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Anti-Evil (Reddit Admin) Transparency Report for /r/conspiracy - November 2020

This is a list of "Anti-Evil" (reddit admin) removals from /conspiracy during the month of November.
Since I missed the report last month, and since our mod logs only go back 2 months, there may be a few removals in early November that are missing from this list. The December 2020 report will be forthcoming.
Previous reports:
December - January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October
Removed comments and threads:
submitted by axolotl_peyotl to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Anti-Evil (Reddit Admin) Transparency Report for /r/conspiracy - November 2020

This is a list of "Anti-Evil" (reddit admin) removals from /conspiracy during the month of November.
Since I missed the report last month, and since our mod logs only go back 2 months, there may be a few removals in early November that are missing from this list. The December 2020 report will be forthcoming.
Previous reports:
December - January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October
Removed comments and threads:
submitted by axolotl_peyotl to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Anti-Evil (Reddit Admin) Transparency Report for /r/conspiracy - October, 2020

Previous reports:
December - January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September
And that's the lot of Anti-Evil removals for October.
Tune in next month to find out all the new things we're not allowed to think about!
submitted by axolotl_peyotl to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Why I Made The Dumbest Game Ever.

Why I Made The Dumbest Game Ever
Preamble Ramble.
My love for computers and computer games started when my dad bought a BBC Micro B. Whilst the machine is ancient by today’s standards, at the time it opened a whole new world for me. Games such as Repton, Chucky Egg, Citadel and a weird kangaroo game that I can't remember the name of (if anyone does know, I would be eternally grateful) took up most of my time, but what really intrigued me, was a copy of the BBC Microcomputer System User Guide that came with the computer.
In the said user guide, were large sections explaining how to use the basic language, what could be achieved and how to save your programs to tape. A quick skim read later and I started to write my own text adventure games...short, badly written text adventure games, but MY short badly written text adventure games nonetheless.
Fast forward thirty-something years and a slew of computers and consoles later and I was still no closer to writing a full game. Now in my adult years, being a professional Composer, I work with others that have seen game projects through from concept to release. Although I love doing what I do, I was always a little jealous that I hadn't managed to do the same.
Coronavirus Has Entered The Chat.
My year so far has sucked, as I'm sure it has for most people. I lost my dad at the beginning of the year and shortly before that, my grandad. My family and I were stuck in a mould infested flat with no sign of ever escaping. I was depressed and felt quite hopeless. There was no light at the end of the tunnel.
One indistinguishable bleak day, I was going through some files on my desktop and stumbled upon an old unity project that I’d started, called ‘Don`t Die Dickhead’. The project was a basic rage platformer that I’d made as a kind of joke, to piss off any friends and family that were willing to play it. It had three levels, controls that sort-of worked and was completely unfair. My ADHD brain latched onto the idea and before I knew it, I was working on it again; my goal, make ten levels and put it on Steam. I didn't really believe that I'd do it, but I was utterly committed to at least trying to finish it this time. Even though, at that point, I didn't really know where the game was going.
Game Design By Osmosis.
My game design process went something like this ‘make the game tough but fun and if any ideas that you like come to you, implement them...if you can’, That was quite honestly the extent of it. I'd spend time coming up with level design ideas and then add extra problems or aesthetic choices as they came to me.
The game's core revolves around chaos, so that's how it should be created, I thought. That being said...Having a solid idea before you start is a fantastic idea and something I'll definitely do from now on. The more I added to the game, the more I realised that I had to make some sort of a plan.
I added a bunch of parody levels based on games that I like, but then had to figure out how I'd work them into the project. I settled on the idea of every level or collection of levels being different tv shows or stations. As the player progressed, the channels changed and the overall aesthetic changed with it. It was at this point that I actually had to sit down and design it a little more seriously.
When In Doubt Move To Malta.
During this time, my wife and I, disillusioned with the UK government, decided that we no longer wanted to live in the UK. We’ve always had a soft spot for Malta, so we decided to go for it, try living there for a couple of months and if it all works out, begin the process of becoming residents.
Luckily composing had been good to me during lockdown and my wife's blog had started to take off, so we found ourselves in a very unique position. Off we went. Taking the bare minimum with me, an external harddrive, a nanokeys keyboard, My Ollo Audio headphones and a laptop, my intention was to continue working (Scoring a fantastic film at the moment) and finish the game.
After acclimating myself to the new environment, lizards in the house, mosquitos, hornets the size of your fist and 38 degree weather in September, I got back to work. Please believe me when i say ENVIRONMENT MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE! Psychologically, the change in environment for me was incredible. I felt far more creatively available and finishing ‘DDD’, for the first time, didn't seem impossible.
And So Here We Are.
Since arriving in Malta, I’ve worked my sexy ass off. When not composing I was coding, when not coding I was creating artwork, when not creating artwork, I was playing the same goddamn level for what seemed like the thousandth time. I changed the name to ‘Don't Die! Douche!’, I made a trailer, I paid for a Steam page (well if we’re honest, my wife did!!), I hassled people to bug test it. Before too long, it was finished. I’d done it!
I'm still in shock to be honest and i'm pretty sure it'll take quite some time to sink in. Its a dumb game, its annoyingly tough in places, more than a little bit surreal. But, it’s my dumb game and I love it.
Final Thoughts.
I guess this whole piece is just my stab at being motivational. Please believe me when I say that If I can do it, so can you! Start small, work consistently, but most importantly make something that you want to make. Ignore trends, do your own thing. I'm not saying that you need to do something revolutionary, just something that has your personality built into it. Having a personal connection to your project makes a big difference. I hope this has been, at the very least entertaining and potentially motivating. Either way, thanks for reading.
If you want to check out ‘Don't Die! Douche!’ I’ll pop the steam page link below.
Take care and try to be nice to one another.
Big Love
submitted by escapefunctionz to IndieDev [link] [comments]

i've been through so much if anyone could read it and help much appreciated :) im struggling here

thank you for coming to listen or help me.
( as of now, i have no friends, moved to 3 different high schools, bullied to an extreme, " bashed ", severe anxiety and depression and suicidal thoughts are a daily to me, oh and i'm fully in love, like actually in love with a boy who bullied me) ( 3rd paragraph after the subtitle "highschool" talks about more bullying and the start of me falling in love, the title HELL and under is where all the " real juicy shit is but it's best if you read from the start and try and see where i'm coming from)
I've been through a lot in my life nobody should have to endure from a very young age to now. my school experiences have been the worst out of anyone i know. I'm currently 17 ( male ) and living in NSW, Australia and up until i moved schools in year 3 ( age 9 ) everything was normal, i had friends and parents were still together and life was fun, i wasn't rich or anything i was enjoying a lot of it.
(I'm gonna write the primary school and high school in two different paragraphs but do read ill summarise so u don't get bored.) SKIP TO HIGH SCHOOL IF U DON'T CARE ABOUT BEFORE BUT to make it short, bullied and suicide letter.
Primary school: Age 9
i moved schools because i moved houses, can't fully remember what the people did to me at the start but i was bullied on my VERY first day and the following days after. years past and i'm in final year of Primary school, my best friend (James) broke up with a girl and talked bad about her, i told the girl online as a way to get in with her ( it worked ) she yelled at him and the James went off at me the following day and online, he was the most popular boy in the year so the group was somewhat big. some of the ppl in his group bullied me from the start at that school, James went off at me and said that he became friends with me because he felt bad and the others joined in saying they always hated me, it made me really upset but i tried to not let them see but that was at the end of the year and i dated that girl for a bit then we broke up and i didn't care cause i was 12.
I was in school holidays before start of highschool and i didn't know what i had but i was depressed. still got hate messages from some but i sent a long email to my favourite teacher about the beef and told him i wanted to commit suicide and he never responded but told my mum and i got in trouble... ipod and laptop taken off me- then i brushed it off and highschools started.
first day was actually fine i met this kid and we hung out for most of it and his mum asked for my number and i thought we were going to hang but we never did, i never saw that kid again. few days in and JAMES was there, he said he was sorry and i instantly forgave him, 2 boys a week or 2 later called me a faggot and stuff and i told my mum cause my sisters were there and thought they'd protect me and told me to report it and then the boys confronted me and said " it was just a joke " and i went oh, sorry and James said " c'mon man they were joking, don't take everything so personal " and i agreed and apologised for reporting. me and james only sat with each other as for some reason he was the anxious one, a boy walked over and asked if i wanted to sit with them, i asked james to come and he said no and sat there so i left him and he seemed fine but his mum called my mum saying i abandoned him and it was all my fault and he moved schools without fucking telling me. he only showed up like 3 weeks out of the first 10 but still. i got pissed and told him off on IG and another argument happened but didn't care. since i was alone i became a target to many (the boy who i sat with left as well.)
yr 7 passes, year 8 nears to and end and thats when i found my people. they were really nice and i actually felt happy for the first time in a long time, i went to a party but got threatened to be bash by some kid who hated me for no good start and a rumour about me talking about his dad when i didn't even know he had one.. 2/3 close friends left after that year to private schools, they made me laugh a lot and i was real upset about it cause they were my 2 only real guy friends but the other one was a girl and we drifted over the years and in year 9 she only really talked to me because i was all she had in cooking and lunches TBH.
But year 9 is when i fell in love.
gonna call him Robert, i talked to him once in my life before in year 8 swimming carnival, i sat with his group cause i had no one else that day, he saw my brother eating food by himself because his friends were competing and Robert mentioned he felt bad for him and i told him not to worry because its my brother and i didn't care about him. ( he bashed me a lot ) and that was it. year 9 in my classes without that girl-friend i sat alone for the first few weeks then my brain like forced me to sit over with Robert. i sat next to him and was quiet for a first few days but idk how but we started talking and talked more as he was in, science,maths,PE/health. he honestly seemed like the nicest person I've met, i didn't know at the time but i liked him more than a friend, i hated what i was feeling and tried to watch straight porn to make me forget about it but it didn't work so i ignored it, it was always at the back of my mind but was fading. A teacher asked me with ' this kid ' was my brother i said yeah and Robert had a semi shocked facial expression because my brother played basketball with robs group during both lunches and few days after that banteroasting became a thing. it was funny at first and i did it back a few times when it first started but over time it got to a point where he would just bag out every insecurity he could find, a normal person would've ended the friendship or whatever but i didn't want to lose him at that stage, he bagged me out for having my brother as a brother because he was always screaming across the quads and roaring at people like actually roaring like shrek. i copped this whenever i was with him and he was an asshole some times like straight up and it hurt cause it just reminded me of James like one time he said he was gonna snob ( ignore ) me irl and he didn't talk to me for the rest of the day and he would always call me his shadow or a lost puppy and while it was true i still took all this and just shoved my emotions down even further, i had no one else to sit with or hang out with during lunches other than Robert, i didn't even play basketball i just sat down and sometimes got hit by the ball. it was too awkward for me to play as my YOUNGER brother was more manly than me and taller and knew how to play and i was scared he would roast me and he did, he roasted me a lot of times and Robert's group still had dickheads in it and when the ones i was really scared of came i went to hiding and just sat back down and didn't speak. he wasn't always like this, in year 9 snow camp me, him and a few others didn't go and we had to stay at school for the days the year was gone for, the room behind us was empty and the teacher was late so me him and 3 others went in and just sat or talked and the others got caught and it was just me and him. i liked it when we were alone because i knew he was always nice to me when we were alone idk why but he just was like the swimming carnival i wasn't going to go but he was thankful i went for him and we had a nice time just sitting ig) anyways we talked for a bit or just sat around on the cabinets or chairs, i went and sat on the floor against the wall and idk how it got brought up but Robert asked me how big my dick was, i went uhhm and never answered i said why and he said idk from my memory and subject got changed. i always thought he was straight that's why i tried to hide my feelings, but after that it always had me wondering, a lot of straight guys say or do sus stuff all the time, like 2 from my maths class wanked off in the same bed just under covers so it wasn't gay but idk if that was him just asking in general or what. those few nice times were the best times with him, i always felt good on those days but the others made me feel like shit, not just by him but from many others. sports me and him did laser tag but he would sit with my brother on the bus and tell me to go sit by myself and i hated it but then he'd only talk to me during sports. im not innocent either, i started being an asshole to others around me in classes because it made Robert laugh most of the time and i was cheeky with my science teacher and it was funny for everyone but i did it mainly to make rob laugh and stuff. in my classes where he wasn't in i began to be rude towards the friends of the ppl who bullied me from the start as a way to get payback or something but i become rude and i didn't care. at the end of year 9 in the xmas holidays everything Robert had said or done and the others including my brother, i was just reflecting on what everyone did to me and i wrote a suicide letter and really wanted to kill myself before the start of year 10 because i couldn't take it any longer. obviously i didn't but the thing that stopped me was rob, back of my head kept telling me ' what if he likes me back or what if he's nice once highschools over ' he didn't do nothing and didn't know how i felt but after yr 9 i knew i liked him and tried to give him hints at the start of yr 10 whenever i would sit next to him, slightly brush my my leg against his slowly and gently and if he moves it i said sorry but a few times he didn't, i'd always say the " you're such a great friend " a few times and " i like talking to you " stuff like that. i hung out with his group ( brother was in it as well ) so it was really awkward but idk why i just took photos of everything in late yr 9 and 10 and i got some photos of him and would jerk off to them.. and fantasise just of his face and stuff, ik im weird. i found a new group tho a couple and they seemed nice but it was only a lie, eventually i mainly sat with them and they talked A LOT of shit about everyone and they eventually made a gc on sc about talking shit about our year and teachers and i became cheeky with them before and wed roast ppl amongst ourselves causally. in the gc i said a lot and a lot of it was extreme but i didn't mean any of it and they dead ass knew too and they'd say some fucked up shit. we all laughed and knew we were all joking to each other but i got angry at a teacher and wrote about it on my private story and saying racist stuff about her and the girl in the couple took photos of that and only the parts i said in the gc that i said so even the out of context parts. they used a laptop camera to screenshot the messages and didn't do anything for about 15 weeks, and i was just hated by a lot of people and didn't care, i had another group as well the anime weird ppl thought they were nice but i was falling for 2 of them as well but nothing compared to rob.
mid year, term 2 i get a text asking if im gonna to school by the male from the couple, i ask ye why and he doesn't respond and i get to school and i get slammed into a wall and told im fucked and acted like i didn't care but my anxiety began to spike the boy who texted me sat next to me in roll call and acted like he knew nothing and the boys friends with the kid who slammed me laughed and looked at me and i told myself nothing happened and it was fine for the first 2 periods then in 3rd before lunch people started chucking food and paper balls at me, calling me harsh things because of my pimply face, i couldn't concentrate that lesson i was shaking and once the bell went i went to the art room but there was no teachers just kids from different years sitting there i sat and went on my phone shaking, the couple and rob saw me in the room and then left and towards the end of lunch the boy who slammed me and his big group comes to the door and goes completely off at me and i just awkwardly smiled at my phone and they walked off and then the bell went the other 2 boys i liked showed up cause they FORGOT that i asked them to meet me there and then we walked out of the room and i walked around the corner and got slammed into the wall yet again and they started " confronting " me about some of the screenshots the main thing that group was concerned about was me saying this about one of them " i hate nick because he won't stfu about malta " they said shit like why you disrespecting malta and his culture and i fucking laughed on the spot, i couldn't explain myself but im in nick's rollcall and theres a map and his dumbass always every second day istfg says " lets finda malta " in a dumb vocie and takes forever to find that tiny fucking country even though teachers and himself have found it countless times and its always pissed me off so they were pressed about that mainly i mean ye the screenshots did say " kys " about someone so YES that's harsh but i was literally gonna kms and on the verge so i didn't care and it was about a teacher so they didn't even see it but it's still wrong and i still feel shitty. During this confrontation idk who but some bitch kicked my leg and a fucking popper or can was thrown at me cause i got some concerning liquid on my WHITE school uniform and then the bell, this was outside a teacher staffroom... they didn't do shit fuck them. after the bell i went to the 2 boys who went to the room at the last second and they ignored me, they fucking ignored me and pushed past me and then the girl from the couple said what happened i lost my voice and nearly cried, i didn't realise she sent them, i walked to my class like nothing happened, i texted the girl and she ignored then i went on a kids sc and messaged her and she talked until i said " it's me " and then she didnt respond. i got pulled out of class to my deputy and a teacher did see it but it was the uni teacher so ig she was nervous to stop what was happening when it was her vs a lot of boys, deputy asked me a lot of shit i was still shaking and scared shit less and didn't say the names of the people who did it, i said what happened but not the names i was told to go back to the staffroom after lesson as it was lunch 2 right after ( early day ) i headed up towards it and 2 girls asked if i was hiding i stuttered every word and said " getting uh uh work uh " they went okay and i got to the room, the deputy and vice principal came to get me and i told the vp what went down and she asked me the names and i still was scared, i didn't say a lot, the main ones, and she guessed i was lying and called the names. got sent home, blocked a lot, excpe the couple stupidly because idk why is till didn't put the pieces together and i told them that the police could get involved if the school wants too but i don't think they really would've but they told people and then rob messaged me went off at me saying that if the police got called in then theyd show the screenshots of me talking bad about a few people and why they should kms and i went off at him saying like why hes doing this cause he just reminded me of james, exactly like james. made me sick, i didn't care that i could get in trouble for what i did or what had happened completely i cried because i knew i was losing him, we argued a bit more and told both each together to kms. 2 days go by and i was suspended along with a few other people including the girl, which she talked way more shit than me but i didn't want to expose her when i could've she sent a long text and said that " it was too much " even tho she was the person bringing ideas about her ' friends " and the only reason she apologised is because she got in trouble. i blocked nearly everyone from that school and didn't go to school until term 3 so 5-6 weeks later.
i started at a new highschool much further away from me as the closer schools were worse than the last plus all the primary schools kids went there. i had to catch trains to get to this school and first day wasn't too bad. got a rushed tour because a kid didn't want to miss music, he did and got mad at ME and then introduced me to his group and only 1/9 said hi the others stared i got nervous. didn't get offered a seat and the rest of the day was fine, this school was fucking massive, over 1200+ kids and the biggest agriculture area of a school in the region so i was glad i went there. the teachers here actually taught and were nice. kids for the start didn't try and pick on me it was fun, my anxiety was more known to me and i was still shaking really bad especially in science cause nobody talked to me, i was shaking as if i was naked in a blizzard so many goosebumps. weeks pass and i still have photos of Robert and of the old school. i didn't delete them cause i didn't want to lose him for good. i still jerked off a lot, dreamed, cried, and just pretended he was here with me and made scenarios as im awake and it's like he's right in front of me but i didn't want to lose him. i joined quite a bit of groups at the 2nd highschool trying to look for kids with personalities similar to Robert or the "close" friends i had. i deleted them during agriculture and i was sad but i knew it was the right thing to do, i mean he doesn't care so why should i? he's doing fine. i always asked my brother how he was doing and stuff he never relaly told me much just jokingly said stuff like "do u have like a crush on him or something?" i was playing a random rust server and just talking shit about my last school "fuck *school* mutts" and i saw Robert in it, he said my name? and i said rob? and then i went oh fuck and then said i was sorry for everything and he said sorry as well and then we added each other again and then i told him all about my school and tried to make it seem like i was doing great and it was a better school (still public) and he was always like "nice" etc. at the second school i started discovering my sexuality and i guess im bi-sexual i like girls but i was only in love with Robert. I've never loved or been loved by anyone other than my family but it was different with him. I've always wanted hang out with him even at the first school, he never went out a lot only once that i know of and he offered but is aid no because it was with his horrible friends. i did walk home to his home one time and it looked amazing and he told me to text him if someone was following me or whatever that made me nervous inside and i remember went red because it was really sweet but i really wanted to see him and a it was nice but he said something can't remember what but it triggered me and it made me remembered all the times he was rude asf to me whilst playing rust in the past and so i did a real shitty thing. after the whole first school drama i waited till he went to bed and logged into his steam account and deleted around 83 dollars worth of skins.. i tried to trade them to myself so i could like just talk to him about everything idk what i was expecting but i deleted them and then logged into his sc by guessing the password and just blocked everyone. he asked me and told me to be 100% honest and i lied. that was then but i posted a video of me deleting his skins and i had hours to delete it but he saw it in the morning when i was sleeping my regrets away and he said like "i knew it" and asked why and i was so out of it and just yelled at him basically saying i trusted him and shit and he said he didn't care cause he had earned it all back and more on some skin gamble website (rustypot?) and then we blocked our socials and never spoke on disc or steam again. he did call me once on discord probably to annoy me but we still have each other to this day on steam and hes asked a few times for the skins and ive just typed long messages etc and deleted them. i miss him, i really miss him i cry day and night and dream about him and i think im obsessed sometimes but i tell myself it's just love? i was always the quiet kid at the 2nd school and didn't have much friends and people began to bully me and call me faggot and threaten to bash me again. my sleep, depression got worse and back in 1019 November, i hung out with one of the other 2 i liked and his name is Reuben, he only hung out because i said i'd pay then told me we're not watching these movies because he wanted to see it with family, he wanted to leave early for a better friend but i bought him food instead and yeah, his bday was coming up, and due to train and bus times i left early and bought his box and added like hard to find chocolate and $60 in cash and more food and a card with $20 the card was full of great things about him and he stood me up. even when we discussed about it 3 times the night before i sat up in his area for 3 hrs cause i was nervous his bus was late or whatever and he was just gonna be around the corner, he never responded till i got home which was around 6- pm as i got home, i hid the gifts under my bed from mum who was excited i still had a friend. i kept asking when he was going to get it he gave me the usual response "IDK, maybe, idk, someday" it was in my house for a MONTH a fucking month in my fridge or under my bed, i wasted so much money on him and he sometimes ignroed me for days and told me he didn't actually like me and i sent him a long message on ending the "friendship" and he left me on seen. my depression got worse and sleeping was utterly shit. anxiety spiked but it settled down at the start of 2020 for a few weeks. before covid lock downs in March my anxiety for some reason got severe and it made me feel like i was about to piss myself so id move my legs and anything to stop me from thinking i need to pee even tho i didn't need to, pinched myself to stop shaking and the girl next to me moved seats lessons after and made my anxiety much worse and i had to get early marks because it was too much for me and had days off and then online school started once covid hit Australia, it was really interesting but i enjoyed it we had very few calls and i slept in and did the work later or on another day but geography had like 40 min call and at the end i was too anxious to use my mic to ask questions about my assessment task and i asked the kids to ask for me and they didn't they roasted me and the teacher didn't know how to fully work it so he didn't do much and after he left the kids continued to roast me so i left and just acted like nothing happened. after the lockdowns are eased we returned back to normal school, except for me. didn't return for over a month, i only came for a 3 period day and just talked to teachers and then once again 1 day later for work as the school knew i was doing it from home, i had to do calls with headspace, school councillors, teachers and explain to them why im not coming back, they were thoughtful and said take as long as i need and they wish to see me again etc. my teachers were nice and didn't make me read cause they knew i was scared. ive been doing school from home for months know and its better but i'm scared to go outside, ive only been out for those 2 times, therapy and doctors appointments. i haven't spoken to a single kid irl or from school since march 12th(my bday which no one wished me a happy bday) life's gotten progressively worse for me and i don't see a future at all, i don't work because my anxiety is too much, i slack a bit in school atm Robert still has me on steam and that's messing with me because it tells me that he'll block me once i give his skins back but another part of me tells me that he either doesn't care or still likes me somehwere deep down. i still create scenarios every night, and i relive moments from the past wishing i could change everything, i like to my therapist saying i don't plan on killing myself but it's tough. Robert's the only thing keeping me going because of the "what if". i was going to wait until his birthday in January and give him a letter that I've been writing for months with $50 in it and then skins back with another $50 on steam and tell him how sorry i am. idk what to do i could give it to my brother or just message it online to him. idk what to do with life anymore, i'll never find someone like him again, i love him and won't get over him, won't find someone else to love, won't lose my virginity unless it's with him, i love him in ways nobody would fully understand, "Robert" if you're reading this. i'm so fucking sorry and i wish i could've met you differently or we had a different outcome.
my sleeping schedule getting better with help of therapy and i got my letters for my brand new school (online) distance education so hopefully it will be a good time for the remaining parts of school, the 'friends" at the 2nd school unadded me about a month i left, no texts, nothing. i don't think anyone will relate to this or me but there's so much more i would've said but didn't see where to add it. Should i try and reconnect with him even tho knowing him won't get anything? just need some help. sorry for bothering you guys with this long story but :/ my sister tells me it's different with work but all the people ill work with in my head tells me that they'll have a childhood friend or a great few friends from highschool, i won't ever get that. I'm Sorry ( also even before year 9-10 drama my year 8 class had a sc account and i was told to kill myself by the boys in it and there's just details like that where i missed to add )
submitted by ihave0friends16 to u/ihave0friends16 [link] [comments]

Should I cancel my trip to the UK from Malta?

Malta was doing really well with the virus until very recently when cases have risen rapidly (for us). Back when we were doing well, I booked a trip to visit my great aunt in the UK, who is looking for company after my uncle died before lockdown (non-COVID related). I’m due to fly out in 2 days and at this point I’m technically able to, but along with the UK threatening to enforce a quarantine from Malta, I’m nervous about accidentally spreading the virus (don’t think I have it, but between now and then you just never know). My aunt is very keen to get me over and have the company (I’m there for 6 days) but I’m just so unsure of what to do. Should I still go? I’m so back and forth on this. Don’t want to disappoint her, also don’t want to contribute to the spread. Thanks in advance!
submitted by _mschanandlerbong to Advice [link] [comments]

No events in Malta (Again)

Last weekend we did not have a Gengar hat raid day in Malta (Europe), fast forward to a few days, we did not get a spotlight hour and no raid hour. (And unfortunately this will probably keep on going with other upcoming events). I am aware that other close countries had a similar issue, but I trust this was recently fixed, and if not, I would like to raise awareness.
We believe this was caused because of our close geological proximity to Italy but Malta has nothing to do with Italy, we have 0 coronavirus cases, let alone a lockdown.
I’m raising this issue here in hopes that this gets some attention and hopefully we get an official explanation. We tried to contact Niantic about this matter, but all we got is the usual clueless automated messages.
It’s not fair to announce events and then find out we weren’t included, as this is causing a lot of confusion and planning issues in the community.
5/3/20 UPDATE: Seems like the situation got worse, we lost the PVP/Lures bonus which at first, we thought the issue was fixed. Its 6:20 and no sign of Mystery Bonus hour, yet we still got the in game notification. Can someone look into this?
submitted by xcroptic to TheSilphRoad [link] [comments]

What are the Reasons to Invest in the Online Poker Gaming Industry?

Recent report revealed the increase in the amount of time people spend on online gaming has brought resurgence in online poker games. During lockdowns, 40 million people around 7.0 percent of the total adult population played poker regularly. Online poker websites have seen an increase in traffic by 43 percent during the shutdown. In the last few years, Poker also witnessed the wide increase in acceptance and popularity in the USA, the UK, UAE, China, and other European nations like Italy, Israel, Spain, Malta, etc. Let’s figure out why the players are preferring the online poker games and making it a business with investing.

Responsible gaming is the need of the hour

Seeing the growing addiction to other online multiplayer games, responsible gaming programs have become a critical part of everyday business practices for poker game development company among the online gaming industry.

Device Fragmentation

The online poker gaming industry has witnessed a boom when the affordable and smartphone scene made it big in the online poker gaming market. In terms of revenue, online multiplayer games such as online poker games have dominated the grossing charts and grew the revenue of poker game development company.

Ageing Customers

The aging group of the population who played Super Mario and Pacman while growing up. They are preferring poker than others because of its increased accessibility to online poker games websites. The poker software developers or poker game development company are trying to create such poker game software that has the ability to access the game just at a tap at the screen.

Low Infrastructural Cost

Before starting any online poker business, it is mandatory to confirm whether they have licensed for poker game software in their locals or not before integrating the poker game development software in your website with the help of poker software developer. Though acquiring the license can be a very lengthy procedure still, it is one of the basic requirements before starting your poker websites. With the conceptualization of poker game software, the infrastructure cost has been reduced to its minimal. You can buy poker game or rent poker for the poker websites.

Larger Target Audience

This increased popularity and traffic has attracted the global customers that is why players are preferring the online poker game and this surge increase in the numbers can see the foresee the future of poker software where they are running a successful online poker business.


The online gaming industry prefers games online and formal rather over traditional sports for its poker scalable website solution

The Growth Story

Over the years, the poker game has brought approximately 10000 eventually 8 million people are playing poker games regardless of age group. During the lockdown, they are more invested in online poker games that are why we have seen such crazy growth among the peers to start and invest into a poker software business.
Source: https://pokermoogley.com/blog/what-are-the-reasons-to-invest-in-the-online-poker-gaming-industry/
submitted by Pokermoogley to u/Pokermoogley [link] [comments]

From the Diary of Kay Elbreth Part 11.1: Mr. Boswell and the Judge

Note: This is a work of fiction. Names of individuals are fictitious and any resemblence to people alive or dead is coincidential.
It has been two days since Mallone went to Corradino to talk to that wicked woman. Mallone played the recordings and we realized that the recordings were not helpful for us and that Consuela did not say anything except for wasting Mallone's time. We had an appointment with Mr. Boswell and the Judge at an office located in Merchants Street in Valletta and we had to leave within the next thirty minutes to avoid arriving late.
The coronavirus cases were going down, zero new cases for almost a week and that the partial lockdown was getting lifted slowly but that does not mean that we cannot get in an office without a mask. Mallone told us that Father John, Fenice and Gabriel are about to meet at a cafe in Valletta. Mallone asked me and Melyan to be ready as that day is going to be full of tension. Mallone revealed that Mr. Boswell was on the Lucy Fare Case and he was on her legal team. As the court case has been reopened, I had to be careful what I write in my diary.
Mallone, Melyan and I went to her car and we left to Valletta. Mallone was at the wheel and left Naxxar off the Valletta. We encountered traffic on our way to Iklin as road works were still taking place there and I even witnessed a road rage incident too but it did not last long as a traffic warden seperated them preventing the worst possible scenario. Some of the Maltese drivers are high tempered and life is very fast here, it was like crazy. Cars coming out of nowhere and some of them were driving like crazy. I remembered when I was in Abu Dhabi where the driving there is crazy, seriously. I remember when I had to go to Dubai to catch a flight to Moscow and the taxi driver prevented a collision by doing a dangerous manuver. I thought that I was going to meet Saint Peter. Malta is no exception, some of them drove like those drivers in Abu Dhabi. I saw some of them not using an indicator when crossing lanes, people jaywalking and not using the zebra crossing and people using their phones whether its a call or a text. Jesus Christ.
Mallone drove through the bypass and stayed on the left lane to a roundabout. It was not just a roundabout but a skatepark. She took the third exit and drove down the street. The lights were green. We were at Msida and she took the main road to Valletta. The chaotic driving still prevailed. I asked myself "How the hell do people drive like that?" and she took the first exit. She passed from a hilly road that led to the Police Depot, the main headquarters of the police and she went streight towards a car park to park her car. She drove into the car park and had to go down three floors to park the car as the first two floors were for members only. She parked the car in the first parking space she can find and she switched off the engine. Mallone kept the ticket in her wallet and said "Welcome to Valletta".
We walked towards the nearest elevator and took it to go the upper floors. There was no one in the lift so once the lift took us upstairs, the doors opened and we started to walk our way towards Merchant Street. Mallone's phone rang and it was a call from Father John. "We are at the Caffe Cordina taking coffee and some pastizzi\*. We will be waiting for you there, see you" and the call ended.
Valletta is beautiful but I am looking forward to learn more about the case...
To be continued....
*pastizzi is a Maltese traditional snack and street food. They are avaliable in two fillings; peas and ricotta. Depending on location, in Australia there is a cornocopia of flavors from sweet to savory
submitted by BogatyrOfMurom to melixuernarrative [link] [comments]


DTG (Dart Group) is the parent company of jet2.I'v already gained a huge amount with DTG as I have held them since 2019 and bought more in the crash when they hit £3.5.
Relative Valuation
This is pre-covid earnings. Relative valuation won't be too useful here if you haven't been keeping track of jet2 (dart group). The reason being is that this is pre-covid earnings result so it looks better than it should be.Also, Thomas Cook went bust in Oct. 2019 which is absolutely huge because Thomas Cook was massive and a main competitor to jet2 which is why DTG spiked huge late 2019 and this relative valuation doesn't reflect that.
Intrinsic Valuation (DCF)
They are still hugely undervalued imo.DCF Model using Aswath Damoradan template: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zSCEN-0BM8ulxAW67tZjARIXsx82iCr1/view?usp=sharing
The currency says USD everewhere but it's actually in GBP because I don't know how to change it efficiently for every cell.
I'v also converted operating leases to debt as best I could.The only iffy part is the ROIC may be too high and the sales to capital ratio slightly too high. Even so it's got a huge margin of safety.
The Story
DTG was growing huge before COVID, especially due to the Thomas Cook bust in Oct 2019 when a huge competitors was taken out of the picture. I think the next year will hurt DTG heavily as COVID hurts all airlines but DTG has a good balance sheet relative to others, huge cash and liquidity that can last until Paril 2021 worst case scenario without flying. This DCF model assums DTG can fly this summer from July 1st to the majority of it's pre-COVID destinations including spain and greece which are it's biggest destinations. Profit growth for 31st March 2020 was up 50% YoY, mostly due to holidays and Thomas Cook's bust.
Once COVID subsides I expect the profit growth will be very good, I put 20% expected growth for 2021/2022/2023/2024 but DTG could very well beat this given it's 31st March profit update. Jet2holidays are it's biggest profit maker representing around 50% of bookings and its higher margin business than compared to normal flights.
It's competitive advantage is it's low prices, package holidays, customer service and focus on sea and sun. It's fleet is quite old compared to rivals so hopefully it uses the pandemic to get rid of older models. The risk of DTG failing I assume as of today is around 10% due to the risk of another UK lockdown and COVID outbreaks going into 2021.
Jet2 Routes
Destinations Country
Alicante 9 England 262
Almeria 8 Scotland 67
Amsterdam 1 UK Total 329
Antalya 9 Spain 115
Barcelona 4 Greece 61
Bergerac 4 France 21
Berlin 2 Portugal 17
Birmingham 47 Italy 28
Bodrum 8 Netherlands 1
Bourgas 9 Turkey 35
Budapest 6 Germany 2
Corfu 9 Bulgaria 9
Crete (Chania) 4 Hungary 6
Crete (Heraklion) 9 Croatia 20
Dalaman 9 Swizerland 7
Dubrovnik 9 Channel Islands 1
East Midlands 35 Poland 6
Edinburgh 35 Cyprus 18
Faro 9 Malta 8
Fuerteventure 9 USA 6
Geneva 7 Czech Republic 6
Glasgow 32 Austria 15
Girona 9 Total Excl UK 382
Gran Canaria 9
Grenoble 7
Ibiza 9
Izmir 9
Jersey 1
Kefalonia 6
Kos 8
Krakow 6
La Rochelle 3
Lanzarote 9
Larnaca 9
Leeds Bradford 52
London Stansted 44
Lyon 2
Maderia 8
Majorca 9
Malaga 9
Malta 8
Manchester 50
Menorca 9
Murcia 4
Naples 7
Newcastle 34
New York 6
Nice 4
Paphos 9
Paris 1
Pisa 5
Prague 6
Pula 5
Reus 9
Rhodes 9
Rome 5
Salzburg 8
Split 6
Tenerife 9
Thessaloniki 7
Turin 4
Venice 4
Verona 7
Vienna 7
Zante 9
- A second wave of COVID forces a lockdown of UK (unlikely, UK gov has said they are going to do regional lockdowns, not whole country this time)
- DTG won't be able to fly in July 1st and will miss summer season. If this happens it will hurt their cash pile a lot as DTG it profitable in summer and not in winter. Still, even in this scenario they shouldn't go bust as they can last until April 2021 not flying worst case. If this does happen though, Dart Groups creditors may force them to raise more equity before lending any money and dilute shareholders huge (DTG cost of equity is really big so this is not good). This is what happened recently when they raised 20% equity.
I estimated that DTG now has 10% chance of going bust or shareholders getting diluted completely. I factored that into the DCF.
Intrinsic price: £16.66
Margin of safety: 66%
I put my money where my mouth is. DTG is an 18% of my portfolio and it was a much bigger slice than that when it was at it's all time lows.
submitted by lemonade311 to Undervalued [link] [comments]

From the Diary of Kay Elbreth Part 10.2: A Visit to Corradino (cont.)

Note: This is a work of fiction. Names of individuals are fictitious and any resemblence to people alive or dead is coincidential.
It was almost noon, we were chilling near the beach known by the locals as Saint George's Bay. It was quiet and had a few swimmers swimming in wetsuits as the partial lockdown was not lifted yet but discussions were underway by the Maltese government. Mallone looked at her phone to know the opening hours of Corradino and she asserted that only one person is allowed to visit an inmate due to the pandemic. "Shit, what were gonna do?" I said and Mallone was thinking about what she is going to do, she thought of using a portable voice recorder to record the conversation. I knew that this type of work was not our job but we try our best to delve deeper even though we were not police officers. Mallone remembered that the voice recorder was still in her bag as she used to use it to record entire lessons at university.
"So we're going to Corradino, right?" Melyan asked
"Yes but only one of us has to enter" she said
"Shall we speak to the warden to give us permission as this is a serious case?" I asked
"I think a question like that will be in vain, we are not police officers" Melyan said and she offered us drinks. I took a glass of apple juice. Mallone took a can of bitter lemon and Melyan took a can of sparkling water. Mallone was reading the Times of Malta from her phone and she followed a criminal case so keenly that she spoke of it whenever she has an update. Is Mallone really a investgative journalist or just a sleuth like us? All I know that Mallone is a qualified journalist. She happened to be an investigative journalist and she asserted that she helped the police on that criminal case as she was the one who supplied them with evidence that she can find. "I used to hack computers in the past, Kay. It's illegal, I know but I used to do it to spill the beans of law breaking people to the police. I had a nick-name; I was once known as the "papersleuth" and was praised from the authorities even though they did not know my real name. That was the username I used back them, Kay. It's illegal but sometimes it can work wonders especially on a criminal case" Mallone said and I asked her if she is still doing it. "I still do it but not as much like before" she answered and Melyan brought the drinks to us. They were nice and cold. It was June and summers in Malta are very hot and humid. We drank our drinks and enjoyed the view before the sun gets even hotter. It was almost ten and the sun was getting hot. We see a lot of people in swim suits and we left as the beach has the tendency to get crowded and we did not want to risk getting infected with that godforsaken virus.
We walked towards Melyan's car which was parked near the entrance of a villa known as Villa Rosa. Melyan asked us to wait as the doors on the passenger side did not open as it was parked very close to the wall. She started the engine and drove her car out of the parking space. We got into the car and left.
Melyan drove towards Pembroke and as she was driving, I have seen a half demolished building and Mallone told me that it was once the campus of the Tourism Institute and that some greedy businessman wanted to build a monster of a hotel but after several objections, the permit was rejected. She said that Malta needs more of a lung than a hotel and as Melyan drove her way towards Pembroke, she passed through the Coast Road then headed streight towards Burmarrad then passed through Mosta to head to Paola.
As Melyan was driving, I was almost asleep and slept in the car for almost half an hour until a pothole woke me up. I asked Mallone where we were and she said that we are in Tarxien and that we will soon be in Corradino which is just a stretch away from where we were. Melyan drove and we arrived at Corradino. Corradino is a prison, one of the largest prisons in the country and the only one. I noticed the architecture was more British and according to Mallone, the prison housed almost six hundred inmates, men, women and juvenile offenders. Mallone asserts that the juvenile offenders will soon be moved in another detention facility, they had finished almost two years ago in the vicinities of Rabat. Corradino was more like a maximum security prison by the standards of my country. It has a massive green door and only one door was opened. Mallone had her voice recorder in her pocket and she started recording before she entered and no one noticed her doing that.
We'll see what we are about to learn from this lifer only Mallone's visit counts now...
To be continued....
submitted by BogatyrOfMurom to melixuernarrative [link] [comments]

Weekly visa, travel & quarantine restrictions updates:

  1. Myanmar extends entry restrictions for travellers to June 15 to contain COVID-19 spread
  2. Number of EU Countries asking travellers for COVID-19 negative test results is on the rise
  3. EU citizens can now enter the Czech Republic for up to 72 hours to work, meet family
  4. Effective 1 June 2020 Flights to Virgin Isl. (USA) will be resuming.
  5. Passengers and airline crew will be placed in quarantine for 14 days in Uruguay
  6. Flights to Guinea-Bissau are suspended.
  7. Malta: Passengers and airline crew must self-quarantine for 14 days.
  8. Switzerland: Until and including 07.06.2020, passengers can only land at Basel (BSL), Geneva (GVA) or Zurich (ZRH).
  9. INDIA: Passengers are required to undergo mandatory quarantine for 14 days.
  10. USA: Passengers who have transited or have been in Brazil are not allowed to enter.
  11. Maldives mulls to reopen in July but going there will be more expensive
  12. Travelers from 24 european countries can enter Lithuania without being quarantined
  13. Italy: first to lock down in Europe, is slowly reopening, welcoming back tourists
  14. Azerbaijan exempts Turkish citizens from visa
  15. Armenia, Iran reinstate visa-free regime
  16. Armenian citizens with ordinary passports may travel to China from June 1
  17. St. Kitts and Nevis Prepares to Welcome Tourists Post-Pandemic
  18. Spain confirms tourists can visit from July 1
  19. Japan to expand entry ban to visitors from India, 10 others
  20. Vietnam to resume e-visa issuance in July
  21. Estonia’s opens for EU & UK citizens from June 1 with no Quarantine requirements.
  22. The US gives 60 day H-1B Visa holders and Green card applicants
  23. Coronavirus spread 'still accelerating' in Brazil, Peru, Chile: WHO
  24. New Zealand expects plan for safe travel with Australia in June
  25. EU Commission Vice President Criticizes “Mini-Schengen” Ideas
  26. Canada to keep its border closed until late June — here’s what you need to know
  27. S.Korea says long-term visa holders must have medical examinations before returning
  28. US demands review of WHO's handling of COVID-19 starts now, seeks reforms
  29. Poland’s government has decided to exempt from the mandatory quarantine citizens who cross the Polish border for professional, business, economic or educational purpose.
  30. Russia and Palestine reach agreement on visa free travel for diplomatic passport holders
  31. Thailand to extend coronavirus emergency to end of June
  32. COVID-19: Spain allows outdoor dining again in Madrid and Barcelona
  33. UK to introduce 14-day quarantine for international arrivals
  34. Estonia to reopen its borders to EU/Schengen residents from Monday, June 1
  35. Trump Issues Suspension on Immigration in Response to COVID-19
  36. Germany Advises Poland and Czech Republic to Reopen Borders
  37. Maldives govt waives off visa fines
  38. Jordan imposes three-day lockdown with resurgence of coronavirus cases
  39. 11 EU Countries Agree on Coordinated approach for restoration of free movement and travel
  40. All entering Malaysia from June 1 must agree to pay for mandatory Covid-19 quarantine before trip
  41. Iceland, Iran, Ireland (Rep.), Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland or in the United Kingdom (excluding overseas territories outside of Europe), in the past 14 days are not allowed to enter the USA.
  42. Effective 1 June 2020, residents of Korea (Rep.) must have a Re-Entry Permit and a medical certificate.
Compiled from several Foreign ministry & news articles websites. Visa permission , Quarantine requirements & flights opening MAP is coming soon. If you wanna help please message me :) Thank you 🙏🙏😍😍
submitted by dsoomro to digitalnomad [link] [comments]

borders are reopen want travel again see the countries

Nevertheless, European countries have started to ease lockdown measures, and border restrictions, in preparation for the return of domestic and international tourists.
Travel restrictions and safety measures are constantly changing.
Here’s what we know so far about borders reopening across Europe.

Which European countries have reopened their borders after lockdown?



Cross-border travel has been allowed primarily with neighboring countries from June 4. Borders opened with Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary on June 15. Austria also reopened its border with Italy from June 16. There are no restrictions now with most countries from the EU. However, people from the UK, Sweden, and Portugal, as well as the Gütersloh district in Germany must still show a medical certificate and self-isolate upon arrival. Countries outside the Schengen area are not allowed to enter by air. Bars, hotels, and restaurants in the country are open.
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Belgium has reopened its borders with the European Union, as well as the UK and the four other countries in the Schengen area: Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway. People do not need to quarantine or present a health certificate upon arrival. However, outside the Schengen zone, non-essential travel is still banned.
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Bulgaria’s borders have been open since June 1 to EU countries, as well as the UK, San Marino, Andorra, Monaco, the Vatican, Serbia, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro. Family members of Bulgarian citizens are also allowed to join. However, people who enter the country from the UK, Belgium, Portugal, and Sweden still have to self-isolate upon arrival for 14 days.
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Since June 15, Croatia’s borders have been open to all EU countries – with no quarantine required. Parks, shops, museums, hotels and outdoor restaurants and bars are now open. Travelers from North Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo and Bosnia have had to quarantine since June 25.
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📷Cyprus opened its borders on June 9. People arriving in the country from Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Switzerland have no restrictions on travel. Travelers from Israel, Poland, and Romania, must show a health certificate upon arrival dating from the previous three days. travelers from other European countries, including the UK, are not allowed except in exceptional circumstances, with government approval.
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Czech Republic

Borders with Austria and Germany opened on June 5. travelers from Slovakia, Hungary, Finland, Norway, and eastern and Baltic member states, can enter the country without restrictions. However, for other countries, including France, Italy, and Spain, a health certificate is required on entry. People arriving from the UK and Sweden are required to test and quarantine.
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Denmark’s borders have reopened to people from the UK, Norway, Switzerland and every EU country other than Sweden and Portugal, but the country has said this could change.
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travelers from the EU, and the Schengen area, including the UK, are allowed to enter Estonia – although travel documents and medical symptoms are checked upon arrival. People from countries with high coronavirus infection rates are required to quarantine for two weeks.
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People from Scandinavian and Baltic countries other than Sweden have been allowed into Finland since June 15. People coming from Sweden are still subject to border checks. Restrictions for people coming from Germany, Italy, Austria, Greece, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Ireland, Cyprus and Croatia are set to end on July 13. British people can go to Finland for work or other “essential” reasons.
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📷Borders have reopened for travelers from EU countries, as well as Andorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, Switzerland and the Vatican. However, travelers from the UK and Spain are asked to voluntarily quarantine. France has opened its borders to people from 15 non-EU countries from July 1.
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German borders reopened on June 15 for travelers from the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and the UK. The country has said that people who travel outside the EU and come back to Germany must self-isolate for 14 days.
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Tourists from EU countries have been allowed to enter Greece from June 15. Essential travel only from Albania and North Macedonia is allowed, and there is still a travel ban on passengers from the UK and Turkey.
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Borders have been open with the entire EU and European Economic Area (EEA; excluding the UK) since June 21. Ukrainians are also allowed to enter for 24 hours, as long as they stay within 30km of the border.
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The government has re-opened its borders to EU and UK travelers on June 15 – although tourists are tested upon arrival. The test costs about £90, but children born in or after 2005 are exempt.
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📷Ireland requires everyone arriving in the country – except people from Northern Ireland – to self-isolate for 14 days upon arrival, including Irish residents.
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Borders have reopened to tourists from the EU, UK, Schengen area, Andorra, Monaco, the Vatican City and San Marino on June 3. travelers from these countries are not required to quarantine unless they have been in any other country in the 14 days before arriving in Italy. Restaurants are allowed to sell takeaway food, parks are open; bars, restaurants, museums, and non-essential shops have reopened.
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Latvia has opened its borders to residents of EU and EEA countries, as well as Switzerland. travelers are not required to quarantine if the country has had fewer than 15 coronavirus cases per 100,000 population over the previous 14 days.
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Lithuania’s borders with EU, EEA, Switzerland and the UK are open – unless the country has had more than 25 cases per 100,000 population over the past 14 days.
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Borders are open with Germany. Although travel has not been restricted with other European nations, travel from outside Europe is banned.
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📷Malta’s borders reopened from July 1 for Germany, Austria, Cyprus, Switzerland, the Italian islands of Sicily and Sardinia, Iceland, Slovakia, Norway, Denmark, Hungary, Finland, Ireland, Lithuania, Israel, Latvia, Estonia, Luxembourg, Czech Republic, Italy, France, Poland, Spain, Croatia, and Greece.
Restrictions on all other countries, like the UK, are set to be listed on July 15.
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EU and British citizens can enter the Netherlands – although people from the UK and Sweden are asked to quarantine upon arrival.
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Norway’s borders are closed, except for travelers from Denmark, Iceland and Finland.
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Borders for tourists from EU countries have opened from June 13 – with no quarantine required.
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Citizens of EU and Schengen area countries, including the UK, are allowed in the country – with no quarantine requirements.
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📷Russia said on June 8 it would partially reopen its borders for work, medical or studying purposes – but there is no set date for resuming international flights.
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Tourists from Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Croatia, Switzerland, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Norway, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Hungary are permitted without needing to quarantine. People from other EU, EEA, and Schengen area countries are still required to quarantine upon arrival.
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Slovakia has reopened its borders to Germany, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland since June 10. Some outdoor markets, shops, outdoor sports venues, outdoor tourist attractions, museums, outdoor bars and restaurants, galleries are open. Public transport and taxis are operating.
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Slovenia has reopened its borders to people from a number of countries, including Austria, Italy, Croatia, Montenegro and Hungary. People from countries with high coronavirus levels are required to quarantine.
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Spain has reopened its borders to all EU and Schengen area countries, and the UK – with no one required to self-isolate.
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📷Borders are open to EU countries and UK nationals. Limited flights are also operating between Stockholm and London. As Sweden never went into full lockdown, shops, hotels, restaurants, bars, and some museums are open.
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Border crossings to and from EU countries, the UK, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein are now permitted – without quarantine requirements.
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Turkey has opened its border to foreign travelers, except from its land border with Turkey. health checks may be required upon arrival.
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How long is the quarantine process?
Most countries are implementing a policy for new arrivals to quarantine themselves, or self-isolate, for 14 days.
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submitted by trivbo-com to u/trivbo-com [link] [comments]

My Story

Hello everyone.
I'm 26 years old and I'm currently in a really rough state in my life. This is my story.
Throughout my childhood I was dragged around by my mother, we moved very often to different counties each year, either down to me being kicked out of school or my mother finding a different job. I was a messed up kid, I had no friends and barely any family (Only really had my Nan and Grandad).
My mother was pretty much a selfish whore, in my early years I remember her being with roughly 8 different men, 3 of which she married. 3 of these men would physically abuse me and 1 tried to sexually abuse me.
Never had a father and never felt a relationship with my mother. I was always just shut away in my room. I ended up attempting my first suicide at 13 years old, I just couldn't handle my life anymore, I was tired of being alone and dragged around. I was severely underweight at 4 stone because I was taking ritalin for my ADHD which meant I hardly ever had an appetite. Turns out even a wardrobe railing can't support a 4 stone boy hanging by their neck for a long period of time.
My dream career was always to join the British Army. I was in a decent state of mind so at 16 I signed up, successfully passed all the tests with the exception of the medical. I'd recently recovered from a chest infection, so they deferred me for 2 years. This absolutely crushed my soul, there I was with an opportunity to get away from my shit life, then to suddenly have that taken away from me. It ruined me.
I moved away from my mother to take an apprenticeship in civil engineering, 1 year into this is when I fell into my second spell of depression. I stopped eating, I stopped sleeping and I stopped going to my course. My landlord hadn't heard from me in a few days, so he decided to come check up on me, as luck would have it, he let himself into my studio apartment as I was in the middle of slicing my arm open. I was rushed to hospital and ended up moving back in with my mother a few days later.
Finding work was difficult, after 4 months of searching I finally found an admin job. I also found my first girlfriend (Who I'm still with after nearly 9 years). 5 months into this job my mother gave me an ultimatum. She and her latest husband were moving to Malta. I was to either leave my job and my girlfriend to move with them or find my own place local to keep my job and stay with the girlfriend. Obviously I chose the latter. Me and my girlfriend moved into a privately rented apartment not too far away from my work (40 min walk).
2 years after this, I was made redundant from my job. Thus beginning my third and current spell of depression. I couldn't find work quick enough so we couldn't afford the rent (My partner was taking a college course in childcare so she had basically no income). Our landlady evicted us. We were paying her cash-in-hand as she didn't want to reveal the income to the government. Me and my partner moved in with her Auntie and Grandparents for the next 3 years. Not long after moving in, we were hit with a £3,000 council tax bill which our previous landlady passed on to us as she claimed we never paid her for it (The agreement was the rent we paid included all bills... Gas, electric, water and council tax). We tried to fight it but ultimately lost.
The next 6 months living with my partners family, I was in and out of temp work with agencies. Living there was horrible for me, because of how I have been most of my life, I spend most of my spare time on the PC playing games. But internet access through wifi was very restrictive. The modem was located in the Auntie's room. She claimed that the lights from the modem kept her away at night, so she would turn the modem off at roughly 9pm when she went to bed, she would turn the modem back on around 7am when she got up for work.
Now I never have required a lot of sleep, ever. I only need about 4-5 hours, so I would be awake until 2am, up for work at 7. So from 9pm until 2am, I was forced to use my phone as a mobile hotspot so I could still use my PC, fortunately online games like Runescape and League of Legends don't use a lot of mobile data. Still, I often played a lot of offline games like Prison Architect, Papers Please, ETS2, Fallout and Farcry.
After about 7 months of living there I finally found a permanent job as a Production Team Leader. It was a very stressful job but I managed to stay there for 2-3 years. During our time living with my partner's grandparents my partner gave birth to our amazing daughter who has massively helped me remain sane and given me reason to live (She is now 4 years old).
After 3 years of living with my partner's family we moved next door to our own place (Literally next door). After 2-3 years in my job I was dismissed through actions that I was not at fault for, but held responsible as Team Leader nonetheless (I won't explain it now as it's a long story).
Currently I'm now working as a forklift driver for a big company, I love this job and I want to stick with it. BUT, the management are cunts and the pay is shit. We work on an annualised hours scheme so there's no overtime pay. During the summer is our quiet period, we work 3-4 days a week but still get paid for 5 days, the days we don't work we owe the company in hours. All the forklift drivers have the exact same wage of £9.50 an hour with a £25.00 time bonus paid weekly. After tax, pension and NI this equals £328.94 for about 24-32 hours of work each week. This sounds great, but it's really not. You'll find out why next.
During the winter season is when we get really busy and have to pay all these hours back. By this time, we all owe the company 100-200 hours. So now we're all working 50-70 hours a week for the same basic rate of £328.94 a week. This is both exhausting and demoralising.
As I said, I love what I do, but I don't think I can stand working for this company much longer. I'm actively looking for another job, but there's not a lot of options until lockdown has ended and all my hours are paid back (I should note we're considered "Essential" so we're still working, even though all the worker's agree we're not actually essential. Plus there's no hazard pay).
A couple weeks ago I had a mental breakdown in the middle of my shift, money is slowly decreasing, I'm still self-harming and I'm losing hope day by day. Despite all this, I'm still putting £10.00 from my wages every week into a savings account for my daughter. If I'm still alive, she'll have around £10,000 saved up by the time she's 18. I want to give her the head-start in life that I never had.
I also want to try and get myself back on the right track. I need to get myself fit and healthy again, I need to get my mental state back to normal and I need to quit this job. I have no real qualifications so I want to build them up, maybe through college or courses. I still want to join the Army, but I need to get myself "Fixed" first. Problem is I don't have the money nor time with work to be able to do all this. So everything right now is just a struggle.
I don't want to kill myself right now, but I don't want to continue living. But I need to keep living to support my daughter.

My name's Snoopy and thanks for coming to my TED talk.

I posted this in a comment on /millionairemakers and thought I'd also post here as it's more appropriate.
submitted by OnlyOneSnoopy to depression [link] [comments]

Could COVID-19 reshape global leadership?

By: Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies - April 2, 2020
Read the article here: https://www.nationofchange.org/2020/04/02/could-covid-19-reshape-global-leadership/
As U.S. COVID-19 cases double every few days and the death toll mounts, the U.S. seems to be caught in a “worst of both worlds” predicament: daily life and much of the U.S. economy is shut down, but no real progress has been achieved in its efforts to contain or eradicate the virus.
Meanwhile, the 11 million people of Wuhan in China, where the pandemic began, are starting to return to a more normal life, with the city’s subway system running again and businesses reopening. In the province of Hubei (Wuhan is the capital), 4.6 million people returned to work last week, while another 2.8 million returned from quarantine in Hubei to jobs in other parts of China, a mass migration that seemed unthinkable a month ago.
But international trade and travel will be severely depressed until the world as a whole recovers from COVID-19, so no country can fully recover as long as others are still in the grip of the pandemic. Different countries are trying different approaches to the problem based on their own economic, political and healthcare systems. We can all learn from each other and we will have to help each other get through this. COVID-19 has mainly hit the people of wealthier countries first, because they travel more and carry it with them from country to country. But unless and until it is eradicated globally, no country will be immune.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has stressed timely and systematic contact tracing and testing as the key to fighting COVID-19. This means quickly tracing the contacts of each infected patient and testing them, whether they show symptoms or not.
The results of testing in Iceland, which has tested more of its population than any other country, have shown that about half of all COVID-19 carriers show no symptoms at all, so testing only people with symptoms without efficient and comprehensive contact tracing will not stop the spread of the disease. Increasingly oppressive lockdowns are only a stop-gap measure, and are no substitute for systematic contact tracing and testing.
China eradicated the virus from Hubei province by deploying 40,000 medical staff and doing comprehensive contact tracing and testing, and this is the model other wealthy countries that have had limited success against COVID-19 have tried to follow. Germany has done better than other large countries in Europe, with over 66,000 cases but only 645 deaths. The other countries that have tested at least 0.5% of their populations have kept deaths even lower. As of March 30, the numbers were: Australia (17 deaths as of March 30th); Austria (108); Bahrain (4); Canada (65); Estonia (3); Iceland (2); Latvia (0); Malta (0); Norway (32); Singapore (3); Slovenia (11); South Korea (158); Switzerland (359) and the UAE (5). After a very late start, the U.S. has still only tested 0.3% of Americans, and is still testing people based mainly on symptoms, not contact tracing.
Wealthy countries that failed to respond to COVID-19 in its early stages don’t have enough protective gear, test kits or ventilators to treat large numbers of patients and stop the spread of the virus. How will poorer countries manage once they, too, are battling infections that are out of control? High-tech equipment will be in even greater shortage in low-tech countries. But fortunately, some poorer countries are already finding strategies that work.
Vietnam, with limited resources and without access to large numbers of test kits, seems to have avoided widespread infection, despite a long border with China. By March 30, Vietnam had 203 confirmed COVID-19 cases, but no deaths. So what has it done?
Vietnam’s public health system provides comprehensive healthcare to 89% of its people, and it has doctors, nurses and other health workers in every community. Anyone arriving in Vietnam is checked for a fever and quarantined if they have one. Even those who don’t are under a strict stay-at-home order for 14 days. This is so strict that their names are published in local newspapers and the public are asked to tell the local health authorities if they see them outside. If a stranger appears in a community, a healthcare worker visits to check them out.
If there is a suspected COVID-19 case in a building, the whole building is quarantined for two weeks, but quarantine Vietnam-style includes three meals a day, delivered for a small charge. All large buildings have whole-body sanitizing stations, not just hand sanitizer, at every entrance. Vietnam is using empty hotels as quarantine sites, with house-calls from a doctor as part of the service. Everybody in Vietnam wears a mask, and there have been no reports of price gouging, panic buying or hoarding.
Another of China’s neighbors, Taiwan, has developed a different approach to COVID-19, but it, too, has the benefit of a comprehensive public health system, with an emphasis on preventive care. With a huge number of daily flights between Taiwan and China, Taiwan began restricting flights into the country on December 31, 2019, nearly three months before the U.S. Like South Korea, Taiwan began COVID-19 testing on January 20, with contact tracing and testing and isolation of confirmed cases. But Taiwan has avoided a national lockdown and has not even closed its schools. Instead, it has installed dividers between students’ desks, so that all students have their own cubicles. It also rations its limited supply of masks, distributing a fixed number to each family. By March 30, Taiwan only had 306 confirmed cases, and only 5 people had died.
Japan and Thailand both have low published figures for COVID-19 cases and deaths, but these figures may conceal unreported cases. Japan has the oldest population in the world, and already has a high incidence of pneumonia and respiratory diseases among its elderly. It is treating COVID-19 as a strictly medical problem, trying various experimental treatments, restricting COVID-19 testing and maintaining normal life as much as possible. Thailand has adopted a more conventional approach, and may also have many undetected cases. As of March 30, Japan had 1,866 cases and 54 deaths, while Thailand had 1,524 cases and only 9 deaths.
Another country that is worth looking at is Venezuela, which was already in a very difficult situation. As many as 100,000 people are believed to have already died since 2017 as a result of brutal U.S. sanctions that prevent the import of medicines, food and other necessities. U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres is calling for the lifting of sanctions, and many Americans support his call. The coming of COVID-19 to a country already in such dire straits is hard to imagine.
But in fact, as of March 30, Venezuela had confirmed only 129 cases and 3 deaths. China has sent 320,000 test kits, a team of health experts and tons of supplies. Cuba has sent 130 doctors and 10,000 doses of Interferon, a Cuban drug that China has used with some success to treat COVID-19, and Russia has also sent medical equipment and supplies.
Like Vietnam, Taiwan and other countries, Venezuela has benefited from already having a comprehensive national healthcare system. When the first COVID-19 case was confirmed on March 13, the government closed schools, dine-in restaurants and theaters. Within 10 days, 12.2 million people completed questionnaires about their health and 20,000 who reported symptoms received house-calls from medical teams. Community groups made masks and 12,000 medical students were drafted to make house-calls. Rent payments were suspended and the government guaranteed salaries and wages.
So Venezuela has responded to this dual crisis with free food, free healthcare, free housing and free COVID-19 testing, and has so far weathered the storm.
Cuba is another example of a small, poor country that is fighting internal outbreaks, mostly brought to the island by foreign tourists, through door-to-door visits by medical personnel. They had 170 cases as of March 30, with three deaths. The country’s borders have been closed to all nonresidents, bringing the tourism-driven economy to a standstill. On top of this, Cuba, like Venezuela, is suffering from brutal U.S. sanctions that hamper its ability to both earn foreign currency and import critical goods, from food to medical supplies.
Despite these severe obstacles, Cuba is not only controlling the spread internally, but sending brigades of doctors and nurses to Italy, as well as Venezuela, Nicaragua, Jamaica, Suriname and Grenada. It provides a heroic example for the world, but unfortunately, Cuba is too small and poor to make a major dent in the global pandemic.

A world in search of new leadership

This look at the COVID-19 pandemic in a few countries around the world is only a snapshot of what are facing now. The numbers of cases and deaths are higher every day, and no country except China has the virus contained. But, as a greater number of poorer countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America become infected, few have the healthcare infrastructure of Vietnam or Cuba. So where are countries going to turn for help when large numbers of their people start falling sick and dying?
The United States is struggling to address its own problems with COVID-19. For many months to come, it will be grappling with the dilemma of how to find enough ventilators, protective equipment, tests and medical staff. The U.S. will be scrambling to find or make more of these desperately needed resources, not sending them to other countries.
The United States is also failing miserably to provide a good example of how to successfully combat COVID-19. By March 31, the U.S. already had more coronavirus deaths than China, a country with four times the U.S. population, and the future for Americans is terrifying, with the Trump administration talking about the death of 100,000 Americans as a “good scenario.” The terribly botched U.S. response to the pandemic is undermining already weak global confidence in U.S. leadership.
China, on the other hand, has largely eliminated the virus from its own population and is already lending its expertise and resources to others. Many of the goods the world depends on to fight this virus, from masks to medicines, were already produced in China and the government has mobilized local companies to significantly crank up production and sell directly to the government to help fulfill global demand.
China is also sharing information about the pandemic and lessons from its own experience with countries around the world. Western views of China’s role in this crisis have shifted from blaming China for its initial denial of the outbreak and criticizing its restrictions of personal freedom in Wuhan to accepting its help and expertise as other countries and governments confront the same difficult choices.
With the U.S. failing and China taking a leadership role in the international response to this crisis, could this mark a turning point in the transition to a multipolar world in which China will be just as important as a world leader as the United States? And could this become an effective check on the destructive aspects and dangers of U.S. imperial power?
For several decades, China has defined its place in the world according to Deng Xiaoping’s “24-character” strategy, which has served it very well until now: “Observe calmly; secure our position; cope with affairs calmly; hide our capacities and bide our time; be good at maintaining a low profile; and never claim leadership.”
Since Xi Jinping came to power in China in 2012, he has implicitly been entrusted with guiding China into a new phase in its history, moving beyond the 24-character strategy into a position in which China will be the economic and diplomatic equal of the United States.
As many analysts have noted, and as the 24-character strategy implied, China has to walk a fine line to assert its influence in the world without militarily provoking the United States or taking actions that other countries will see as aggressive or threatening. That’s why it has tried to exercise extreme caution in disputes over islands in the South China Sea and other potential military flash-points. China’s One Belt One Road initiative, a massive economic development project aimed at strengthening China’s connectivity with the world, has so far been the centerpiece of its gradually shifting strategy.
But the crisis the world will face over the next six months or a year is one that cries out for competent leadership. The WHO is already playing a critical role, but it is dependent on major economic powers to provide the resources to fill its prescriptions. If China takes the lead in providing the equipment, the therapies and the expertise the world needs right now, it can do so in a context of respect and deference to the U.N. and the WHO. After decades of U.S. unilateralism, aggression and disdain for international law and institutions, most of the world would welcome this kind of internationalist leadership.
Unless China overplays its hand or makes serious mistakes, nobody but Donald Trump and the imperial hawks in Washington will begrudge China its role in helping to resolve the worst public health threat the world has faced in recent history. This is China’s chance to provide constructive international leadership in a way that will save many lives. And in the reshuffling of world power that this represents, we can only hope that the United States will also find a more constructive and legitimate place for itself in a multipolar world that is more peaceful, just and sustainable.
submitted by NationofChange to u/NationofChange [link] [comments]

Fitness App Gamification

Admins - please delete if inappropriate
A friend of mine in Malta is doing their masters on the gamification of fitness apps. Since most of us use strava/watch apps, I thought this would be a great place for him to gather some data.
Hope everyone is still able to run in lockdown. In South Africa we are restricted to our gardens so there are many garden Ultras going on.
submitted by wadepotts1912 to trailrunning [link] [comments]

is malta still in lockdown video

Ghost Squad Malta went in abandoned Theatre to do a lockdown David Wilkerson - In One Hour Everything is Going to ... Is the Coronavirus in Bible Prophecy?: Facing Uncertain ... Lovely Maltese Weather January 2013 Internal Lockdown - YouTube No condom, no luck in Amsterdam's red light district - YouTube ProductiehuisEU - YouTube

Whilst Malta never implemented a full lockdown, as certain industries, namely those servicing the property sector continued to operate, other non-essential service providers were forced to close. The recent rumours and pressures applied by medical personnel have sparked a statement from the Prime Minister, Robert Abela who dismissed the idea of another lockdown. Answer 1 of 83: Hi all and I hope you are safe and well. Just a quick question to see what the situation is like in Malta. Is everyone on lockdown like here in the UK? We are due to attend a wedding this June on Malta. It looks unlikely that the airlines... He explained in simple words why Malta is not on lockdown yet: “For those of you who are mad that we don’t already have a lock down, let me explain something to you: 0 spread = local to local transmission is not happening and is not good for a lock down to be started. Malta’s plans for a total lockdown to combat a major outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus in the country are “ready, written, and confirmed”, Prime Minister Robert Abela revealed during a press conference in which he unveiled more measures in the current partial lockdown. Meanwhile, he urged all Maltese residents currently outside of the country to … Continued More than 118,000 people in Malta are preparing for life under lockdown, with people over 65, pregnant women, the chronically ill and anyone they live with orde is Malta still on the Quarantine List.? Aug 30, 2020; Hotel santana Aug 30, 2020; Primera Jul 28, 2020; 14 day guarantee Jul 13, 2020; Chinese food. Jul 12, 2020; Taxi fares Jul 12, 2020; Lockdown in malta Jul 09, 2020; Lockdown in Malta? Jul 01, 2020 Answer 1 of 83: Hi all and I hope you are safe and well. Just a quick question to see what the situation is like in Malta. Is everyone on lockdown like here in the UK? We are due to attend a wedding this June on Malta. It looks unlikely that the airlines... Micheal I don't think the senate or Congress would allow him to cancel elections, it would go against the principle of there strong belief of there constitution, they'll find a way around it, plus 75% of the USA is open or opening back up, idiots I know, they never had a full lockdown like European countries have you could still go to a restaurant drive through, some even let you in for Malta is split on whether or not the country should enter a lockdown to combat a second wave of COVID-19 on the islands. A Malta Today survey found that while 53.3% of people say the disagreed with drastic measure, around 37.6% said they agreed and further 9.1% said they were unsure. Opposition to lockdown is common across most regions in Malta. The Foreign Office is now advising against all but essential overseas travel to Malta. Am I still covered by Your six best options for a short-haul holiday after lockdown. 20 Oct 2020

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Ghost Squad Malta went in abandoned Theatre to do a lockdown

According to Jesus’ words in Matthew 24, worldwide devastation is one of the signs of the End Times. Dr. David Jeremiah explains how the coronavirus relates ... Covid lockdown is over in Malta and AM Language is once again open! 2020 has been a difficult year, but it isn't over yet. You can still travel, explore this... Productiehuis.eu is an audiovisual and editorial production company based in Belgium. No matter how small or big you are, public or private, and in what industries or sectors you do business, we ... YouTube Kids provides a more contained environment for kids to explore YouTube and makes it easier for parents and caregivers to guide their journey. Still had fun though. Some of the nice weather we had on our short break to Malta in January 2013. We seemed to have all four seasons in one day. ... Lockdown Eases and A Spin on the Africa Twin ... We went in abandoned Theatre to do a lockdown, We have wanted to do, and now it's become a reality. This Video is By Drew Abela Ghost Squad Malta (G.S.M). Our footage (both pictures and video's ... Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. #DavidWilkerson - #OneHour #Change #Everything Like 👍 & Subscribe - @Ahava Jerusalem #DavidWilkerson #healing #home #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Faith #Hope #... As Amsterdam prepares to host the International AIDS Conference, sex workers in the city's red light district say they take every precaution to prevent the H... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ...

is malta still in lockdown

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