year over year sales were flat.

Another report came out showing nicotine promotes breast cancer metastasis (Cancer's ability to move around the body).
"Smoking has a profound impact on tumor immunity, and nicotine, which is the major addictive component of smoke, is known to promote tumor progression despite being a non-carcinogen. In this study, we demonstrate that chronic exposure of nicotine plays a critical role in the formation of pre-metastatic niche within the lungs by recruiting pro-tumor N2-neutrophils. This pre-metastatic niche promotes the release of STAT3-activated lipocalin 2 (LCN2), a secretory glycoprotein from the N2-neutrophils, and induces mesenchymal-epithelial transition of tumor cells thereby facilitating colonization and metastatic outgrowth."

As the vaping epidemic continues, we are discovering possible health issues related to vape use. In addition studies are showing students who had previously tried an e-cigarette are 3x more likely to try a regular cigarette.
"Scientists at the University of Hawaii found e-cigarettes promoted cigarette smoking among young people. The researchers interviewed more than 2,000 high school students in 2013 and again a year later. About a third of those students said they had tried an e-cigarette by the time they were first interviewed. A year later, students who had previously smoked e-cigarettes were about three times more likely to have tried a regular cigarette, compared with those who had not used e-cigarettes."

Recently, James Mish, the CEO of XXII, wrote an opinion article on the nicotine mandate that was, in my opinion, very well written and not at all pumping his company.

You may be thinking 'Oh, but I bet Big tobacco has been working on this behind closed doors...' But in 2018 Big tobacco stated they would not be able to produce this kind of tobacco for 12-20+ years. XXII has it now, and is willing to work with these companies on licensing.
The public health and economic impacts of tobacco use are immense and seemingly ignored. The WHO says tobacco use alone accounts for a quarter of all cancer deaths globally.
According to the CDC - More than 16 million Americans are living with a disease caused by smoking. Worldwide, tobacco use causes more than 7 million deaths per year. Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the USA, including 41,000 from secondhand smoke. This is about one in five deaths annually, or 1300 deaths every day.
Not only is it a major public health issues (killing more people than covid), but it ends up also being a major drain financially. Smoking costs the US more than $300 billion each year. 170 billion in medical care and 156 billion in lost productivity and premature death.

Aside from the mandate and VLN cigarettes, there is also substantial room for growth into different industries for tobacco -
For example, XXII was just recently granted another patent for "Increasing the levels of nicotinic alkaloids in plants".
"Due to the paucity of research, there is a need for identifying genes that increase nicotine biosynthesis and accumulation. For example, because nicotinic alkaloids play an important role in protecting plants against insects and herbivores, it is likely to be advantageous to increase nicotinic alkaloid synthesis in a host plant. From an herbivory perspective, increased nicotine synthesis and accumulation would provide an environmentally acceptable means for mediating plant-pest interactions. "
Possibly getting into natural pesticides? Nicotine/tobacco has been used this way for some time (not in a large scale), but they could possibly optimize this.
"Cedric Briens and colleagues note that concerns about the health risks of tobacco have reduced demand and hurt tobacco farmers in some parts of the world. Scientists are looking for new uses for tobacco. One potential use is as a natural pesticide, due to tobacco’s content of toxic nicotine. For centuries, gardeners have used home-made mixtures of tobacco and water as a natural pesticide to kill insect pests. A “green” pesticide industry based on tobacco could provide additional income for farmers, and as well as a new eco-friendly pest-control agent, the scientists say." Link

"In addition to the more traditional applications for increased nicotine products, such as cigarettes and other tobacco products, recent pharmacological studies suggest a therapeutic role for nicotine and related compounds. For example, several research groups are presently studying drugs that target nicotine receptors as a means for treating cognitive impairments, such as Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, and age-related memory loss. Singer, “The Upside to Nicotine,” Technology Review (Jul. 28, 2006). Acetylcholine receptor ligands, such as nicotine, have been demonstrated to have effects on attention, cognition, appetite, substance abuse, memory, extra pyramidal function, cardiovascular function, pain, and gastrointestinal motility and function. U.S. Pat. No. 5,852,041. Thus, there are therapeutic benefits of nicotine and related compounds, and thus there is a need for improved methods for producing them."

Another notable area here is the vaccine industry. Who knew Tobacco plants were involved in about 1/3 of all plant-based vaccines?
"Plant-based vaccine production offers better alternative over egg-based and cell-based vaccine production systems, by reducing lead time and increasing reliability and versatility. Furthermore, plant-based vaccine offers greater antigen specificity in disease treatment. Plant-based vaccine production enables manufacturers to create vaccine, which precisely matches the specific strain of influenza virus in patient’s circulation, as in case of flu infection, influenza virus mutates is constantly. For instance, according to Phase III clinical data study published by Medicago, in September 2017, Medicago's VLP vaccine during the phase II clinical trial stage showed higher antibody and cell-mediated immunity (CMI) responses over comparator conventional vaccine.
However, several challenges in manufacturing of plant-based vaccines is expected to restrain growth of the market. Plant-based vaccine production is a new technology and involves complex manufacturing and regulatory process.
In plant-based vaccine production method, manufacturers use only specific gene, which codes for protein called hemagglutinin, which is responsible for triggering immune system and encodes it into the tobacco plant leaves. In this context, companies need to pursue the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval to state that not only plant-based vaccine is safe and effective, but also the hemagglutinin or other proteins, which can be extracted from the plant leaves are according to the mentioned standard and that the manufacturing process yields a uniform and reliable product."
It's possible XXII could become a tobacco provider for this as the science is further developed. This is major speculation though as it looks like Medicago has a good foothold in this market.

On the cannabis side, xxii is creating proprietary plant lines with essentially customizable amounts of specific cannabinoids and terpenes. With Democratic control, we are expecting to see decriminalization for sure. But now that Dems also have the senate we can expect to see cannabis removed as a schedule 1 drug, opening it up to funding for research purposes. Any of this research is poised to benefit XXII heavily as they have control to customize plant lines for various purposes.
Recently, legislation has been proposed to "ensure that research on CBD and other potentially beneficial marijuana-derived substances is based on sound science while simultaneously reducing the regulatory barriers associated with conducting research on marijuana. "

XXII also is waiting to announce a third plant franchise until they have established the IP, but it should be soon. CEO has announced that the plant is similar in genome to the cannabis plant, and that the plant will make their franchises into a 'trifecta'. Because of this I think the third plant franchise is going to be hops. It's similar in genome... Tobacco...Cannabis...Beer... What a trifecta. I believe they could control terpene levels in hops which could be very influential in the craft beer industry.
Update - 1/28/2021 -XXII just announced that they are moving offices! This is a huge upgrade for them from their previous office. It's in an up and coming area, and it provides them opportunity to further grow their business. They wouldn't be doing this if they weren't preparing for the launch of VLN.
Here is an image of the building they are moving to. Pretty large upgrade for them. -
"We have experienced tremendous positive change in our organization over the past year and this relocation will help us improve on efficiency, collaboration, and our ability to attract and retain top talent," said James A. Mish, chief executive officer of 22nd Century Group. "We have deep roots in Buffalo, and we are very excited to be moving to the up-and-coming Larkinville District, Buffalo's oldest manufacturing district, to join other organizations that are revitalizing the city's tech and business community."

To sum up the expected catalysts -
  1. MRTP approval - "WHEN NOT IF"..."MATTER OF MONTHS" from CEO back in Sep-Nov 2020
  2. Subsequent launch of product on shelves within 90 days.
  3. FDA announcement on nicotine mandate.
  4. Cannabis/hemp monetization announcements
  5. 3rd Plant Franchise.
I think the writing is on the wall here. I'm not going to go into any more details here, but if you have any questions feel free to throw them out.

For shits and giggles - I did post about this company 4 months ago on 10/11/2020 when the share price was ~.80.
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Take Live Better With’s Personalised Assessment. Our Personalised Assessment has been developed alongside healthcare professionals. It will find out what’s affecting your own Quality of Life and then offer you tailored recommendations to help self-manage your side effects and symptoms from the comfort of your home. Live Better with Cancer Reviews 3.61 Rating 41 Reviews 66 % of reviewers recommend Live Better with Cancer Company Reviews Questions Metrics Popular Questions: Delivery ... Ask a question and get answers from people who are customers of Live Better with Cancer. Visit Website Live Better With is a site with 1000+ products recommended by the cancer community to help improve the quality of day-to-day life + guides, tips and community. Day-to-day activities like caring for the kids, bathing or having sex can be difficult for cancer patients. This is why Tamara Rajah launched her online shop Live Better With which has just raised ... Live Better With Cancer Reviews. Find out what genuine customers have said about Real reviews from real people. Live Better With is here to make everyday living a little bit better for the millions of people living with cancer all over the world. Together with the cancer community, we handpick products that help ease symptoms and side effects, and improve the quality of day-to-day life. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Life Over Cancer: The Block Center Program for Integrative Cancer Treatment at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Live Better With cancer. Discover trusted ways to self-manage your symptoms and side effects. 90% of our community recommend Live Better With to a friend or loved one living with cancer How We Can Help Try Live Better With Starting from £0.77 per week, first week free Refer your employer We ... A guide to help you live through social, physical and spiritual demands while coping with cancer. Learn how to manage finances, exercises and more. UNVERIFIED Business - See the SafeBuy® Universal Rating for Live Better With Cancer - via Find a businesses trust across multiple review sites with a quick glance.

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