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A Big List of Challenges (Problems/Goals/Complications/Encounters) for your adventure (including Social, Exploration, Stealth, Mystery, and Combat).

Hi! I have compiled a big list of challenges your players can encounter during the adventure.
If you find this list useful - please help me to improve and extend it!

Action/Adventure Challenges

  • Defeat a villain and his minions.
  • Defeat a monstecreature/horde.
  • Obtain a McGuffin (item, vehicle, money, magic artifact, spell, your lost/stolen valuables, etc)
  • Obtain Information (an ancient book, a piece of gossip, a clue, secret codes, a way to break the curse).
  • Protect/Escort /Guard a person/creature (a rich merchant, a researcher, a young prince targeted for assassination, a last of its kind monster, tax collector, witness).
  • Deliver a person (make sure they don't escape).
  • Rescue a person/creature (rescue a hostage or a kidnapped person, break them out of captivity).
  • Track, Find, Chase, and Capture/Catch a person/creature/vehicle (a criminal, a runaway, a ship, a lost pet, an escaped experiment, the infected).
  • Find and save the missing person (lost kid, caravan, courier, spy.
  • Deliver a valuable/fragile item/cargo and protect it from danger (artwork, cursed artifact, mysterious crate, a treasure map, a message).
  • Destroy the target (an object, a cursed item, enemy weapon or infrastructure, the enemy base, a piece of blackmail on someone, a source of infection, close a portal).
  • Sabotage a plan (disrupt a ritual, prevent a prophecy, undermine the invasion, stop villain from achieving their goals).
  • Capture and secure the base/location (enemy city, friendly city under siege, a building, a military target).
  • Defend a location (protect a village from monsters, a city from the enemy army, prevent enemies from passing a bridge or a tunnel, protect a crime scene, meeting site, warehouse, protect a ritual to ensure it will get completed).
  • Your town/building/ship has been captured and overtaken by enemies. Survive under siege, liberate it.
  • Robbery/Heist (rob a train or a blimp, abduct a person, commandeer a ship, steal diamonds from the casino, steal wand from the mage tower).
  • Protect many innocent people (save people from a natural disaster for example, release the prisoners/slaves).
  • Win a competition (Complications: your team is bad, the other side cheats, you can only win by cheating, the event is more deadly than it was supposed to be. You are competing for other purpose than victory, such as to keep another contestant safe, to spy on someone, or to get into the place where the event goes down, to prevent villain from winning, to prove yourself, to impress someone).
  • Prepare for the mission. Get equipment/supplies/transportation/funding.
  • Deal with the consequences of a botched/evil magic ritual.
  • Distract the enemies. Act as bait for the ambush/trap.
  • Train a novice, keep a noble person safe while they go on adventure.
  • Build or repair an object (by collecting McGuffin ingredients).
  • Perform a Ritual.
  • Law Enforcement - act as a police for a town.
  • Intercept a delivery, escort, communications.
  • Prepare and execute an ambush.
  • Act as an experimental subject for a crazy scientist/wizard (for dangerous potions).

Exploration Challenges

  • Survive/avoid environmental dangers (think of the place itself as the “villain”, it is a monster without HP that "wants" to hurt players or drain their resources, and has certain powers to accomplish that. Traps, cave-ins, lava eruptions, rock-slides, avalanche, collapsing buildings, impenetrable mist, wild animals, dangerous/poisonous flora, falling into a pit, getting lost, etc).
  • Overcome environmental obstacles (a river on your way, a closed gate, climbing a mountain, a swamp, quick sand, slipping hazard above the abyss, thin ice, wild magic area. Retrieve an item from the bottom of the lake.).
  • Travel through multiple locations to reach the target.
  • Explore the location (to learn about it, to map it, to figure out what happened here. To find bandit camps, enemy encampments, monster nest, a way through, resources).
  • Find a lost location/person/item/treasure/clues.
  • Scout for information, survey the location/region (ahead of group, enemy territory, monster infested territory, uncharted wilderness).
  • Clear location of danger (creatures, traps, haunting ghosts, curses, infestation).
  • Track something/someone, find a trail.
  • Deal with a natural disaster (storm, earthquake, flood, meteor).
  • Survival (without food/water, deal with harsh weather, diseases. Find shelter. Repair a ship or a radio. Find a way to get back home.)
  • Enter a guarded area (overcome defenses, defeat security, sneak in unseen).
  • Escape guarded location (break out of prison).
  • Use environment to your advantage (start an avalanche to block a pass, assume the most optimal position for combat).

Social/Intrigue Challenges

  • Convince/Persuade a person to do/say/give you what you want.
  • Intimidate/Manipulate/Blackmail/Force someone to do what you want.
  • Befriend/Seduce someone, make allies.
  • Gain confidence or forgiveness of a person who doesn't like you.
  • Find a non-combat resolution.
  • Get caught lying/cheating/sneaking, and rectify the situation.
  • Persuade a group of people (an organization, an angry mob, snobby nobles. Persuade the army to take a route that will slow them down/lead them into an ambush, convince the bandits to raid the enemy, convince farmers to donate food).
  • Gain social status, power, political influence (prove your worth, gain respect, impress someone, get elected).
  • Change someone's social status (make them look good/bad, get them elected, overthrow a ruler).
  • Run a kingdom/village/team/organization/business, lead an army (build a new one, restore the failing one to former glory).
  • Change the society/group/organization (raise morale, lower the crime, stop witch hunts, deal with corruption).
  • Gain control over the territory (invade a country or repel the invasion).
  • Put down or incite rebellion/mutiny/conspiracy.
  • Negotiate a deal, bargain (political compromise, hostage negotiations, trade information, convince them to sign a document).
  • Resolve conflict, broker peace, unite rivaling factions, settle dispute.
  • Establish political/trade relationships .
  • Navigate a strange culture/customs (without offending anyone).
  • Cause conflict/rivalry/war, pit people/factions against each other (get enemy minions to mistrust each other).
  • Deceive a person.
  • Set someone up, shift the blame to someone else.
  • Infiltrate a group, conceal your identity (cult, bandits, enemy citadel, thieves guild).
  • Find the spy/traitomole.
  • Deal with being blackmailed, spied on, threatened, manipulated.
  • Deal with a nasty rumor or important information/secrets about yourself being out there.
  • Defend someone (or yourself) in the court.
  • Prosecute/judge someone in the court.
  • Put on a show, entertain.
  • Redeem or corrupt a person (teach someone a lesson, seduce someone to the dark/light side).
  • Recruit people to your cause.
  • Find a way to get someone to owe you a favor, find a way to repay the debt you owe to someone else.
  • Enforcement - apply pressure to a person to get them to do something or behave in a specific manner, without killing. (Calm down the rowdy gang, collect the debts).
  • Get enemy soldiers/minions to defect and switch sides.
  • Create a disinformation/propaganda campaign (feed it to the enemy spy, destroy someone's reputation, saw fear in the hearts of the enemy soldiers).
  • Perform a con.

Mystery/Investigation Challenges

  • Investigate a crime (murder, assault, theft, threats, blackmail, destruction of “x”, disappearances, corrupt law enforcer).
  • Spying/Surveillance, gather information on a person/creature/location without being noticed. (Are they up to something shady, are they who they claim to be, discover their secret techniques, how are they bypassing security, how do they create “x”, involvement in “x”, what secrets are they hiding, where are they hiding “x”, where do they keep disappearing to, enemy troops, ).
  • Search for clues and put them together to reach a conclusion.
  • Find and interview witnesses, interrogate suspects.
  • Figure out what's going on, unravel a plot.
  • Figure out what happened in this location.
  • Find evidence (proof of innocence or guilt, expose a corrupt official).
  • Find out if the person is lying or keeping secrets, and what they are.
  • Figure out someone's plot/motives.
  • Figure out who's behind the plot.
  • Do research (find and read ancient texts, talk to old wise people).

Stealth/Heist Challenges

  • Steal (or plant) an item/information (modify enemy maps, plant disinformation. Plant clues to frame a person).
  • Escape from danger (overwhelming force, ambush, pursuit of the law or criminals).
  • Hide, cover your tracks, lay low.
  • Sneak through undetected (sneak past enemy lines to deliver a message to allied forces, sneak past the bouncers into a party).
  • Assassinate stealthily (sneak into the king's chambers, lure them out, use poison, make it look like an accident).
  • Deal with getting noticed / drawing an unwanted attention.
  • Clean up evidence (yours, someone else's).
  • Exchange a real item for a fake or vice versa.
  • Return a (creature, item) before anyone notices it's missing.
  • Sabotage (device, ritual) without being noticed.
  • Smuggle (creature, person, item) into or out of a location.
  • Security Testing - breach the clients security unnoticed.
  • Frame a person/group/nation for a crime.
  • Fake someone's death.

Villain's Moves

  • Personally confront the players.
  • Send minions after the players.
  • Hire a rival team of adventurers or thugs to go after players..
  • Send an assassin.
  • Send a spy.
  • Set a bounty on their heads.
  • Set a trap.
  • Setup an ambush.
  • Take hostages.
  • Threaten an NPC players like.
  • Frame players for a crime, declare them traitors/outlaws.
  • Reveal player's secrets, crimes they have committed.
  • Bribe the authorities/police to act against players.
  • Convince authorities/police that players are evil.
  • Make the public dislike the heroes.
  • Have a "dead man switch" that will hurt people or destroy something valuable if the villain is killed.
  • Know some information valuable to the players (like where hostages are kept, where the treasure is hidden), so players can't kill them, and must negotiate.
  • Set a time-bomb. Something horrible will happen unless players do what they're told.
  • Possess/blackmail/threaten an innocent person into doing their bidding.
  • Pretend to be someone else to deceive the players.
  • Befriend players to use them and betray them later.
  • Kidnap one of the players.
  • Join forces with another enemy of the players.
  • Plant false clues, create decoy trails.
  • Frame someone else for their crimes.
  • Kill hero's mentoally.
  • Cause mistrust, disorder, confusion, infighting among players or general population.
  • Hire people to commit crimes while pretending to be someone else to create mistrust/conflict among two parties. (Example: the bandits "from another country" attacks "local merchants", Start a plague in an uneducated city and have the "foreign merchant" sell snake oil cures, "native patriot" kills a "alien anarchist, etc.)
  • Put difficult choices in front of the heroes (like forcing Batman to save one of the ferry boats, to save Harvey Dent or Rachel).
  • Take away resources from the players (steal their items).
  • Give people the wrong idea about his powers/weaknesses.
  • Push player's buttons, play on heroes' flaws, temptations, fears.
  • Develop a good public image, make friends in the government, be beloved by the public.
  • Seduce player's allies to the dark side, convince/threaten them into betraying players.


  • Do it under time pressure (before the ritual is complete, before people run out of air, before reinforcements arrive, before or during the event, in transit, while you still have the chance).
  • Do it while competing with the rival team.
  • Unrelated people are interfering with the objective.
  • Do it stealthily (don't attract attention, don't leave clues, no witnesses).
  • Do it while pretending to be someone else.
  • Do it without revealing that your client is involved.
  • Prevent collateral damage, protect the innocents who are around.
  • Avoid violence. Defeat/capture the villain/creature without it being harmed.
  • Mitigate the risk, there's a high probability of causing a lot of damage if you're not careful.
  • Two challenges conflict with each other (you must break your stealth to help someone in trouble, capture criminal or save people who are currently in danger).
  • Difficult choice. Choose lesser of two evils, choose which people to rescue. Requiring personal sacrifice, risk, compromise.
  • Opportunities that come with a difficulty, cost or have negative consequences.
  • Resolve moral dilemma (the creature is dangerous but doesn't deserve to die, you're working for a bad guy, both sides of the conflict have valid points, completing a quest will harm people/environment).
  • Do it with incomplete information.
  • Do it with limited resources or without preparation.
  • Do it without access to powers you're used to having (while sick/injured/debilitated, in an area where magic is outlawed/disabled, having lost your equipment).
  • Locals here are unhelpful/hostile to you. You have low social status.
  • You can't trust anyone.
  • Doing it is illegal, or against authorities best interests, or is threatening a powerful group.
  • There are regulations/restrictions on what you can do hindering your progress.
  • Do it while being supervised (the media is all over you, a brilliant detective is on your tail, you are under suspicion, the enemy knows you're coming, you have a spy/mole).
  • Do it despite your flaws/temptations/fears.
  • It causes conflict/infighting within the team (player characters will have opposite goals/reactions to it).
  • Do it while working together with antagonist or someone else you don't like.
  • The side you're working for turns out to be evil.
  • The villain is someone you know/like/respect.
  • The villain is a respected public figure, celebrity, is liked by people or has authority over you.
  • Bad guy has a dead man switch, if he dies the others will suffer or treasure will be lost. Bad guy is the only one who knows the valuable information.
  • The people you're helping don't want your help.
  • Vital information turns out to be wrong.
  • Deal with the betrayal.
  • Mission has been rigged to fail from the start (PCs may be used as a scapegoat).
  • Objective is stolen before the PCs arrive.
  • Objective must be undamaged.
  • The important item has been transmuted and needs to be changed back, locked in a safe and needs a code to unlock, is a mineral that needs to be refined by a specific process. A book or a message is written in a foreign language that requires a translator.
  • Only a bad/unpleasant person can provide the item/information/favor you need.
Please leave a comment and contribute to this project!
I've had a few pretty huge epiphanies while writing this post:
  • Stories are fundamentally about problem solving. Roleplaying is fundamentally about problem solving. This is the fundamental "game loop" of RPGs - GM puts a problem in front of the players, and they find creative ways to solve it, that's what gives them fun stuff to do and feels satisfying to accomplish.
  • Adventure Ideas are fundamentally problems. They create an exciting, challenging, important goal for the players to accomplish.
  • Big problems are broken down into small challenges. But fundamentally, the big climactic adventure/campaign goals and the small challenges players encounter on their way are the same thing. Every scene the characters solve a small problem, and it drives them towards solving the big problem. That's what plot points are - players solving or failing to solve a problem, which moves them closer to or farther away from the goal. Which feels exciting/valuable/dramatic.
  • Conflict, obstacles, social/exploration/combat encounters are fundamentally just sources of problems. There probably are other sources that can generate problems.
  • It's all just nested challenges: Campaign Problem > Adventure Problem > Scene Problem. And any challenge can be used on any of these levels.
  • Therefore, the list above is a list of adventure ideas and plot points at the same time. Make any challenge very important/difficult/exciting to accomplish - and it becomes an idea for the adventure or a campaign. Make any adventure idea relatively small and simple - and it becomes a scene challenge (encounter). Put a number of smaller challenges in front of the players - and you've got your basic story structure (a list of encounters, the gameplay). Because goals and challenges are fundamentally the same, just the nested problems, they can be combined in any order to create any number of unique adventures.
  • Also, it means that you can take big story ideas from movies, TV episodes, published modules, and use them as ideas for small encounters. Shawshank Redemption, Alien, Jaws, Incredibles - they can be big campaign ideas, small adventure ideas, or just a thing characters do in a scene (escape from the prison, hide from a monster, defeat a big golem).
  • Game mechanics are also challenges. If there's an RPG system that gets players to do something awesome (GM moves in Dungeon World, Favors/Debts and Social Status mechanics from the Undying, Weak Moves from Dream Askew) - you can use those as challenges too.
  • Even a single challenge can create an unlimited number of unique stories - you just change the concrete details. McGuffins, NPCs, locations, etc.
Edit 2:
Wow, this is taking off. If you like this post, you will probably enjoy my posts on Adventure Writing Process, Adventure Template (a list of the most important questions to answer when designing an adventure), and Making Combat Awesome. If you want updates on my future posts - follow me here.
Edit 3:
Created a little "Story Generator App" that will pick the random challenges for you.
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A Big List of Challenges (Problems, Goals, Complications, Encounters) for your adventure (including Action/Adventure, Exploration, Social/Intrigue, Mystery/Investigation, and Stealth/Heist).

Hi! I have compiled a big list of challenges your players can encounter during the adventure.

Action/Adventure Challenges

Exploration Challenges

  • Survive/avoid environmental dangers (think of the place itself as the “villain”, it is a monster without HP that "wants" to hurt players or drain their resources, and has certain powers to accomplish that. Traps, cave-ins, lava eruptions, rock-slides, avalanche, collapsing buildings, impenetrable mist, wild animals, dangerous/poisonous flora, falling into a pit, getting lost, etc).
  • Overcome environmental obstacles (a river on your way, a closed gate, climbing a mountain, a swamp, quick sand, slipping hazard above the abyss, thin ice, wild magic area. Retrieve an item from the bottom of the lake.).
  • Travel through multiple locations to reach the target.
  • Explore the location (to learn about it, to map it, to figure out what happened here. To find bandit camps, enemy encampments, monster nest, a way through, resources).
  • Find a lost location/person/item/treasure/clues.
  • Scout for information, survey the location/region (ahead of group, enemy territory, monster infested territory, uncharted wilderness).
  • Clear location of danger (creatures, traps, haunting ghosts, curses, infestation).
  • Track something/someone, find a trail.
  • Deal with a natural disaster (storm, earthquake, flood, meteor).
  • Survival (without food/water, deal with harsh weather, diseases. Find shelter. Repair a ship or a radio. Find a way to get back home.)
  • Enter a guarded area (overcome defenses, defeat security, sneak in unseen).
  • Escape guarded location (break out of prison).
  • Use environment to your advantage (start an avalanche to block a pass, assume the most optimal position for combat).

Social/Intrigue Challenges

  • Convince/Persuade a person to do/say/give you what you want.
  • Intimidate/Manipulate/Blackmail/Force someone to do what you want.
  • Befriend/Seduce someone, make allies.
  • Gain confidence or forgiveness of a person who doesn't like you.
  • Find a non-combat resolution.
  • Get caught lying/cheating/sneaking, and rectify the situation.
  • Persuade a group of people (an organization, an angry mob, snobby nobles. Persuade the army to take a route that will slow them down/lead them into an ambush, convince the bandits to raid the enemy, convince farmers to donate food).
  • Gain social status, power, political influence (prove your worth, gain respect, impress someone, get elected).
  • Change someone's social status (make them look good/bad, get them elected, overthrow a ruler).
  • Run a kingdom/village/team/organization/business, lead an army (build a new one, restore the failing one to former glory).
  • Change the society/group/organization (raise morale, lower the crime, stop witch hunts, deal with corruption).
  • Gain control over the territory (invade a country or repel the invasion).
  • Put down or incite rebellion/mutiny/conspiracy.
  • Negotiate a deal, bargain (political compromise, hostage negotiations, trade information, convince them to sign a document).
  • Resolve conflict, broker peace, unite rivaling factions, settle dispute.
  • Establish political/trade relationships .
  • Navigate a strange culture/customs (without offending anyone).
  • Cause conflict/rivalry/war, pit people/factions against each other (get enemy minions to mistrust each other).
  • Deceive a person.
  • Set someone up, shift the blame to someone else.
  • Infiltrate a group, conceal your identity (cult, bandits, enemy citadel, thieves guild).
  • Find the spy/traitomole.
  • Deal with being blackmailed, spied on, threatened, manipulated.
  • Deal with a nasty rumor or important information/secrets about yourself being out there.
  • Defend someone (or yourself) in the court.
  • Prosecute/judge someone in the court.
  • Put on a show, entertain.
  • Redeem or corrupt a person (teach someone a lesson, seduce someone to the dark/light side).
  • Recruit people to your cause.
  • Find a way to get someone to owe you a favor, find a way to repay the debt you owe to someone else.
  • Enforcement - apply pressure to a person to get them to do something or behave in a specific manner, without killing. (Calm down the rowdy gang, collect the debts).
  • Get enemy soldiers/minions to defect and switch sides.
  • Create a disinformation/propaganda campaign (feed it to the enemy spy, destroy someone's reputation, saw fear in the hearts of the enemy soldiers).
  • Perform a con.

Mystery/Investigation Challenges

  • Investigate a crime (murder, assault, theft, threats, blackmail, destruction of “x”, disappearances, corrupt law enforcer).
  • Spying/Surveillance, gather information on a person/creature/location without being noticed. (Are they up to something shady, are they who they claim to be, discover their secret techniques, how are they bypassing security, how do they create “x”, involvement in “x”, what secrets are they hiding, where are they hiding “x”, where do they keep disappearing to, enemy troops, ).
  • Search for clues and put them together to reach a conclusion.
  • Find and interview witnesses, interrogate suspects.
  • Figure out what's going on, unravel a plot.
  • Figure out what happened in this location.
  • Find evidence (proof of innocence or guilt, expose a corrupt official).
  • Find out if the person is lying or keeping secrets, and what they are.
  • Figure out someone's plot/motives.
  • Figure out who's behind the plot.
  • Do research (find and read ancient texts, talk to old wise people).

Stealth/Heist Challenges

  • Steal (or plant) an item/information (modify enemy maps, plant disinformation. Plant clues to frame a person).
  • Escape from danger (overwhelming force, ambush, pursuit of the law or criminals).
  • Hide, cover your tracks, lay low.
  • Sneak through undetected (sneak past enemy lines to deliver a message to allied forces, sneak past the bouncers into a party).
  • Assassinate stealthily (sneak into the king's chambers, lure them out, use poison, make it look like an accident).
  • Deal with getting noticed / drawing an unwanted attention.
  • Clean up evidence (yours, someone else's).
  • Exchange a real item for a fake or vice versa.
  • Return a (creature, item) before anyone notices it's missing.
  • Sabotage (device, ritual) without being noticed.
  • Smuggle (creature, person, item) into or out of a location.
  • Security Testing - breach the clients security unnoticed.
  • Frame a person/group/nation for a crime.
  • Fake someone's death.

Villain's Moves

  • Personally confront the players.
  • Send minions after the players.
  • Hire a rival team of adventurers or thugs to go after players..
  • Send an assassin.
  • Send a spy.
  • Set a bounty on their heads.
  • Set a trap.
  • Setup an ambush.
  • Take hostages.
  • Threaten an NPC players like.
  • Frame players for a crime, declare them traitors/outlaws.
  • Reveal player's secrets, crimes they have committed.
  • Bribe the authorities/police to act against players.
  • Convince authorities/police that players are evil.
  • Make the public dislike the heroes.
  • Have a "dead man switch" that will hurt people or destroy something valuable if the villain is killed.
  • Know some information valuable to the players (like where hostages are kept, where the treasure is hidden), so players can't kill them, and must negotiate.
  • Set a time-bomb. Something horrible will happen unless players do what they're told.
  • Possess/blackmail/threaten an innocent person into doing their bidding.
  • Pretend to be someone else to deceive the players.
  • Befriend players to use them and betray them later.
  • Kidnap one of the players.
  • Join forces with another enemy of the players.
  • Plant false clues, create decoy trails.
  • Frame someone else for their crimes.
  • Kill hero's mentoally.
  • Cause mistrust, disorder, confusion, infighting among players or general population.
  • Hire people to commit crimes while pretending to be someone else to create mistrust/conflict among two parties. (Example: the bandits "from another country" attacks "local merchants", Start a plague in an uneducated city and have the "foreign merchant" sell snake oil cures, "native patriot" kills a "alien anarchist, etc.)
  • Put difficult choices in front of the heroes (like forcing Batman to save one of the ferry boats, to save Harvey Dent or Rachel).
  • Take away resources from the players (steal their items).
  • Give people the wrong idea about his powers/weaknesses.
  • Push player's buttons, play on heroes' flaws, temptations, fears.
  • Develop a good public image, make friends in the government, be beloved by the public.
  • Seduce player's allies to the dark side, convince/threaten them into betraying players.


  • Do it under time pressure (before the ritual is complete, before people run out of air, before reinforcements arrive, before or during the event, in transit, while you still have the chance).
  • Do it while competing with the rival team.
  • Unrelated people are interfering with the objective.
  • Do it stealthily (don't attract attention, don't leave clues, no witnesses).
  • Do it while pretending to be someone else.
  • Do it without revealing that your client is involved.
  • Prevent collateral damage, protect the innocents who are around.
  • Avoid violence. Defeat/capture the villain/creature without it being harmed.
  • Mitigate the risk, there's a high probability of causing a lot of damage if you're not careful.
  • Two challenges conflict with each other (you must break your stealth to help someone in trouble, capture criminal or save people who are currently in danger).
  • Difficult choice. Choose lesser of two evils, choose which people to rescue. Requiring personal sacrifice, risk, compromise.
  • Opportunities that come with a difficulty, cost or have negative consequences.
  • Resolve moral dilemma (the creature is dangerous but doesn't deserve to die, you're working for a bad guy, both sides of the conflict have valid points, completing a quest will harm people/environment).
  • Do it with incomplete information.
  • Do it with limited resources or without preparation.
  • Do it without access to powers you're used to having (while sick/injured/debilitated, in an area where magic is outlawed/disabled, having lost your equipment).
  • Locals here are unhelpful/hostile to you. You have low social status.
  • You can't trust anyone.
  • Doing it is illegal, or against authorities best interests, or is threatening a powerful group.
  • There are regulations/restrictions on what you can do hindering your progress.
  • Do it while being supervised (the media is all over you, a brilliant detective is on your tail, you are under suspicion, the enemy knows you're coming, you have a spy/mole).
  • Do it despite your flaws/temptations/fears.
  • It causes conflict/infighting within the team (player characters will have opposite goals/reactions to it).
  • Do it while working together with antagonist or someone else you don't like.
  • The side you're working for turns out to be evil.
  • The villain is someone you know/like/respect.
  • The villain is a respected public figure, celebrity, is liked by people or has authority over you.
  • Bad guy has a dead man switch, if he dies the others will suffer or treasure will be lost. Bad guy is the only one who knows the valuable information.
  • The people you're helping don't want your help.
  • Vital information turns out to be wrong.
  • Deal with the betrayal.
  • Mission has been rigged to fail from the start (PCs may be used as a scapegoat).
  • Objective is stolen before the PCs arrive.
  • Objective must be undamaged.
  • The important item has been transmuted and needs to be changed back, locked in a safe and needs a code to unlock, is a mineral that needs to be refined by a specific process. A book or a message is written in a foreign language that requires a translator.
  • Only a bad/unpleasant person can provide the item/information/favor you need.

Using Challenges to create Adventures

  • These challenges can be used as sub-goals the players will need to achieve on the path to their main goal, as obstacles they need to overcome to get what they want.
  • Most of them can also be used as the primary goal, an idea for the whole adventure (just make the stakes higher, make it important/interesting/exciting to accomplish, make it more difficult, add sub-goals and obstacles players need to get through to achieve it).
  • Challenges can be mixed and matched. In one adventure, challenge A can be the big primary goal, and challenge B can be a step towards accomplishing this big goal. In another adventure, it can be the other way around. In one adventure, the players need to obtain an item (a powerful weapon) to slay a monster, in another, they need to slay a monster to get their hands on the valuable item. In one adventure they need to rescue someone who has a clue to the mystery, in another they need to solve a mystery to be able to rescue someone.
  • Use multiple challenges together to add more depth, make the adventure more difficult/interesting, get players to fight on several fronts. Combine challenges to make them complications for each other, or use conflicting challenges that are incompatible with each other to create difficult choices. Players need to protect a person while also being on the run from the law, they need to spy on someone while traveling through the dangerous environment, they need to fight for political power while pretending to be someone they're not, they need to slay a big monster in the middle of the city while protecting people and avoiding collateral damage.
This works because:
  • Stories are fundamentally about problem solving. Roleplaying is fundamentally about problem solving. This is the fundamental "game loop" of RPGs - GM puts a problem in front of the players, and they find creative ways to solve it, that's what gives them fun stuff to do and feels satisfying to accomplish.
  • Adventure Ideas are fundamentally problems. They create an exciting, challenging, important goal for the players to accomplish.
  • Big problems are broken down into small challenges. But fundamentally, the big climactic adventure/campaign goals and the small challenges players encounter on their way are the same thing. Every scene the characters solve a small problem, and it drives them towards solving the big problem. That's what plot points are - players solving or failing to solve a problem, which moves them closer to or farther away from the goal. Which feels exciting/valuable/dramatic.
  • Conflict, obstacles, social/exploration/combat encounters are fundamentally just sources of problems. There probably are other sources that can generate problems.
  • It's all just nested challenges: Campaign Problem > Adventure Problem > Scene Problem. And any challenge can be used on any of these levels.
  • Therefore, the list above is a list of adventure ideas and plot points at the same time. Make any challenge very important/difficult/exciting to accomplish - and it becomes an idea for the adventure or a campaign. Make any adventure idea relatively small and simple - and it becomes a scene challenge (encounter). Put a number of smaller challenges in front of the players - and you've got your basic story structure (a list of encounters, the gameplay). Because goals and challenges are fundamentally the same, just the nested problems, they can be combined in any order to create any number of unique adventures.
  • Also, it means that you can take big story ideas from movies, TV episodes, published modules, and use them as ideas for small encounters. Shawshank Redemption, Alien, Jaws, Incredibles - they can be big campaign ideas, small adventure ideas, or just a thing characters do in a scene (escape from the prison, hide from a monster, defeat a big golem).
  • Game mechanics are also challenges. If there's an RPG system that gets players to do something awesome (GM moves in Dungeon World, Favors/Debts and Social Status mechanics from the Undying, Weak Moves from Dream Askew) - you can use those as challenges too.
  • Even a single challenge can create an unlimited number of unique stories - you just change the concrete details. McGuffins, NPCs, locations, etc.
If you find this list useful - please help me to improve and extend it!
  • Share more challenge ideas, how can these challenge lists can be extended?
  • What other big challenge categories could I add? Please share a few challenge examples in those categories.
  • Share interesting examples for each kind of challenge.
  • Share interesting complications and combinations of challenges.
  • Share feedback/advice/ideas on improving this project.
  • Share good resources (books, random tables, articles) I can use to extend this list.
Use the Adventure Writing Template to help you develop these challenges into a complete adventure.
I have also made an "Adventure Prompts Tool" that will pick the random challenges for you (it also contains some prompts for settings and villains).
Also see the Big List of Adventure Ideas - the list of challenges that will work well as the main idea for the adventure (a goal for the Players or the Villain).
If you want updates on my future posts - follow me here.
submitted by lumenwrites to DnDBehindTheScreen [link] [comments]

A Big List of Challenges (Problems/Goals/Complications/Encounters) for your adventure (including Social, Exploration, Stealth, Mystery, and Combat).

Hi! I have compiled a big list of challenges your players can encounter during the adventure.
If you find this list useful - please help me to improve and extend it!

d100 Action/Adventure Challenges

  1. Defeat a villain and his minions.
  2. Defeat a monstecreature/horde.
  3. Obtain a McGuffin (item, vehicle, money, magic artifact, spell, your lost/stolen valuables, etc)
  4. Obtain Information (an ancient book, a piece of gossip, a clue, secret codes, a way to break the curse).
  5. Protect/Escort /Guard a person/creature (a rich merchant, a researcher, a young prince targeted for assassination, a last of its kind monster, tax collector, witness).
  6. Deliver a person (make sure they don't escape).
  7. Rescue a person/creature (rescue a hostage or a kidnapped person, break them out of captivity).
  8. Track, Find, Chase, and Capture/Catch a person/creature/vehicle (a criminal, a runaway, a ship, a lost pet, an escaped experiment, the infected).
  9. Find and save the missing person (lost kid, caravan, courier, spy.
  10. Deliver a valuable/fragile item/cargo and protect it from danger (artwork, cursed artifact, mysterious crate, a treasure map, a message).
  11. Destroy the target (an object, enemy weapon or infrastructure, the enemy base, a piece of blackmail on someone, a source of infection, close a portal).
  12. Sabotage a plan (disrupt a ritual, prevent a prophecy, undermine the invasion, stop villain from achieving their goals).
  13. Capture and secure the base/location (enemy city, friendly city under siege, a building, a military target).
  14. Defend a location (protect a village from monsters, a city from the enemy army, prevent enemies from passing a bridge or a tunnel, protect a crime scene, meeting site, ritual site, warehouse).
  15. Your town/building/ship has been captured and overtaken by enemies. Survive under siege, liberate it.
  16. Robbery/Heist (rob a train or a blimp, abduct a person, commandeer a ship, steal diamonds from the casino, steal wand from the mage tower).
  17. Protect many innocent people (from natural disaster for example).
  18. Win a competition (Complications: your team is bad, the other side cheats, you can only win by cheating, the event is more deadly than it was supposed to be. You are competing for other purpose than victory, such as to keep another contestant safe, to spy on someone, or to get into the place where the event goes down, to prevent villain from winning, to prove yourself, to impress someone).
  19. Prepare for the mission. Get equipment/supplies/transportation/funding.
  20. Deal with the consequences of a botched/evil magic ritual.
  21. Distract the enemies. Act as bait for the ambush/trap.
  22. Train a novice, keep a noble person safe while they go on adventure.
  23. Build or repair an object (by collecting McGuffin ingredients).
  24. Perform a Ritual.
  25. Law Enforcement - act as a police for a town.

d100 Exploration Challenges

  1. Survive/avoid environmental dangers (think of the place itself as the “villain”, it is a monster without HP that "wants" to hurt players or drain their resources, and has certain powers to accomplish that. Traps, cave-ins, lava eruptions, rock-slides, avalanche, collapsing buildings, impenetrable myst, wild animals, dangerous/poisonous flora, falling into a pit, getting lost, etc).
  2. Overcome environmental obstacles (a river on your way, a closed gate, climbing a mountain, a swamp, quick sand, slipping hazard above the abyss, thin ice, wild magic area).
  3. Travel through multiple locations to reach the target.
  4. Explore the location (to learn about it, to map it, to figure out what happened here. To find bandit camps, enemy encampments, monster nest, a way through, resources).
  5. Find a lost location/person/item/treasure/clues.
  6. Scout for information, survey the location/region (ahead of group, enemy territory, monster infested territory, uncharted wilderness).
  7. Clear location of danger (creatures, traps, haunting ghosts, curses, infestation).
  8. Track something/someone, find a trail.
  9. Deal with a natural disaster (storm, earthquake, flood, meteor).
  10. Survival (without food/water, deal with harsh weather, diseases. Find shelter. Repair a ship or a radio. Find a way to get back home.)
  11. Enter a guarded area (overcome defenses, defeat security, sneak in unseen).
  12. Escape guarded location (break out of prison).

d100 Social/Intrigue Challenges

  1. Convince/Persuade a person to do/say/give you what you want.
  2. Intimidate/Manipulate/Blackmail/Force someone to do what you want.
  3. Befriend/Seduce someone, make allies.
  4. Gain confidence or forgiveness of a person who doesn't like you.
  5. Find a non-combat resolution.
  6. Get caught lying/cheating/sneaking, and rectify the situation.
  7. Persuade a group of people (an organization, an angry mob, snobby nobles).
  8. Gain social status, power, political influence (prove your worth, gain respect, impress someone, get elected).
  9. Change someone's social status (make them look good/bad, get them elected, overthrow a ruler).
  10. Run a kingdom/village/team/organization/business, lead an army (build a new one, restore the failing one to former glory).
  11. Change the society/group/organization (raise morale, lower the crime, stop witch hunts, deal with corruption).
  12. Gain control over the territory (invade a country or repel the invasion).
  13. Put down or incite rebellion/mutiny/conspiracy.
  14. Negotiate a deal, bargain (political compromise, hostage negotiations, trade information, convince them to sign a document).
  15. Resolve conflict, broker peace, unite rivaling factions, settle dispute.
  16. Establish political/trade relationships .
  17. Navigate a strange culture/customs (without offending anyone).
  18. Cause conflict/rivalry/war, pit people/factions against each other.
  19. Deceive a person.
  20. Set someone up, shift the blame to someone else.
  21. Infiltrate a group, conceal your identity (cult, bandits, enemy citadel, thieves guild).
  22. Find the spy/traitomole.
  23. Deal with being blackmailed, spied on, threatened, manipulated.
  24. Deal with a nasty rumor or important information/secrets about yourself being out there.
  25. Defend someone (or yourself) in the court.
  26. Prosecute/judge someone in the court.
  27. Put on a show, entertain.
  28. Redeem or corrupt a person (teach someone a lesson, seduce someone to the dark/light side).
  29. Recruit people to your cause.
  30. Find a way to get someone to owe you a favor, find a way to repay the debt you owe to someone else.
  31. Enforcement - apply pressure to a person to get them to do something or behave in a specific manner, without killing. (Calm down the rowdy gang, collect the debts).

d100 Mystery/Investigation Challenges

  1. Investigate a crime (murder, assault, theft, threats, blackmail, destruction of “x”, disappearances, corrupt law enforcer).
  2. Spying/Surveillance, gather information on a person/creature/location without being noticed. (Are they up to something shady, are they who they claim to be, discover their secret techniques, how are they bypassing security, how do they create “x”, involvement in “x”, what secrets are they hiding, where are they hiding “x”, where do they keep disappearing to, enemy troops, ).
  3. Search for clues and put them together to reach a conclusion.
  4. Find and interview witnesses, interrogate suspects.
  5. Figure out what's going on, unravel a plot.
  6. Figure out what happened in this location.
  7. Find evidence (proof of innocence or guilt, expose a corrupt official).
  8. Find out if the person is lying or keeping secrets, and what they are.
  9. Figure out someone's plot/motives.
  10. Figure out who's behind the plot.
  11. Do research (find and read ancient texts, talk to old wise people).

d100 Stealth/Heist Challenges

  1. Steal (or plant) an item/information.
  2. Escape from danger (overwhelming force, ambush, pursuit of the law or criminals).
  3. Hide, cover your tracks, lay low.
  4. Sneak through undetected.
  5. Assassinate stealthily (sneak into the king's chambers, lure them out, use poison, make it look like an accident).
  6. Deal with getting noticed / drawing an unwanted attention.
  7. Clean up evidence (yours, someone else's).
  8. Exchange a real item for a fake or vice versa.
  9. Return a (creature, item) before anyone notices it's missing.
  10. Sabotage (device, ritual) without being noticed.
  11. Smuggle (creature, person, item) into or out of a location.
  12. Security Testing - breach the clients security unnoticed.
  13. Frame a person/group/nation for a crime.

d100 Complications

  1. Do it under time pressure (before the ritual is complete, before people run out of air, before reinforcements arrive, before or during the event, in transit, while you still have the chance).
  2. Do it while competing with the rival team.
  3. Unrelated people are interfering with the objective.
  4. Do it stealthily (don't attract attention, don't leave clues, no witnesses).
  5. Do it while pretending to be someone else.
  6. Do it without revealing that your client is involved.
  7. Prevent collateral damage, protect the innocents who are around.
  8. Avoid violence. Defeat/capture the villain/creature without it being harmed.
  9. Mitigate the risk, there's a high probability of causing a lot of damage if you're not careful.
  10. Two challenges conflict with each other (you must break your stealth to help someone in trouble, capture criminal or save people who are currently in danger).
  11. Difficult choice. Choose lesser of two evils, choose which people to rescue. A goal that requires personal sacrifice.
  12. Resolve moral dilemma (the creature is dangerous but doesn't deserve to die, you're working for a bad guy, both sides of the conflict have valid points, completing a quest will harm people/environment).
  13. Do it with incomplete information.
  14. Do it with limited resources or without preparation.
  15. Do it without access to powers you're used to having (while sick/injured/debilitated, in an area where magic is outlawed/disabled, having lost your equipment).
  16. Locals here are unhelpful/hostile to you. You have low social status.
  17. You can't trust anyone.
  18. Doing it is illegal, or against authorities best interests, or is threatening a powerful group.
  19. There are regulations/restrictions on what you can do hindering your progress.
  20. Do it while being supervised (the media is all over you, a brilliant detective is on your tail, you are under suspicion, the enemy knows you're coming, you have a spy/mole).
  21. Do it despite your flaws/temptations/fears.
  22. It causes conflict/infighting within the team (player characters will have opposite goals/reactions to it).
  23. Do it while working together with antagonist or someone else you don't like.
  24. The side you're working for turns out to be evil.
  25. The villain is someone you know/like/respect.
  26. The villain is a respected public figure, celebrity, is liked by people or has authority over you.
  27. Bad guy has a dead man switch, if he dies the others will suffer or treasure will be lost. Bad guy is the only one who knows the valuable information.
  28. The people you're helping don't want your help.
  29. Vital information turns out to be wrong.
  30. Deal with the betrayal.
  31. Mission has been rigged to fail from the start (PCs may be used as a scapegoat).
  32. Objective is stolen before the PCs arrive.
  33. Objective must be undamaged.
  34. The important item has been transmuted and needs to be changed back, locked in a safe and needs a code to unlock, is a mineral that needs to be refined by a specific process. A book or a message is written in a foreign language that requires a translator.
  35. Only a bad/unpleasant person can provide the item/information/favor you need.
Please leave a comment and contribute to this project!
I've had a few pretty huge epiphanies while writing this post:
  • Stories are fundamentally about problem solving. Roleplaying is fundamentally about problem solving. This is the fundamental "game loop" of RPGs - GM puts a problem in front of the players, and they find creative ways to solve it, that's what gives them fun stuff to do and feels satisfying to accomplish.
  • Adventure Ideas are fundamentally problems. They create an exciting, challenging, important goal for the players to accomplish.
  • Big problems are broken down into small challenges. But fundamentally, the big climactic adventure/campaign goals and the small challenges players encounter on their way are the same thing. Every scene the characters solve a small problem, and it drives them towards solving the big problem. That's what plot points are - players solving or failing to solve a problem, which moves them closer to or farther away from the goal. Which feels exciting/valuable/dramatic.
  • Conflict, obstacles, social/exploration/combat encounters are fundamentally just sources of problems. There probably are other sources that can generate problems.
  • It's all just nested challenges: Campaign Problem > Adventure Problem > Scene Problem. And any challenge can be used on any of these levels.
  • Therefore, the list above is a list of adventure ideas and plot points at the same time. Make any challenge very important/difficult/exciting to accomplish - and it becomes an idea for the adventure or a campaign. Make any adventure idea relatively small and simple - and it becomes a scene challenge (encounter). Put a number of smaller challenges in front of the players - and you've got your basic story structure (a list of encounters, the gameplay). Because goals and challenges are fundamentally the same, just the nested problems, they can be combined in any order to create any number of unique adventures.
  • Also, it means that you can take big story ideas from movies, TV episodes, published modules, and use them as ideas for small encounters. Shawshank Redemption, Alien, Jaws, Incredibles - they can be big campaign ideas, small adventure ideas, or just a thing characters do in a scene (escape from the prison, hide from a monster, defeat a big golem).
  • Game mechanics are also challenges. If there's an RPG system that gets players to do something awesome (GM moves in Dungeon World, Favors/Debts and Social Status mechanics from the Undying, Weak Moves from Dream Askew) - you can use those as challenges too.
  • Even a single challenge can create an unlimited number of unique stories - you just change the concrete details. McGuffins, NPCs, locations, etc.
Use the Adventure Writing Template to help you develop these challenges into a complete adventure.
I have also made an "Adventure Prompts Tool" that will pick the random challenges for you (it also contains some prompts for settings and villains).
Also see the Big List of Adventure Ideas - the list of challenges that will work well as the main idea for the adventure (a goal for the Players or the Villain).
If you want updates on my future posts - follow me here.
submitted by lumenwrites to d100 [link] [comments]

[SUBREDDIT ALBUM] Final Qualifiers / Tracklist Proposal Submissions

IMPORTANT: Before you go any further please go back and read the Parent Post HERE first before continuing.

Survey results are in.
1CD vs 2 CD
70% of you have voted for the 2CD Version of the album. Main reasons for this included "too many jew classics on disc 2", " For me personally, the diversity of the tracks that would fill CD 1 does not seem to be large enough to do JEW justice, even if only for an introductory album.", " They have such a large discography! It’d be a shame not to do 2!" & "To include Surviving"
Song Selections
60% of you have voted to keep No Sensitivity as part of the album, even though it is not on Spotify currently. We will make a note on the playlist that the track is missing and will be added in when it returns to streaming.
Because we had a 5-Way tie for the final tracks on the 2CD Version, we had to vote for which songs would qualify. Unfortunately Cautioners will not make the album as decided by 50% of the votes. Blister, Your New Aesthetic, Clarity & Congratulations have qualified.
90% of you also voted for the BA Album version of Sweetness and 100% voted for the Clarity Album version of Your New Aesthetic. No other alternate versions of tracks got enough support to consider at this time, although i am not alone in wishing some acoustic or more "raw" versions made the cut.
Thanks again for the feedback. Most feedback was very positive about the experience and there were also some suggestions that we could have made sure each album was included at least once or a set number of songs from each album were selected, to get a more uniform representation of the bands style. I think this is something we should consider and discuss if we ever revisit the Subreddit Album again in the future. Thanks for the feedback.

Current Tasks:
Album Names
We got 5 suggestions last post for album names. If you have any other suggestions for album names post them in the comments below to get them added to the Voting for the next post.
Another reminder for any of the artistically, and not so artistically gifted of you who would love to contribute to the artwork, to get started on the design as we will be asking for submissions pretty soon. You now have a rough guide on Tracks to include and we will have final a tracklisting and album name next post Here are some Photoshop PSD Templates for sizes to work with
Track Ordering
The main point of this post is to discuss track ordering and placement. The goal is to come up with 2x sets of songs, each under 79min 40sec. The 20 second buffer allows for fractions of seconds adding up to potentially overload a CD running length.
Now this is up to you all to propose Full Tracklistings, suggestions, discussions, feedback and collaborate to come up with some good ideas as a community. Below i have posted the final qualifiers with track lengths to work with. Based on how you place the tracks across the two discs it may occur where we either have one too many songs to fit, or enough room for an extra one. This was also decided on in the last survey:
If we need to remove a track for length reasons it will be: Clarity
Album Qualifying Tracks
Title Length
23 7:23
555 3:41
A Praise Chorus 4:04
Always Be 3:05
Authority Song 3:37
Be Sensible 5:05
Big Casino 3:41
Bleed American 3:01
Blister 3:30
Chase This Light 3:27
* Clarity 4:03
Congratulations 6:11
Disintegration 7:44
Dizzy 4:46
For Me This Is Heaven 4:07
Futures 3:58
Goodbye Sky Harbour 16:13
Hear You Me 4:44
If You Don't Don’t 4:33
Invented 7:07
Just Watch The Fireworks 7:02
Kill 3:49
Lucky Denver Mint 3:50
No Sensitivity 3:41
Pain 3:01
Pol Roger 6:47
Polaris 4:51
Sweetness 3:40
The Middle 2:46
The World You Love 5:01
Work 3:24
Your New Aesthetic 2:41
Post in the comments below your Tracklistings / Suggestions
We will give everyone 3 or 4 days to come up with their suggestions and then we will follow it up with a voting round this weekend for the tracklisting and the album title from all your suggestions.
submitted by walking_on_a_wire to JimmyEatWorld [link] [comments]

[SUBREDDIT ALBUM] Album Name Submissions / Voting Results / Feedback / Tie-breakers / 1CD vs 2CD

IMPORTANT: Before you go any further please go back and read the Parent Post HERE first before continuing.
Thanks for everyone’s votes. We ended up with 35 Submissions. Let's get straight to the results. I will paste the full results in the comments to keep this post lean.
\* tracks indicate tiebreakers for length – see post survey for options
1CD Version Qualifying Tracks
Place Title Votes Album Length
1 23 27 Futures 7:23
2 For Me This Is Heaven 23 Clarity 4:07
3 Polaris 22 Futures 4:51
4 Just Watch The Fireworks 20 Clarity 7:02
5 Bleed American 20 Bleed American 3:01
6 A Praise Chorus 19 Bleed American 4:04
7 Kill 18 Futures 3:49
8 Sweetness 17 Bleed American 3:40
9 Futures 17 Futures 3:58
10 Dizzy 17 Chase This Light 4:46
11 The Middle 17 Bleed American 2:46
12 Disintegration 15 SOMST 7:44
13 Pol Roger 14 Integrity Blues 6:47
14 Big Casino 14 Chase This Light 3:41
15 * If You Don't Don’t 13 Bleed American 4:33
16 * Invented 13 Invented 7:07
17 * Chase This Light 13 Chase This Light 3:27

2CD Version Qualifying Tracks
Place Title Votes Album Length
1 23 27 Futures 7:23
2 For Me This Is Heaven 23 Clarity 4:07
3 Polaris 22 Futures 4:51
4 Just Watch The Fireworks 20 Clarity 7:02
5 Bleed American 20 Bleed American 3:01
6 A Praise Chorus 19 Bleed American 4:04
7 Kill 18 Futures 3:49
8 Sweetness 17 Bleed American 3:40
9 Futures 17 Futures 3:58
10 Dizzy 17 Chase This Light 4:46
11 The Middle 17 Bleed American 2:46
12 Disintegration 15 SOMST 7:44
13 Pol Roger 14 Integrity Blues 6:47
14 Big Casino 14 Chase This Light 3:41
15 If You Don't Don’t 13 Bleed American 4:33
16 Invented 13 Invented 7:07
17 Chase This Light 13 Chase This Light 3:27
18 No Sensitivity 12 Bleed American 3:41
19 555 12 Surviving 3:41
20 Hear You Me 12 Bleed American 4:44
21 Pain 12 Futures 3:01
22 Work 11 Futures 3:24
23 Be Sensible 9 Chase This Light 5:05
24 Always Be 9 Chase This Light 3:05
25 Lucky Denver Mint 8 Clarity 3:50
26 The World You Love 8 Futures 5:01
27 Goodbye Sky Harbour 8 Clarity 16:13
28 Authority Song 8 Bleed American 3:37
29 * Blister 7 Clarity 3:30
30 * Your New Aesthetic 7 Clarity 2:41
31 * Clarity 7 Clarity 4:03
32 * Cautioners 7 Bleed American 5:21
33 * Congratulations 7 Surviving 6:11
Firstly the results are great and I feel they are very much in line with the subs thoughts on most tracks. I was surprised to see that a few albums didn’t get any songs qualified, especially Static Prevails and Damage. Obviously Clarity/BA/Futures are the big favs, but it appears the issue with Static and Damage is that even though they got votes, there aren’t clear community favourites on the albums so the votes got thinned out but I had hoped we might get at least one track on there.
Okay, so from this post we need to move forward with a few things. Please discuss the following in the comments but make sure you fill out the survey as this is what we will be using to tally votes etc – a comment or discussion doesn’t count alone.
General Feedback on the process and constructive input.
If you feel there are any legitimate issues with the song selection that you know the community can get behind let us know in the comments.
1CD vs 2CD
This is an important decision. Do we go for the short clean 1CD 80min 16ish song version, or do we go for the 2CD 160min 32ish song version. Do you feel the songs in the second lot deserve enough to be part of a definitive Subreddit album? Discuss in comments and vote in survey.
Song Selection
Depending if we go 1 or 2 CDs, some tiebreaker decisions will need to be made – you will find the options in the survey.
We also have one track I can see being an issue which is No Sensitivity as it currently is not available on Spotify (at least here in Aus) – How should we handle this? Discuss in comments and vote in survey.
We will determine track order in a future post. If 2CD is chosen, songs can be on either disc.
Album Name Suggestions
Start discussing in the comments any good ideas for Album Names. Submit your ideas in the survey as well to have it considered. We will vote on submissions in a future post.
Another reminder for any of the artistically, and not so artistically gifted of you who would love to contribute to the artwork, to get started on the design as we will be asking for submissions pretty soon. Obviously we will have final a tracklisting and album name etc in the coming posts - See the parent post for a rough guide of the plan moving forward. Here are some Photoshop PSD Templates for sizes to work with
I will leave the survey up for a couple days, I don’t think we need a full week on this one.
submitted by walking_on_a_wire to JimmyEatWorld [link] [comments]

Mega eTextbooks release thread (part-27)! Find your textbooks here between $5-$25 :)

Please find the list below:
  1. Managerial Economics and Strategy, Global 2nd Edition: Jeffrey M. Perloff & James A. Brander
  2. Information Technology and Organizational Learning: Managing Behavioral Change in the Digital Age, 3rd Edition: Arthur M. Langer
  3. Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual: Elaine N. Marieb & Lori A. Smith
  4. Principles of Molecular Virology, 6th Edition: Alan J. Cann
  5. The Wiley Handbook of Global Educational Reform, 1st Edition: Kenneth J. Saltman & Alexander J. Means
  6. Prescott's Microbiology, 10th Edition: Joanne Willey & Linda Sherwood & Christopher J. Woolverton
  7. Systems Analysis and Design, 6th Edition: Alan Dennis & Barbara Haley Wixom & Roberta M. Roth
  8. Love and Intimacy in Online Cross-Cultural Relationships: The Power of Imagination, 1st Edition: Wilasinee Pananakhonsab
  9. The Human Organism: Explorations in Biological Anthropology, 1st Edition: Elizabeth Weiss
  10. Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice, 4th Edition: Marlaine Smith & Marilyn Parker
  11. Statistics for Nursing: A Practical Approach, 3rd Edition: Elizabeth Heavey
  12. Life Cycle Assessment of Energy Systems: Closing the Ethical Loophole of Social Sustainability, English Edition: Nicholas Sakellariou
  13. A Practical Guide to Welding Solutions: Overcoming Technical and Material-Specific Issues: Robert W. Messler
  14. Programming the World Wide Web, 8th Edition: Robert W. Sebesta
  15. Maternal and Child Health Nursing: Care of the Childbearing and Childrearing Family, 8th Edition: JoAnne Silbert-Flagg & Adele Pillitteri
  16. Cengage Advantage Books: Culture Counts: A Concise Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, 4th Edition: Serena Nanda & Richard L. Warms
  17. International Management Behavior: Global and Sustainable Leadership, 7th Edition: Henry W. Lane & Martha L. Maznevski
  18. Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion, 2nd Edition: Miguel A. P¿rez & Raffy R. Luquis
  19. Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction: The Gap Between Weather and Climate Forecasting, 1st Edition: Andrew Robertson & Frederic Vitart
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  292. Primary Care: A Collaborative Practice, 5th Edition: Terry Mahan Buttaro & Patricia Polgar-Bailey & Joanne Sandberg-Cook & JoAnn Trybulski
  293. Pediatric Primary Care, 6th Edition: Catherine E. Burns & Ardys M. Dunn & Margaret A. Brady & Nancy Barber Starr & Catherine G. Blosser & Dawn Lee Garzon Maaks
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  295. Atlas of Interstitial Lung Disease Pathology: Pathology with High Resolution CT Correlations, 1st Edition: Andrew Churg
  296. Atlas of Dermatopathology: Practical Differential Diagnosis by Clinicopathologic Pattern, 1st Edition: Gunter Burg & Werner Kempf & Heinz Kutzner & Josef Feit & Laszlo Karai
  297. Atlas of Dermatopathology: Tumors, Nevi, and Cysts, 1st Edition: Gunter Burg & Heinz Kutzner & Werner Kempf & Josef Feit & Bruce R. Smoller
  298. Atlas of Essential Dermatopathology, 2013th Edition: Kasia S. Masterpol & Andrea Primiani & Lyn M. Duncan
  299. Molecular Anatomic Imaging: PET-CT and SPECT-CT Integrated Modality Imaging, 2nd Edition: Gustav K. von Schulthess
  300. Gray's Anatomy for Students, 4th Edition: Richard Drake & A. Wayne Vogl & Adam W. M. Mitchell
  301. Taylor's Clinical Nursing Skills: A Nursing Process Approach, 5th Edition: Pamela Lynn
  302. Structural Concrete: Theory and Design, 6th Edition: M. Nadim Hassoun & Akthem Al-Manaseer
  303. Child Abuse and Neglect, 2nd Edition: Monica L. McCoy & Stefanie M. Keen
  304. Child Abuse and Neglect: Perceptions, Psychological Consequences and Coping Strategies: Michelle Martinez
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  308. Social Problems: Community, Policy, and Social Action, 6th Edition: Anna Y. Leon-Guerrero
  309. Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, 23rd Edition: David P. Twomey & Marianne M. Jennings & Stephanie M Greene
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  318. Research Methods for Education, 1st Edition: Gregory J. Privitera & Lynn Ahlgrim-Delzell
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  321. Spencer's Pathology of the Lung: 2 Part Set, 6th Edition: Philip Hasleton & Douglas B. Flieder
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  326. Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Therapists, 8th Edition: John D. Preston & John H. O'Neal & Mary C. Talaga & Bret A. Moore
  327. Business Essentials, 12th Edition: Ronald J. Ebert & Ricky W. Griffin
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  329. The Routledge Companion to Consumer Behavior, 1st Edition: Michael R. Solomon & Tina M. Lowrey
  330. Empowerment Series: Generalist Practice with Organizations and Communities, 7th Edition: Karen K. Kirst-Ashman & Grafton H. Hull
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  332. Principles of Auditing & Other Assurance Services, 20th Edition: Ray Whittington & Kurt Pany
  333. Master the Boards USMLE Step 2 CK, 5th Edition: Conrad Fischer
  334. Value Management of Construction Projects, 2nd Edition: John Kelly & Steven Male & Drummond Graham
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  337. Philosophy of Mathematics and Economics: Image, Context and Perspective, 1st Edition: Thomas A. Boylan & Paschal F. O'Gorman
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  346. International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, 10th Edition: Charles Hill
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  349. Quality Management in Construction Projects, 2nd Edition: Abdul Razzak Rumane
  350. Skills Management: New Applications, New Questions, 1st Edition: Alain Roger & Didier Vinot
  351. Pig Disease Identification and Diagnosis Guide: A Farm Handbook, 1st Edition: Steven McOrist
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Mega eTextbooks release thread (part-27)! Find your textbooks here between $5-$25 :)

Please find the list below:
  1. Managerial Economics and Strategy, Global 2nd Edition: Jeffrey M. Perloff & James A. Brander
  2. Information Technology and Organizational Learning: Managing Behavioral Change in the Digital Age, 3rd Edition: Arthur M. Langer
  3. Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual: Elaine N. Marieb & Lori A. Smith
  4. Principles of Molecular Virology, 6th Edition: Alan J. Cann
  5. The Wiley Handbook of Global Educational Reform, 1st Edition: Kenneth J. Saltman & Alexander J. Means
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  8. Love and Intimacy in Online Cross-Cultural Relationships: The Power of Imagination, 1st Edition: Wilasinee Pananakhonsab
  9. The Human Organism: Explorations in Biological Anthropology, 1st Edition: Elizabeth Weiss
  10. Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice, 4th Edition: Marlaine Smith & Marilyn Parker
  11. Statistics for Nursing: A Practical Approach, 3rd Edition: Elizabeth Heavey
  12. Life Cycle Assessment of Energy Systems: Closing the Ethical Loophole of Social Sustainability, English Edition: Nicholas Sakellariou
  13. A Practical Guide to Welding Solutions: Overcoming Technical and Material-Specific Issues: Robert W. Messler
  14. Programming the World Wide Web, 8th Edition: Robert W. Sebesta
  15. Maternal and Child Health Nursing: Care of the Childbearing and Childrearing Family, 8th Edition: JoAnne Silbert-Flagg & Adele Pillitteri
  16. Cengage Advantage Books: Culture Counts: A Concise Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, 4th Edition: Serena Nanda & Richard L. Warms
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  22. Qualitative Marketing Research: Understanding Consumer Behaviour, 1st Edition: Dominika Maison
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  25. Services Marketing: Concepts, Strategies & Cases, 4th Edition: K. Douglas Hoffman & John E.G. Bateson
  26. Kinematics, Dynamics, and Design of Machinery, 3rd Edition: Kenneth J. Waldron & Gary L. Kinzel & Sunil K. Agrawal
  27. Essentials of Cultural Anthropology: A Toolkit for a Global Age, 2nd Edition: Kenneth J. Guest
  28. An Anthropology of Learning: On Nested Frictions in Cultural Ecologies, 2015th Edition: Cathrine Hasse
  29. Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice, 1st Edition: Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) & Carl I. Fertman & Diane D. Allensworth
  30. The American Lab: An Insider’s History of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory: C. Bruce Tarter
  31. Food Security and Climate Change, 1st Edition: Shyam Singh Yadav & Robert J. Redden & Jerry L. Hatfield & Andreas W. Ebert & Danny Hunter
  32. Health Assessment for Nursing Practice, 6th Edition: Susan F. Wilson & Jean Foret Giddens
  33. Tobacco Smoking Addiction: Epidemiology, Genetics, Mechanisms, and Treatment: Ming D. Li
  34. Cultural Anthropology: Asking Questions About Humanity, 2nd Edition: Robert L. Welsch & Luis A. Vivanco
  35. Accounting for Governmental & Nonprofit Entities, 17th Edition: Jacqueline Reck & Suzanne Lowensohn & Earl Wilson
  36. Addiction and Change: How Addictions Develop and Addicted People Recover, 2nd Edition: Carlo C. DiClemente
  37. Culture and the Politics of Welfare: Exploring Societal Values and Social Choices: J. Hudson & N. Jo & A. Keung
  38. Essential University Physics: Volume 2, 3rd Edition: Richard Wolfson
  39. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition: American Psychological Association
  40. Concepts of Programming Languages, 11th Global Edition: Robert Sebesta
  41. Through the Lens of Anthropology: An Introduction to Human Evolution and Culture, 1st Edition: Robert J. Muckle & Laura Tubelle de González
  42. Practical Research: Planning and Design, 11th Edition: Paul D. Leedy & Jeanne Ellis Ormrod
  43. Environment: The Science Behind the Stories, 6th Edition: Jay H. Withgott & Matthew Laposata
  44. Environment: The Science Behind the Stories, 3rd Canadian Edition: Jay H. Withgott & Matthew Laposata & Barbara Murck
  45. Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences: A Brief Approach, 10th Edition: Soo T. Tan
  46. Essential Environment: The Science Behind the Stories, 5th Edition: Jay H. Withgott & Matthew Laposata
  47. Leadership and School Quality: Michael DiPaola & Wayne K. Hoy
  48. Group Dynamics, 7th Edition: Donelson R. Forsyth
  49. Practitioners' Guide to Human Rights Law in Armed Conflict, 1st Edition: Daragh Murray & Elizabeth Wilmshurst & Francoise Hampson & Charles Garraway & Noam Lubell & Dapo Akande
  50. Educational Administration: Theory, Research, and Practice, 9th Edition: Wayne Hoy & Cecil Miskel
  51. Group Dynamics for Teams, 5th Edition: Daniel J. Levi
  52. Human Behavior and the Social Environment: Shifting Paradigms in Essential Knowledge for Social Work Practice, 6th Edition: Joe M. Schriver
  53. Economics of Development, 7th Edition: Dwight H. Perkins & Steven Radelet & David L. Lindauer & Steven A. Block
  54. Carbon Nanomaterials for Bioimaging, Bioanalysis, and Therapy, English Edition:por Yuen Y. Hui & Huang-Cheng Chang & Haifeng Dong & Xueji Zhang
  55. Canadian Essentials of Nursing Research, 3rd Edition: Carmen G. Loiselle & Joanne Profetto-McGrath & Denise F. Polit & Cheryl T. Beck
  56. Rock Dynamics: From Research to Engineering: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics and Applications, 1st Edition: Haibo Li & Jianchun Li & Qianbing Zhang & Jian Zhao
  57. Organic Chemistry As a Second Language: Second Semester Topics, 4th Edition: David R. Klein
  58. International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior, 5th Edition: Nancy J. Adler & Allison Gundersen
  59. An Introduction to Group Work Practice, 8th Edition: Ronald W. Toseland & Robert F. Rivas
  60. Bacterial Therapy of Cancer: Methods and Protocols, 1st Edition: Robert Hoffman
  61. Design Optimization of Fluid Machinery: Applying Computational Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Optimization, 1st Edition: Kwang-Yong Kim & Abdus Samad & Ernesto Benini
  62. Children, 13th Edition: John W. Santrock
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  65. Fundamental Principles of Law and Economics, 1st Edition: Alan Devlin
  66. Principles of Economics, A Streamlined Approach with Connect, 3rd Edition: Robert Frank & Ben Bernanke & Kate Antonovics & Ori Heffetz
  67. Mastering AutoCAD 2019 and AutoCAD LT 2019, 1st Edition: George Omura & Brian C. Benton
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  87. Fundamentals of Financial Management, 15th Edition: Eugene F. Brigham & Joel F. Houston
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  89. The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Business and Management Research Methods: History and Traditions, 1st Edition: Cathy Cassell & Ann L Cunliffe & Gina Grandy
  90. Diversity in Organizations, 2nd Edition: Myrtle P. Bell
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  93. Material Culture in Russia and the USSR: Things, Values, Identities, 1st Edition: Graham H. Roberts
  94. Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday Experience, 5th Edition: E. Bruce Goldstein
  95. Handbook of Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 2nd Edition: W. John Livesley & Roseann Larstone
  96. Transformations: Women, Gender and Psychology, 3rd Edition: Mary Crawford
  97. Culture, Leadership, and Organizations: The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies, 1st Edition: Robert J. House & Paul J. Hanges & Mansour Javidan & Peter W. Dorfman & Vipin Gupta
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  99. The Wiley Handbook of Action Research in Education, 1st Edition: Craig A. Mertler
  100. Principles of Virology, 4th Edition: S. Jane Flint & Vincent R. Racaniello & Glenn F. Rall & Anna Marie Skalka
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  102. Polyoxometalates: Properties, Structure and Synthesis, UK Edition: Aaron P. Roberts
  103. Learning & Behavior: 8th Edition: James E. Mazur
  104. Microeconomics: Canada in the Global Environment, 9th Edition: Robin Bade & Michael Parkin
  105. Fundamentals of Ship Hydrodynamics: Fluid Mechanics, Ship Resistance and Propulsion, 1st Edition: Lothar Birk
  106. Blind Peoples Pragmatic Abilities, 1st Edition: Jolanta Sak-Wernicka
  107. M: Management, 5th Edition: Thomas Bateman & Scott Snell & Robert Konopaske
  108. Munson, Young and Okiishi's Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 8th Edition: Philip M. Gerhart & Andrew L. Gerhart & John I. Hochstein
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  113. Management: Leading & Collaborating in a Competitive World, 13th Edition: Thomas Bateman & Scott Snell & Robert Konopaske
  114. Pediatric and Neonatal Mechanical Ventilation: From Basics to Clinical Practice, 2015th Edition: Peter C. Rimensberger
  115. A New Psychology of Women: Gender, Culture, and Ethnicity, 4th Edition: Hilary M. Lips
  116. Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday Experience, 4th Edition: E. Bruce Goldstein
  117. Life-Span Development, 17th Edition: John Santrock
  118. Emerging Genres in New Media Environments, 1st Edition: Carolyn R. Miller & Ashley R. Kelly
  119. Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Metabolism, 1st Edition: Graham C. Burdge
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  127. Microeconomics, 7th Global Edition: Jeffrey M. Perloff
  128. Modern Industrial Organization, Global Edition, 4th Edition: Dennis W. Carlton & Jeffrey M. Perloff
  129. Chemistry: A Molecular Approach, 4th Edition: Nivaldo J. Tro
  130. Business Communication: Process & Product, 9th Edition: Mary Ellen Guffey & Dana Loewy
  131. Lehne's Pharmacology for Nursing Care, 10th Edition: Jacqueline Burchum & Laura Rosenthal
  132. Florence Under Siege: Surviving Plague in an Early Modern City, 1st Edition: John Henderson
  133. Cultural Anthropology: An Applied Perspective, 10th Edition: Gary Ferraro & Susan Andreatta
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  136. Psychology of Women and Gender, 1st Edition: Miriam Liss & Kate Richmond & Mindy J. Erchull
  137. All-In-One Care Planning Resource: Medical-Surgical, Pediatric, Maternity, and Psychiatric-Mental Health, 4th Edition: Pamela L. Swearingen
  138. Theoretical Basis for Nursing, 5th Edition: Melanie McEwen & Evelyn M. Wills
  139. Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences, 6th Edition: Frederick J Gravetter & Lori-Ann B. Forzano
  140. The Practice of Public Relations, 13th Global Edition: Fraser P. Seitel
  141. Basics of Mechanical Ventilation, 1st Edition: Hooman Poor (Author)
  142. Public Relations: The Profession and the Practice, 4th Edition: Dan Lattimore & Otis Baskin & Suzette Heiman & Elizabeth Toth
  143. Introductory Chemistry, 1st Edition: Julia Burdge
  144. Essentials of Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 8th Edition: Frederick J Gravetter & Larry B. Wallnau
  145. Molecular Genetics of Bacteria, 4th Edition: Larry Snyder & Joseph E. Peters & Tina M. Henkin & Wendy Champness
  146. Essentials of Biostatistics in Public Health, 3rd Edition: Lisa M. Sullivan
  147. Essentials of Environmental Health, 2nd Edition: Robert H. Friis
  148. Introduction to Linear Algebra, 5th Edition: Gilbert Strang
  149. Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness and Flourishing, 2nd Edition: William C. Compton & Edward Hoffman
  150. Essentials of Mechanical Ventilation, 3rd Edition: Dean Hess & Robert Kacmarek
  151. The Essential World History, Volume I: To 1800, 8th Edition: William J. Duiker & Jackson J. Spielvogel
  152. Chemistry: An Atoms First Approach, 2nd Edition: Steven S. Zumdahl & Susan A. Zumdahl
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  154. Leading and Managing in Nursing, 7th Edition: Patricia S. Yoder-Wise
  155. Fundamental Accounting Principles, 24th Edition: John Wild & Ken Shaw
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  167. 5G for the Connected World, 1st Edition: Devaki Chandramouli & Rainer Liebhart & Juho Pirskanen
  168. Astrobiology: From the Origins of Life to the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, 1st Edition: Akihiko Yamagishi & Takeshi Kakegawa & Tomohiro Usui
  169. Medical Terminology: A Short Course, 8th Edition: Davi-Ellen Chabner
  170. Financial Accounting: An International Approach: Jagdish Kothari & Elisabetta Barone
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  198. Medical-Surgical Nursing: Concepts & Practice, 3rd Edition: Holly Stromberg & Carol Dallred & Susan C. deWit
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  204. Community/Public Health Nursing: Promoting the Health of Populations, 7th Edition: Mary A. Nies & Melanie McEwen
  205. Essentials of Nursing Research: Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice, 9th Edition: Denise F. Polit & Cheryl T. Beck
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  210. Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 5th Edition: Linda S Williams & Paula D Hopper
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  218. Aircraft Systems: Instruments, Communications, Navigation, and Control (Wiley - IEEE), 1st Edition: Chris Binns
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  255. Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 7th Edition: Carolyn Jarvis
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